A Real Fox

Story by Jaden_Drackus on SoFurry

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Jasen wakes up one morning to find he has turned into a fennec fox. How did this happen? And how will life be different now that the red fox is a fennec? Are fennecs "real" foxes? Jasen's Clydesdale boyfriend seems to think so... and will prove it.

So last week I mentioned on Twitter that I had accidentally called fennecs "not a real fox." sentenced me to spend the day as fennec to make ammends. So I did.

The first thing that Jasen noticed when he woke up was that he was cold. That was odd, considering that it was the middle of summer. Though it had been cooler for about a week even with his summer fur, the red fox was usually warm enough. Maybe Trystram, his Clydesdale boyfriend, had left the air conditioner turned up in spite of the more mild weather. The stallion did that sometimes, he claimed that it made cuddling better.

Jasen could hear Tryst in the kitchen, humming to himself and clanking pots and pans around as he made breakfast. That was a little bit odd. Not that Tryst was making breakfast, he often did that when both of them had the day off, but the fact that Jasen could hear him had so clearly was unusual. Normally, Tryst would close the bedroom door behind him so that Jasen (with his acute canine ears) wouldn't be awakened by the horse making noise in the kitchen. Apparently, this morning he had forgotten to be so considerate. Jasen huffed. Between forgetting to close the door and leaving the AC on high, Tryst wasn't exactly being the best boyfriend this morning. He reached out to turn the alarm clock towards the bed to see if it was worth trying to get any more sleep.

That was when he saw that the paw stretching towards the alarm clock wasn't black like it normally was. It was tan.


The high pitched scream rang through the house, startling Trystram enough that he dropped the frying pan he'd been holding to the tile floor. The big Clydesdale just had time to be glad he wasn't holding the eggs at the time, when he saw a blur out of the corner of his eye and felt a weight _thud_against him. Tryst managed to twist himself around so that the weight was holding him was in front of him and looked down.

His was looking at a large pair of tan, pointed, canine ears pressed against his torso just under his pectorals. In his abdominals just under his naval, toned from years of stress relief weight training, he felt the pointed pressure of a narrow canine muzzle. Under the large ears, he saw a thin vulpine body with darker tan markings on the back and a lighter cream, almost white, on creeping around from the belly, the insides of the legs, and the tops of the foot paws. Behind the body, wagging in furious agitation, was a bushy vulpine tail- a blur of tan motion with a streak of black marking the tip. It took Tryst a moment to process that he was being held onto by a fennec fox.

"Jasen?" he neighed.

The small tan fox looked up at him revealing a face that seemed a bit more circular than a red fox's around the eyes, but with a muzzle that was definitely narrower and shorter than a red fox's. His eyes were still blue, but they were somewhat watery, as if Jasen was on the verge of crying. Tryst reached down and put his paw on the nude fox's shoulder as Jasen buried his head in Tryst's boxer clad hip.

"What happened?"

"I don't know," Jasen whined. His voice was higher pitched, and the words came out at faster rate than usual. His ears flicked across Tryst's chiseled chest before folding down to almost his mid back. "I just woke up like this!"

"Oh dear," Tryst snorted and held the fox against his hip.

Jasen pressed his head into the horse's side and let out a series of yips that sounded almost like sobs. Tryst stroked the back of Jasen's head and silently counted to ten before he decided that he didn't want this to get too out of hand. He put his paw on Jasen's shoulder.

"Maybe it has something to do with you saying that fennecs aren't real foxes."

Jasen's thrashing tail went rigidly still. His grip on Tryst's leg relaxed as he looked up at the horse.

"What?" Jasen's tone was frosty.

"Well, remember last week when you were saying that reds were the only real foxes and fennecs didn't count?"

"You did this!" Jasen yelled, his already higher pitched voice going up another octave. He reeled back and punched Tryst in his hip. Even a punch from Jasen as a red fox wouldn't bother the muscular Clydesdale, but as a fennec he barely felt it. "Where is it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Tryst tried (and almost failed) not to laugh.

"Damnit Tryst!" Jasen punched the horse again in frustration. "You know damn well what I'm talking about! Where are those fucking underwear that did this to me?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Tryst didn't even try to hide the grin splitting his equine muzzle. It hadn't taken Jasen long to figure out what he'd done, but considering the fox had found the underwear shop where Tryst had bought the fox a jockstrap that turned him into a horse, it wasn't a surprise.

Jasen growled and headed back towards the door. He was faster than he usually was, but his smaller size meant that Tryst had no trouble yanking him off his paws when the horse did catch up to him. Tryst held the fennec against his chest and rubbed his big ears. Jasen wiggled and growled in in protest, but it faded into a noise that sounded almost like a feline purr. Tryst made a note that Jasen as a fennec really enjoyed having his ears touched.

"Calm down hon," Tryst lifted the fennec up and nuzzled between his ears. "You know the deal- it's only for the day."

Jasen went limp and still. "I just feel so small," he whimpered.

"You're a fennec," Tryst reminded him. "It's kind of a defining characteristic of that species of fox." He reached a paw down to Jasen's groin. "Well, not everything about them is small."

Tryst watched Jasen's eyes follow his own down to the fox's groin. The horse fondled his boyfriend's equipment, careful to keep his paw under it so Jasen could see. To Tryst the sheath and balls felt about the same size as they were when Jasen was a red fox, but considering that as a red fox he was about a foot taller and had a much larger frame- they looked huge on the fennec body. Jasen must have agreed, as he let out a gasp of surprise that changed to a squeak of pleasure as the horse fondled his balls and ran a finger along his sheath. More squeaks and a definite shudder followed as Tryst ran a thick equine finger over the tip of Jasen's sheath. The tip of the fox's shaft began to emerge under the horse's attention.

"Mmm. Looks like it's true what they say about big ears."

Suddenly, Jasen went stiff in Tryst's arms and slapped the horse's paw away. He growled and started thrashing against the wall of muscle that was Tryst's chest.

"Lemme down!" Jasen cried. "I'm mad at you! I can't believe you did this without permission! How did you even get underwear on me while I was asleep? How did you even manage to get me sleeping? I went to bed after you!"

"Sweetie. Calm down," Tryst squeezed the fox tight against him before gently setting Jasen on his paws.

As soon as his paws touched tile, Jasen was off like a shot. He stormed out of the kitchen and slammed the door behind him. Tryst neighed to himself as he turned back to retrieve the frying pan and resume making breakfast. That could have gone better.

Jasen remained mad for about half an hour, which was as long as his stomach would allow him to be angry. He was actually hungry, which was unusual for him in the morning. He padded back to the kitchen to find that Tryst was waiting for him with breakfast ready. The fox demolished one plate of eggs and sausage and went back for seconds, which was not usual for the fox.

After breakfast, the day proceeded much as any other day off ever did. Tryst had a few things that he had to take care of from his home office, so Jasen began the housework. That started badly, as Jasen forgot about his lost size and muscle mass and fell over when he tried to pick up the laundry basket. After a few minutes of swearing and running around the room growling and yipping Jasen composed himself, split the laundry load into two parts, and tried again. That did it, and Jasen moved on to the other tasks.

He was halfway through mopping the kitchen before he realized that his energy was still very high. He'd done the laundry, the dishes, and dusting, and then he was mopping and contemplating vacuuming- usually activities he postponed to separate days. But today, he had the energy to do it all- and before noon. Maybe there where some benefits to being a fennec after all. He trotted off to the closet to get the vacuum.

The rest of the day was filled with downsides, though. Once the housework was done, Jasen sat down to read for a bit while Tryst finished his own work. That only lasted a few minutes before Jasen had to run to the closet and retrieve one of the blankets stored there. He return to his chair and wrapped himself up, still shivering a little even with the blanket. For a moment, he toyed with the idea of going down to Tryst's office and ensconce himself in the warmth of a Clydesdale lap. But he shook his head, wrapped the blanket a little tighter, and grumbled to himself. He wondered how fennecs managed to get through the winter.

Tryst wrapped up his work a little after noon and emerged to have lunch and declare that it was time to head to the grocery store. Jasen agreed, and got dressed. Clothes, thankfully, were not a problem. In his job as the host of The Foxhole club, he had acquired many outfits that were "normal" everyday clothes- except that they were cut to fit tightly and show off a lot of fur. On the smaller body of fennec, that wasn't an issue at all.

The trip turned south though when Jasen scurried away from his boyfriend to go in search of his favorite garlic sesame dressing. He had already added chicken and the greens for his specialty salad, and left Tryst picking out some grains while he went to get the dressing. Unfortunately, he quickly discovered that it was displayed on the top shelf: perfectly accessible to a five foot nine red fox, but out of reach for a fennec that was a foot shorter- minus his ears. Jasen could only stare helplessly up at the display. Tryst found him like that a few moments later: standing in the aisle, staring forlornly up at the dressing, his ears folded down his back, and his tail completely still. Tryst winced, but grabbed three bottles of the dressing and when they got to check out, he was careful to use the card tied to his personal account rather than their joint one.

Tryst took over the duty of making dinner when they returned home and Jasen retreated to the living room. The horse pondered his prank as he chopped the veggies for the salad and marinated the chicken. Perhaps it had been a bit too much. If he had just repeated his stunt with the horse jockstrap, Jasen would not be slipping into the funk he had fallen into. Tryst sighed as he put the prepared items into the fridge for later. He should probably check in on the fox and apologize as much as he could for not thinking this little joke through.

Jasen was curled up on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. Tryst took a seat on the couch and ran a paw over the fox's exposed head and ears. Jasen's tail thumped on the couch, but he gave no other sign that he noticed Tryst was there.

"I got dinner all prepared hon," Tryst whispered.

"Okay," Jasen looked up at the stallion.

"Look," the stallion neighed. "I'm sorry I sprang this on you like this. I didn't realize it would go this badly for you."

Jasen let out something that sounded a bit like a squeak and pulled the blanket tighter. Tryst let him remain like that for moment, then decided that enough was enough. It was his duty as a boyfriend to pull Jasen out of his funk. He gently grabbed the hem of the blanket and whipped it off of the fox in spite of his yaps of protest. Then he took hold of the lithe fox and pulled him towards him.

"I know something that's warmer than any blanket," Tryst neighed as he pulled Jasen into his lap. He pulled the fox close and then blew out a deep breath into the fox's ear. Jasen shuddered a little. "Mmm. That's a fox reaction. I know how to show you that you're a real fox."

Tryst pressed deeper in to the fennec's ear and revealed in the fact that he could fit his entire muzzle into Jasen's ear before he extended his tongue to lick the inside. Jasen had always enjoyed having his ears played with, but as a fennec his reaction was over the top. He squeaked loudly before his vocalizations descended into something close to a purr as he shuddered in time with the horse's licks. Tryst turned his attention to the other ear as he ran his paws along the fox's slender flanks.

At that moment, something in Jasen snapped. The fox's tail started wagging so fast that it became a blur, he let out a growl that Tryst had learned meant that he was aggressively horny. Jasen's paws, which had been pushing against Tryst's chest, dropped to the stallion's waist and yanked his shirt up. Then Jasen burrowed under his shirt, growling and nuzzling as he wiggled up Tryst's torso. Finally, he reached the stallion's pectorals and began to snuffle and lick at the barbell piercing in Tryst's nipple- an action that always got the horse hot and bothered. As the fox licked, kissed, and gently bit the piercing the tip one of his ears popped through Tryst's collar, which allowed the horse to play with it and moan into it. For a few moments, they remained licking, nuzzling, and moaning as they pleased each other. Finally, Tryst was ready to move on. He reached down and pulled his shirt off.

As his shirt cleared his head, a wave of scents hit the horse's nose. Tryst breathed deeply, recognizing the scent of aroused fox and felt his pants tighten in response. Jasen's fennec musk was so different from the woody smell of his normal musk: it reminded the horse of warm sands, tinged with the cinnamon and vanilla fur scent powder that Jasen typically used in the winter. Jasen yapped and nuzzled more into Tryst's chest, his nose followed the tattoo that ran down the horse's side. Tryst pressed his muzzle into Jasen's head as he reached down and pulled Jasen's shirt off. Another wave of musk hit the stallion's nostrils as he tossed the shirt away and pulled the fox up to kiss his stomach and undo the button on Jasen's jean shorts. Jasen stuck his muzzle into Tryst's silver mane and growled and panted behind the horse's ears while Tryst undid his pants.

The departure of the fox's pants revealed that Jasen had been open to the idea of play time all along: not only was the fox's ebon shaft already beginning to slide from his sheath, Jasen wasn't wearing underwear and Tryst could detect the faint smell of lube as his muzzle went lower on the fox's torso. A few kisses to Jasen's torso later, and Tryst arrived at that shaft. He breathed heavily on it, eliciting a squeak from Jasen, followed quickly by another as Tryst kissed his sac. Tryst pulled the fennec in close, taking his shaft into his muzzle as his paws dropped to his own pants, which were becoming uncomfortably tight as his own shaft emerged from his sheath. Jasen quickly took the hint, and wrapped his legs around Tryst's torso to allow the muscular stallion to work both with his muzzle and his paws. Jasen purred as Tryst continued to suckle his shaft. Another moment, the stallion had his pants and boxers off and sliding to his hooves. His rapidly hardening shaft sprang to full attention as it was released from his pants, which elicited a gasp from Jasen as he felt the thickness brush his calf as he released his legs from Tryst's chest.

Tryst let the fox's shaft slide from his muzzle, and the fox himself to slide down his torso to his lap. Jasen moaned happily as he rotated to sit facing the same direction as the stallion. Compared to his smaller fennec body, the stallion shaft poking between his legs was massive- it easily could reach the fennec's solar plexus. The horse rubbed the fox's belly and nuzzled his ears.

"So, what do you think, baby?"

"I think I'm worried," Jasen swallowed. But his paws had reached down to stroke Tryst's shaft, a sign (as if the lube smell wasn't enough) that he wanted to proceed.

"Half then," Tryst whinnied reassuringly into Jasen's ear. It had been some time since they had done it that way (not since they had moved in together), but half in was more than enough for Tryst to do the job. Jasen nodded, squeaked, and moaned as Tryst stroked the fennec's shaft. Already, Tryst could feel Jasen's knot swelling at the base of his shaft as the horse stroked the fox.

Jasen got up and padded to the end table at the other end of the couch while Tryst repositioned himself on the sofa. The fox quickly returned with a bottle of lube, which the stallion accepted after Jasen had squeezed a generous amount into his paw. Tryst squeezed another fair amount onto his shaft, coating it thoroughly with the cool liquid while he watched the fox lift his tail and lube under it. As he watched, the horse made sure not to spread any past his medial ring. Then Jasen returned to the horse's lap and positioned himself on the broad tip of Tryst's shaft. Tryst reached up and took hold of the fox's hips, the lube on his paw matting down the fox's fur.

"Don't overdo it sweetie," Tryst reminded him. "It will be enough for me."

Jasen nodded and groaned as he gently lowered himself onto Tryst's shaft. Tryst took over, placing one paw on his shaft, just under his ring as he guided the fox further down his shaft. Jasen squeaked and Tryst whinnied as the fox's tail hole pressed against the shaft. Tryst guided the fox down his shaft, slowly and gently pressing deeper into Jasen. The fox squeaked, yipped, and moaned: noises that Tryst hadn't heard from Jasen before. He had to admit that it was arousing.

The fox reached Tryst's paw and sat their panting for a moment as he adjusted to the feeling of the thick horse shaft inside him. Tryst let him sit there and gently rubbed Jasen's belly as he adjusted. The horse had to admit that it was a good idea: in this smaller body, Jasen was incredibly tight against his shaft- much more than he usually was. Tryst nuzzled the back of Jasen's neck as the fox began to work his knees to bounce up and down on the horse's shaft.

Tryst moaned and nickered while the fox moaned and squeaked as he rode the horse's cock. Once Tryst was sure that the fox had the hang of how much of the horse he could actually take, he removed his paw from his shaft and reached around to stroke Jasen's own shaft. Tryst felt the warm slickness of pre already dripping steadily from Jasen's tip, and the fox's knot felt like it had already formed. That discovery, combined with the huffing noises that he was making, told Tryst that Jasen wouldn't last much longer. That was okay though, Tryst's flare was already pushing even more against the fennec's warm passage and the stallion could feel the pressure of an orgasm building in his loins.

Tryst leaned forward and began to pant into Jasen's large ear to show that he was getting close. Jasen moaned and nodded in response and his cheeks gave an involuntary squeeze as he also began to pant. A few moments later, Tryst groaned and pulled the fox close to his chest as the pressure inside him became too much and he slid over the edge into orgasm. He thrust into the fox, careful not to go too deep, and he felt himself release deep into Jasen. As he shuddered, Tryst worked Jasen's shaft quickly. The fennec squeaked and moaned before he shuddered and climaxed. Tryst gently squeezed the fox's shaft and neighed softly in approval. He put both his arms around the fox and held him close as his softening shaft slid free from Jasen. He looked over the fox to see the results- the mess on the couch was rather impressive.

"Mmm. Looks like a fox, loves the horse cock like a fox, and makes a mess so big we have to wash the couch cover again like a fox. I have to say, I don't think that there's any doubt fennecs are real foxes."

Jasen shuddered again in post orgasm bliss.

"Yeah. I guess we are..."