The Lion King Spanking Saga Redux

Story by Ifearthedanceman1 on SoFurry

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"So tell me, my lord, how did you expect to take my throne?" Scar circled around a restrained and somewhat battered Simba. "It takes more than five fools to kill a king" "It doesn't matter what you do to me, someone else will rise against you, so get over with it and kill me!"Scar placed a paw on Simba's bottom "Kill you, oh no my dear simba I need you, Stability is better kept with with a claw at your neck, many lions still love you and would not like to see you die" Scar raised his paw high, a smile on his face "I've always wanted to do this" SPANK Simba yelped that was unexpected, to say the least. "One of the very few things my brother did was right was spanking you, unfortunately, he didn't do it nearly enough"  Scar started out slow, waiting a good second or two before delivering a smack to Simba's backside. He wanted to test the son of the mighty Mufasa's resilience, The king was a good analyzer, he could tell while his nephew hid any auditory noises, his slight movement told a new tale. A pause was taken, Scar was beginning to get angry, ten minutes of solid punishment and yet all he had gotten out of the young one was small shifts and weak growls. He needed to take things up a bit to get the crying, begging Simba he had dreamed of. Speeding things up, the lion king began slapping faster and faster, giving up strength for speed. Things got more noticeable now, Simba quickly went from the stillness of a statue to the dancing of a leaf in the wind, his bottom reached darker shades of pink and yelps became more apparent."I think we need to take things up even more" Scar picked up a rock, perfectly fit to spank a lion "Do you like it?" laughed Scar "My dad disciplined me with this hundreds of times, and he by his"   Immediately when the dreadful spanking stone landed on Simba's rear he couldn't help but scream. Every slap brought with it an explosion of pain, the only thing keeping him from completely giving in and crying is the image of Scar getting his own rump warmed with

such a terrible device. Spank after spank rained down upon a defenceless Simba, all he could do is hold his tears, something fastly approaching the impossible. Memories of being punished by his father danced in his mind, he could only thank him for never using the stone. Simba kept his jaws shut for fear a sob or shout would escape them, with every slap came a ridiculous pain that brought the lion only closer to tears.

 After five more minutes the lion's resistance was broken. Any sense of pride he held was now dead and buried beneath the dust. Simple tears turned into wailing, wailing that brought with it begging. "Scar please it hurts" cried Simba The only response the prince got was a dark smile of pure victory. Only after two hours of pain did Scar finally stop, Simba lay beaten and bloody, his rump to the point of numbness. The heir to the throne was defeated. "Guard please fetch my son, he needs to see this" A nearby hyena  quickly replied a "yes sir" before bounding off to follow out his king's orders.