Good Enough

Story by ragewolver on SoFurry

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#1 of Good Enough

College is always a hard transition, especially when you don't know what you're walking into or, worse, who you are going into it. And you never know how you'll come out of it.

So, this is my first story. Hope you guys like it. By the way, the artwork isn't mine. I commissioned Spelunker Sal to do it because my artwork sucks! I hope you enjoy the story and if anybody's got any ideas/comments, etc., feel free to let me know. I'm always open to constructive criticism and/or collaboration.

Chapter One--The Final Curtain Call

The music seemed to last eternity in Damien's mind and his fur bristled in excitement as it normally did during their sets. Yet somehow, it was different now. The crowd seemed more subdued, somber and his bandmates seemed less happy.

He could scarcely blame them; they had announced that this was their final show as a group. The high school rock band, Malachite, had finally reached its own conclusion. This time tomorrow, they'd be separated by miles, too many to retain more than long-distance phone calls.

"Thank you all so much for supporting us," Damien remarked into the microphone, feeling his own eyes start to tear up as he spoke those words. They felt painful to say. "It's been an honor to play for you during our time together. But, sadly, this is Malachite's final show."

A sudden shout caught Damien's attention. _"Encore!"_the excited voice said and Damien scanned the crowd quickly. But it wasn't just one voice now. It was a growing cacophony of voices, a crescendo of cheers, all demanding the same thing: encore. Damien's tail began to wag. He hadn't thought of it before, but he was grateful to hear this, to know that they'd be missed.

To know that they were loved.

"Alright. We've never done this particular song before," Damien said, casting glances at his bandmates. His rhythm guitarist, a hefty tiger named Ed Seville, looked alarmed, while his bassist and drummer, twin foxes (Chris and Kris) with equally sly grins, looked excited. "For our final show, we'll play this one. It's called Never Go Back." He flashed signature, cocky smile to the audience one last time... For one final time, the crowd focused their attention on the lean-bodied black-and-white husky on stage.

"I can't believe you did that, jackass," Ed scoffed as he placed his guitar into its proper place in his backseat, straddled by the seatbelt and hidden in its case. "Our very last show and you wanted to do Never Go Back? Kind of a sad song, you know."

"Well, yeah," Kris stated, her auburn bangs bouncing with every step she took. "But it was our last show..." She leaned on her brother's car, staring wistfully up into the sky. "And we never even got a chance to record it."

"Shame," Chris added monotonously.

"We'll probably never even get a chance to play it again, though," Damien explained. "Face it, guys, we're going to college. In different states! What're we supposed to do? Pretend we're still a band when we can't even rehearse?"

"We can do some video chats or something," Ed suggested.

"Ed--" Kris began, but Ed kept talking.

"I just don't want summer to be over," Ed huffed. "I mean, you guys are my best friends. I don't want to lose you all... And... I don't want to lose our band. Malachite's the best thing that's ever happened to us... Well, to me, anyway."

"I feel the same way," Damien admitted, looking away as his face started to burn with his own embarrassment. "I'll miss this..."

"Why does it have to end?" Ed raged, kicking at his own tire.

"Because we're growing up," Kris said simply. "Life's not fair. We all know that. But we have to grow up and move on or else... we'll just... never go anywhere. Besides, we'll all stay in touch, won't we?"

"I will," Chris said.

"Me too," Damien added.

"Me three," Ed concluded and Damien felt frightened by the sudden tears in Ed's eyes. He had never seen Ed cry before, never seen him betray any sign of sadness or hurt. But now, Ed was falling apart completely. And the mere sight of it was making Damien question if this change was a good thing.

"One last group hug?" Kris asked.

"One last group hug," Damien agreed.

They pulled close together and Damien felt Ed's tears on his cheeks, matting his fur. Or was it his own that he could no longer hold back? When they pulled away, Chris and Kris drove off in their mother's van and Damien looked back at Ed, who was hesitating.

"I don't like this," Ed said. "It's not fair."

"I don't like it either, Eddy," Damien said kindly. "But--"

Ed moved faster than Damien could. He pulled Damien into a tight hug that made Damien's heart start to race. He allowed his world to evanesce as he simply enjoyed the closeness, the feeling of being wanted. Of being loved.

Loved? He looked up and saw something he had never seen in Ed's eyes before. It was a looking of longing, a look of desire.

Damien pulled back just as the thought ran through his mind. Ed looked surprised, almost hurt.

"Sorry... I just figured..."


"Never mind," Ed said.


"You've got my number," Ed said finally. "Call me often, you hear? I want to hear from you as much as I can." He walked towards his car and Damien reached out, pausing before grabbing Ed's arm.

"You can call me too, you know," Damien remarked as Ed got into the car. Ed paused. "It's a two-way street. I'll always be glad to hear from you."

Ed smiled. "I... I've been wondering... Can I...? Never mind."

"Ed, you keep doing that. Just say it already."

"Are we just friends?" Ed asked finally.

"Well, I figured we were a bit more."

"Like what?" Ed asked emphatically. There was a sort of a wild happiness in his tone, an urging that Damien had never seen in him before.

"Best friends. You're like a... brother to me..."

Ed's happiness faltered briefly before he let out a hearty, forced laugh. "Yeah, don't know what I was expecting. Well, I'll catch you later." He closed the door and just before he pulled away, Damien saw one final tear.

"I'm home," Damien called as he walked into the darkened house. For a brief moment, he paused, the door still slightly open, as he waited. He had heard something... He set his guitar beside the door carefully as he closed it, surveying the darkness. He had definitely heard something... And that something could only be...


With an uproarious tone and jovial mirth, a loud voice cut through the quiet. That was the only warning he got as he was hefted up, off the ground, nearly touching the ceiling before he was tossed, unceremoniously, onto the couch. And, standing over him with a look of pure amusement, was his elder brother, Nathan, unable to hold back any of his laughter.

"You jackass! What was that for?" Damien snapped, throwing one of the couch's pillows at Nathan, who caught it smoothly.

"You're late," Nathan teased. "Daddy's mad at you."

Damien swallowed thickly. And before he could formulate a response, someone cleared their throat behind him. Walking into the room was their father, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. Nathan was still laughing, though he had the decency to at least attempt to stifle himself.

"Go to bed, Nate," Marcus ordered. There was a certain shakiness to his voice. His accent seemed thicker somehow when he was bothered.

"Aye, aye, cap'n!" Nathan answered with a salute. He walked off, still chortling to himself.

"He needs help," Damien joked.

"Probably, but I'll deal with one problem at a time," Marcus stated. "Sit up straight. We need to talk."

Damien obeyed and Marcus sat beside him.

"Look, Dad, whatever I did, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--"

"I'm not angry with you," Marcus answered. "I'm concerned..." Damien heard the sound of paper and looked down. Marcus was holding something. "I was just looking at some of your old report cards and... Are you ready to move away, to go to college? I won't be upset if you want to wait or go to the community college here."

"I'm more than ready," Damien insisted. "You even helped me choose where I was going."

"Really?" Marcus asked. He set the paper on the table and Damien cringed at the sight of it. It was his last report card. "All of your teachers had some behavior problems with you. It's not a problem with your grades. They're lackluster, but they're not the worst thing in the world. It's your attitude that's a problem."

Damien suddenly found himself unable to reply. He couldn't look his father in the eye anymore. He felt strangely weak, his body starting to shake. His father was still speaking, but he sounded far away, as though they were being pushed apart from each other.


He came back to reality. "I'm sorry. I..."

"That's another issue. You can't focus without someone looking over your shoulder."

"Dad, I'm fine!"

"No, you aren't and don't you dare yell at me!"

Damien flinched, despite himself. His father took a few steadying breaths before speaking once more. The mood had changed. The tension had made the air feel almost suffocating.

"Here's what's going to happen," Marcus continued. "I'll allow you to do one semester. One. If you fail one class or cause any kind of problems, you're coming home. I won't pay for you to fuck up. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," Damien replied in an automatic monotone.

"You're there to study! Not play that trash you call 'music'. I'm not going to stop you from taking your guitar, but you'd better focus on your work. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Go to bed. You've got a big day tomorrow."

"Yes, sir."

Damien stood and started to walk off.

"Damien." Marcus stood and walked over to him. He pulled him into a hug and Damien was momentarily stunned. For the second time today, something completely unexpected had happened, something that had never happened before. For the second time today, someone was embracing him. But the feeling here was different. His father was shaking... Or was Damien shaking? Why did Marcus's voice sound weaker, almost guilty? "I know I don't say it enough, but I do love you. You're my own flesh and blood. I'm proud of who you are..."

And Marcus walked off, leaving Damien to process what had just happened. And for the third time tonight, Damien felt tears in his eyes.

August 19, 20--

Dear diary...

Wait, I should fix that. Ed said that only females keep diaries. So, I'll call you my journal. MJ. So, dear MJ...

This is it. My world's completely turned upside down. Malachite's dead, the guys are separating, and I'm going off to college in a few hours. Not days anymore. Hours. And to top it off, Ed and I are going to be completely torn up over this. Why does the world have to change? Why do I have to leave what I love?

It's just me again. All alone.

Can't face my dad, cause he's a dick. Can't face my mom because I don't want to hurt her. I don't want to bug Nate or Amy with my issues because I don't want them to think I'm some kind of kid.

And Ed... I should've told him that I liked him in a way I shouldn't. I know it's not right for a guy to like another guy, is it? I mean, we've known each other since fifth grade! We started Malachite together! We were together for so long. Well, not "together", but close... I had a golden chance to tell him that I liked him. That I might've even loved him. But... I'll never get that chance again.

I'm just stuck with me. With everything I loved behind me. And I'm stuck with everything I hate about myself.

--Damien Jaime Blackwell