Our First Year Chapter 7

Story by Silasallday on SoFurry

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#7 of Our First Year

Hey you furs, got chapter 7 written and its ready to post! There are a couple of bumps along the way, but Shawn and Jake are strong. Thank you to all the furs giving me a few favs and votes. Means a lot to me! Well... without farther a-do. Chapter 7 of Our First Year.

Stepping through the metal detector, Shawn and Jake glance back, taking note of the smiles on their friends maw as they sent them off.

"I'm scared Shawn..."

"It's okay pup. There's nothing to be afraid of. I'll be with you every step of the way."

"I... what if I break? What if I can't handle it?"

"It's told you pup, I'll be right there. There won't be anything to be scared of."

"But I don't want to..." Jake trailed off, a tear welling in his eye.

Shawn grabbed Jake's muzzle, forcing him to look into his eyes. Shawn let his gaze seep through the husky, pouring his confidence into him. Jake's shoulders began to relax.

"I love you Jake and I'll never let anything happen to you... be it physical or emotional."

Jake's eyes sparkled, his tears breaking his will and pouring down his face. Shawn wrapped Jake in a strong embrace, squeezing him just the right amount to give him peace, but no discomfort. Jake pulled back, giving Shawn an affectionate peck on his muzzle, attracting the attention of a few passers-by. A few "oh's" and "what's" were uttered. Jake shrugged them off as he brought his lips to Shawn's, figuring he'd give them a little show. Jake pulled back, willing himself to stop being they were in a public place.

"Where did that come from pup?"

"I don't know. I just felt like doing it, I hope you didn't mind."

"How could I possibly mind? Your kisses are what I enjoy the most!" A smile crept across his lips, soon infecting Jake. They sat there, simply grinning at each other for a few minutes, seeming time was non-existent. Before long, a female voice chimed over the intercom, stating "Flight 291 will be boarding in 15 minutes. Thank you and have a wonderful day." Shawn jumped up, grabbing all his carry-on and sprinting toward their gate. Jake scrambled to keep up.

Reaching the gate, Shawn pulled out his phone and looked at the time.

"Three minutes to spare! We made it just in time!"

Jake jogged up behind him, stopping and leaning over, huffing to catch his breath.

"Yeah... we... just... made it." Jake inhaled deeply, slowing his breath a bit.

Shawn fished their boarding passes out of his bag, studying every number.

"Okay, we board here and should be landing in Trinity in approximately six hours."

"That sounds good. I have six hours to collect myself before we get there."

"I'm here to help!"

Jake giggled, placing his paw on Shawn's muzzle.


The female voice once again came over the intercom, "Flight 291 is now boarding. Please make your way to the boarding line and present your passes."

Shawn glances back down to his ticket, studying the number 1 under "priority boarding". The clerk behind the desk called out for any passenger with priority boarding number 1 to step to the line. Shawn and Jake came forward, noticing only three others got in line behind them. They flashed their passes and id, proceeding to the narrow hallway that led to the plane. Finding their proper seats, Shawn and Jake sat, getting comfortable. Their seats were spread out just enough to provide ample room to lean the seat back to a comfortable position. Shawn dug in his back pocket, pulling out his wallet.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna get a little something to drink. You want anything?"

"I'm not old enough."

"Jake... I meant a soda..."

Jake glowed red. "I... whoops!"

Shawn chuckled to himself. "It's okay pup, I understand how you would think that."

The flight attendant came by and gave them a couple of sprite. The soda was cold, coming from a bucket of ice. Shawn cracked open his can and poured it into the cup provided for them. Jake didn't the same, being careful not to spill it.

Jake's chair suddenly lurched forward, causing his cup to spill, covering him in ice and soda.

"What the hell?"

Shawn quickly stood up and turned around to see a little badger in the seat behind Jake. What shawn assumed was the kids father sat beside him, his gaze never faltering from the newspaper in his paws.

"Sir, can you keep your kid under control? He just kicked my boyfriend's chair and made him spill his drink all in his lap!"

Jake stood up and put his paw on Shawn's shoulder.

"It's okay Shawn, I'll go clean up in the restroom."

Shawn moved out of Jake's way, never losing focus on the older badger.

"Sir... are you even listening?"

"We don't care for homosexuals. As far as I'm concerned you shouldn't even have the right to sit in business class. You should be in the cargo hold... along with all the other feral animals."

The badgers cold words rolled off his tongue with ease, his eyes never leaving his paper. Shawn's jaw dropped in disbelief.

"You should close your mouth. Scum like you might find something in it if you aren't careful."

The insult was too much for Shawn to bare. His anger was at max capacity. The passing flight attendant stopped to ask what the problem was.

"This man and his kid are getting off at making fun of me and my boyfriend! His kid kicked my boyfriend's seat and made him spill his drink, then he turns around and insults me because I'm gay!"

The flight attendants eyes shot wide, an angry passion behind them.

"Hang on sir, give me one moment."

The attendant disappeared behind a curtain.

"She won't help you. No one helps fags like you."

A moment later, the attendant returned, a middle aged black wolf at her heels. The wolf was in a white uniform. The wolf stopped next to Shawn, his angry eyes fixed on the badger.

When the wolf spoke, his voice was deep and raspy. "Sir, we do not tolerate any kind of bigotry towards other guests! I am asking you once and only once to gather your belongings and make your way to the back of the plane. I will not tolerate this behavior on my plane!"

The badgers focus had turned from his paper to the wolf, his eyes full of rage and his jaw hanging wide open.

"I will do no such thing! I paid for this seat! I refuse to move! If anyone should move it should be those fags!"

The wolf did not speak. He simply grabbed the badger by his shirt collar and lifted him out of his chair and off the floor.

"If you dare use another discriminatory term in front of me, I will personally throw you off this plane. Do you understand me?"

The badger simply nodded and quickly grabbed his carry on bag and his son and made his way toward the back of the plane.

"I am so sorry you had to listen to that sir. It is absolutely unacceptable behavior from someone like him."

Shawn's anger was slowly dissolving. "Sir, you wouldn't happen to be the captain... would you?"

"As a matter of fact, I am... why?"

"I thought the captain didn't get involved in the affairs of the passenger?" Shawn sounded more confused than anything.

"That is incorrect. This is my plane... and if something is bothering one of my passenger, I make sure the problem is solved in an efficient manner."

"So... why didn't you help him?" Jake had returned, his eyes quickly scanning the scene.

"I do not tolerate bigotry of any kind on my plane sir, if it would have been over a different issue, I would have solved the manner in a different way."

"Oh." Jake's eyes fell to the floor. Shawn quickly sits him in his seat.

"Thank you very much captain."

"It's no problem young man. I hope you have a nice ride in the meantime. We should be arriving at our destination in approximately an hour."

The captain and attendant walk away. Shawn laced his fingers through Jake's and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Jake, are you okay?"

"Yeah," Jake's eyes were glassy, "I just wish there weren't problems for furs like us. I don't like how we have to live in fear of being attacked for our interests."

"Jake, puppy, people are attacked for their interests all the time. Not just because they are gay, but for several other reasons. Unfortunately for that little boy, he has a father who hates... and it seems to be rubbing off on him."

"Then... let's get a son ourselves!" Jake's eyes lit up, burning bright with desire.

"Jake, do you really want a son?" Shawn's tone wavers, a little unsure of what to think. He had never thought about having a child before. It would be a whole new adventure for him, but he would have Jake with him. A sense of relief and happiness fell over him as he thought about himself and Jake having a family.

"I do," Jake shifted in his seat so he could look at Shawn directly, "I've always wanted a son, but I figured oddly never have one since I'm gay."

"Oh pup, you know adoption is always there."

"I know, I thought about it a lot recently. Ever since my parents passed," Jake seemed to choke on the word 'passed', "I've thought about how happy they made me. I want to have that feeling again."

"Jake, we can't afford to go to school and support a child."

"I have a job lined up already. I'll be getting paid a hefty amount, enough to support myself going to school and to be able to own an apartment."

"When we're you going to tell me about this job?"

"I talked to the manager of a security installation company. It's called Diebold. The manager said that since I'm going to school to better myself, they would give me and, if I had, my family free dental and medical insurance. I'd start on a salary of $50,000 a year. That's enough for two people, college, and my own place, which is cheaper than the dorms anyways!"

"Jake! This is a lot to take in. We've been together for a few weeks now and you're already talking moving in and adopting? I don't know if I can handle that."

"I know, I... I'm sorry Shawn... I just..."

Shawn cut Jake off, giving him a kiss.

"I never said no, I just said it's a lot to take in."

Jake's heart seemed to explode. His chest became hot and his eyes grew wide. "You mean?"

"Let's wait for this year to be over. After the end of this year we will talk about it farther. I love you Jake and I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

"I love you too Shawn." Jake leans in and kisses Shawn again. Their kiss was long and passionate. A few 'Eww's were muttered by children passing, but no one said anything. Finally, the sound of a small voice broke them from their kiss. "Mommy, those guys are kissing! It's so cute!"

Shawn looked behind him and say a little female Lynx staring at them. What Shawn assumed was her mother glanced in their direction, gave them a quick smile and returned to her book. The twinkle in the little girl's eyes seemed to amplify Shawn's desire to kiss Jake, as well as his newly found desire to have a family with him.


Jake looked at Shawn confused. "Okay what?"

"Okay. I will. However, if you get to have a son, I want a daughter!"

Jake's eyes flashed. Quickly wrapping Shawn in a hug, Jake let out a huge breath. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"But," Shawn pulled away from Jake holding his paw up. "My previous condition still stands. And I want us to be married before we adopt."

"I can make do with that!" Jake hugs Shawn again.

"I love you puppy."

"I love you too foxy!"

Jake buried his muzzle in Shawn's chest, taking a deep breath. Shawn caressed Jake's ears. The soft sounds of Jake snoring slowly penetrating the silence. Shawn takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Instantly he fell asleep.

"Here's your room key Mr. Victor. We hope you enjoy your stay with us."

"Thanks." Shawn took the key and walked back out to the rental car he got from CarMax. Jake remained in the passenger seat, looking tired.

Shawn glanced at his phone, "1837" was in digital print on the screen. A message flashed across his screen, "One new message." Shawn swiped the screen, revealing the message sent to him from his mom.

"Just letting you know, your sisters trial didn't go well. She wanted to tell you in person but you didn't answer the one phone call she got. She has been sentenced to six years, possible parole in three. Hope you're happy with how you've treated her."

Shawn clenched his phone. A tear fell on the screen, the water magnifying the word "six". Shawn dropped to his knees, his jaw clenched shut. A paw fell on his shoulder, another wrapping around his chest. Soon there was a pair of lips on his cheek.

"It's okay babe. I'm here for you always." Jake's soft voice broke through his mental walls he had built from the message.

Shawn gasped, tears streaming down his face. In one moment he realized why he had been lashing out at people recently. He was angry for his sister. He was angry at her choices, the boys she rode with. He was angry she played a part in Jake's parents death.

Jake moved around in front of Shawn and embraced him. Shawn clenched Jake's shirt. The fabric stretching. Shawn let go and wrapped his arms around Jake, sobbing heavily into his shoulder.

"Shawn, I love you. And you know that just as you said you'd always be there for me, I'll always be there for you. You never need to hide anything from me."

Shawn cried out. His anger forcing him to cry uncontrollably. Jake simply rub Shawn's back and shoulder, sitting on the sidewalk just outside the lobby to the Days Inn they were staying at. Jake had parked the car and turned it off when he saw Shawn fall to his knees.

After a few moments, Shawn's sobs slowed, eventually ceasing.

"I..." Shawn lost his thoughts. His emotional stability having been scrambled left him feeling weak.

"Don't say anything babe. Let's just go to the room and lie down." Jake's words were building a wall around Shawn, blocking his problems from arising. His voice calmed him. Shawn found himself standing, slowly walking towards the car, Jake's arm around his waist.

They retrieved their bags and headed to the room. They reached the door and Shawn pulled out the key card. The door beeped and opened, revealing a standard hotel room. A single king sized bed in the middle, a door that more than likely led to the bathroom, and a sink just behind the door. This was to be their new home for the next four days. When the funeral was over on Friday, they would be headed back to the airport to board a plane and head back to school.

Jake took their bags and put them down in the corner. Jake took Shawn and pulled him to the bed. Jake climbed on the bed, pulling Shawn with him. Jake wrapped his arms around Shawn. They gaze into each other's eyes. Shawn's eyes slowly regaining their shine.

"Babe..." Shawn runs his paw down Jake's chest, stopping at his stomach. He puts his other paw on Jake's cheek. "I'm sorry. I promised myself I'd hold strong for you, but I broke."

"Shawn, neither of us can hold both of our pain alone. We need to lean on each other."

"Thanks babe." Shawn kisses Jake gently. The kiss was meant to be quick, but Shawn found his tongue in Jake's muzzle. Jake's was sorting it's way into his as well. He worked his tongue around, battling with Jake for dominance. Finally Jake's tongue receded and allowed Shawn full reign in his boyfriend's mouth. Jake sucked on Shawn's tongue while Shawn playfully nipped Jake's lips. Shawn soon found his shirt was gone. He didn't quite remember taking it off, however Jake was also shirtless. Shawn found one of his paws cupping Jake's behind, his other unbuttoning Jake's pants. He struggled until finally Jake reached down and unbuttoned his jeans for him. Shawn dipped his hand down Jake's pants, rubbing his sheath. Jake moaned into their kiss, not wanting to break the contact.

Shawn flipped Jake on his back and braced himself, continuing to kiss and fondle Jake. Jake's moans were coming more often now. Shawn pulled his hand away from Jake's crotch and started to mess with Jake's ears.

Jake finally broke the kiss, gently pushing Shawn back.

"Shawn, please fuck me."

Shawn left a trail of kisses down Jake's chest and stomach causing Jake to moan with each kiss. Shawn pulled Jake's waistband, pulling his pants and boxer briefs off in a quick flash. His member was fully erect, a small amount of pre leaking from the tip. Shawn grabbed Jake's thighs and pulled his legs up. Jake braced himself for what he thought was coming. Instead, Jake felt something soft and wet penetrate him.

"OH... FUCK!"

Shawn worked his tongue around Jake's hole. Slipping it in farther and farther. Jake grabbed the sheets in his paws, clenching his fists tight. Jake's moans came with short breaths. Shawn continued to work his tongue in Jake's hole, sending jolts of pleasure through his body. Shawn finally pulled away from Jake, standing off the edge of the bed. Shawn pulled Jake to the edge and held his fully erect member up to Jake's hole. Slowly, Shawn pushed himself into Jake inch by inch. Jake's soft moans were an indication that he was enjoying it. When Shawn was fully pressed into Jake, he leaned down and kissed Jake. Jake's paws cupped the back of Shawn's head and pulled him closer, their tongue battling for dominance. Finally Shawn broke the kiss and stood back up. Grabbing Jake's hips, Shawn pulled himself out and pushed back into Jake. Jake moaned with each pump. Jake threw his head back and let his pleasure consume him.

"Oh God, please Shawn... fuck me!"

Shawn took his fox's hint and began to increase his speed. Every thrust Shawn made sent a wave of pleasure through Jake.

Jake felt his pressure rise in him. He let go of the sheets and wrapped his paw around his member, thrusting it up and down. Jake clenched his eyes shut as he reached his climax, shooting his load all over his chest.

Jake reaching climax made him clench his hole tight, the feeling rushed through Shawn sending him over the edge. A final thrust slipped Shawn's knot into Jake, swelling up, tying them together. Shawn's cum shot into Jake's hole, causing him to feel very full.

Shawn laid on top of Jake, their sweat mixing with Jake's cum, sticking to their fur. Shawn pressed his lips against Jake's, slipping his tongue past Jake's and into his mouth. They laid there a few minutes, simply kissing each other, waiting for Shawn to shrink down.

"My God Shawn, where did that come from?"

"I could ask you the same thing puppy."

Jake snickered, then wrapped his arms around Shawn.

"I love you foxy."

"Love you too pup."

Shawn's knot slipped out of Jake.

Together, they stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When they were both clean, they put on some underwear and slipped under the sheets.

"Do you know how many furs have had sex on these sheets?"

"Probably a lot. I hope the cleaning lady washes them well."

"Well, not like it matters for us, you're already all over them." Shawn winked at Jake.

"I... guess that's true." Jake giggled as Shawn wrapped his arms around Jake, lacing his fingers through his own. A few moments passed and their exhaustion slowly consumed them, causing them to slip into slumber.