The Meal Of A Lifetime

Story by ZackeryJames on SoFurry

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#1 of Fetish Stories

In this story a lonely fox, traveling the roads, finds himself at an unusual Inn that serves even stranger cuisine. When the wolf who works there offers to serve him there most popular dish, our fox finds it hard to refuse. Please read the warning label before commenting or reading the rest of the story.

!!! WARNING !!!

The following story contains certain extreme fetishes, which may include torture, mutilation, underage characters, or death (please see tags for full details). If you are underage, lack an open mind, or have certain triggers, then you should stop reading immediately. The author of this story will not be held responsible for those who choose to ignore this warning. Read at your own risk! Please note that the following story is pure fantasy. The author neither supports, nor condones such action in real life. If you, or someone you know, is considering harming themselves or others, please seek help.

The Meal Of A Lifetime

by Zackery James

The rain fell heavy as I walked down the abandoned dirt road. My clothes and my fur had already been soaked through. My normally beautifully foxy brush now looked little more than a rat's tail. That traveler had said I could find an inn and restaurant down the road, but I did not see any. However I was certain that if I did not find shelter soon, I would freeze to death.

Just then I saw the building come into view, the light from it's windows warm and inviting. The traveler had warned me that this particular restaurant served unusual food, and that sometime people went missing. But I did not care! My heart skipped a beat as I raced towards the enticing glow.

I almost fell onto the floor as I burst into the main bar. Not a soul was there, except for a lone wolf who was tending the bar. As soon as he saw me a worried expression flashed across his face. He quickly dropped what he was doing and hurried over to help me up.

"My kind sir, are you alright?" he asked as he supported me with his shoulder. "You look half drowned!"

"I certainly feel it" I responded meekly.

"Come over here by the fire" he said as he walked me to a lounge chair by a large fireplace. "I'll give you something that will help warm you up."

He then went to fetch me a warm blanket and a cup of hot tea, as I slumped back into the chair. The fireplace was enormous. Large enough for someone my size to lay lengthwise in. There also stood a pair of cast-iron spit holders at either side. I should have remembered the traveler's warning at that point, but I still didn't care. Where else was I going to go? I didn't even notice as the wolf slipped something into my tea.

It did not take me long to warm up and dry off next to the fire. The tea seemed to rejuvenate me, although I did feel a bit giddy and light headed. I assumed that it was due to the ordeal I had just been through.

"So how are you feeling my fine foxy friend?" asked the wolf.

"Much better, thanks" I said, smiling up at my savior. "I appreciate everything you have done, but I am very hungry and could do with a warm meal."

The wolf just grinned. "Well, friend, you have come to the right place. We specialize in culinary delicacies from around the world!"

"Oh, I don't need anything fancy" I was quick to add. "I just need something to fill me up."

"Nonsense!" beamed the wolf. "I wouldn't dream of letting you leave here without at least sampling one of our more exotic dishes."

"That's awfully kind" I said in earnest, intending to turn him down. But something inside me wanted to hear the rest of what the wolf had to say. "What would you suggest?"

Now the wolf seemed hesitant. He seemed to be looking me over, as if gauging weither or not the drugs in the tea had taken effect.

"Well" he began. "One of our most popular dishes, and my personal favorite is the fox-cock-roll. It is made from the genitals of a male fox, a powerful aphrodisiac, and is one of the most delectable meats you are bound to find on the planet."

"You cook and eat fox cocks?" I asked in mild shock. At that point I should have run away, but something was compelling me to stay. Perhaps it was the tea, perhaps it was morbid curiosity.

"Oh yes!" said the wolf, beaming. "As I said they are very popular. Unfortunately I am fresh out of fox cocks at the moment."

"So why are you telling me this?" I asked.

The wolf cleared his throat, trying not to seem to forward. "Well, you are a fox. And if you are willing to let me cook your genitals for you, I will give you a meal to remember for the rest of your life. Loosing your fox-hood is a small price to pay, if you ask me."

"You want to cook up my own cock and serve it to me?" I asked, making sure I had understood correctly.

"That is correct."

"Why would I ever agree to that?"

"Because, as I have said, it is the chance of a lifetime! I promise you have never tasted meat like this, and the way that I prepare it, no other chef could do the same. It may seem like a high price, but I guarantee that it is worth every bite."

The wolf made a convincing argument. At least it seemed convincing at the time. At that point I had no one particular in my life, and I was looking for something new and exciting. Although I shuddered at the thought of loosing my fox-hood, a little voice inside my head asked 'Why not?'. It's not like I would get a chance to use it, being mate-less.

"Alright" I said after some though. "But this meal better be all that you claim it to be."

The wolf grinned a wide toothy grin. "I'm certain it will exceed every expectation. Now then, let's see what we have to work with."

Before I could protest, the wolf had grabbed a hold of my pants and yanked them down. My cock was already semi-erect from the discussion and quickly popped free, bobbing up and down in the open air.

The wolf chuckled to himself. "It looks as if someone is excited to be loosing his fox-hood."

I blushed deeply. This wolf was a total stranger, and yet we were discussing some of my most intimate fantasies. The situation I was in, and the thought of what was going to happen made me harder as some pre began to form on my tip.

The wolf kneeled down and pulled back my foreskin. He was a bit forceful, but I didn't mind. I secretly liked the rough treatment. He then began to pinch my cock up and down along it's length. He finished by running his fingers around my base, cupping my knot, and giving it a hard squeeze. I shuddered and moaned softly at the touch.

The wolf hummed to himself. "It's not the most ideal piece of meat I have seen, but then it's not the worst either. I can definitely work with this." he said finally.

"So are you going to cut it off then?" I asked with a shiver and a gulp.

"Not yet" he replied. "That won't come till much later."

He then led me over to another section of the bar. There was a soft, round bar stool, sitting much higher than the others. Right in front of it were two half wooden planks, built into the bar, with a rubber lined, semi-circular opening; such that it made a complete circle when closed. On the other side of the planks was a large black griddle, covering most of the counter-top, the kind that you would see in a Japanese restaurant.

"Sit down here" he instructed.

It was a bit difficult climbing up onto the high stool, particularly with my raging hard-on bumping into things. But he gave me a helping hand and soon I was up. From this vantage, I could see all of the cook surface, and some of the area behind the bar. The open pair of wooden planks were exactly at crotch height.

"Now just put the meat through here" he said, coaxing me gently.

I scooted up to the bar, laying my throbbing member down in the half opening, so that the rubber touched just behind my knot. I wasn't sure what to expect as he lowered the top half of the device, forming a ring around my cock.

He pushed a button on a panel set into the counter top. A soft humming could be heard as I felt the rubber ring inflate and begin to tighten around my fox-hood. While that was happening he fastened my ankles to cuffs attached to the stool, the stool itself bolted to the floor. I had not noticed them when I had first walked over.

"Just a precaution" he said as he turned off the machine. He then gave my cock a light squeeze. "Can you still feel that?"

I responded with a short gasp and a nod.

"Good" he said with a smile. "I would hate to deprive you of the sensations that are about to follow. It is half of the experience after all."

He then walked around behind the bar and produced a rather sharp-looking scalpel from a drawer. I instinctively flinched as I saw it glint in the light.

"Don't worry" he said when he saw my look. "This won't hurt much, and the culinary masterpiece you will soon enjoy will be well worth it."

He then set the knife down at the base of my cock, right between my knot and the rubber ring. I drew in a short breath as he drew a line encircling my cock-base. Then, inserting a clawed finger, he began to pull the skin back towards the tip, like pulling off a condom or glove. I watched with fascination as my penis was being skinned right before me, exposing the raw flesh beneath. He continued pulling the tube-like skin, slipping it up and over my tip, till it eventually came free; no longer a part of me.

Then I heard a click and the griddle slowly started to heat up. The wolf-chef dropped a slab of butter on to the griddle which quickly began to sizzle and melt. I could feel the heat rising to my exposed cock, not enough to be uncomfortable, but I knew it hung only a couple of inches from searing-hot pain.

He took my now free sheath over to a cutting board and began to cut into into long broad strips, which he placed into the pool of melted butter. Instantly, they began to sizzle and pop, just like bacon. They even smelled like bacon and my mouth began to water. Although, I must admit, it was a strange sensation to hunger for something that was once a part of me.

He then sprinkled them with herbs, turning them over a few times, then setting them aside to cool. He then handed me one of the cooler strips. "An appetizer" he said "before the main course."

I took it and stiffed at it hesitantly, before placing it in my muzzle and biting down. It even crunched like bacon, but the taste was unlike any bacon I had before. It was way better! My eyes instantly lit up and I began to shovel the rest of the strips into my muzzle. It was as if I couldn't get enough.

"Hey now. Go easy on that. It's not like you will be getting any more." he said with a chuckle.

"You were right!" I said beaming, bits of cooked fox sheath dropping from my open muzzle. "This is the best meat I have ever tasted, well worth it!"

"That's nothing" he said grinning. "Mere hors d'oeuvres. Just wait until the main course. Although I must warn you that things will get a bit more painful from here on out."

I nodded, gulping down the last of the fried fox sheath. If what came next was even better, then I had to have it. I did not care what it took. "I'm ready" I said, beginning to trust the wolf-chef more openly now.

"Good!" he said sternly. "Now this may sting a bit"

He picked up a spray bottle filled with a clear liquid, which I assumed must have been alcoholic, because it stung as soon as the spray hit my exposed cock. I gritted my teeth and drew in a slight hiss as he covered the piece of meat with the substance. Once coated he began to rub the substance in with a cloth. That really made me want to howl, as it felt like a fire was spreading through my groin, but I did my best to endure and not make a sound.

"Your doing quite well foxie" said the wolf in a comforting tone. "Most customers loose their nerve at this point."

He then turned around, fetching a carton of eggs from the cooler, leaving my cock to throb and sting. He cracked one of the eggs open, and it began to sizzle as soon as it hit the griddle. I watched with interest as he scrambled the egg, wondering what he was planning.

He then added some herbs and spices to the eggs. He also sprinkled in several bread crumbs that had previously been backed and hardened. He sprinkled in some flower and stirred it all together until it formed a think breaded mixture.

Careful not to burn himself, he picked up the breaded dough in his paws and walked back around to my side of the counter.

"Now just relax and enjoy the sensation" he said placing a firm paw on my shoulder. "This next part will hurt a lot, but it will be over quickly."

He took the paw holding the breaded dough and wrapped it gently around my still living meat before pressing down. I begin to squirm as I could feel each and every one of the sharpened breadcrumbs piercing into my tender flesh like a thousand needles.

"It's OK" he whispered in my ear, as he continued to mold the dough around my cock, pushing in at every inch. Only the tip and the knot were left exposed from the sticky, piercing confines.

He then pushed another button, and the wooden plank began to sink into the counter-top, bringing my trapped cock closer to the griddle. I did not notice when the two first made contact, as the dough covering my cock insulated me somewhat. But the heat spread quickly, and I let out a soft howl as it washed over me.

The wolf did not care, but was meticulous with his work. Grabbing a spatula, he pressed my bound cock-meat against the hot plate until it started to bend under the tension. If I thought the initial wave was bad, this was even worse. I started to howl louder now as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Just a bit longer foxie" he said as he continued to hold my cock against the searing-hot plate. He seemed to enjoy this part of the preparation, more so than any other.

After what felt to me like an eternity, he finally pushed a third button. There was a loud 'shink' and I could feel wetness between my legs. My cock dropped away onto the hot griddle, now free from my body. For a moment I panted, staring in disbelief. I knew that I should be sad for loosing my only source of sexual pleasure, but in that moment I was just glad that the pain had stopped.

Without saying a word, the wolf chef returned to his side of the counter. The first thing he did was turn the cock roll over, so it would cook on both sides. Then, producing a knife, he lopped off the head and the knot from the rest of the cock roll. I began to feel a bit clearer headed as the pain subsided, and I could watch him more closely.

He chopped the knot into quarters, the way one might do an apple or a potato, and set them in the pool of butter to fry like he did the sheath. With the head, he made a cut along the back so the glands could lay out flat. He then made incisions along the outer edge, flattening it even more. As it cooked, it shrank and shriveled up, forming a flower-shaped ring. It was really quite fascinating.

He covered the knot wedges with herbs and spices, and sprinkled herbs over the cock-roll as well for garnishing. He then turned off the heat and producing a rectangular plate, he placed the cock-roll in the center on a bed of lettuce, and placed the four knot wedges at the four corners.

As for the now shriveled glands, he produced a dipping cup filled with a sweet and sour sauce, and placed the flower-like ring to float on top in the very center.

Afterwords he pulled out a wooden tray on short stilts, which he set on top of the griddle. He then placed the assortment on the tray in front of me, along with a napkin, a set of chopsticks, a serrated knife, and a glass of sake.

"Bon Appetit" he said bowing to me.

At first I just stared at the meal presented before me. Marveling at the thing I have given my own fox-hood in order to receive. Then the aroma invaded my nostrils, and I once more began to salivate. What sat on my plate now was nothing more than food, and I wanted nothing more than to eat it.

Picking up the knife and one of the chopsticks, I began to cut the cock-roll into more manageable sections. I was actually surprised by the amount of steam that came billowing out.

Taking the chopsticks in paw, I picked up a section of roll and dipped it into the sauce and hesitantly brought it to my muzzle. As I bit down, what followed was a burst of flavor. The egg, the breading, whatever he sprayed me with, and the fox meat, all blended together to form the ultimate culinary sensation. The wolf did not brag when he said it was the best.

The wolf-chef just smiled as he saw my satisfied reaction. "Try some of the knot" he suggested "it's the most tender."

I nodded, taking a sip of sake. I grabbed one of the wedges with my chopsticks, dipping it in the sauce like before, bringing it to my muzzle. It was indeed different from the rest, saltier, gamier, but none the less delectable. I quickly chewed it up and washed it down with more sake before reaching for another piece.

Before long, I had cleared everything on my plate, not a drop of sake or sauce was left. The flowery tip was the least delicious, being somewhat tough and rubbery. Ironic, considering it had given me the most pleasure before, but I quickly shrugged it off.

The whole experience left me feeling hungry and wanting more, but I knew I would never have another meal like that. Even if I were to eat the cock of another fox, it just wouldn't be the same.

The wolf quickly cleared off the table, dumping the dirty dishes in the sink.

"Well, I'm very glad you enjoyed that" said the wolf. "It's always nice when one's art is appreciated. Now all that is left is the small matter of the bill."

"The bill?" I repeated, blinking my eyes, not sure what to think. "Didn't I already pay for my meal with my fox-hood?"

"Oh you provided the meat, that's true." said the wolf. "But you are forgetting my time and effort, not to mention the other ingredients used. It's not easy cooking fox cock while it is still attached! No second rate chef would have been able to prepare this meal. I'd say a meal like this would run you about fifty thousand."

"Fifty Thousand!" I responded in shock. "But, I don't have anywhere near that kind of money."

"Hey, I'm a reasonable guy." said the wolf. "I cook more that just genitals you know, and fox meat is always in high demand. If you would be willing to sell me your body, we can call it even."

"Just... Just what are you suggesting?" I stammered, having a sinking suspicion I knew the answer.

"Oh, come on now!" replied the wolf, sounding mildly annoyed. "Look at yourself! You've got no cock! You are half the fox you were when you walked in here. Maybe you could make a good fuck-toy for somebody, but certainly not a mate. So why don't you make yourself into something actually useful and pay what you owe?"

I looked down at the bloody stump between my legs, my now useless balls dangling beneath it. I breathed a heavy sigh as I knew he had a point.

"I suppose you are right" I said sadly. "It was a good meal and I should pay what I owe."

"Now there's a good fox" said the wolf beaming. "Now just follow me into the backroom where I have a cage for you. If you struggle or complain, any at all, I promise you will regret it."

"I won't struggle" I said.

"Call me sir, you piece of meat!" spat the wolf, now seeming considerably less friendly than he was when we first met.

"I won't struggle, sir" I repeated, hanging my head and lowering my ears.

"Dam right!" said the wolf, attaching a leash and collar to my neck, which he procured from behind the counter. "Now follow me."

He lead me into the back room. Not that I had much choice. I never saw the light of day again after that, and the wolf's patrons enjoyed fine fox steak and ribs for the next couple of weeks. But at least I got to have one amazing meal, and if given the choice, I think I would do it all over again.