Handsome: Chapter II

Story by Handsome Aiden on SoFurry

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2 Weeks Later...

Aiden continued his daily chore of attending his work position at a local electronics store. Here, he learned everything dealing with modern technology and how to access the Internet at his will. He traded his dark brown leather trench coat for a black and red polo, scribed "Technician" on the corner of shirt, and sculpted his hair backwards instead of his wavy mess hidden beneath a black ball cap. Aiden's personality changed while working; he actually interacted with people and spoke freely of current events and about his, once was, love life to his friends.

"Hey, how's the miss' doing?" One friend asks.

Aiden decided just to brush it off. He'd rather not talk about it than explain the events that happened just 14 days ago. He was still in shock, he simply couldn't believe that she would sell him out on a one-night-stand ordeal than to come home to a loving and caring fox. John was much more attractive than Aiden, and had much more money than he had at any given time in his life. It aggravated Aiden to the point where his job performance plummeted and he spiraled into a depressive slump. Day after day his attitude and spunk declined, which resulted in an interview with his boss: A wise beaver named White, who knew the insides and outs of technology, new and old.

Most of Aiden's knowledge, both technology and hacking wise, came from White. White taught him how to build his own apps and computers with advance hardware only the elite can get their hands on.

White calls upon Aiden shortly after his break for a "check-up". He trudged into the small 10 by 10 room that housed decades and decades of obsolete technology; ordinary junk and scrap to the naked eye, but to a computer nerd, a paradise. Aiden's head hung low as he entered the dusty room.

"Aiden, what's going on? Don't tell me 'nothing' because I can see it in your eyes, son," quoted the elder.

"Do you want to hear the full story?" replied Aiden.

Aiden spoke for a half an hour of what was on his mind. At times, he felt embarrassed to explain, but most of the time, he felt like breaking down.

"Aiden, sometimes you just have to let things go. Yes, I understand that you spent a lot of time and affection on her, but it's best to move on than to dwell on the past. Besides, if she was so kind to pull that shit on you, she's not worth keeping. Believe me, I'd know." White did know. He still ran his "Ma-and-pa" tech store at age 66. He shared his life with a few untrustworthy women until he put his heart and soul into technology at the age of 40. "Men and women cheat, Aiden, it's in our nature, but with technology... Technology never leaves. Until Apple comes out with some god-for-saken new tech that blows Windows98 out of the water and space." His sense of humor enlightens Aiden in his worst of times.

"If I knew it was so easy to let go, I would have by now. It just feels like something is missing in my life... Maybe it'll get better as time moves on." replied the fox.

The beaver placed Aiden on a term of leave. He did need the time to take back control of his life. He returned to his apartment, but instead of going up to his penthouse on the 7th floor, he made his way up to the 15th floor: Rooftop. He didn't feel suicidal, he just needed time to himself. The night right after night from sun down to shortly after midnight, he'd sit near the ledge of the building, looking down upon the city streets like God himself. A few days passed and he was back to work once again, but he'd still go to the rooftop as a form of relaxation and a state of zen, but, that was shortly broken one night. His phone read "10:32" on his lock screen as the door to the roof creaked open, and a long haired face appeared through the door frame. A slightly younger wolf showed, her bright green eyes shining like a spot light over the roofing as hers met Aiden's. She looked at him, worried.

"Hey... Um... What are you doing up here?" she asked.

He answered, "Anything but remembering... You?"

She neared closer to him. He slightly curvy stature visible to the fox. Although she seemed suitable to him, his intentions remained mutual. For all he cared, maybe she was there to cause him grief. She sat a couple yards away from him, dangling one leg off the edge whereas Aiden kept both limbs planted to the tar.

"I saw you coming up here a couple nights ago, and at the same time, every night since then, you walked up here. I was just wondering if you were ok."

"'How sweet, someone that actually notices me for once'" he thought. He answered to the lady's question, "I'm fine. Thanks. Just trying to forget of a recent event."

He recited what had happened in the previous week. Again, he did his best to retain his emotions, but after seeing the leopard's upset face, he silently let a few tears drip.

"Although I don't know you at all, all I know is that you didn't deserve that at all sweetheart. She's no good for you in the slightest. Good thing you knew when enough was enough." She replied, nearing a little more close to the fox.

"My name is Patch." She held out her paw, which was smaller than his.

He took her paw into his and shook it gently, "Aiden... But please call me Pearce... If anything." He sighed.

"Pearce? I think I'll call you Handsome." She purred.

To be continued.

Handsome: Chapter One

Early winter, November to be exact. The skyline of Pittsburgh burning a shade of pink and purple; the lights of the health building clicking off, one by one. End of shift, it was time for everyone to head home to their significant others, children,...

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