Raising Asses - 3

Story by sorfa on SoFurry

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#3 of Raising Asses

As sunlight filtered through the barn the donkey woke contentedly, looking down at the one sleeping so close. That figure was getting more and more perfect, the brown hair growing in a bit thicker now. Upon inspection of his boys ass the donkey could see the spine beginning to lengthen, just a nub of a protrusion at the moment. The donkey leaned over and licked the nub and over the cheeks of his boy, making him stir and hum. As he stirred it moved his musky scent into the air again. The donkey did love that smell.

Jake woke to all those now familiar sensations: big warm body against his, that wet tongue running over his body, that cock emerging from it's sheath. There was one that was both familiar and not. Love, from and for the donkey with him. He knew love, obviously. He felt it for his mom and dad, and from them too. But this was different, but realizing it gave him a big goofy smile. As the growing flare pressed on his black pucker Jake looked back into the donkey's eyes, maintaining eye contact. The donkey seemed to read something in his look; it leaned forward and pressed it's muzzle against Jake's lips, making him moan. The two shared a long sloppy kiss, the donkeys thick tongue invading Jake's mouth and part of his throat. By this point the donkey's cock had slid into Jake's ass easily, slipping down to the base. The donkey broke the kiss as it started making long slow thrusts in and out of Jake's ass. Jake cut off mid moan when he heard a knock at the barn door followed by his mom's voice.

"Jake, honey are you in there?"

Jake bit his lip to keep from moaning, the donkey still slowly fucking him. "Y-yea I'm here. W-wanted to... get an early start after yesterday," he dropped his head, keeping a groan from bursting out. Couldn't have his mom coming in and seeing him like that.

"Oh sure. Your dad will be happy to hear that. Just wanted to remind you we won't have water for most of today; someone's coming to install that new pump. You'll have to go to the rec center to shower, ok?"

Jake meanwhile was having a hard time keeping quiet, the donkey nibbling his neck and ears, running it's tongue over both. "Sure mom. I'll see you later... aaahhhawww gods." Luckily for him his mom had walked away and didn't hear the braying moan.

The donkey just kept fucking his boy, aroused further by what it was doing to him. Every thrust was causing the protrusion over is ass to grow out longer and longer, covered in the same brown fur that covered his body. Soon his boys tail had grown in, black tuft at the end, and he was slamming him hard. One last thrust and the donkey fired another huge load inside Jake's ass; this set off his own orgasm, his cock growing longer and darker than it was already with each shot of his own donkey cum. Jake let out a contented sigh as the donkey pulled it's cock from his ass. He knew he'd need to leave the barn eventually but he wished the moment could last longer. Oblivious to the growth of his new appendage the donkey took it upon itself to make it known. It came forward and nipped Jake's tail, sending a shock up his back from somewhere that he didn't know. He turned and looked at the donkey, then followed its eyes down and saw his tail for the first time.

His mind tried to make sense of it, something he knew shouldn't be but was. It was there, it was his. His hands on his tail, Jake could feel each finger and stroke. Eventually he looked back at the donkey and said "you did this didn't you?" The donkey blinked but of course said nothing. Jake's hands rubbed his belly which was swollen again from the donkeys new load. "All this in me, I'll keep changing right? That's why you'd make me choose. Choose if I wanted it or not. I... I don't want to stop, but what... I'm going to go clear my head. You make it hard to think right. I promise I'll come back later though."

With that Jake moved the donkey back to its stall and put the door in place, the donkey having given no resistance, which Jake was glad of. He quickly set to work wiping up the loads of cum from the floor, all of which he noted were his. Some looked a bit different but he figured the light, or time had done it. When it was as clean as it was likely going to get Jake threw it under a pile of stuff in the barn till he could clean it later and grabbed a fresh one to use in the shower. He definitely needed one before facing his parents; he could smell the donkey on himself. Grabbing his shirt Jake put it on easily, then stood looking at his boxers and shorts, tapping his foot while his tail swung behind him. He couldn't decide if it was better to have the extra confinement. Might keep his tail hidden better. Opting for both Jake slipped his boxers on then went over to check himself in the mirror they kept in the barn. Seeing his tail outlined in his boxers he couldn't help but get a little turned on. It did make his ass look sexier, somehow. Jake considered giving the donkey a short chance at his ass again before he left, but he knew he'd end up there a while. So he put on his shorts and shoes and left the barn.

He snuck inside fast as he could to grab the keys to the car and his wallet, then called to his mom he'd be in town for a bit before heading out and bolting to the car. Not much happened in town to worry about, and everyone knew everyone. Even if he hadn't told them where he was going someone would inevitably call to chat, mentioning they'd seen Jake at such and such place. It was nice normally, but if you tried to be stealthy, that rarely succeeded. As he started driving down the road to town he had to keep readjusting his seating to not sit on his tail much. He was still happy his clothes fit back on him, noting for the first time that his body was bigger that it had been, even if only somewhat.

He pulled into the rec center, noticing with relief there were only a small number of cars parked. Grabbing his towel Jake took a deep breath and got out, trying to walk with regular steps. Naturally this made him look off; when you think about how you walk, often you can't remember how you usually do it. When he was inside he went and asked the girl at the front desk, Margaret, who all was in, working and using the equipment.

"Oh hey Mike. Just some of the older ladies in using the stuff today. Work wise, let me see... Ashley is in her office doing officey things. Yay fun. Otherwise its just Mike and me, and one on call if we get busier. Which I doubt, as you can see. Ghost town in here eh? Well, for now anyway. But I'll let you go; your folks called and said you'd probably be by. Something about your water being out of commission and no shower. Ouch that's rough. Laters."

Jake thanked her and headed to the guys change area. His nerves settled a bit; the showers were all communal instead of stalls so it would have been an issue. He'd have showered in boxers if needed though. Mike was the worry, but working, he'd not come in here. Those ladies will keep him busy Jake thought with a laugh. He quickly stripped off his clothes, glad to have his tail free again. He took a moment to swish it around, smiling stupidly. The thought of being walked in on made him shake his head and Jake quickly wrapped the towel around his waist and headed to the shower area.

He chose his spot on the wall between the two entrances, hoping that if someone came to use the facilities he'd have a chance to bolt to either exit. Jake got the shower going and let it heat up, steam building in the room. One thing he currently disliked was how the hooks for the shower were right outside the shower in the change area. Have to just bite the bullet. Jake stripped off his towel, threw it on the hook and sped to his shower quick as he dared. As soon as the hot water was on his muscles they relaxed. Tensions he hadn't realized his body had loosened. Jake grabbed some of the bodywash the center had available and worked on getting a good lather. Rubbing his tail was a weird experience to say the least. Not unpleasant, but unfamiliar. When the suds had been washed off Jake stood under the water, enjoying the heat. Until he felt someone's hand grip his tail and he yelped. He tried to spin around but another hand on his hips kept him in place.

Jake tried to think of something to say, some excuse, explanation for what was going on but his thoughts derailed when he turned his head and saw who it was holding his tail. Mike. Big, ripped, football playing Mike, best on the team Mike was holding Jake's tail and staring at his furry ass. More still was the massive erection he was sporting, at least 10 inches. "Mike, what...?"

"That's my line dude. Fuck look at you. I heard from Margie that you were in and came to say hey. Walking in all I smell is donkey like the ones we have working at home from your farm. Going to the shower area and what do I see. You lower your towel and there it is. A donkey's ass on a dude. I had to get a closer look, you know. See how real it was."

"Hehe doesn't explain your erection Mikey. My farms donkeys turn you on?" Mike's eyes broke away from Jake's ass and he looked up into his face, blushing hard.

"N-no man that's not it. I... I just-"

"Just had to get up close to an asses ass?" Jake chuckled as Mike stuttered. He didn't know why he was teasing him; he liked Mike. They were pretty good friends, got along well. He'd not seen him so unsure though, off balance. He was curious to be sure. "Saw those donkey cocks and jerked off to being bent over and plowed to no tomorrow eh?"

"What? No way man I ain't no bitch. Why would you-"

"Oh ho ho so it was you doing the fucking hmm?" Mike's face somehow got even more red. You wanted to plow every ass in the field eh? Have em braying to be filled up full." Mike tried to stutter some excuses but his cock gave him away easy, twitching and starting to drool. Jake reached around and gave it a stroke, making Mike moan and shudder. "Yep there it is. You could try mine" Jake said with a laugh, shaking his hips back and forth. The laugh turned to a grunt as he was pushed forward, bending over, hands going to support himself on the shower wall.

Mike had dropped to his knees with is hands on Jake's ass. His face was really close as Mike was taking deep breaths; Jake could feel each puff against his ring. Shit I was just kidding man, he thought.

"I want to. Shit I want to Jake. It's so hard, seeing those donkeys of yours. But it's wrong. I know it's wrong, so why. I... I..."

"Hey, Mike it's ok. I know what you mean, I had the same sort of feelings. I still do sometimes. Honestly one our donkeys fucked me. Several times now... I knew it was wrong, but it felt so good so I kept letting it happen."And this happened to me, but he left that part out. "If you don't feel right doing with a donkey, why not me? We're buds and human," technically. "Hmm?"

Instead of an answer Jake just felt Mike's tongue rub over his pucker, making him moan. That first taste seemed to flip a switch in Mike's head as he lunged forward, kissing and licking all over Jake's donkey ass. Jake moaned and groaned at the attention, his cock rising to full mast. While he ate Jake out Mike noticed a change happening and tried to tell him without stopping going to town.

"Jake. Your cock. Bigger."

"Wha-what Mikey?"

"You're getting. Huge man. And darker. Your cock. It's. Flaring like. Donkeys." Jake looked down and indeed, his cock had grown to the full size of a donkey, flared head and sheath at the base. His balls too had swollen to the full size of a donkey's, leathery sack around them; Jake could practically feel the cum in them. "Fuuuck man. Your ass tastes amazing."

From the donkey's cum maybe... I wonder. "Mikey. Hey Mike listen quick. I'm gonna blow. Fuck. Suck my cock man."

"No dice bro I'm not mmmmph-" Mike cut off as Jake pushed his flared head through his legs and Mike's head to meet it, the tip going in Mike's mouth just as he started shooting his donkey cum. Holding Mike as he struggled Jake gave him no choice but to swallow all of his load. When Jake let go Mike fell on his ass on the shower floor. "Fuck why did you do that. Told you I wasn't for that. Though it didn't taste completely terrible."

"Sorry, just had to do it. Now you want to sit there or do you want to fuck this donkey ass?"

"What do you think."