The Wolf and the Fox 2

Story by Wip on SoFurry

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#2 of The Wolf and the Fox

The continuing adventures of a wolf and fox for your enjoyment

Continuing with my attempts at quick perspective shifts and relationship dynamics.

Thanks for reading, peeps! And feel free to leave any comments or criticisms, cuz while I might be a wuss about replying as much as I should, rest assured that I read them all and I love getting advice on what I could improve :-)

Additional thanks and eternal gratitude to Tenpenny ( ) for proofreading and being awesome!



It has been a week and one day since I met Ian. And that long since I've heard or seen him in the flesh. Everytime I close my eyes he's there, but that's not the same. My mind has never felt so scrambled.

He did something to me. I don't know what, but my roommates have noticed. Their stupid pranks have turned into bullying and I spend most of my time in my room now. He hasn't even sent me a text! Sometimes I want to go back to the restaurant, back to Verdant Fields, and make that wolf talk to me. But then I remember his threat that if I even go near there again, it would be over. Was there even anything to end?

I hated him for getting in my head like this. It would often leave me crying into my pillow until the memories of what we did would flood back. For a few moments my mind would let me relive his dominance. It would leave me tired, disgusted and in need of fresh sheets. But the hate would be gone. Damn him, I needed him.

My phone chirped. This was the worst part of it all - if you don't count my slipping grades and self loathing. My roommates signed me up for an insane amount of alternative dating sites, but because Ian never gave me his number when I have him mine I had to answer every unknown number that called. My heart would always race. Could this be him? Does he want to see me again? Will this be the day my life gets out of this holding pattern?

"Ian?" I asked breathlessly into my phone.

"No. This is Michale."

It's never going to be Ian.

"I, uh, read your casual-yiff ad, gay male fox wants to try getting tusk-fucked. Well, I'm an elephant, and if you're willing to sign a release form absolving me from any legal liability should you end up with internal-"

I hung up and quickly added the number to my ever growing block list. My roommates made fun of me for being gay, but I'd never even heard of tusk-fucking. Last week I would have stormed out of my room and ask them what sort of weird scenes are they into that they would even know what tusk-fucking was. But not now. Now I just wanted to be by myself...

That's a lie. I wanted to be with Ian.

I set down my phone and reached under my bed for my laptop. Might as well pretend I'm still trying in my classes. I was not looking forward to seeing my grades after next week's tests.

My phone interrupted my staring at a blank document that was supposed to be filling with words about what the ethical standards were for using psychological testing in private business. I was so close to not answering. It's been a week. The wolf didn't want me. I couldn't live like this for much longer.

Sigh. "Hello?"

"Hey, bitch."

I nearly dropped the phone. "I-Ian, hi. I-"

"Shut up and listen. I'm a little drunk and a lot of horny. Write down this address and be there in an hour." He started speaking before I was ready, but my shaking fingers were faster than ever as I typed the address on my laptop.




I emptied the bottle last night and then my stomach this morning. I still had the ghost of a buzz, otherwise I wouldn't have called the fox. I can't remember his name. If I had the energy I would would have used a hook-up app or went out to a bar but I didn't want to deal with the bullshit that that sort of thing brings.

Probably shouldn't have given him my address either, not that I could afford to stay here much longer. The vodka bottle was on the coffee table. I could imagine how satisfying it would be to throw it against the wall. Should have told the fucker to stop at a liquor store and pick some more up.

As far as I got was picking up the bottle and turning it in my hands a few times while I sat on the couch. The door buzzed and I went to welcome the fucktoy into my humble abode.

There he was. Just like I remembered him. Wearing that same black hoodie and carrying a backpack slung over one shoulder. He looked up at me, fidgeting, trying to hide his fear under a nervous smile. I could smell it though, his fear. It smelled like prey.

"H-hi, Ian," he said quietly.

Memory hit me like a tidal wave. Vulpine ferocity in his eyes when he attacked me, the shame in his voice when he realised I'd made him my bitch, how hot his mouth was. "Get in here."

He edged past me like I was a thorn bush. Unslinging his pack, he hugged it in front of him. His ears flattened under his hood and his tail curled against the outside of his khaki pants. He knew what being here meant yet somehow his lust overrode his pride and reason.

"Nice place," he said.

I looked around trying to see what he saw. The place was your basic two bedroom starter apartment. I didn't pick anything out, and to be honest, the place was a mess. Beer cans, takeout containers from work and assorted evidence of a bachelor wolf. I shrugged over at the fox and closed the door.

"I'm moving out at the end of the month."

"Why?" he asked. His face a mask of concern, not that you could trust foxes. Natural born actors.

"I'm single now. I'm not paying this kind of rent on my own. This-" I stopped myself. This wasn't any of his business. All I need was a warm, wet hole, not an ear.

He was slowly putting some distance between us. I don't know if it was his instincts finally kicking in or just his nerves, but step by step he made his way to the window. I was on the third floor. The view was a nearly identical apartment complex across the street and if you pressed your muzzle to the glass you might be able to see the corner shop. Still he acted impressed.

"It's a nice view, Ian. Mind if I take off my hoodie?" He didn't wait for a response, dropping his bag at his feet and pulling off the baggy sweater.

My mouth watered. Under a tight brown tee with some vintage ad for motor oil was a slim body that screamed to be touched... to be used.

"What was your name?" I asked him. His ears, only just starting to perk back up, splayed.

"K-Kyle. It's Kyle."

I think it hurt him that I didn't remember. Fuck it. Wounded prey is even more enticing.




He didn't remember my name. Our brief encounter last week meant the world to me. It changed me in ways even my psych professor wouldn't be able to explain. But I was nothing to him.

It made me want him.

What the hell is wrong with me? I knew I meant nothing to him yet it gave me a warm feeling. I- I can't explain it, it was primal. He had a right to me. I mean, he didn't in a civilized society, but in the laws of nature, the ones we've tried so hard to abandon, it was like he claimed me.

"Kyle..." he growled my name and it vibrated my spine. Fight or flight, my body screamed. He stared into me. A physical pressure almost. "I think I like Bitch, better."

My legs turned to jelly. I moaned like the whore I was. He took a step forward and I took one back.

"If you run, it'll just be worse for you." He had to notice the bulge that betrayed my perverse pleasure. "Take off the rest."

"O-ok," I stuttered, barely able to speak. My hands clenched the hem of my shirt and I hesitated, just long enough to look at Ian again. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt with a rip under his ribs where some of his gray fur stuck out. He was wearing track pants with a white stripe down the sides. I'd swallowed his cum but he never gave me a look at the rest of his powerful body. I wanted to see him naked too.

I pulled off my shirt and dropped it neatly on my hoodie. My hands shook while I unfastened my belt and slowly lowered my pants. He let out another low rumbling growl and I toed off my shoes, stepping out of my pants, backing another step so I was against the wall, right next to the window.

"I brought some stuff," I blurted out with a gasp. Quickly falling to my knees with an impact I was sure to feel in the morning, I pulled open my backpack. Next to my laptop, a textbook and a few notebooks I packed a few things I thought might come in handy. He walked toward me and I passed him a bottle of lube.

"I-it's water based... so if it gets on anything... it won't stain."

He snatched it from me. The briefest contact between our fingers went through me like an electric shock. My cock tented the blue boxers I wore. No reaction from him as he read the label.

"And, here," I held out the box of ribbed condoms I bought when I first started my year at Uni. Tragically it's never been opened.

He slapped it out of my hand, reminding me of how strong he was. His deep blue eyes cut through me. "I'm not wearing them," he said, daring me to argue.

I'm no fool. I kept my mouth shut. I could deal with getting a little messy if that's what he wanted. But my confidence drained before I brought out the dildo I stuffed into the bottom of my pack. That would have to wait for another day. I managed a nod of agreement.

"Alright," he said more to himself. Then to me, "come on."

He lead me across his apartment, me almost naked and him as casual as could be. His bedroom. It was a pleasant upgrade to the floor of a fast food joint.




My room was a mess, but it went with the rest of the place. Still Kyle looked around like this was some kind of art museum. But what do I know? Given the bullshit modern art out there, my piles of dirty clothes and the empty dresser with a broken drawer could probably pass as something a dumbass would pay money for.

"Why the fuck are you still in your underwear?"

The bitch jumped. "Sorry!" He dropped them, showing me his red prick standing at attention.

Kind of messed up. Me being a jerk was turning him on like this. Fuck it, I was just as bad. The fear in his eyes, the way his naked body was tensed, it was getting me hot too. Impulsively I shoved him, my palm knocked his shoulder. He staggered back.

"Please," he whimpered.

"Please what?" His weakness drew me like a fly to honey. I stepped to him, towering over the cringing fox, golden eyes flickering like he expected me to beat him again. My hand reached out on its own, grasping his skinny neck just tight enough to feel his racing pulse. His hands held my wrist, not pushing it away, just holding it indecisively. "Please what?" I repeated with a little more anger. Not at him exactly. I was angry about how this all made me feel. "Please don't hurt you? Please hit me? What the fuck do you want?"

His lips quivered and his eyes took on a glossy sheen. "I- I don't know," he whined. "Just..." He sighed with a shiver racking his body.

I glanced down. The bitch was dripping pre. My hand rubbed down the center of his chest. I could feel his heat. "Get on the bed. On your back."

He ran past me, flinging himself onto my mattress. His legs spread wide for me. "Whore," I growled at him and grabbed his ankle, dragging him to the edge as he yelped. I thumbed open the bottle of lube with a pop. Squeezing the oily mess onto my palm I huffed hot breath on it. Not for him, but for my comfort.

"Please..." he whimpered again. His fingers grasped at my bedding, neck crained so he could see my every move. "C-can you please take off your shirt?" his whispered plea surprised me. I didn't think he had the backbone to ask anything of me.

I yanked it off with my clean hand and threw it in his face. He yelped again but I swear I heard him sniffing it before he moved it away. His eyes were wide with wanting. I'm not sure I liked the way he was staring at my chest and abs. This was supposed to be one sided. He was only here as a fucktoy, not a lover. I should have kept my shirt on.

I slapped my hand against his ass, fingering his hole while he writhed and tried to rock into my hand. Despite what I said earlier, Kyle was to tight to be the whore he was acting like. I added another finger and started scissoring him open.

He whimpered and could see his eyes tearing up. I'll be the first to admit it, I'm not the most tender lay you could find. "Quit crying, Bitch. You know you want this." He nodded furiously while I twisted my fingers, grazing his g-spot. His back arched and he hissed in pleasure. It's always easier to find the right buttons on smaller furs.

When I took my hand away he started to sit up. I shoved him back and leaned over him. pinning him while I lined up my cock. "Be honest," I growled down at him, "have you ever been knotted?"

"No," he squeaked.

Good. "It's going to hurt the first time." Bitch was practically a virgin. "Like getting fisted." His eyes widened. "If you start to struggle too much, I'm going to be pissed."




Oh my God. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! I could hardly control myself. The way he rested his weight on my shoulders, nailing me into his mattress, the hot breath that cascaded down on me and the feel of his red hot poker poised against my burning hole.

This would be my first time getting knotted. I'm not the most experienced fox in the world, and contrary to popular conceptions about vulpine lust overriding every other part of our brains, this was really scaring the hell out of me.

He started to enter me. It was so much bigger than his fingers. I yelped, jerking my body.

"Hold still," he growled.

"I'm trying! Just go slow! Feels like I'm being torn ope- Arrrgh!" I shrieked as he pushed in.

"Don't tell me how to do this," his nails dug into my shoulders but I welcomed it for taking my mind off the warzone between my legs.

He started to slide out and it was the most soothing sensation in the world. I sighed until my lungs were empty, strange whimpering noises I'd never heard myself make accompanying it. Just the head stayed in, propping open my backdoor. In again and I beared down on him, letting the sensations of pain and pleasure overtake me. He went deeper than before, I felt my muscles strain and stretch. My eyes clenched shut as I prayed for it to start to feel good.

Ian's hips took on a slow rhythm, fucking me at an almost casual pace. Moans and whimpers gave lyrics to the primal song. I let go of the sheets with one hand, fingers numb, and reached for my leaking dick.

Ian pulled his claws out of one of my shoulders. I started to snarl, like there was a snowball's chance in hell that I could ever come off as intimidating to the wolf. He slapped me.

"No," his voice low and full of menace. "Don't touch yourself without my permission.

Oh, how I wanted to protest. But he drove his cock deep again and my brain started to blank. I dropped my arm at my side and whined pitifully. He was down to his knot, I could feel it spreading my cheeks. The look in his eyes and the cruel turn of his lips was all the warning I got. With the force of a freight train, the wolf impaled me.

I screamed like I was dying, and for all I knew I was. Ian howled in my face, a declaration of total victory as his fist sized knot engorged and locked me onto him like a trophy. I could feel the rush of blood in his knot, it pushed and pulsed against my prostate. I suddenly knew all the pain was worth it.

Ian started emptying into me, hitting nerves I didn't know existed. It was like he was filling me down to my soul. His throbbing became my own and I came like a geyser, splashing against his ripped stomach.

The pleasure was unending. I'd always thought multiple orgasms were a myth, but with his knot and cum rocking the core of my being, milking me, owning me... I became a fur of pure ecstasy.




Shit. "Wake the fuck up," I slapped at him again. The way his eyes rolled back, I thought the fucker died. The sick thing is I finished before trying to wake his ass up... not that I had much of a choice when it comes to knotting.

"Bitch," I called him with a shake. His eyes flickered open, staring up at me in the haze of post-sex bliss. I jumped back, strangely afraid he was going to imprint on me like a particularly fucked up feral puppy.

He sighed and stretched. "Oh, Ian."

Oh no. "You need to leave." His eyes snapped open and he sat up, looking like I'd just hit him... again.

"L-leave?" his quivering lips pouted.

"Yeah. I'm done."

"Can I- can we hang out?"

Don't make this harder than it has to be, I wanted to scream. "I'm not the kind of fur you'd want to hang out with. The bathroom's over there if you want to clean yourself up."

"N-no. Please, can't I just be around you? The way you make me feel-"

"Will make a psychiatrist rich some day," I finished for him.

"Don't be like that!" he raged.

There it was. That spark of brattiness that stroked me just right. My lips curled back to show off the fangs I wasn't above using. "Are you arguing, Bitch? I said we're through here."

The fox scrambled back for the middle of my bed. My jaw clenched. As sexy as it looked, this fucker better not be leaking jizz all over my covers.

"I'm not arguing," he squeaked out in a more obsequious tone. "I swear I'm not." The struggle in his voice told me how hard he was trying not to argue. It was in his nature, I think.

He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry if I challenged you. But don't throw me out yet. I... I need to be around you. Even if it's just sitting quietly while you watch TV, or," his eyes lit up, "or I could clean! Let me tidy your apartment."

"You calling my place dirty?" It was, but I like the fear in his eyes when he thought he did something wrong.

"No! I only want to be useful."

I crossed my arms and pretended to think. I mean, I'm an asshole, but I'm not stupid enough to pass up a free house cleaning. "Start in the livingroom where I can keep an eye on you." It was Saturday, there had to be something on TV that could keep me occupied.

His tail wagged, losing all pretence of dignity as he scrambled off my bed. He grimaced, finding it hard to stand straight. I walked back to the living room in just my track pants and flopped down on the couch. Kyle stood awkwardly until he realized I wasn't going to hold him by the hand. Clean the fucking apartment, it's not rocket science, right?

The naked fox started taking the dishes into my kitchen while I watched the idiots on the pregame show tell my why my team was going to lose. Kyle only interrupted me one to ask if I wanted him to throw out a mug that was growing some sort of blue mould. I told him to throw it out, and that the next time he asks me a stupid question like that, he'd be digging the mug out of the trash and cleaning it with his tongue. The way he responded to my threat made me wonder why any fur like him would want to work naked in front of a fur like me.




My butt hurt like hell, my head was throbbing to match, and the last time I'd been this humiliated, I cried my eyes out for a week and refused to go back to school for a month. Yet I knelt next to Ian's TV, stark naked and getting harder by the minute while I filled a garbage bag with week old takeout boxes. I made no attempt to cover myself, and the big menacing wolf made no attempt to hide the fact that he was staring at me.

I was in heaven. A sick, warped, insideout heaven.

"This is kinda fucked up," Ian said.

I nearly jumped out of my fur. It was like he was reading my mind. "I know."

He shook his head and muted the television. "This doesn't bother you? I fucked you unconscious and then you beg me to clean my apartment?"

"Do I have to analyse it for you?" Poor choice of words I quickly realized. I meant that I'd try if he wanted me to, but I really didn't want to. It came out more sarcastic than it should have.

His fist clenched around the remote and for a second I thought he was going to throw it at me. "Yeah, Bitch. Why don't you enlighten me as to why you're such a perv?"

"I didn't mean-" I shut up. He wasn't one to argue with. I sighed and shifted from my knees to a crossed-leg position. "Let's take out any traumatic childhood incidents. Aside from some shitty experiences in High School, I was always fairly," I swallowed, hating the word, "normal." Ian scratched his chest, apparently listening to me saying what I've been afraid to even think about for the past week. "I think this is my subconscious, compensating for my conscious self... You see... I don't have a lot of friends, and I think it's because of my personality. I overcompensate for my insecurities by-"

"Being an asshole," Ian said.

I guess he was listening. Oh goodie. "Yeah. I'm an asshole. So I'm drawn to you because you're the first fur that didn't let me get away with it. You make me confront myself, stripped of any defence mechanisms I would normally put up. I've never felt so true to myself before I met you."

The wolf blinked a glance at the empty vodka bottle I haven't gotten around to disposing of yet. Then back to me. "Are you some kind of a shrink, or is all that bullshit?"

It felt exceedingly weird to say this sitting there naked in front of him, "I'm studying psychology. I, uh, I want to help furs."

"So they don't turn out like you?"

That hurt. But there was an element of truth to it. I could see that when I was around him. He'd beaten my ego into submission, the only thing left was me. Pure Kyle.

"And what about me?" he challenged me.

This question was a deathtrap. "I'm so messed up, I don't think I've even scratched the surface of myself yet. A-and I'm not at all qualified to form an opinion about, um, anything really. Did, did you want me to share my theory about how you're helping me work through some daddy issues too?"

"No!" he answered quickly. "God, no." That was probably for the best.




I figured the fox was just into some kinky scene. He blindsided me with an actual reason behind it all. This was therapeutic then?

"You're weird," like he needed me to point that out.

"I know," he lowered his head.

"But I'll keep your number. To be honest, I was going to delete it after you left, but, nah." At least he was a guaranteed lay. "Next time, we'll do this at your place. Not sure where I'll be living, but, no offence, I don't think I want you knowing where I sleep."

The bitch's ears folded back. "Ian," he whined like he was on the verge of tears again. Was he going to do this every time we finished? He saw my obvious displeasure and his tactic changed. I'll admit it, I was curious.

Kyle got back on his knees and crawled so he was in front of the couch. I readied to kick him away if he tried to give me a blowjob. Even foxes should know you don't touch a guy's junk unless he's in the mood. But he stayed where he was, cogs turning in that sly vulpine brain.

"Can I make a pitch? Please? It'll only take a minute, but I'd really appreciate if you heard it all before making up your mind." He clasped his hands together, begging me.

"Ok. But no guarantee I'm going to listen to it all."

He nodded and took a deep breath. "You-" he cleared his throat, "you said to have to leave because you don't want to pay the rent alone. W-what if I pay half. You have that small second bedroom, and I promise you I'm not a psycho, but if you want, you can tie me up and, and lock me in a cage at night if you want and you already know you can beat me up. I can do all the housework. The only time I wouldn't be at your beck and call is when I'm in class. But it would be like having a full time maid... a maid you can fuck."

Did I miss something? "Are you asking to move in?" I had to have missed something.

"I- Yes."

I leaned forward, amazed that I was even considering this. "What's wrong with your place?"

"Where to begin," he sighed. "I'll give you my landlord's number. He'll tell you that I'm never late with the rent, and I never get any complaints about me. I can get you all the references you want."

Not really the answer to my question, but I let it slide. "How would you pay the rent?"

His tail flick and I could see the glimmer of hope in his gold eyes. "Student loans! And I get some money from my parents every month."

"Enough to cover six hundred. And food?"

"Six hund-" he started to yelp. "This place is twelve hundred a month?" he asked dripping with incredulity.

That was a dig at my home. He'd pay for that at some point. "No, dumbass. It's nine hundred. But you'll pay six if you want me to consider this."

His eyes were wide and I could see him doing math in his head. "I- I can manage that."

"I'm probably going to treat you like a slave. And we're not dating, get that through your head. Sex when I demand it is as far as it goes. Beyond that, you're just a toy."

His eyes lowered. "Alright," he spoke softly. "Anything you say."

This had all the hallmarks of a deal with the devil. He was making this too good to be true. "One month. I'll try it for one month."

Kyle began to cry tears of joy, falling forward with his ass in the air and slobbering kisses on my toes. "Oh, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! I swear, you won't regret this!"

I wasn't so confident.