The Rise And Fall of the Shapeshora. Prelude

Story by Wolf_Starwalker on SoFurry

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hey everyone. i know its been a long time since ive written, sorry about that. but i have had a lot on my plate recently, what with work and the new addition to my family in the form of my little brother. ive had the plan of this for the longest time. its mostly the backstory for my character Wolfe Starwalker. (the name has changed a little in the past few years) however i dont know how often ill be able to get around to writing. ive been meaning to, honestly i have, but its just difficult to find time to write, clean the house so we can move, watch my brother and spend time with my new mate (yes im with a new mate, ill get to that in a new journal) but thank you for everyone who is even still following my posts


Wolf Starwalker. The future king of the shapeshora, is pacing the floor of his room, worried about his upcoming inoguration into the place of king. He has yet yo choose a mate who will rule at his side. The hapeshora are an interesting people. They have the ability to change their species at any given time. A lot of them also have other powers. Wolf is the only known shapeshora to have the power to shape the laws of space and time to his will. He can create anything he wants, and even destroy whatever gets in his way, however he refuses to use this power for anything other then saving his friends and loved ones. A noble cause however he still has no control over it. Despite his twelve melenia of being alive. The shapeshora are essentially immortal. However. They can choose to die whenever they please. Their Six hearts that beat in their chests can be convertd to energy should they need it, their regeneration powers are also unmatched. However. They can still be killed. As wolf will learn shortly. For despite peace being spread through the galaxy. There rests many dangers still left undiscovered. The one that will end it all however, is the shapeshoras long time rival. The Volcorippers, giant reptile like creatures which are viscous and wont rest until they have consumed everything in their way. The only way to kill them is to remove their heads and all their limbs then burn the body parts in an intese heat. Either from lava, or the heat of a star. None are quite as dangerous as a den of volcorippers. The only being who has ever faced a den of them and lived was wolf's great grandfather Gemini Carver Starwalker. And even then, the damage he was dealt was fatal. He lived long enough to see his son take power. Wolf's father swore vengence upon the volcorippers. A long war was fought. Many casualties upon both sides. Until it was thought all the volcorippers were slain. Now. Wolf is to take over for his father who is no longer angered. His rage having subsided and been replaced with greif of having sent many of his own people to their deaths. Wolf, the eldest of ten brothers and sisters stands to fill the place of his father, many are concered that he will be a tyrant. However the talk was soon quelled by wolf's most loyal and trusting friends. Commoners, not royalty like others would like to think. Wolfeheart, as he is called by his closest friends, never really took to the politics, where as his youngest brother loved it. Ezekial Starwalker, the youngest of the ten has always looked up to wolfe and was overjoyed when his eldest brother came to him and asked for his help in keeping their planet safe and running smooth, wolfe told ezekial that he will be the public face and take any blame for any bad decisions, but all the good ones would be acredited to ezekial. To which the youngest shapeshora said "dont you dare think that I want you taking the blame for any plans I have. I want you to be the best you can, I will advise you the best I can but my lord it is your decision.

After a the inoguration of wolfe a festival was held, in honor of their new king many brought items that they held in their highest regard to their king as a gift, but wolfe, not being one who wants to be out done after all the gifts were given to him, he went through and touched each gift, bestowing upon them a gift of his own before personally walking each item back to their rightful owners, saything that he cant accept such a wonderful item for he is nothing special, just someone who wants the best for his people. Many are stunned and even more ask to hug their king, the guards are nevous but wolf just shrugs it off and smiles as he goes down the line of ever growing shapeshora, showing them the kindness and love they all have for him.

Then. As the festivities were coming to an end a siren sounds, wolfe's eyes go wide as he hurries to find what is happening, evacuating everyone to the castle as he goes to find his brothers and sisters. Much to his dismay volcorippers pour from the very soil he stands upon, one almost decapitating him with its razor sharp teeth before his younger sister stabs it through the skull with a spear and throws it into a large group of armed shapeshora.

Illiana, the second eldest of ten, wolfe's favorite sister, her long silver hair flowing as she dances among the other warriors, having trained since a child to fight. She pulls a sword from the closest shapeshora and tosses it to wolfe.

"Still remember how to fight my lord" Illiana said with a loving grin to her brother

"i've yet to loose a duel to you my dear sister" wolfe replied as he cut the heads off two charging volcorippers. "however, we must save the people. Save as many as you can but stay safe yourself." wolfe called to his sister as he runs off to find the rest of his family, whom he finds all fighting two alpha volcorippers. Lukas, Mayven, Darius, Mira, Levy, Markus, Ezekial, and his parents Remulas and Athena starwalker are all there fighting.

where is Draven... Wolfe thought to himself. Then he spots his last brother. Being held up by the neck by a hooded figure who is holding a blood red sword.

"NO!" shouted wolfe as he sprints to his brothers aid. But he was too late, the hooded being stabbed Draven through the chest and drops the now lifeless body. Wolfe spins around as he hears his mother cry out in pain as one of the alphas bites off her arm. That is the last image wolfe saw before seven volcorippers land upon him, not tearing him to shreads but drag him to the figure who is laughing evily.

"Now... you can watch your kingdom crumble to dust just as I have had to." the figure yanks wolfe's head back and makes him watch as his family is slaughtered infront of him, and he is powerless to stop it. His powers not working. Lukas, Mayven, Darius, Mira, Levy, Markus, Ezekial all fall to the same volcoripper that killed their mother, his father Remulas killing one of the alphas before getting ripped apart by six normals and the remaining alpha. Wolfe hangs his head in defeat as his kingdom is torn right from his hands. His family, his people. Just before he blacks out he sees Illiana kill the two volcorippers holding him, before she too is slain, but not by a volcoripper. But by the hooded figure whose hood has fallen off to reveal his former friend and mate, Petlas. Wolfe roars in pain and loss, as the world fades to black in his eyes. But his body moves on its own, his eyes lifeless. Petlas turns and faces wolfe, looking startled, and tries to stab wolfe and succeds, however, wolfe doesnt stop. Each inch of the blood red sword that sinks deeper into his body only drives him further to killing this traitor..