A Special Birthday Dinner

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#2 of Fetish Stories

Samuel is celebrating his birthday by going to his favorite restaurant. However this restaurant is unique, in that they specialize in serving willing food cubs to hungry predators. This time Samuel has reserved a private room, so he can have some fun with his food. Please read the warning label before commenting or reading the rest of the story.

!!! WARNING !!!

The following story contains certain extreme fetishes, which may include torture, mutilation, underage characters, or death (please see tags for full details). If you are underage, lack an open mind, or have certain triggers, then you should stop reading immediately. The author of this story will not be held responsible for those who choose to ignore this warning. Read at your own risk! Please note that the following story is pure fantasy. The author neither supports, nor condones such action in real life. If you, or someone you know, is considering harming themselves or others, please seek help.

A Special Birthday Dinner

by Zackery James

Today was a special day. Today was Samuel's thirtieth birthday. The panther had been looking forward to this day for a long time, as his friends had gotten him a reservation at one of his most favorite restaurants. This particular restaurant catered to a very select clientele, Samuel had only learned about it a few years back, and in that time he only had gotten to eat there twice. Like most newcomers, he was a bit nervous at first, but ever since his first visit he had been hooked!

The reason for all the secrecy (and excitement) was for the very special type of food the restaurant served. You see, this restaurant served young cubs of various prey species, often alive, for the amusement of the patrons. For an extra fee, a customer could select a whole cub, and have their way with them, before being prepared.

As for the cubs, they were raised right there, in the restaurant. They had all been trained and prepared for what was to be expected of them. In fact, no cub was placed in the showroom until it was determined that they were physically and mentally ready. Sometimes, when things weren't working out, it became necessary to process a cub early. In that case, the staff made sure their deaths were quick and painless. Despite the nature of the business, they did not want any cub to suffer needlessly.

Apart from the whole being served as food thing, they lead relatively happy lives. They were always well cared for and looked after, and they had tons of toys and games to play with, all donated by loyal patrons of the restaurant. And they never had to worry about school, or work, or growing up. Samuel almost envied them in a way. It was part of what helped him come to terms with eating them. That, and how absolutely amazing they tasted.

As he entered the building, the delightful aroma of cubs cooking filled the panther's nostrils, and he began to salivate. Each species had it's own unique flavor, and Samuel was interested in trying them all. An adult fox wearing a rather skimpy uniform walked up to him.

"Greetings sir." he said with a beaming smile. "How may we serve you this evening?"

"I believe I have a reservation for a private room, my name is Samuel Lightpaw" said the panther. "Today is my birthday, and I want to celebrate with a whole roast cub."

"Of course sir!" beamed the fox "There is no better way to celebrate such a special occasion than with a roast cub. Please, follow me. I will lead you to the cub show room."

Samuel knew the way, but let the fox lead him anyway. The show room was quite large, with several diners already seated around small round tables. Some of the tables, already had cubs, or rather pieces of cubs laid out on them. The diners would quietly savor their meals, while engaging in some polite dinner conversation.

The most distinguished feature of the showroom however, were the large window displays. Each window looked into what appeared to be a daycare center. There were cubs of all species and ages running around, playing, fighting, doing arts and crafts, and getting into mischief. There were games, toys, puzzles, building blocks, all the typical things you would expect to see in a daycare. The one thing that was different was that all the cubs were completely naked except for the red collars each of them wore. Samuel started grinning from ear to ear as he saw the familiar sight.

Each of the three windows looked upon a different room which was dedicated to a different age group. Four to six year olds were on the far right, seven to nine year olds were in the center, and ten to twelve year olds were in the far left. The restaurant always tried to acquire their cubs while they were still quite young, that way they would be easier to indoctrinate. They did not keep any cub past the age of twelve. At that point the cub was sold into the adult meat market, which was generally far less pleasant.

Samuel immediately walked over to the display window showing the seven to nine year olds. He smiled as he watched them run about playing, remembering his own cub-hood. However, these cubs were destined for only one thing, and his growling stomach reminded him of that.

"See a particular cub you like sir?" asked the fox, his ears perked, staring at Samuel.

Samuel put a paw to his muzzle and thought for a moment. The last two times he had rabbit and raccoon, this time he wanted something different. He saw a badger and a fox-boy sitting down together playing a racing game on a big screen TV. Some of the diners were even watching the progress of the race.

Samuel pointed at the pair and said. "Give me whichever of those two wins the race." After all, he hadn't had fox or badger before, and he was eager to try them both.

"Of course sir, we can do that" said the waiter-fox. "If you would be willing to wait here, another of our waiters will be along when your cub and room are ready."

Samuel nodded and sat down at one of the tables closest to the window. He always enjoyed watching the cubs as they played. Last time he ate a whole roast raccoon while he sat there and watched them. It seemed a little odd at first, seeing the cubs alive and happy while ripping apart one that had been in the oven for two hours. He felt a bit sad at first, but the delightful taste of the coon cured him of any guilt.

Tonight would be different though. Tonight he had a private room reserved, and he giggled with glee at the though of what was in store.

Meanwhile, in the playroom, Chris was beating his friend Alex at their favorite racing game. For a while it sure looked like Chris was going to win, but just as he was approaching the finish-line a blue shell slammed into him and exploded. Chris screamed a defiant "No!" while Alex zoomed right past him to win the game. The fox jumped up and down with excitement, while the badger threw the controller down in frustration.

"That's not fair!" Chris pouted.

"Hay, that's just the luck of the game." said Alex with a sly foxy grin.

"Want to race again?" asked Chris.

"Sure, why not?"

They were just about to begin another game, when a strong, older paw clasped itself around Alex's shoulder. The small fox-boy turned his head to look up at the fox waiter from before.

"Oh hi, Sid" said the small fox "What's going on?"

"It's time" said Sid with a serious, but not uncaring voice.

"You mean someone's ordered me?" said Alex, beaming and wagging his tail.

"In a manor of speaking. That little game of yours won you the honor."

"That's not fair" whined Chris. "Now I will never get a chance to beat you."

"Aww" teased Alex, patting his friend on the back. "Look on the bright side, once I am gone you will be the fastest at the restaurant."

"Yeah, at least until I get ordered."

"Come on now you two." interrupted Sid, "We don't have time for any lengthy goodbyes. We cannot keep the customer waiting."

They both nodded, and Alex skipped off with the older fox. He took one last look at his friends, and his home for much of his memorable life. He waved goodbye, and several of the other cubs waved back. They all knew exactly what it meant when a cub was taken. None of them really felt sad or scared about it, as the instructors did a good job of preparing them. Also, it was such a common event it had almost become mundane.

Sid held his paw as he lead the young cub through the twisting back corridors. "Are you ready for this, little guy?" he asked sympathetic.

"Do I have a choice?" returned Alex, sarcasticly.

"No, you don't" said Sid firmly. "However, if you are not ready, the customer will not be pleased. And if the customer isn't pleased, it will look bad for the restaurant. You don't want the restaurant to look bad do you? After they gave you such a nice home and everything?"

"No, of course not!" replied Alex, his ears folded back. "I know what I have to do."

"That's a good fox" said Sid, smiling.

"Can I at least know who ordered me?"

"He's a panther named Samuel. He reserved a back room, so you will be getting to meet him soon. He's celebrating his birthday, so I want you to be on especially good behavior."

"What a coincidence!" shouted Alex, "Today is my birthday too. Not that I suppose that matters now that I won't be having another one."

"I would wish you a happy birthday kiddo, but I'm afraid it's not going to be all that happy, at least not for you. Just remember, we are here solely for the pleasure of the customers."

"I know, I know" groaned Alex, rolling his eyes. He felt like he herd that same lecture more than a hundred times.

"It's important!" scolded the larger fox. "Why do you think we put you through all those pain endurance lessons? It's so that you can handle anything the customer might request of you. If our suffering can give them pleasure, then it is our duty to suffer."

"Yes, I know all this" returned Alex sounding annoyed. "I'm just a bit nervous is all."

Sid smiled a warm smile and patted Alex on the head. "That's perfectly normal. Just remember your training and you will do just fine. Also, don't be afraid to show the customer you are nervous, some predators like that."

"But should the customer become nervous, it's my job to reassure them." repeated Alex.

Sid laughed. "Now that's how a food cub should behave! I'm certain you will make me and the restaurant proud."

Alex smiled. It felt good to be wanted, and needed. He was a bit scared about dying, but he was pretty sure he could handle the pain. The staff had done everything they could to prepare him for this day, and they had been so nice and kind, it felt wrong not to repay them.

Soon they reached the washroom. Sid scooped up the smaller fox and plopped him into one of the many wash basins. The basins were big enough that Alex had to stand up in them. Around them were several other cubs being de-fured, before being sent to either the kitchens or the private rooms.

Sid undid the collar from around Alex's neck. "Won't be needing this any more."

No cub at the restaurant was to ever be without a collar, unless they were getting processed. Any cub found without a collar would be scheduled for immediate processing. The tags of the collar held the cub's vital statistics, including the grade of their meat.

Sid dropped the collar in a metal tube which would take it straight to the kitchens. There the chefs would already be getting set up for Alex's arrival, but because Alex was scheduled for one of the private rooms, they would have to wait a bit longer.

Alex slid a paw around his now free and open neck, contemplating the significance. Somehow, he felt more naked than he ever did in the playroom.

Getting to work, Sid donned a pair of rubber gloves. Then taking a long hose, he sprayed Alex down with a mix of warm water and special chemicals that would make his fur fall out but not effect the flavor of the meat. He was careful not to get any of the substance onto Alex's head or tail.

Alex giggled as he was sprayed all over. Although he fidgeted, he tried his best to be helpful, turning around for the older fox, and lifting a leg when instructed. He also meeped and blushed a bit as Sid massaged the substance into his groin.

All it took was another rinse of warm water and Alex's fur just washed away, except for his head and tail. He watched with fascination as he saw it circling down the drain. It was a strange sensation, standing there with no fur left. "So, am I ready to be cooked now?" Alex asked with interest.

"Not quite" said Sid. "Because you are a special order, we have a few extra steps." He then took out a cock ring and wedged it down tight around the smaller tod's growing member. It was a bit uncomfortable, but Alex knew better than to complain.

"Now I need you to bend over for me and raise your tail. Oh, and try not to move."

Alex did as he was told.

Taking out a permanent marker, Sid wrote the words 'Happy Birthday Samuel" across the cubs rump in large curly letters. The marker tip was a bit ticklish, but Alex did his best to hold still.

"There!" said Sid proudly, admiring his handwork. "Now let's not keep our customer waiting."

Back in the showroom, Samuel had watched the race unfold and Sid take Alex back into the back room. Secretly he kind of hoped the fox would win, as he looked to be the cuter of the pair. However, it had been nearly an hour since the fox was taken away, and he began to wonder what was taking so long.

Then another waiter, an otter this time, came by his table. "Mr. Lightpaw? Your room is now ready" he announced.

"About time" said the large cat, sounding more relieved than annoyed.

Samuel, was very excited, this was his first time dining in a private room, and he did not quite know what to expect.

The room itself was rather small, not a lot larger than a single hotel room, yet it was large enough to somehow magically contain the furniture that Samuel found inside. There was a square oak table in one corner with a pair of high-back leather chairs around it, and a kerosene lamp hanging from above. A small couch, just big enough to lie down on. On the opposite side was a small, cub sized X-frame built into the wall, with cuffs for securing a cub in-place. There was also a tool rack, covered with whips, adult toys, and some things that Samuel didn't recognize.

In the very center of the room stood Alex. "Greetings sir" he said with a beaming smile "I am to be your concubine and dinner for this evening. Please use me to satisfy both your appetites." His eyes then lit up. "Oh, also I and the rest of the restaurant want to wish you a very happy birthday." He then turned around and lifted his tail, displaying the message Sid wrote.

Samuel stood there, open mouthed and rather speechless.

"I'll leave the two of you alone", said the otter. "Just send the meat to the kitchen when you are ready, and we will fix him to your specifications. Ring the bell, should you need any assistance."

Samuel stared at the cub blankly for a moment, not sure what to do. He knew that the cubs in this restaurant were willing, but he had not expected them to be quite so forward.

"Is something the matter, sir?" asked Alex. "Please tell me what I can do to please you."

Samuel just ignored the cub, and began looking over the assortment of different tools hanging on the wall. "What is this?" he asked, more to himself than anyone else, as he spotted what looked like a pair of hedge-clippers.

"A complementary tail cutter, sir" responded Alex, helpfully.

"You mean I am to cut your tail off with this?"

"If you want, sir. A fox tail would make a nice souvenir."

"Won't that hurt?"

Alex just giggled. "Of course, silly. But I have been trained to tolerate all manner of pain. You don't need to be concerned for me."

Samuel was taken aback by the cub's very relaxed attitude. "You do know I am going to eat you right?"

Alex rolled his eyes. "Well, duh, that's why I'm here. But don't you want to fuck me first? I mean, why order a back room if you aren't going to play with your food?"

Samuel paced for a moment, trying to soak all this in. "So let me get this straight. If I were to use this tail cutter on you, you wouldn't mind at all?"

The fox-cub shook his head.

"Alright, bend over." He wanted to test the cub's resolve, to see if he was true to his word. To his surprise the fox spun round on the spot and bent over, without hesitation.

"Try to cut near the base, you get more tail that way."

Samuel shrugged. He then gave the fox's tail a tight yank, lifting him up off the floor. He expected the fox to yelp at that, but he heard only a muffled grunt. He then brought the sheers down to the base of the fox's tail, holding them open. "OK, I'm going to cut it off now."

The fox nodded to signal his willingness.

The panther brought all of his strength down on the sheers, wanting to make the cut as clean and fast as possible. Almost instantly the tail came free in his paws, and the fox fell back down to the floor, where he laid splayed out for a second before standing back up.

There were some tears in his eyes, which he quickly wiped away.

"That did hurt" said Samuel.

"I'm fine" returned Alex, trying to hold back the lump in his thought. "I hope you enjoy your new fox tail. I tried my best to take good care of it."

Samuel did have to admit that the fur felt angelically soft, and he had never gotten a souvenir like this before. He rubbed his cheek on it and began to purr. "I shall treasure it always."

Alex smiled a big smile. Most cubs were simply used, eaten, and then forgotten. He did not blame the customers, they ate dozens of cubs, they couldn't be expected to remember all of them, but he was glad that at least a part of him would be remembered.

"So what should I do next?" asked Samuel.

"Well, that's entirely up to you" said Alex. "You could fuck me, or I could give you a blow job, or anything you want. However, I highly suggest your tenderize the meat before sending me to the kitchen. It will taste much better that way."

"What do you mean by tenderize the meat?"

"See all those whips, and paddles up there? They aren't just for getting your kinks out. They actually help improve the marbling in the meat, as well as raise endorphins, adding to the flavor."

Once again, Samuel was taken by surprise. The fox-cub, soon to be his dinner, was actually encouraging him to beat him. On the other paw, the little fox had handled having his tail cut off without so much as a whimper. Maybe he actually wanted this?

"OK then" said Samuel with his paws on his hips. "Since you are the expert, tell me what's the best way to tenderize a tasty little fox-cub like you?"

Alex rubbed his chin and tapped his foot, trying hard to remember his training. "Well, you want to work me all over: front, back, arms, legs. Oh, and don't spare the genitals. We have special tools for that. Also, be sure to hit as hard as you can. Don't hold back!"

Alex was used to this kind of activity, he would be 'tenderized' at least once a week as part of his training. He had actually grown to somewhat enjoy it. His instructors had encouraged him to embrace the pain, and just let it wash over him. Of course, Samuel didn't know any of this.

The fox-cub then pulled down a length of rope from the tool-rack and pointed at a hook in the ceiling that Samuel hadn't noticed before. "You should be able to access all the important parts by suspending me for there."

"You sure are eager, aren't you?" asked Samuel with a raised eyebrow.

"Always willing to please." said the cub with a beaming smile.

Samuel was starting to feel a bit more at ease now. After all, this was his special birthday treat, and he intended to enjoy every minute of it. Plus, this cub was super cute, he was glad he had chosen him. He reached down and began to tie the cub's paws together behind his back.

"You need to make it nice and tight," the cub said, "That way, I won't slip".

Samuel nodded and gave the rope a tight tug, which elicited a soft grunt from the fox. He then looped the rope through the ceiling hook, and hoisted the cub up in the air once more, his feet dangling above the floor.

The panther stood back, watching the cub dangle there, admiring his young supple curves. This was his captured prey. He could do anything he wanted to his prey, and it would all be perfectly legal. A grin began to spread across his muzzle. "Are you ready for this, fox? I don't intend to go easy on you."

"I don't expect you too" said the fox. "Whenever you are ready."

Samuel selected a large leather paddle with holes cut out of it to reduce air resistance. He then brought the paddle down with all his might on the trapped fox's exposed buttock. It made a loud, satisfying smack, causing the cub to sway back and fourth from his bindings.

Alex let out a soft yelp. It was clear that the panther had been working out, and could hit quite hard. Still, it was nothing Alex couldn't handle, thanks to his training.

Samuel purred as he continued to spank that sweet, round tush. As it became redder and redder, it became apparent that there was more than just ink in the marker that Sid used, as the writing began to welt up.

Alex did his best to take whatever the cat could dish out. He had to hold his breath to keep from moaning, as his little cock bobbed up and down with each smack.

"Are you enjoying this, fox?" Samuel asked teasingly, as he reached around to grab the young fox cock. "Answer me truthfully."

"Y... Yes, Sir" stammered Alex, blushing deeply.

"You want me to eat you, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir" Alex repeated.

"But the purpose of all of this. Is it to give you pleasure, or me pleasure?"

"You pleasure, Sir."

"Glad we are clear on that."

Samuel then began to work over the fox's back-side, leaving no part of the skin untouched. He was glad the fox was enjoying himself as well, but that didn't mean he wouldn't push him past his breaking point. This fox was begging to be broken, and before the evening was over, Samuel would make sure that would happen.

Alex just closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. He continued to endure as the panther moved round to the front, slapping any part of the fox's skin that wasn't already an angry red. He seemed to enjoy giving particular attention to Alex's nipples, twisting them from time to time, eliciting more soft moans from the little fox.

Eventually, Samuel lowered the fox back to the ground, so he could stand on his feet again, but did not untie his bonds. "Alright, now spread your legs, and try to keep from fidgeting."

"Yes, sir" Alex panted, following the panther's instructions.

Samuel hummed to himself as he browsed through the assortment of tools and toys hanging on the wall. Eventually he selected a riding crop, small enough to reach tight spaces, but big enough to leave an impact.

He walked back around to the front of the fox, and held up the tip of the fox's bound member with the end of the crop. Already the fox was visibly leaking pre. "Looks like you enjoyed that quite a bit."

Alex just looked down at the floor, blushing deeply.

"Let's see how much you enjoy this." And with that, the panther swung the crop hard and fast, hitting the cub smack in his tender young balls.

That brought stars to Alex's eyes. He felt like doubling over, yet couldn't because of his bonds. After all, his training only allowed him to endure. It did not reduce the pain. Still, he did his best to keep his legs spread, giving the panther clear access to his delicate bits.

Samuel purred some more as watched the tender young orbs sway in their pouch. He began to bat them back and forth with the crop, playing with them, like any cat might play with a mouse, or ball of yarn. He watched with fascination as they first turned red, then blue, before finally deciding he had had his fill.

Alex's body shook violently while he panted, grateful for the brief rest he was given. It did not last long though as the panther brought the crop right down on his exposed cock head. That made Alex yelp and start crying again.

Samuel just grinned and drew a clawed finger up the underside of the fox's member, making sure to prick the tip. "You know, I'm getting awfully hungry" he said "Maybe I should have this sent off to be made into an appetizer. What do you think?"

"My... My body is yours" panted Alex.

Samuel smiled, and petted him on the head. "You are such a good fox."

He then went back over to the tool-rack and selected a long serrated knife. Turning around, he held the small fox against his chest, while positioning the knife just under his young fox-hood. He then whispered and purred in the fox's ear. "I truly appreciate your sacrifice little fox, I want you to know that."

"Thank you sir" said Alex with tears in his eyes, "It means..." But his words were transmuted to howls, as the panther began sawing through his tender young flesh. He seemed to enjoy going slow, and dragging it out, making it take as long as he could.

Eventually the young tod member came free in his paws. He left Alex to stand there and shake as he placed the piece of meat on one of the plates that had been laid out on the table. It did not take long after ringing the bell for the otter waiter to return.

"Yes sir? How may I help you?" asked the otter, poking into the room.

"Take this and have it made into soup" instructed Samuel. "I'll send for the rest later."

"Of course, sir" said the otter, taking the plate. He didn't even bother to look at Alex, instead he just bowed to Samuel as he backed out of the room.

At this point Samuel undid the bonds that kept Alex anchored to the ceiling. The exhausted fox immediately collapsed to the floor.

"Get up" Samuel ordered.

With a grunt, Alex struggled to push himself up off the floor.

Samuel went over and sat down on the couch, undoing his pants. His feline member, which had grown quite hard during the last half hour, now popped free. "Why don't you come over here and service a real cock?" he asked.

Alex did his best to crawl over to the couch, wrapping his tiny paws around the adult feline member. He had been trained for this as well, so he knew what to do. Still, the cat's dick was somewhat larger than he was accustomed too, and he struggled to fit it all in his muzzle.

Samuel stretched out and purred, as the little fox-cub suckled and licked his member. He let out a soft moan, as the fox began to bob his head.

Eventually Samuel said "Alright, that's enough" as he pushed the fox off of him.

Alex just looked confused.

"Turn around" said the panther.

Understanding now, Alex turned around on the spot. Insistently he tried to raise his nonexistent tail, but that just made the stump bob up.

Samuel grabbed the fox's hind quarters and pulled him up onto his lap. Lining up his leaking member with the fox's tail-hole, he did not wait for Alex to get ready before sliding him down on his pole.

Alex moaned and panted as he took the panther's girth. Some pink-stained pre continued to leak from his stump as the panther began to slowly lift him up and down. The panther's fur felt quite soft against his abused skin, and Alex began to murr softly as he tried to enjoy what he could about his predicament.

"You are such a nice foxie" the panther teased, as he continued to hump the abused fox. "Had I found you at an orphanage, I might have considered adopting you. But, well, you are here, and that means you are nothing more than food. Food to be cooked up and served to me for my birthday."

"Yes, sir" Alex responded. His tail-hole giving a tight squeeze around the panther's rod.

Samuel purred some more, as he ran his paws over the fox's abused flesh. "You are so young and supple." he said. "I think I shall enjoy savoring every piece of your meat. Tearing it from your bones, chewing it up, and leaving it to digest in my belly. Does that please you?"

"Yes, sir" Alex answered, now starting to cry again.

That was exactly the answer that Samuel wanted to hear. He began to thrust faster now, feeling his climax building. Eventually he came into the fox, with a mighty roar, before slouching back on the couch, spent and exhausted.

Alex came himself, through his open stump. Even though his fox-orbs were bruised beyond recognition, they still seemed to function, causing a sweet mix of pleasure and pain.

Once it was all over, Alex slouched back against his predator. Samuel smiled a warm smile, and cuddled his soon-to-be dinner his his arms, his cock still buried deep inside him.

The tender moment was only interrupted by the waiter returning with the soup. "Ahem" the otter cleared his thought, trying to get the pair's attention. "Your soup, sir" he announced.

"Well, little one" said Samuel, pulling the fox off his lap and setting him on the ground. "It looks like it's finally time for us to part ways. But one last question before then. How would you suggest I have my fox prepared?"

Alex stood there for a moment and blinked, looking back into Samuel's eyes. He took in a deep breath before responding.

"Well, sir, there are a lot of options available. However, for a birthday celebration, I would recommend our grilled fox special. It involves stuffing the fox, coating him in oil, and placing him on a hot metal plate. It is extremely painful, but the only way to achieve the best flavor." Alex said honestly.

Samuel smiled and turned to the otter. "I will have the grilled fox special. Oh, and please be sure to keep him alive and conscious for as long as possible."

"We shall endeavor to fulfill every request." said the otter, bowing. He then placed a paw on Alex's sholder, and began to lead him back to the kitchens.

As they left, Alex looked back to catch one last glimpse of his customer. However the panther had already turned, and started to eat the soup. He didn't even watch as Alex left.

A few hours later the otter returned, wheeling in a large trolly with him. On top of the trolly was situated a large silver dome. Samuel licked his lips in anticipation.

As the dome was lifted, a large plume of steam filled the room. But as it cleared, a perfectly roasted fox-boy was found positioned elegantly on the platter. This time his head had been de-fured, cooked up along with the rest of him. His eyes had been hollowed out and replaced with cherries, and a large orange had been wedged into his muzzle.

The aroma was overwhelming. It made Samuel start to salivate and his stomach to grumble. The otter-waiter helped him maneuver the platter onto the table, before leaving with the trolly.

Not sure where to begin, Samuel grabbed a knife and fork and started carving a large piece of steak from the fox's rump. The words 'Happy Birthday Samuel' were still clearly visible. The panther chuckled to himself, as it rather felt like slicing a large birthday cake.

"Well, little foxie" he said. "I'm sorry that you couldn't be here to celebrate with me, but you smell absolutely divine."

With that, he cut off a piece of steak and popped it into his muzzle. His eyes lit up, and he murred as the juices just rolled over his tongue. The extra endorphins that must have been pumping through the fox when he died really added to the flavor. This was the best thing Samuel had ever tasted! Although he still wanted to give every species a try, he was seriously considering reserving another fox for his next birthday.

Samuel continued to gorge himself on fox. It was all delicious, but Samuel enjoyed the rump and the thighs the best. When Alex was reduced to little more than bones and scraps of meat, Samuel leaned back in his chair, patted his swollen belly, and let out a satisfying belch.

And so ended the best birthday that Samuel ever had. After that, he made it an annual tradition to reserve a private room at the restaurant, but none of them were quite as special as that first time. He kept a cute little fox tail, mounted on the wall in his bedroom, to remind him of that day.

In a way, it was the best birthday that Alex could have asked for as well. He got what he ultimately wanted. He had made his customer happy.