Twotopia - Chapter 13: More Wilde Times Ahead.

Story by Silverwolf626 on SoFurry

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Yes, this is the final chapter! I can't thank you guys enough for all the <3 and Support for this story! It's been a blast writing this! There is a short Epilogue that'll follow. Nothing to major just a quick fun read and that's it. I've considered doing a sequel, so far nothing has been put together outline wise to make it concrete, but it's definetly something I'll keep working on!

Thank you again! You guys are amazing and thank you for reading Twotopia! =D

After getting some rest and a chance to relax for a few days, Nick and Judy decided to attend the police and fire barbeque on the warm Saturday afternoon. Smiling as they strolled out into Savannah Square, a large park within the district, they were greeted by fellow officers and fireman all around. Waving down Matt who was sitting at a picnic table with a hotdog, the two strolled over and Nick asked.

"Hey bud, is the game still on today?"

"Hey Nick, Judy. Yeah it's still on." Matt smiled, taking a bite. "Don't know if I'll play though, might be rough without Jason."

"Aww Matt, you gotta." Judy pleaded. "Jason would want you to relax and enjoy yourself."

"Maybe." Matt nodded. "Laura and her cubs are over there, playing around with the equipment. Maybe I can teach Caden how to play." He smiled.

"Hey Matt, they had cub soda, but no orange, oh!" Lani halted, seeing the two nearby. She was dressed up in a white top with skinny blue jeans. "Miss Hopps, and stubborn fox." She giggled.

"Hi Dr. Dawson." Judy beamed, cuddling into Nick's side. She was almost reveling in Matt's embarrassment. "See you brought a date, Mr. Grizzoli."

"Yeah, I had to fight to get the day off, this big fluff ball all but begged me to come." She giggled, wrapping her arms around him from behind.

"Nice to see you two getting along." Nick noted. "Why don't you let her play?"

"Not a bad idea." Matt agreed, smiling back to her. "Think you can play with us against the fire department?" She gave a coy little smile and replied.

"I used to play back in high school on the girls team. I think this lioness could teach you a thing or two."

"Hahaha, awesome." Matt laughed, patting her hand.

"Hey Wilde, Hopps, over here." Bogo called out from behind the grill. The two rushed over, Nick nearly panting at the sweet scent of the grilled synthetic meat.

"Yeah I'll have two burgers, medium fries and a chocolate smoothie please." Nick playfully ordered. Bogo threw up a brow, grabbing a bun from the bag with the tongs and stuffed it in Nick's mouth with a chuckle.

"Enjoy." He quipped right back. "I meant to give you two something. It's from the mayor himself." He stated as Nick spat up the bun, with Judy giggling at him. Reaching into his pocket, he took out a small envelope and passed it to Judy. "They were able to recover approximately thirty million from the house after. The mayor felt your work was exemplary enough to reward you in stopping Oshu and Psych, along with their crew."

"A reward?" Nick stood in amazement. Judy opened up the envelope and inside was a letter from the mayor. Praising Judy for her work in bringing down Bellweather and for stopping Psych and Oshu. It also housed two cheques, one for each of them. Nick's jaw nearly slammed the floor. "I... I can't believe it!!"

"Two-hundred and fifty thousand bucks!? Each!?" She exclaimed.

"Hmm, you know I heard there's some nice houses available in Savannah Central." Bogo smiled, tapping his chin as he pretended to think. "If you pool that together, you could likely buy one outright, furnish it rather comfortably." Judy leapt up and gave Bogo a hug.

"Thank you, thank you-thank you!!" Bogo laughed and set Judy back down and reached for Nick's hand.

"Thanks big guy! Appreciate it!"

"This was the mayor's idea, not mine. But it's well deserved." He stated. "Why don't the two of you go enjoy the barbeque." Bogo suggested, offering Nick and Judy a hotdog. Nick licked his chops while Judy shyly smiled, thanking him and heading off to one of the picnic tables. Nick doused his in ketchup and mustard, passing the bottles to Judy.

"Been forever since I had a good hotdog." Nick smiled, taking a quick bite. "Oh, so good."

"What is it made of?" Judy winced, putting a little ketchup on.

"Don't know, don't ask and don't care." He laughed. Judy decided to give it a try, taking a good bite out of it. Nick all but studied her reactions, the strange faces she made until the flavors hit her. Swallowing it, she smiled.

"It's, not bad."

"Here." Nick scooted over, grabbing a jar of relish. "Give this a try, you're a veggie fan anyway."

"Ok." She agreed, letting Nick put a little on the hotdog. Taking another bite she seemed much more content with the flavor. "Oh, ok this is way better." She replied with a mouthful of bread.

"Look at you, the little predator bunny." He chuckled, pulling her in close for a quick little hug.

The barbeque ended up being a complete success. Nick got to play pitcher during the game, while Judy ended up being an amazing short stop. With some great coaching tips from Matt and Lani, they were able to win the game 9-5. Nick and Judy spent the next two weeks shopping for houses in Savannah Central. Picking out a rather nice home on the coast near the end of the Animalia train line. Out front was a quiet little street and just two blocks away was the shore of the river that separated Zootopia from the rural areas outside the city.

It was a three level home, finished basement, big back yard and in ground pool. The stairway leading upstairs and down to the basement was fixated right as you walked in. To the right was the dining room and to the left, the living room lined with hardwood flooring, connecting both of them was the kitchen which was quite spacious. At the far right, It held one of the two doors that lead outside into the back yard. Upstairs was three bedrooms an office room that had the patio door and one full sized bathroom. Inside the master bedroom held another. Nick and Judy could hardly decide what to do with all this free space, ecstatic that this new home was really theirs.

The house set them back over three-hundred thousand, but it still left them with almost two-hundred more to invest in decorating. Nick moved a few of his things from his apartment in, using his old bed as the main one for the guest bedroom, his couch went downstairs in the basement along with the coffee table. Judy lead the way in decorating the rest with mostly Nick's approval. For the living room they picked up a large flat panel TV, a cozy white fabric couch and oak coffee table. The dining room a well sized table with six chairs, along with a smaller one in the kitchen for just the two of them. Thankfully Nick was able to draft Matt to help with moving, citing his injury as a reason to avoid the heavy lifting. Judy however kept him busy with getting beds made and small things sorted around the kitchen and bedrooms.

Up in their master bedroom they bought a large bed with a fabric headboard, white sheets a smaller TV for the dresser and a couple night stands. The little office room was fitted with Judy's old computer along with a new desktop for Nick. Two of the other bedrooms remained empty, housing a few of the storage boxes for now until the rooms themselves found a use. Late in the day, Judy flopped onto the bed while Nick turned on the TV, pulling his little bunny girl into his arms.

"There, no more apartment." Nick smiled.

"Mmm, no more rent you mean. This is way better." Judy chimed in. "How's the chest feeling?"

"Pretty good, ached for a while pretty bad after we got the stitches out but, the furs growing back and all now." Nick explained, opening up his shirt. Judy rubbed her hand over the extra soft strands that had grown over the wound and kissed it.

"Getting all better."

"Yeah, let's hope dad does now too." Nick stated.

"Still hasn't woken up?"

"No." Nick nodded. "Starting to get worried too. I know they said the coma could keep him out for weeks but, I didn't think he'd be out for that long really."

"Yeah, that's true." Judy agreed. "Least the chemo is going good."

"Yeah. Go figure it hadn't actually spread, he just got cancer in two different places at the same time. Lucky guy." Nick winked with just a hint of sarcasm.

"He is lucky." Judy insisted, laying down on Nick's chest. "After all he's got a good little kit; and I get to take care of him."

"Mmm, so what should we do with the last two rooms?" Nick asked, giving Judy a quick squeeze. Judy gave a little giggle, rubbing her rump on his leg.

"I think you know the answer to that." She smiled.

"Carrots, you know we can't." Nick confessed, pulling her up in front of him. "I mean, don't get me wrong. I'd love to, it's just. I don't think a fox and rabbit can breed." Judy shook her head putting a finger over his mouth.

"We won't know until we try, handsome." Leaning in for a kiss, she mounted herself atop his waist. "And I, am coming into heat again."

"Oh? Hehe, feeling a little frisky?" He smiled.

"Let's just say, we might regret choosing white sheets after tonight." Nick gave his cocky little smile and wrapped Judy tight in his arms, kissing her passionately as she started stripping off his clothes.

Nick and Judy found themselves regularly mating, often finishing up work and coming home, stripping down for a shower and staying naked the rest of the day. Judy's heat subsided this time, just in the nick of time to get home for the holidays. Judy and Nick bundled up and took the train down to Bunnyburrow. Nick and Judy were greeted with much less shock this time, in fact Stu and Bonnie were eager to offer up their praise to him in rescuing Judy. They sat at the dining room table, the house decorated with lights and streamers, ready to ring in the new year. All the while Nick went on retelling the story.

"So I get a call from Judy, my heart's just racing seeing the number on my screen and I ask if she's ok, is she safe. She tells me she loves me and passes it off to my father, Parker."

"Psych right, that's who your father was?" Bonnie asked, trying to keep up.

"Yeah, but uh keep that under, under wraps." Nick waved off with a chuckle. Judy finished her bite of veggies and explained.

"Because of what happened with Parker before this whole thing, he might have some things he can negotiate with the courts to get a lighter sentence."

"Right. So anyway, long story short, he calls me up. Tells me this plan to smuggle me into the mansion. I get in, hiding in Aiden's duffle bag and we break out." Nick concluded.

"Well, a lot more than that happened." Judy corrected, taking another bite of carrots and potatoes. "Nick and his father got a chance to reconnect. He trusted me enough to untie me and let me help him fix up Nick's bandages. And when things got bad, when we had to go back in and rescue him. Parker shot and killed Oshu to save us."

"He was about to eat you." Nick said softly. Everyone at the table gasped.

"He was what?!" Adam exclaimed.

"But this clever fox shot his ear clean off and took the brunt of that big cat's spite." Nick bragged, rubbing his knuckles on his shirt.

"So then Nick." Stu spoke up. "Where's your old dad now?"

"He's still in hospital in a coma. We're not sure why he hasn't woken up yet but, maybe it's for the better. He's been undergoing chemo, but they want to try this new kind of therapy on him now. Supposed to be less damaging but, well; at least he's asleep for it." Nick explained.

"Well, I have to say." Bonnie cleared her throat. "I really hope your next adventures are a bit more tame. I mean gosh, fast chases, street races and all that gunfire. Oh! What a nightmare."

"Maybe but. We got it together and pulled it off." Nick nodded.

"Ugh, mom." Judy leaned back after clearing her plate. "Soo good, you have got to tell me how to cook those sometime."

"Oh it's just carrots, turnip and mashed potatoes. I just spice em up a little." She giggled, playfully collecting up her daughter's plate. As the evening went on, Stu and Bonnie broke out a few drinks for Nick, Judy and the older members of the family. They had the TV on mute, eagerly awaiting the countdown as they danced to the music blaring from the stereo.

"5 minutes you guys! Come on!" Adam called out to the room. Judy and Nick cuddled together, leaning on the couch as they watched the TV. It was showing Savannah Square in Zootopia packed with mammals of all shapes and sizes, dancing and partying in a massive new year's eve party.

"We're here with Gazelle, as we get ready to celebrate the new year! Gazelle, what are your resolutions for this year?" The Jaguar reported asked.

"For me, it's simple. To celebrate life and love and work hard on my music, entertaining my fans and celebrating time with family and friends. I'm so proud to be part of this city, it feels like family to me."

"You have a live performance coming soon so I won't take up your time, Gazelle thank you for talking with us. Check it out ladies and gentlemammels, we have two minutes to midnight! Wooo!!"

"Celebrating life and love." Judy smiled up to Nick. "Sounds like a good plan to me."

"I couldn't agree more, Carrots." Nick stated, grabbing hold of her paws. "So what do you say, we start it off right." Nick suggested, reaching into his pocket. Pulling out a blue box, he kneeled down holding on to Judy's hand. "Judy, will you marry me?" Everyone in the room suddenly turned to Judy and Nick, their faces stunned with surprise. Nick opened the tiny box to reveal a gleaming silver ring, the shimmering forms of a fox and rabbit with gemmed eyes swirling around a vibrant blue diamond. Judy could hardly contain herself. Her eyes tearing up as she reached down for the ring. Smiling and even crying a little she slid it onto her finger.

"Sly fox." She stammered.

"Clever bunny." He chuckled nervously.

"Wrong." She shook her head. "Your bunny." Judy cried leaping into his arms. "Yes, yes I will!"


"Yes!!" Judy cheered.

"WOOOOO!!!" Nick hollered with the rest of the family, picking Judy up and spinning her around in his arms. The cheering subsided just long enough for the countdown to reach 5.

"4, 3, 2, 1. Happy New Year!!" They all shouted, exchanging hugs and kisses. Judy broke her grip just long enough to give Nick a good long kiss before clamping onto him good and tight. The family was filled with joy, celebrating their engagement along with the new year, singing and dancing well into the night.

Returning home, they began planning their spring wedding. They were lucky enough to get a reservation on Savannah Square, and was happily catered by both the Hopps family and Gideon Grey. Bonnie agreed to bring in lots of fresh produce along with some of her signature dishes while Gideon went to work on crafting the cake.

It was the day before the wedding, Judy had picked out her dress and successfully kept it hidden from Nick. He and Judy were exhausted from getting everything arranged, but were promised a big surprise from the mayor upon hearing about the wedding.

"Carrots, I'm off to the hospital ok?" Nick called out from the front door.

"Gonna check on your daddy?" She asked, giggling as she bounded down the stairs.

"Yeah, gonna talk with him a while, the usual stuff." Nick nodded, taking Judy into his arms. "So tomorrow's the big day."

"Tomorrow's the big day." Judy echoed, giving him a good squeeze. "May 15th"

"The day we met. Thoughtful little bunny." Nick chuckled. "Bet ya didn't think we'd be getting married a year ago."

"No." She giggled, grinding her head on his chest. "But I'm so glad I followed you into that little ice cream shop."

"Glad you did too." Nick smiled, bringing her in for a kiss. "See you tomorrow sexy. Don't party too hard tonight, gotta be up bright and early."

"You too, drive safe!" Judy called out as he walked out the door. Nick strolled out to his driveway and got into his new green and rather sleek looking sedan and drove off to the hospital.

Arriving inside, he waved to some of the reception staff and showcased his badge and pass. They waved him in as Nick headed up to floor eight and strolled down the hall. Upon opening the door he was caught off guard by the sight. It seems someone was in Parker's room with him. Nick closed the door behind him, recognizing the figure in front of him immediately.

"Might as well ditch the hoodie, I know it's you Aiden." Nick stated firmly. Aiden removed his hood and gave Nick a quick huff.

"Gonna arrest me?"

"By all accounts I could, and should." Nick replied, walking over to his slumbering father, taking opposite sides to Aiden.

"I read his chart."

"Yeah. He's still comatose." Nick said, taking Parker's hand and pulling up the chair beside him. "Been out since the mansion attack. He should have woken up months ago but."


"Well the chemo was working ok, but he was eligible for a new type of cellular isolative therapy and they said it had the potential to work faster and with less damage to the body than the chemo so, we went ahead and did that. But shifting from the two types may have prolonged his coma. They aren't sure." Nick explained.

"I see." Aiden sighed, holding Parker's other hand. "Poor Psych."

"Don't call him that." Nick cut in. Aiden's eyes shot open, looking to Nick than back to Parker.

"Sorry, Parker." He restated. "I heard rumors when I got to Everhallow Creek that both Psych and Oshu were killed in Zootopia. I didn't want to believe it, but then I met up with Bryan while we were in hiding. Finally got word about him being here, in a coma."

"So you came back."

"Don't think you're the only one who loves him." Aiden stated, trying to hide a sniffle. "He taught me everything, stood by me when I needed him most. I tried to tell him I would stay during the mansion incident but he refused, he wanted me somewhere safe. He never stopped looking out for me."

"He loved you like a son."

"Yes." Aiden sniffled more obviously, wiping his nose. "Bryan was here for a bit too, he was dropping off a few flowers for Jordan's grave and then leaving. But." Aiden paused, moving in closer to Parker's side. "I had to see him again. Knowing he's at least alive."

"I get that." Nick nodded, moving in closer himself. "Hear that dad, got both your cubs here now. And hey, the big day is tomorrow." Nick spoke to his father. "Brought you a little something, guess I didn't need it but, maybe it'll bring you some good luck." He said, unclasping a necklace and tying it around his father's neck. "Here you go. See, it's mom's ring. Maybe she can talk you into coming back soon." Aiden let a soft laugh escape, moving in to give Parker a kiss on the cheek.

"Take care of yourself, know that my heart goes with you too." Nick leaned in and offered up a kiss of his own before he spoke.

"Wish me luck tomorrow. I'll be sure to save lots of pictures for you to see." Nick smiled.

"Parker?!" Aiden gasped. The old fox was still fast asleep but much to both Nick and Aiden's surprise, he started smiling. "He's smiling."

"Hey, there ya go." Nick laughed, giving his father a quick nuzzle. Caught our scents in your sleep did ya?"

"Hahaha, you old softy." Aiden chuckled. They stayed at his side a while longer, talking to Parker and enjoying the little smiles he offered up in his sleep.

"Oh honey, you look so beautiful." Bonnie cried, seeing her daughter all dressed up. Judy had gotten dressed up in a gorgeous white gown with a small diamond shaped opening on her belly that was covered in lace. Lani, Bonnie and Laura Fangmire were accompanying her inside a white tent within Savannah Square. The day was shaping up to be quite the event, a small archway setup near the base of the fountain, chairs lined up on both sides with a long red carpet. On the other side of the fountain was around twenty circular tables and two long rectangular ones on either side. The dance floor had been set up before the stage with massive speakers.

"Ready to be Mrs. Judy Wilde?" Lani giggled, playfully batting the puffy shoulders on Judy's dress.

"I am, but wow. I'm so nervous. There's so many more mammals here than I thought."

"Try to relax, Judy." Laura insisted, placing her paws on Judy's shoulders. "You know, when I married Jason I was so nervous, I thought I was going to be sick, my stomach was in such a knot. But I just kept my eyes on him walking down the aisle, and it all went away."

"Oh Laura." Judy whimpered, turning around to give her a big hug. "That's so sweet. I'm so sure Jason would be so proud of you."

"Thanks Judy." She smiled, releasing the little rabbit. Up at the altar, Nick was already standing ready, dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and shimmering blue tie. Finnick was right beside him, along with Ian Hopps and Matt Grizzoli.

"Wonder how much longer we have to wait." Finnick asked, wiping his brow.

"It's girls getting ready, Fin. Though I will admit, it's pretty toasty in this thing." Nick agreed, ruffling his jacket a little. The music began to play and the crowd rose to their feet. Judy took a deep breath and walked out of the tent to be greeted by her father. He smiled, wiping away a tear and took her arm. Judy giggled and broke free, giving her dad one good long hug before latching herself back on to him. Nick's couldn't stop smiling, Judy looked so beautiful walking down the aisle in pace with the music. Stu handed her off to Nick and took his seat, clasping her hands and smiling at his future bride. The tiger who was marrying them, dressed in white cleared his throat and began his speeches.

As per the tiger's request, Nick and Judy exchanged rings and vows and it was at last, time for the part they were all waiting for.

"Nicholas Piberious Wilde. Do you take this rabbit to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do." Nick smiled warmly.

"And do you, Judith Laverne Hopps. Take this fox, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do." Judy answered proudly.

"Then by the power vested in me by the city of Zootopia, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." He finished. Nick threw on his cocky little smile, tossing back the vale and dipping Judy for a good long kiss as the crowd stood up and cheered. Judy laughed, clasping Nick's chest and playfully scolding him for his stunt, as they turned to walk down the aisle as husband and wife.

At the reception, Judy and Nick didn't waste any time finding their way to the dance floor. The older and more calm guests took to the tables, while dozens of others joined Nick and Judy on the dance floor. On the stage, the DJ played dozens of different songs until he stepped away, allowing mayor Lionheart to take the stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemammals. I'd like to start off by saying congratulations to Mr and Mrs Wilde on their nuptials. May you both find happiness and love together, till the end of your days." Many in the crowd clapped and cheered, pushing Nick and Judy toward the stage up front. "Nick, Judy. It's my great pleasure to offer this as my gift to you two today. Everyone put those hands in the air, for Gazelle!!" The crowd went into an uproar along with Judy and Nick, cheering from the front of the stage as Gazelle and her tiger dancers took to the stage.

"Are you ready Zootopia!!" She called out. The crowd cheered and hollered, bounding up and down on the dance floor. "Let's celebrate the love out here today! Nick and Judy Wilde, this ones for you!" She announced. The music started out nice and slow, as people made room for Judy and Nick to dance. She giggled, leaping up into his arms.

"Oh, we doing this again? Just like at the hoe down?" Nick chuckled as Gazelle started singing.

"I can't think of a more perfect moment."

"Mmm." Nick hummed, keeping a fast grip as he held her up for a dance. "So I have a question."


"Do I still call you Carrots, or Wilde Carrots? Cause you know, Wilde Carrots sounds like something- Ow." Judy playfully bopped his nose.

"Dumb Fox." She giggled helplessly. Judy and Nick carried on dancing, all the while with Gazelle singing for them on stage. As the song ended, she reached for Judy's hand and smiled.

"Come on up, Mrs. Wilde." Kneeling down she tossed her back and asked. "As the blushing bride, I think you should get to pick the next song." Judy's feet tapped the ground rapidly with joy.

"Try everything!" She squeled with delight. Gazelle laughed and turned to her tigers.

"You heard her boys! Let's get this party started!" As the track began to roll. Judy began bounding with joy as the rhythm started playing. Grasping Nick's hand she pulled him up and started bouncing alongside him. Thanks to Celia Grey's brief lesson, he found a little more momentum in his feet and managed to keep up with Judy on stage. Mariah found herself dancing with Clawhauser for a good portion of the reception, while Lani was the lucky recipient of the bouquet. Judy's only disappointment was that Nathan did not show at the wedding. The music and festivities carried on for a good few hours more until finally it was time for Nick and Judy to head out for their honeymoon.

They started their night off with a stay at the Oasis Hotel before heading out of town. They scored a cruise on one of Predaton's luxury ships and after a few weeks Judy and Nick returned to the ZPD and the reconstructed city center station, eagerly awaiting their first assignments since their holiday. Bogo entered the room to the usual howls and chants before taking to the podium.

"Alright, alright. Enough. Shut it!" He called out. "We have a few big items on the docket today. We need to acknowledge the wolf in the room. Ryan, happy birthday." Bogo smiled. Matt, and several others joined in cheering Wolford on to celebrate his birthday. "Second, for those of you who don't know. Clawhauser has put in a transfer request; he'll be heading to Predaton Precinct 1 in Pantharia."

"What?!" Judy exclaimed, even Nick found himself slack jawed.

"I want everyone to wish him the best of luck, odds are he's going to have to cut back on the donuts if he wants to work for Mariah Kasi." Bogo grinned devilishly. "We'll be holding a small get together in his honor this coming Saturday. Also, Mrs. Wilde." Bogo announced, handing her a slip of paper. "You're request for leave has been approved."

"Leave, what leave?" Nick urgently asked. Judy folded the paper up, giggling as she gazed at Nick. "Carrots, where you going?"

"Unless I miss my guess." Bogo began with a smile. "Likely the hospital in about seven months." Nick folded his ears back, turning back to Judy who was helplessly giggling in her chair.

"We'll uh, have to register a new species too, won't we chief?" Judy less than subtly hinted.

"More than likely, yes." He agreed.

"Carrots?" Nick breathed. Clasping his hand, she pressed it on her belly. She was really reveling in Nick's disbelief. Rising to her feet she cleared her throat and tipped her head to the right with her hand on her hip.

"It's called a foxxit, sweetheart. Boom." The room erupted in cheers and laughter, patting Nick's back as he threw his arms around her tight.

"You clever bunny."

"Sweet fox." She carried on giggling in his arms.

"Alright, everyone settle down. There's still a city to protect. While things have been quiet lately, there only going to stay that way if we get our asses to work! Swinton, Johnson, Anderson. Tundratown swat. Wolford, Grizzoli, Delgato. Rainforest District, investigate the recent digging near Shady Place train station and put a stop to it. Nick and Judy Wilde. You two are with me, there's been reports of someone new in town, tampering with ATM's outside local stores. We need to investigate the local shops and speak with the owners, find out who this is and shut them down before they steal any more credit cards."

"Got it." Nick and Judy agreed.

Nick, Judy and Bogo walked the streets downtown, occasionally visiting a few stores and asking about anyone who seemed to be fitting ATM's or card machines with anything strange. Settling down at a nearby cafe for lunch, Nick couldn't help but laugh at Judy's order.

"A chocolate and tunafish salad?"

"What, I was hungry." Judy insisted, taking a bite of her food.

"Predator food aside, I should have known something was up when you bought three bottles of chocolate sauce yesterday at the grocery store." Nick chuckled. "Guess the cravings are well on their way."

"Get used to it, fox." Bogo quipped.

"Pawpsicles, get your pawpsicles here!" Someone called out on the street. Nick perked up to see an arctic fox, dressed in a green sweater with bright blue eyes calling out on the street nearby.

"No way, oh this is too perfect." Nick laughed, leaping the fence and strolling over. Judy followed behind, still holding the salad in her arms as she caught up. Nick threw on his glasses and strolled up to the fox with a stern look. "I'm gonna need to see your paper work, buddy."

"Permit, receipt of declared commerce, now excuse me I have work to do." He showcased briefly. Nick snatched it up dangled it before him. "Hey, you can't take that!"

"You know it's funny, this thing has my name on it." Nick smiled, taking off his glasses. "So where's yours Patrick?"

"Nick?!" He exclaimed. "Haha! Nick it's so good to see you bud! How you been!?" Patrick gave Nick a quick hug.

"Been doing great old buddy, glad to see you back in town. Say why don't you help us out with something." Nick offered.

"Sure, you name it."

"Hey boss, I rigged up the one down the street like you asked." Duke announced, strolling over to Patrick's side. "Chumps got no idea, it was too easy."

"Sh-sh-sh." Patrick tried to hush, just as Bogo arrived. Folding his ears back, he nervously tented his fingers and begged as Duke ducked behind him. "Uhhh, don't suppose I could just get a warning?"

"Why are you stealing in the first place bud? I mean you were back in Predaton managing your dad's business weren't you?" Nick pled.

"Yeah, about that. He passed away three years ago. The shop he ran went under, I couldn't keep the place up. So I came out here to help my mom pay off the last of the debts we owe." He explained.

"Sorry to hear about that, Patrick. But hey, show us how many you rigged up, hand over all the devices you've got and we'll talk." Nick suggested with a smile.

"Haha, ok. For you though, besides this wasn't even my idea, it was his." Patrick insisted, gesturing to Duke.

"What!? You're gonna throw me under the bus for a trio of cops?"

"Nah, for a friend that's gonna sign over that permit and receipt of declared commerce." Patrick winked. Nick just laughed, wrapping an arm around his old friend.

"Yeah yeah, you can have em. Hey, you seen Finnick around? He'd love to see ya to you know?" Nick insisted. "Sides, you gotta meet my wife, the little salad buzz saw here. Patrick this is Judy Wilde, Judy, this is my old buddy."

"Pleased to meet you!" Judy greeted, shaking his paw.

"Patrick Frost, nice to meet you too!" He greeted happily as Bogo snatched up Duke. "Alright, come on. I'll show you where Duke rigged em up."

"You good with computers?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, pretty good."

"There's a spot opening up for reception at the ZPD, you should think about signing up for it." Judy suggested.

"Become a cop? What are ya nuts?" He playfully scoffed.

(Judy): The world isn't black and white. The good guys and bad guys aren't always the easiest to tell apart. Good animals can turn down a dark path when things get too hard; when times get so tough, they don't see another way out. Our choices may define who we are, but they're never set in stone. There is always hope for those that have gone astry. Everyone has a chance to become something greater. Sometimes we don't reach those animals in time and we lose them. But for others there is still a chance, a spark of hope still shining in their hearts. It's our duty to try and reach them, not just throw them away. So I ask you; reach out to them. To loved ones that are falling, let them know you're there. Let them know they're never alone. Because if we stand together as one; we'll never fall.