Hedonism in Lime Green 1 - Misha's Mask

Story by solstice_fennat on SoFurry

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I actually finished this months ago. I had a bout with depression though, and life kinda went wonky. All is good now. Expect the second part soon.

_ Hedonism in Lime Green - Part One - Misha's Mask _

_ For Rennec. All characters owned by him _

_ Written By Rix Solstice _

Anny fidgeted nervously as she stood in one of the most opulent looking offices she'd ever seen. For the life of her, she couldn't figure out just what she'd done to catch the attention of the owner of Purgatory, a fetish themed nightclub. Sure, as a red panda, she did stand out, especially with her neon pink fur, but for the most part, she'd been a wallflower at the club.

Sighing a bit, Anny looked out through the giant plate-glass windows onto the Inner Circle, a separate club-within-a-club, where furs of every species and gender indulged in a myriad of sexual escapades. Sunken into the ground and encircled entirely by Purgatory, the Inner Circle had a wall covered in hundreds of implements of torture and pleasure, tended to by the club 'slaves', furs encased entirely in latex, with barcodes on the neck. Anny had never gotten close enough to one to see just how form-fitting the latex was. She'd only ever watched from afar the things that went on in the Inner Circle.

Only once had she ever even _started_to step down the stairs into the Inner Circle. Of course, that one day had been the day she'd noticed none other than her boss from work. She'd retreated back up the stairs and had forever since contented herself with watching from inside Purgatory.

Purgatory... Anny remembered the first time she'd been there, brought by friends who wanted a chance to watch 'the freak show'. At the time she'd been open mouthed with awe at the décor. A perfect circle with four separate bars, each against the outer wall at one of the cardinal directions, almost everything was shiny and black but for long strips of glowing lights in a myriad of colours. The closest she'd ever seen to it had been in a movie, one that took place within the circuits of a computer. Everyone had been dressed in their finest and sexiest clothes, and it had made her feel overdressed. Occasionally, she'd seen people in nothing but tight latex underwear. Her friends had never coming back, but she had found herself coming back every night that Purgatory was open.

All that had been enticing enough, but it had been the Inner Circle that fascinated her the most. Go up a tiny flight of stairs and you could look through huge windows on all manner of hedonistic acts shamelessly on display for the more timid patrons of Purgatory. Seeing what happened in the Inner Circle had awakened curiosities Anny had never considered. She'd lost count of the times that she'd left Purgatory to go home and finger herself or use a toy on herself, imagining what it would be like to go down into the Inner Circle, to become a plaything for someone.

"It's so beautiful, isn't it?" A husky, feminine voice said from just behind Anny's left shoulder, making her yelp and spin around. Leaning against the large desk was one of the most beautiful vixens that Anny had ever seen, dressed in nothing but knee-high leather boots and long, fingerless latex gloves. Wide green eyes sized Anny up, and a pink tongue flicked out to lick her lips. "My Inner Circle, that is. I hope my bouncers didn't scare you. Abel said you thought you were in trouble. Far from it."

"I uh... I uh, yeah. I mean, no. I mean... your club is yes. Yeah, they did. I uh... wow." Anny licked her own lips. She couldn't identify what exactly made the vixen so immediately attractive, just that there was an almost ethereal quality to her features. Everything was in perfect proportion from head to toe. When the two bouncers at Purgatory had approached her while she was watching a young possum get worked over by two ferrets, and told her that the owner of Purgatory wanted to see her, immediately, Anny had been worried she'd broken some obscure rule.

"Sorry, they're used to being firm. Sometimes customers get grabby when they shouldn't. Now. Probably wondering why I had you brought here, hmm?" When Anny nodded, the vixen continued. "I'm Misha. I own this place. And I've been watching you. And scenting you, when I got close." Misha smirked a bit, "You have more than a passing interest in watching it. Bet you go home all hot and bothered."

Anny's mouth hung open in shock. She hadn't realized she'd been so obvious about her interest in the Inner Circle. That the owner of Purgatory herself had noticed her made Anny wonder just how many people had noticed her. "Fuck me," she grumbled.

Misha giggled, then took a few steps away from her desk toward Anny. "Maybe later, dear. And don't worry. I just make it my business to notice these things. When one of my customers isn't having as much fun as she should, I want to fix it. So... why exactly did you chicken out? You know, when you _finally_got the nerve to go downstairs?"

"I uh... what is it to you, huh? I... I just did, okay?" Anny said defensively. It was a bit disconcerting that Misha had paid that much attention to her.

Frowning, Misha stepped closer, looking down at the smaller woman. She reached out and stroked Anny's cheek, grinning when the 'red' panda flinched. "Oh that's just adorable. You didn't like being touched? I'd like to do much more than that." Without a moment's warning, Misha started to unbutton Anny's blouse, deft fingers moving so fast that Anny didn't have time to react until the garment hung open, revealing the pink lace bra underneath.

With a little squeal, Anny batted Misha's hands away and held her blouse closed. "What the hell?" Anny growled, then peered at Misha suspiciously. "Do you just start undressing girls you meet?" Anny started to button up her blouse again, fixing the vixen with a glare.

Snorting, Misha said, "Oh, come off it, girl. I want to offer you something. How's this sound? I'll make a few guesses about you. If I get it right, you take off a piece of clothing. Every one I get wrong, you get free food and drinks every night for a month. I know _just_how much you like the calamari. You order it almost every night before you go and watch the Inner Circle." Misha stepped away and crossed her arms expectantly.

"How the hell? Wait. Nevermind." Anny almost refused the vixen's 'game', but the possibility of free food at Purgatory was enticing. It was as expensive as it was good, and the calamari was exquisitely so. "I... I don't know... what if someone sees me?"

Misha laughed and tapped something on her desk. Immediately the windows of the office darkened and became opaque. "That better, girl? I'll start. If you want to play, then play. If not, you can go and I won't bother you anymore. But i'll never make the offer again." Misha tapped her chin for a few moments. "One. After your first few nights, you started waking up to some pretty filthy dreams. Dripping wet."

Anny glared at Misha. Without anyone to see her, the decision was made that much harder. She was about to deny it just to spite the presumptuous vixen, but then let out a grumble and unbuttoned her blouse again and let it slip to the black-carpeted floor in a rustle of fabric. "How... how couldn't I?"

"Two," Misha said, licking her lips at the sight of Anny's bright pink fur and the yellow spots that followed her spine. She took her time in stepping around Anny, whistling appreciatively. "You, my dear, are gorgeous. So... number two. You'd never been to any sort of fetish club before Purgatory. What's more, you stopped going to any other nightclub, finding them... dull."

Thankful that Misha couldn't see the blush underneath her fur, Anny grumbled again. It was a choice between shorts or bra. After a few moments, she figured that it would be a little less embarrassing to be seen in her underwear than to bare her breasts for the vixen. Unbuttoning her shorts, she looked at the door to the office for a moment, immediately terrified that someone would walk in on her. Soon she was standing in nothing but lacy, pink undergarments.

"Three. You're afraid to take that last step. To go down and play. Because you're afraid someone will recognize you. That someone will know who you are. I'm going to guess you know someone who was down there. Or who was watching from Purgatory. But you want to go, don't you? To lose yourself and just be someone's plaything."

Anny flinched as if struck. The vixen had put to words everything she'd been feeling about the Inner Circle. "How many times have you done this?" Anny asked, trying to stall Misha. When Misha fixed her with an expectant look, Anny sighed and reached back to unhook her bra. She couldn't believe she was doing it, but soon she was standing in nothing but her underwear; underwear that was damp with her arousal. When she realized that she was only one question away from baring every inch of her body to the vixen, she quietly murmured, "I... I don't think I wanna play anymore."

Chuckling, Misha stood and strode over to Anny, moving behind her and wrapping her arms around the girl's bare midriff and pulling her close. She gave Anny a light nip to the neck and whispered in her ear. "Four. Yes you do. You're wet and you're not in control. I am. It's my game. All you have to do now is just... not stop me." She hooked her thumbs under the waistband of Anny's underwear and started to tug them down.

With a little whine, Anny slumped a bit and said, "You win."

"Of course I do," Misha said, taking her time in pulling the underwear to the floor. "Step out of them, girl," she said firmly, and Anny found herself doing so without hesitation. Liberated from the prying eyes of the other club patrons, Anny found herself a little bit more pliable, and she couldn't deny that the fox was gorgeous. That Misha seemed to want _her_for something was something the red panda was having a hard time processing.

"How do you feel, dear?" Misha asked, stepping back in front of Anny and heading for her desk. She pulled something purple out of one of the drawers of her desk.

Licking her lips, Anny murmured, "Exposed. Afraid. If you expect me going out there like this, well, you're not going to."

Misha laughed and held up the object she'd pulled from the desk. "Oh no. You'll be wearing this. Well, a bit more than that, but this is the start of it." She leaned against her desk and smirked, "So. What if I could offer you anonymity. No way that anyone will really know who you are. I mean, they'll see a pretty wah, but nothing more. All that colouring hidden. And being able to lose your inhibitions completely. Play the fuck toy openly, and nobody ever guesses who you are."

Anny stared at Misha suspiciously. _That_offer wasn't one that she'd expected. You couldn't exactly go into the Inner Circle and play without people seeing her. Still, her curiosity got the better of her, and she asked, "Alright. So... what if I was interested?"

Misha held up the object she'd retrieved from her desk. It was a purple masquerade mask, obviously made for a broad-nosed fur. It had the glistening sheen of latex covering it. When Misha flipped it over and handed it over to Anny, the red panda could see the inside of the mask was similarly coated in latex, but lime green in colour. "You've seen the uh, slaves, yeah? What if you were wearing one of their outfits? One tailored to you. Sure, they'd see you were a smoking hot little wah, but your colours, well, all green. Same as the fur inside your ears, really."

Anny gaped at Misha, "You uh, want me to be your slave? One of... I... huh." She'd seen the slaves used by various patrons. She'd figured there were holes in the suits that facilitated their use. Something about the idea made her cunt clench, and she suddenly felt a lot more wet. "I..."

"Five. Got nothing to take off, but still. You'd like to take me up on my offer. One week. That's all you'd have to do. I provide you with a perfectly fitting outfit that you can keep if you want, and you... fill in. Simply, I help you hide yourself and remove that particular inhibition. You do anything anyone wants down there. You can get out of it if you really want, bu then I'll never let you back into Purgatory. Put on the mask and that's your contract. One week."

The vixen was grinning, and Anny could tell that Misha wasn't telling her something. Anny stared at the mask that Misha had given her. She couldn't figure out how this would change things. All it was was a simple masquerade mask, albeit a latex one. "Okay... say I'm interested. Say I wanna do this, how's this thing supposed to..." she asked, but Misha held a finger to her lips and shook her head.

"Just put it on over your eyes, darling. And then you'll see. It's much easier this way," Misha was grinning, and Anny could tell that the mischievous vixen wasn't telling her something. Misha stepped around Anny and draped her arms over the girl's shoulders.

"Nobody will recognize me?" Anny asked nervously, her voice trembling a bit. She lifted the purple latex mask up and inspected it closer. "Why this thing though? Aren't you just gonna find me an outfit?"

"Oh for the love of," Misha said, and then lifted her hands to grasp Anny's and pulled them back, pressing the mask against Anny's face. "Now just stay calm, darling. This is going to get weird."

Anny squealed as the mask was pressed over her eyes. When she tried to shake it off, she found that it was stuck. "What the..." she asked. She could feel the mask gripping her face tightly, forming to the contours of her face. Then, it wasn't just her eyes the mask was covering. Something was flowing across her face and coating her hands! With a squeal, she pulled her hands away, but it was too late. She looked at whatever had started to cover her hands, and watched with growing horror as what looked like a lime-green liquid started to creep up her arms. "What are you doing, Misha??" Anny cried, trying to wipe it off on the desk in front of her, but to no avail.

"I'm giving you what you want, darling. What you really signed up for. Anonymity to do whatever your filthy little heart desires When it's done, you'll be one of my playthings that my customers play with when they don't have a partner all their own." Misha almost _cooed_in Anny's ear even as it began to fill with latex, coating the inside but stopping just short of blocking her ear canal. Despite the earplugs, Anny found that she could hear just fine.

Anny tore herself out of Misha's embrace and turned to face her with an accusatory glare. The liquid was covering her head almost completely now. It felt strangely wet, but it was clinging to her tightly. Anny flailed with her arms, watching as they were coated almost halfway up her bicep. "Make it stop, Misha! Pl... urk!" The liquid had flowed into her mouth and was coating the inside of it, covering her teeth and gums. For a moment, Anny thought it would go down her throat, but it didn't, stopping just before reaching her palate. It left her tongue completely untouched as well, and then continued down her neck.

"Oh, be quiet. I'm not going to stop it. I can't, even if I wanted to. And I don't want to," Misha said, a sadistic grin showing on her face.

All of a sudden, the liquid on Anny's hands started to change, tightening and adopting a shiny sheen. Even as the liquid reached her shoulders and merged with its counterpart on her neck, it turned to tight, shiny latex on her forearms. Anny whimpered; now she understood how the latex suits Misha's 'toys' wore could appear so seamless. It was because they_were_.

"Oh god... Oh god..." Anny stammered. She felt panic rising, and started to tremble. Tight, shiny green latex now coated everything from the neck up, and the liquid latex was now creeping down over her breasts. Despite her fear, she felt warmth in her loins. She'd be completely anonymous. Red pandas were all over, and under this nobody would recognize her.

Misha took Anny's hands in her, now that the flowing latex had fully turned solid all over the red panda's arms. "Such a good girl, such a good toy," she murmured, "Look at me. Let it happen. Calm down."

Tears welled up in Anny's eyes, but she nodded, feeling the latex creep down over her breasts, gripping them tightly. Anny gasped as she saw the latex thicken a bit and pad them out, making them look much larger than they really were. The latex even formed to the slightly bumpy areolae and thick nipples, and as it dried Misha leaned down to kiss one. It was like an electric shock to Anny's system. She didn't know how it was possible, but she felt the vixen's lips and tongue as if there were no latex at all. "Wh..." she stammered.

"Mmnh, all the anonymity, none of the drawbacks of conventional latex," Misha said, and pinched Anny's other nipple, twisting it a little. Anny cried out in pain; it was like her sense of touch had been multiplied.

Misha splayed a hand on Anny's now fully smooth belly, though to the red panda's surprise the latex had even flowed into her navel. "C-could have told me, Misha," Anny murmured, her fear starting to fade a bit, letting her watch with fascination as it started to creep down her legs, obscuring the bright fur underneath a layer of tight latex. Strangely enough, it hadn't covered her sex or her rump, though Anny could feel it starting to cover her tail.

"What kind of fun would that be, girl?" Misha said, continuing to play and tease at Anny's breasts. Every touch was felt keenly, almost as if the latex were her skin. She remembered a tiem she'd had to have some fur on her right arm shaved to stitch up a cut there. She'd been a bit fascinated with how sensitive her skin was without fur. And now, everywhere she touched that had the latex, it felt even more sensitive than that.

When the latex hit Anny's feet, it shifted to the same purple as her mask for the footpads. "Now, dear, don't panic. This will feel... even stranger. Maybe hurt a little. But just don't panic, okay?" Misha stepped back around Anny one last time and grabbed her chin. "Look into my eyes dear. Just focus on me."

Anny felt panic rising, but as Misha stared right into her eyes, she felt herself calming down. She knew that Misha had done this before, maybe recruited all her slaves this way. She wondered though, why Misha was so insistent now_though. Before she could voice the question, though, she got her answer. The latex was starting to flow over her sex. Not only that, it was starting to press _in_under her tail. The feeling of liquid flowing into her bowels was disconcerting to say the least, and soon she felt it flowing into her cunt as well, mixing with her juices. Soon everything below her waist was smooth and formless, and strangely numb. She felt _full, like both her lower holes were filled with plugs.

Anny's hands flew down to her sex and she let out a little cry, but Misha grabbed her wrists and stopped her. "No. Wait," the vixen said firmly. "Don't you dare." Even as Misha spoke, the latex was starting to move and shift, and the feeling was returning to Anny's sex. The full feeling disappeared entirely, replaced with arousal even deeper than she remembered. "Go look at yourself, pet." The window shifted from opaque black to a ceiling-length mirror.

Anny turned around to face the reflection and gasped in shock. Standing in front of her was a nondescript red panda covered from head to toe in lime green latex, with purple bands on the tail and her red panda's mask. But it was so much more than an outfit; it wasn't just form-fitting, it had replicated every feature of her body almost perfectly. All the same, she didn't recognize herself at all. Even her hair, which she'd had bobbed short but for her bangs (those hung down to just over her breasts), had changed colour, being the same colour as her mask.

What was most shocking though was that her sex was perfectly detailed. Not a single change in the appearance of her skin. She'd seen sex toys made to look as real as possible; her cunt looked even better. She watched as Misha stepped up behind her and hugged her close. "Nanotech, dear. I own one of the biggest companies in the world. Purgatory is my... night job, I suppose. And my home."

"Oh my goddess..." Anny breathed. "What did it do?" She finally understood just how she could hear everything despite her ears being plugged. It was the suit itself letting her hear. And, she figured, see, since the outside of the mask was opaque, not even showing her eyes to anyone. Perfect anonymity.

"Melded with you, bonded to your skin and your nerves. Every single part of you will feel everything. Probably even better. Might have a few more properties you'll find out as you explore the Inner Circle, yeah? Want to try it out?" Misha purred and nipped her neck deliberately, eliciting a squeal of pain from Anny.

"I... sure. I... yeah," Anny murmured when she recovered from the nip. Everything felt so much _more_sensitive. This was surreal, as if she'd stepped out of her world into a dream. The next nip reminded her, though, that she was most definitely awake.

"Oh good, very good. I think we can let everyone see now though, hmm? I'll break you in a little bit." Misha's hand pressed against Anny's belly and scratched gently. With a few words, she commanded her computer to turn the mirror to a simple glass window again. "Same tech changes the opacity and properties of my window."

Anny blinked, suddenly able to see down into the Inner Circle as she had been before Misha had come in. "Wait, what?" She stammered, and then muttered, "Oh shit."

Misha cleared her throat, and all of a sudden her voice rang through the entirety of the Inner Circle. Another bit of hidden tech, Anny figured. "May I have your attention, please? I'd like to welcome a new, albeit temporary addition to the ranks of the Inner Circle's playthings."

Anny groaned. Everyone who wasn't actively playing at the Inner Circle was looking right up at her where she stood just inches away from Misha's office window. All of a sudden she was the absolute center of attention. She didn't miss the hungry looks more than a few of the patrons were giving her.

"Look at all of them. They want you already, Toy. That's what I'll call you, since you don't want people knowing your name," Misha said, and cupped her sex. "Spread your legs a little, Toy. I'm going to make you cum right here on my nice carpeted floor. Oh. Yes. You can still make quite a mess."

"Right now?" Anny exclaimed, and wilted a bit when she saw amused looks on a few patron's faces. Despite her embarrassment, she spread her legs a little, giving Misha easier access.

"Yes, Toy..." One hand reached up to squeeze her left breast, the other pushed one single finger between her petals. "Right now, while everyone's watching." It wasn't long before Misha had found the sensitive nub of Anny's clit. "Mmm, you should be feeling it now. Getting hotter. You see, it's not just you, Toy. It's the suit."

Misha's skilled touch was irresistible to Anny, almost immediately she felt herself grinding against the vixen's hand. She was wetter than she'd ever felt, and she could feel a trail of her juices creeping down her right leg. She wanted something in her, something filling her, and the desire was suddenly as intense as if she had gone into season. It was only then that she registered what the vixen had said. "W-what... what do you mean it's the suit?" Anny asked, barely able to focus her thoughts on anything but grinding.

"The suit is hungry. It sustains on sexual energy. And, well, the UV lights in the Inner Circle. Photosynthesis." Misha explained, in an almost patronizing tone. "Every moment you're working as a slave, you, my dear, are going to feel like a bitch in heat. And the only way to sate it... for even a bit..." She stopped massaging Anny's clit and moved to push two fingers up into the girl, curling them back. "Is to get used. It's fantastic stuff. Military applications are the main purpose, but... well, I thought 'I could use this for other reasons." She gave Anny's breast a firm slap and giggled a bit. "Kinetic force becomes energy becomes sustenance."

Anny cried out in pain at the slap, even as her cunt gripped Misha's fingers tightly. She could feel it coming, like a wave of pleasure that just grew larger and larger, threatening to overwhelm her. When the vixen's thumb mashed against her clit at the same moment those deft vulpine fingers found her g-spot, Anny almost screamed.

"Ohhh, you like this. It's what you wanted isn't it? Anonymity, Toy. You're just a latex covered slave to the Inner Circle. You can try to ignore the heat, but you won't resist long. So when I let you go, you're going right to the Inner Circle." Misha growled, "Losing your inhibition. Your shame. Your reluctance. Just letting go to become a perfect little slut. No need for food, drink, or even ah... less savoury bodily functions. Just... a Toy."

Shuddering, Anny began to grind even more, her sex spasming. She closed her eyes, focusing only on the pleasure, hearing every word clearly and knowing it was all true. "Oh goddess," she breathed, "I'm gonna..."

"Yes, you are, Toy. Right now," Misha said, "And I'm going to twist your tit the moment you start, and I won't stop until I don't feel you squeezing. You can cum, but then... well... it'll hurt."

A low whimper came from Anny, and she tried to hold it off, unsure if she could handle what was coming. By the time she tried to make a conscious effort to stave off her climax, however, it was already upon her. With a lustful cry, she felt herself lose control of her sex, the muscles twitching and squeezing Misha's fingers tightly.

As promised, Misha grabbed Anny's right breast and squeezed tightly, manicured claws dimpling the latex and flesh underneath. She twisted, gently at first, but then more roughly, with enough force to bruise if not for the slave-suit. Within moments, Anny's ecstatic cry became a scream of pain. It felt like she was stuck there, her cunt gushing her juices around Misha's fingers and dribbling to the carpeted floor, for an eternity, but when finally her sex let go of those invading digits, only a bare half minute had passed.

"There you go, There's your initiation. One week. And by the time that's over," Misha said huskily, nipping at Anny's neck. "You'll beg to stay." Anny couldn't say anything; she was still coming down from the thunderous climax. She felt her knees going weak, and almost fell to the floor, but Misha held her up. "It's alright, Toy. I'm here for you. Just like you're here for me. Now... when you think you can stand again..."

Misha hugged Anny close, kissing delicately at the girl's neck. "When you can walk again... you'll go right down into the Inner Circle and be what you really need to be."

Anny shivered and let out the tiniest whine. It was going to be a very long week.