Zootopia Spirit Chronicles Chapter 3

Story by Senryo on SoFurry

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#3 of Zootopia Spirit Chronicles

Chapter 3! Enjoy!

Comments welcome!

Chapter 3 - Awakening the Primal Animal Spirit

The reality they have known all their lives was torn away from them in an instant. Stranded in this so called Spirit World with two animals who he had just met moments ago. The wolf's mind would have shattered in that instant if it wasn't for the young rabbit speaking up and taking charge of this absurd situation as best as she could handle.

"Okay Judy...get it together... okay so let's review what just happened so we can try to make sense of this. Alex, this wolf, was the target of two attacks today. One was self inflicted as he was confronted by that officer and one just now when we saw that figure start to choke him. It was brief but we eventually saw that figure and that whoever that was is the main reason why you collapsed this morning. Now were we suddenly transported to this world by this supposed main culprit. Probably stranded with no hope of escape. Am I getting this right?" Judy said as calmly as she could her nose twitching and her foot stomping furiously with anxiety.

"You sure are calm Carrots for being transported into this so called Spirit World. None of this makes any sense but we are experiencing this first hand...we have to accept this no matter how absurd this seems." Nick was acting calm on the outside but deep down he was panicked. His years of experience keeping a straight face and not letting his emotions get to him was showing strong.

Meanwhile Alex was shaking unable to control his body's reaction to his emotions. Alex nodded to Judy's review of the events so far. "Yes Officer Hopps that's correct sorry it's just...I...I can't believe it... someone else actually saw it...I'm...not alone in this anymore..." His eyes welling up, he wanted someone anyone to believe him and now there were witnesses right in front of him. The wolf began to explain that he could see these visions ever since when he was a child and no one would ever take him seriously. Finally other animals can see it, he could finally get help, if only the situation didn't seem so hopeless. Judy and Nick waited for Alex to calm down and soon enough he regained his composure.

Judy gulped and looked to the boys "We shouldn't stay here let's find a way out of this place. Nick can you lead the way through these dark hallways? Alex as officers we will protect you there isn't anything to worry about so let's hurry up and find the exit and put this whole experience behind us." She said as positively as she could. Alex appreciated the sentiment and nodded in agreement.

Nick nodded holding his police baton firmly as he guided everyone through the hospital. The elevator wasn't working as with all the other electronics, so they had no choice to take the stairs down. Alex wasn't in the best of shape and going down ten flights of stairs he started panting heavily the other two unfazed by the slight exercise. "Wait let me...catch my breath..." he said at the bottom of the stairs.

"Gotta get some fresh air and exercise once in a while four eyes! Let's keep moving! That includes you too Carrots!" Nick said showing off his physical prowess to the wolf by jogging in place as the wolf gasped for air.

"D...Does he have a nickname for everyone?" he asked Judy panting for air.

"Unfortunately...I am started to think he has nothing better to do in his free time than to come up with derogatory nicknames for other animals." Judy said sighing.

Soon the group reached the entrance to the hospital and were able to leave the dark building thanks to Nick's night vision skills. The outside was devoid of life perfectly implanting the fact that this was a Spirit World. It was cloudy but the sky was naturally bright in the spirit world as very bright bluish-green moonlight shown through. The scenery was eerily calming and put them at ease. The flickering light of spirits creating a majestic glow in the city. Yet the trio were snapped out of this quickly as an extreme feeling of dread washed over them, the silence of the world broken by a loud monstrous groan that was coming directly behind them. The voices that spoke to them when they first arrived were able to reach them once again. "Grudge...a creature unable to move on... filled with hate...run!"

The voices didn't have to tell them twice. With renewed energy and his life on the line Alex was able to start sprinting furiously away from the creature behind him, Judy and Nick quickly passing Alex thanks to their physically fit bodies. Alex turned back and saw it was the same monster deer that almost killed him twice today. The deer roared and chased them on all fours. Judy was in front of the group and started shouting directions of where to go to try to lose the deer. The deer was able to jump quite far and snarled at them when it landed in front of the animals running for their lives. Judy's quick reaction skills helped them evade running directly into the deer thankfully but something felt strange to Alex. It seems like the deer wasn't giving it his all. It was almost as if there were being lead somewhere.

As they ran through the streets turning corner after corner seemingly guided by the monster deer they soon arrived at the bus stop near Alex's apartment building. The same place he was first attacked this morning. As soon as they stepped near the bus stop the world shook violently. The eerie bluish-green moonlight illuminating the area turned red. A blood like substance was covering the ground just like in his first vision. A broken car was seen near the bus stop which seemed to be the source of the blood covering the area. The deer smirked staring them down as Judy tried to turn back the way they came running smack dab into an invisible wall. The rush of adrenaline soon ended as Alex felt incredible fatigue getting down on one knee panting.

"There is no escape..." said the monstrous deer. "This is my domain...I control the space within...Now I can finally get my revenge...This wolf... this wolf killed me! He took everything away from me! My family... my friends... everything! Ever since the day that wolf ran me over it was all gone!"

Judy and Nick eyed Alex in shock. "Is that true, did you kill that deer?" asked Judy.

"No that's impossible! I don't even own a car and I don't have a driver's license!" Alex shouted to Judy before turning back to the deer.

"Wait Judy! Think back, remember what the rabbit spirit said at the hospital? That he didn't remember his own name? Maybe spirits forget a part of their memories when they die." Nick said stating the facts. "Judy I think we can trust this guy he's been honest with us so far and we are kinda stuck with him until we get outta here. Let's see this through together partner!" Nick gave her a cocky smile and a wink.

Judy was embarrassed but she changed her mind and agreed with Nick. Besides it was wrong to just accuse someone without getting the facts, the situation had put her on edge leading to her wrongful accusation. Besides this was one of the nicest wolves she had met, even nicer than some of the jerky ones at the police station."You've got the wrong wolf! Please let us go and send us back to the real world!" she cried.

"I know a wolf killed me and that is all I care about... I'll kill your entire species if I have to! Now die!" The monstrous deer suddenly grew larger, turning into some sort of demonic car. Spikes jutting out of his back as his hooves became wheels. The hood of the car formed into a deer shaped head angrily staring the wolf down.

The three were able to get run over and like a deer caught in headlights and they couldn't move out of the way in time. The situation was truly hopeless, despair encircled their beings as death was approaching. Suddenly the clouds above started to break apart revealing a full moon. Alex couldn't resist it... even at this critical moment, even if it was before his death he had to howl. One last howl...maybe someone anyone can help if they hear his voice. With sadness and fear in his eyes he got on all fours and let out the most sorrowful howl he could.

The deer froze and stopped it's advance as the howl echoed through the area. "I can't move... what's going on? Did you do this wolf?"

Alex's chest hurt, it was on fire he clutched it and turned to Nick and Judy who seemed to be experiencing the same thing.

"Ugh this hurts..." Judy said screaming.

"This... this feeling... what's going on..." Nick shouted.

Everything turned to white and Alex was alone in a white space. A large wolf soon appeared before him but it wasn't like him. It was an un-evolved wolf from ancient times. It was almost double Alex's size, and covered in light blue icy fur. The wolf also had extremely large fangs typical of a savage and ancient wolf yet there was something comforting in the way it behaved. He felt like it was something he knew deep down as a natural part of himself.

The wolf spoke directly inside Alex's mind in a god-like tone. "Alex...I am one of the primal wolf spirits... Fenrir. The first wolf to ever exist. The origin of all wolves in their natural state. Yet you are different, you have evolved and are living in a society with animals we once preyed upon. You have the potential to harness the power of the wolf spirit, the animal within your very soul. Alex your destiny is tied to this place. You can not die here. I will bless you with power that will aid you in this realm... Now go forth and live on!" The wolf vanished, and soon a sword appeared in Fenrir's place. The sword was long enough to be a two-handed broadsword, and was ice blue in appearance with a silver hilt.

Judy was having a similar experience a large bunny with snow-like fur was standing right before her. "Judy, I am Centzon Totochtin, one of the primal spirits of bunnies like yourself. We have come far as a species having evolved to be able to break bread with those who would once dine on our flesh. You possess bravery, bravery to acknowledge your faults, to rise above and be accepted by predators. I will grant you my blessing. Please protect this place as you protect other animals my child..." The bunny spirit disappeared leaving behind a spear with a carrot shaped blade at the end of the pole.

A yellow furred fox with a mischievous grin appeared before Nick calling itself Oinari. "Nick...I am one of the primal fox spirits. A guiding light to our fellow brothers and sisters when the world was young. We are known as sly and sneaky to other animals but we have so much more potential. I have witnessed you overcome challenges and find acceptance in this world. Nick though it may frighten you please continue to overcome everything and rise above it all. I will grant you my blessing." A wooden longbow appeared in the fox spirit's place.

The three woke out of their daze holding the weapons they were given by the primal animal spirits. It felt warm to touch like it was an extension of their beings. Their very souls made manifest into weapons that can be used against this monstrous demonic deer. There was much to be discussed, so many unanswered questions, but there was one big problem in their way.

Zootopia Spirit Chronicles Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Struggle and Acceptance "What the hell just happened?" Alex said in a daze, gazing at the sword that was born from his soul. The blessing of the primal spirit gave him the power to fight in this world. With this sword he could fight for...

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Zootopia Spirit Chronicles Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Parallel World Darkness. Everything was covered in black. The wolf felt like he was starting to regain his senses, the sensation returning to his paws and ears. He slowly opened his eyes as a huge light shone through. Taking a bit to...

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Zootopia Spirit Chronicles Chapter 1

Zootopia - Spirit Chronicles Chapter 1 - Encounter with Fate The morning sun shone brightly through the blinds of the room of a certain apartment building. The light agitated the wolf's eyes, making him turn over in his bed to avoid the intruding...

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