Electrifying Romance

Story by viperfast1992 on SoFurry

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#1 of Electrifying Romance

A fox and a snow leopard meet under interesting circumstances and things get a little shocking

Hey everyone, i know it has been a long time since i uploaded anything but im back. I have had some life changing events happen and now that everything is clearing up i am gonna start working on content for you all again. thank you all who have been there for support. What i have for you today is an UNEDITED part one of my new story. who knows where this one will go but i can assure you there will be more soon. In this story we have a fox named Victor and a snow leopard named Justin who meet in a very interesting turn of events. I hope you like the story and any feedback is very well loved. please let me know what you think.

If you want to get updates on part two and get to read it before I publish it here please visit my patreon and help a fox out. https://www.patreon.com/Johnviper


It had been a long day at work for the snowy leopard. Being a doctor can really take its toll on you. Especially when you're part of the ER unit. Justin was a very good surgeon. One of the best in fact. Today however he was very busy and was overworked. Due to current events the hospital was under staffed and had many victims in the hospital. It was a dark stormy night. Not that it was unusual during the rainy season, it was just more of a nuisance really. Of course things just couldn't go well for Justin today because about 15 miles from home his car quits running. No lights, nothing will come on. With a deep sigh he rolls the car onto the side of the road and pops the hood. Unfortunately for him he is a doctor, not a mechanic. He has no idea what he is looking at. He tries to start it again but nothing still.

He goes to reach for his phone but is unable to find it. In his over worked, tired state he totally forgot his phone at work in his locker. He curses himself for his mistake. Normally it would be no worry but its Saturday, he has no work tomorrow, and of course its nearly midnight. There isn't a store open where he can use their phone to call for help. As he is getting ready to get back into his car he sees some headlights in the distance heading towards him. He has a slight bit of hope wanting to flag down this hopefully nice person and ask for some help. He finds a small flashlight in his car and attempts to flag down the approaching vehicle.

The older vehicle slows down and stops next to the leopard. Inside is a red fox who is heading home from somewhere.

"Need some help there bud?" asks the seemingly nice fox.

"yeah car died and I have no idea what to do, just cut off on me a few minutes ago. Can I borrow your phone to call for a tow?" Justin asks.

"storm took out the towers, cells are down. Mind if I take a look, it seems to me like your battery died?"

With a bit of sadness and a little hope that the fox can actually help he agrees to let the fox help. The fox pulls over and gets out of his car carrying some jumper cables. He hooks them up to his car and walks over to Justin's car.

"Names victor by the way" says the fox with a smile

"I'm Justin. Nice to meet you, is that safe in this rain?" He asks with some concern.

"Likewise, and I do this all the time, should get ya up and running in no time."

And with that he hooks the cables up to Justin's car and as soon a he touches the cables to the terminals the battery shorts and electrifies victor and throws him back 8 feet and he slams into his own car, falling onto the ground knocked out cold. The jumper cables melted in his hands and were smoking. Justin being trained in electrical burns knows it could be worse then it looks an carefully picks him up and gently lays him in the back of the running car.

Justin quickly gets into the driver seat of Victor's car and hurries to his own house. He has to get him out of his wet clothes and into warmth before its too late. Several minutes pass by and he finally makes it to his own house realizing he left his house key in his own car he rushes to the garage and puts in the door code. The door lifts and he pulls the car into the garage and runs and grabs some towels. He carefully pull Victor up and out of the back seat and carries him into the living room. He quickly but carefully start to pull the clothing off the fox starting with the shirt, which seems to be stuck to his fur. He gets it off with the help of a knife and begins working on his pants and shoes. To his surprise Victor isn't wearing any underwear and Justin just shakes his head before looking his body over for any severe injuries. After finding none he wraps the fox in some towels. He goes over to the fireplace and lights it.

Justin sits in an armchair across from the couch Victor is laying on. He hopes the fox is ok and not too badly hurt. He goes over and checks his body temperature. Seems to be warming up which is good. At least he was able to save him from hypothermia. Now after some rest hopefully he wakes up and the injuries are just minor. Electricity can leave some nasty hidden burns. Or muscle damage. Or worse. Heart failure. Not wanting to leave victor unattended he goes and gets some blankets for himself and opts to sleep in the chair. With the fire crackling Justin is able to fall asleep in no time considering just how tired he was.

Justin woke early the following morning and checked on the curled up fox. His breathing seemed normal and his body temperature was normal. With a smile he walked into his kitchen and started making breakfast. Nothing super special, just some eggs over medium with bacon on an English muffin. The kitchen was filled with the sound of sizzling bacon.

Victor awoke to the sound and smell of breakfast. He was very confused as to why he was naked in a house he did not recognize. He wrapped himself in a towel and followed his nose to the kitchen. As he walked in the doorway he was greeted with a blast of amazing smells that made his mouth water. He looked at Justin, not exactly remembering who he was. With a smile Justin led him to the table. He handed him the plate of food and sat across from him with his own.

Justin could tell that Victor was confused about something and decided now was as good a time to see how he felt.

"Hey bud you ok? You took quite a hit last night in the storm. How do you feel?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, where am I, and what happened last night"?

"Well my car broke down and you tried to jump the battery in the middle of the storm and something happened and you ended up knocked out laying on the ground in the rain. I picked you up and brought you to my home trying to help you get better. My name is Justin, I am a doctor, do you remember?"

"N....no not exactly. My chest hurts. Did I die?" Victor asked confused.

"No you didn't die, though you got pretty close. You started having symptoms of hypothermia. I brought you home and warmed you up. You should have a full recovery in just a few days. The electricity you were hit by was pretty high, it launched you away from my car a good 6 feet or so. I would say take it easy on your muscles for a few days. You are welcome to stay here if you'd like. Although I would need your help in recovering my car later. I took yours since mine wasn't running." Justin explained trying to make sense to the confused fox.

"Why am I naked?" he asked.

"Well that was because your clothes were soaked last night and I wanted to make sure you didn't get hypothermia, you were pretty close as I had stated earlier. If you were wearing underpants I would have left you in those but you weren't so it is what it is. Don't worry I am a doctor so its not like I haven't seen a foxes sheath before."

Victor nodded and went back to eating his food. He was rather hungry. His memory was starting to come back to him slowly. He was grateful to have such a nice leopard helping him out. If it wasn't for him he would sure be dead already.

Suddenly victors stomach started to hurt. He groaned in pain and held his gut. Justin was rather concerned and went to give a hand to help but he swatted him away. He went to grab his plate to put it in the sink like a good house guest would but when he did the plate electrified and the food that was left on it burnt to the plate in seconds before the plate exploded and fell to the ground in pieces. Neither of them knew what just happened but shortly after Victor fell to the floor in pain and passed out. Justin was left standing there confused and worried about his new friend. He had no idea what to do, or what had just happened. In all his years in the medical field he had never seen anything like this. How could he have created electricity out of his hands. It just didn't make any sense.

Justin knelt down not exactly sure how to help but carefully touched the foxes neck. He was checking for a pulse and at the same time was worried he would get shocked if he touched him. After receiving no shocks he continued to check his pulse. After making sure the fox was still alive he got onto his computer and started doing research on the matter at hand. He didn't want to raise suspicion with the doctors he knew. He searched for what seemed like hours before his screen went blank. The power in his house started to dim. He turned to look at the fox on his floor and saw several sparks emitting from his body.

The lights flickered and finally went out fully. There was a very bright flash which blinded Justin for several moments before he was able to look up and see the fox standing right before him as if nothing was wrong.

"Alright doc, what do you make of this?" Victor said with a grin.

Completely dumbfounded Justin just shook his head. There was no medical term for what just happened to the fox. It seemed that the fox was now able to control an electrical charge. This shouldn't be capable. The body just isn't made for it.

Victor just grinned for a moment. "I didn't think so"

Justin finally stood back up and went over to the fox looking him over. His fur was clean and soft. His color was still red. No cuts or scrapes or even scars. He looked like he had been kept in a safe room for his entire life.

"What happened to you Vic?" Justin finally asked not sure what else to say

"I have no idea what happened but I feel great now. Like I am full of energy and I don't know what to do with it."

"You have the ability to control electricity? But how? It shouldn't be possible."

"Well when I was little I was always told I was a god of some sort and the only way I would know what I was a god of was when the right time occurred. I guess last night something happened and it turns out I am a god of lightning. Or something, I don't know I never believed it. I thought it was just some story my dad told me to make me happy when I was sad." Victor explained still slightly confused about himself as well.

Justin was in awe, he had no idea that he had been sheltering a god. He never even considered that there was a god, or more then one for that matter. "Well Mr. God of lightning, what are you going to do with it. What even are you capable of?"

"Well for one I am now immune to electricity and can do something with sparks. I'm not exactly sure what all I can do with it. My life has been complete hell up to this point. Its still kind of hard for me to go from living that life to basically being a powerful god of electricity."

"How could your life been hell. What happened to you?" Justin asked with a hint of concern.

"Well for one yesterday I lost my job. Company I was working for went under. Couldn't pay their bills so I ended up not able to pay mine. Because that had happened I lost my house. All I have left is my car. I was on the way to the lake to drive into it and drown myself. To..... To be honest you.... You saved my life. I still have nothing but at least I'm not in that horrible state of mind again. I wasn't thinking." Victor hung his head and flattened his ears.

Justin walked up to him and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Hey, its gonna be ok Vix. You are welcome to stay here with me. I don't mind. I do get rather lonely here in this house all by myself. It would be nice to have a friend here."

Victor perked up and hugged Justin. After a few moments he realized his was still naked and backed off. "I'm going to need some clothing please. I cant stay like this."

Justin smiled and chuckled "why not, that look looks good on you." He said jokingly which caused Victor to blush.

Justin walked upstairs to his room and opened up the closet. "if you can find anything in here that fits you are very welcome to wear it. We will get you back up on your feet in no time. Although I hope it takes a bit longer. I really do like having your company." He smiled and walked away leaving the naked fox there in his room alone to change. He was happy he had a new friend. He was just hoping that he would decide to stay here with him. There was something about the strange fox that attracted him to him. Justin never really considered himself gay. He never really considered himself straight either. He shook his head to dismiss the thought and headed downstairs to clean up breakfast.

It didn't take too long for Victor to head back downstairs and join his new friend in the kitchen. Justin smiled as he saw the fox in a nice pair of jeans and a collared shirt. It made his fur look that much nicer.

"Ive decided to take you up on your offer and stay here with you." Victor said with a low, sad tone.

With a hint of concern Justin replied. "That is wonderful. I was hoping you would." He went over and hugged the fox. Not sure what to do Victor just slowly hugged back. His life had just changed today and he was still unsure what he was going to do with it next.

After a few moments Victor backed away and patted Justin's shoulder. They remained silent for a few moments. Justin was the one who spoke up.

"So, what do you want to do now?"

Victor was still a little confused about how he was feeling. He too was starting to become attracted to Justin. He wasn't sure why. Not that he had ever had a relationship before. He just never really questioned his sexuality. Now there was a very good looking snow leopard standing in front of him and it was starting to have an effect on him. It caused him to blush for a few moments before he realized Justin had asked him a question.

"I uhh, I don't know honestly. I never really had a plan for life" He replied hesitantly.

Justin smiled at him "How about a nice walk in the park to clear your head hmmm?"

Victor perked up at the question and nodded his head agreeing to the plan. The park wasn't too far from the house so they didn't really have to drive there. It was now late afternoon and the temperature was cooling down. They headed down to the park at a nice slow walking pace staying relatively quiet. Each of them lost in their own thoughts. Neither of them sure what exactly they were feeling.

As they were walking to the park Justin decided to turn off and head into the nearby woods. He knew of a lake that was back there and knew it was usually empty. He pulled victor by the arm and headed down through the thick trees to the nearby water. Victor was caught off guard and just followed him not questioning his reasoning. When they got down to the water Victor was in awe. The beauty of the sight before him was almost too much. It was like they were sent to a new land away from civilization. Completely secluded and private.

"I almost forgot about this place. I haven't been here in years. I used to come here when I was younger when I wanted to get away from life. This place always made me happy. The water here comes from a spring so it is always cool and very refreshing." Justin explained to the stunned fox. He had no idea a place this beautiful could have existed in a city like theirs.

"It is amazing. Can we swim?" Victor asked.

"I was kind of hoping we could go swimming" Justin replied with a grin and began to remove his shirt.

Victor just watched as Justin removed his shirt and then began to remove his pants. He didn't know why but something stirred in his pants as his thoughts betrayed him. Justin knew he was having an effect on his new fox friend and wanted to see how far he could go with him before he gave in and melted into his arms. Something was pulling him close to Victor and he wasn't about to fight it. He has wanted a loving relationship for a long time and now was his chance.

Victor was lost in his thoughts. Was he about to join this snow leopard in a swim in the water. Was he actually going to get naked with someone he just met last night in an odd turn of events. His life has changed and it seems to him it has changed for the better. He knew he didn't owe his life to Justin for saving his life. But he still didn't know why no matter how hard he tried all he could think about was him. He wanted him. He knew it but he didn't know why.

As Justin got undressed into his birthday suit he just stood in front of Victor watching him for a moment. He knew he was eyeballing him but wanted him to have his moment. Although he wanted his share as well and turned around and headed down to the water leaving the fully clothed fox up alone on the shore. He dove underwater and emerged back quickly looking up at the fox with a sly grin.

"Well, you coming or not?" He asked teasingly.

Victor just had a small grin and began to undress himself slowly. He wasn't trying to be a tease to Justin he was just trying to hide the fact that his cock began to emerge from his sheath. He wasn't really shy about it normally but now he felt exposed. He took his time but it was just too much for the fox. By the time he was able to get his pants off he was still poking out. Justin of course saw it and smiled briefly before diving back underwater and waiting for Victor to join him. Victor didn't want to be out in the open any longer then he had to so he ran down to the water quickly and jumped in trying to wash the blush off of his face.

Justin emerged from the depths of the lake again close to Victor. Neither of them shared any words as they just stared into each other's eyes. Justin had crystal blue eyes which glistened in the light while Victor had piercing yellow eyes. The water was just deep enough for the both of them to stand and have only their heads out of the water. It only took a few moments for Victor to finally just melt into Justin's arms. He laid his head on his chest and purred against him. Justin just smiled as he knew he had him now.

Justin scratched Victor's back for a few moments happily knowing he had his fox in his arms. Victor was now his, and there was nothing that would change that. He was suddenly very happy knowing that everything he wanted in his life was right in his arms. He had never been so sure of it before. He just held onto Victor holding him close to his heart, not letting him go.

Victor on the other hand was content with just being held with his new friend. still unsure what his future would bring, but he knew whatever happened now was everything he wanted. As he held onto Justin his body betrayed him and his cock started to emerge from his sheath again. He tried to hold it back not wanting to scare Justin thinking he was going too fast for him. But then again all he could think about was how he was in the arms of a naked snow leopard. And every time he thought of it it made him even harder. Soon enough the tip of his cock was rubbing against Justin, and he knew Justin knew what it was. He looked up to him to speak but before he could say anything Justin had wrapped his hand around Victors cock and started to gently tug on it.

Victor just moaned softly. Not wanting it to end. He knew this is what he wanted. He pushed his hips forward and looked into the eyes of Justin and kissed him. He was in complete bliss. He hadn't been touched in this way in a long time and it had never been by someone who truly cared about him. They held the kiss for what seemed like hours only breaking the kiss to breathe occasionally. Justin now had become hard and was rubbing both of their cocks together, the differences between the two species making the pleasure just that much more enjoyable.

Victor just couldn't take it anymore and held onto Justin as he came underwater, his orgasm more powerful than any he could ever produce on his own. He kissed Justin again and just panted.

"That was amazing, I never knew it could feel that good." Victor told him.

"Oh there is plenty more for you to experience cutie." Justin smiled. "This was just the teaser to what is to come."

This sent shivers down Victors spine. Like it unlocked something deep inside him. It unlocked his inner submissive. He knew it at that point that Justin was in complete control over him, and he didn't care one bit. In fact, it excited him. It made him want more. He knew this was what he has wanted for so long, and he wasn't going to disappoint. He wrapped his arms around Justin and just kissed his neck. He wanted to show him that this was in fact the path he chose and it was the one he wanted. He didn't want to leave. He ran his paws down Justin's chest and through his fur gently. As he went lower he made sure to give some special attention to his nipples. The entire time he is doing this he is constantly kissing on his neck.

As he trailed his paw lower he brought them around behind him and rubbed on his rear. His goal was to give Justin the same pleasure he had just gotten from him. It wasn't fair that he got to cum already and Justin got nothing yet. He pulled him in close rubbing their bodies together. Ever so slightly he grabbed onto the cat's steamy rod. He tugged on it gently while kissing his neck still. Feeling the long, thick rod in his own paw was sending chills up his spine. He never thought he would be in this situation, nor did he think he would actually enjoy it. Justin just sighed and moaned at the feelings he was being treated to.

Victor used his free paw to try something new. He reached around Justin and used one of his digits to massage his hole. He rubbed along it until he found the rhythm that Justin seemed to enjoy the most. He kept rubbing along Justin's slick member. The water seemed to be boiling around them. He slowly sank one of his digits into the rear of Justin and he moaned at the feeling. The invading digit pressing into places the cat had never thought would bring him pleasure. And in an instant Victor had an idea. He had saw a video on tv one time on the science channel which showed how they take semen samples from cattle with a rectal pole that applies a small voltage to stimulate the prostate of the male and make them cum. He looked up at Justin with a grin and started tugging on his member quicker. Without even warning him he used his newfound electrical abilities and gave a small shock right to his prostate.

Justin's eyes seemed to roll into the back of his head with the extreme pleasure he got as he suddenly reached his climax and exploded a white cloud under the water. Victor could feel Justin's cock throb in his hand with each spurt that he produced. Justin thought he had died and gone to heaven. As he came down from his orgasmic high he was breathing heavily and had to catch his breath. Victor let go of his cock and just stared into his blue eyes. Victor was proud of what he had done. He wanted to show his new lover that he was up to anything. What a lovely way to use his new powers.

Thank you so much for reading. This is the end of Part 1. Part 2 is already in progress. Please leave a comment if you liked the story. or if you didnt like it. I would love to know where you would like to see this go.