Cyanide of Riddance chapter 14.

Story by EmpressLioness on SoFurry

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#15 of Cyanide of riddance.

This is actually the first time red ever got hurt. I mean, during the war against Iceclaw and his clan, he has been injured multiple times.

Meanwhile with the old trio, they are stuck in a dungeon, filled with chocolate covered mice, cobwebs and wet rain dripping everywhere. "Yeah," lavender said. "I haven't seen this many chocolate-covered mice since my last colonoscopy." The drummer appears again and "ta!" Lavender said. They then hear a low pitched demonic cry as red is crying endlessly.

"Oh, it's okay, red," the light purple cat told him. "So we're not who we think we are."

"So what, right? So what?! If I'm not a prince, then I'm just another beautiful pure cat with a real C-cup and a super painful bulb that continuously vibrates and tastes like a cherry thorn branch. Who could ever love anything like that?" But as soon before red could cry, they then hear a door open and the queen and her royal guard walk in.

"Dungeon master, make sure the guillitene is not too far back on the stage," she said. "I want the people in the front row to wear rain ponchos."

"Milord, perhaps you could see it in your heart to let me live here in your kingdom and give me the opportunity to be the real prince I always thought I was. For I can be as good as the officially sanctioned princes in your kingdom. Allow me," red said as he had gotten into vocalizing his beautiful acapella singing.

"Hmm?" The queen was surprised and birds had flown, chirping, squirrels scurrying in, deeds running in and the others were surprised. "Yeah, red!" Lavender said. "He's doing it! It's working!" But then lavender interrupted him and then red became angered. "For frack's sake, lavender!" Hissed.

"I'm trying to impress the god da armed queen and I CAN'T FRACKING SING IF YOU KEEP FLAPPING THOSE COCK-SUCKING LIPS OF YOURS!!" Red said this while he slapped her multiple times with a bird until he shriveled in bones and blood. It turned the queen off and red was distracted from lavender's beating.

Red continues vocalizing, but it stopped working this time. "Guards!" She ordered. "Tomorrow, off with their heads!"

"No, wait! Please!" Red urged. "Release the queen, vile peasant!" The guard shouted. "Bluro! Do something!" Lavender panicked.

"Oh, yes, of course," bluro replied while she covered milo's eyes. "You shouldn't see this, sweety. I know how you are around blood, and this could go easily that way." The guard then swings his axe downward and then chops red's arms off. The poor red cat tumbles over, screeching and crying in pain as blood sprayed out of his arm sockets

"Oh, you totally would not have been into that," bluro said.

Cyanide of Riddance chapter 15.

They have been walking. That was when they found the trailer of the 'blow me away' hyena. They knock on the door while the hyena hums and then boydane enters. "Excuse me, blow me away hyena. We-" "Oh my goodness!" He said as he saw boydane and the...

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Cyanide of Riddance chapter 13.

"And when did it become a crime to be passionate about your work?" Lioness asked. "So what if I love the characters I created? Screw her, right? And kidnapping my daughter, whoo, how tacky. Not to mention cliche! You don't talk much, do you, Azazel?"...

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Cyanide of Riddance chapter 12.

Meanwhile with boydane, pinky and icicle, they try to find the bow me away hyena. They then come across a studio and then walk into a stage about to play a song. The hyena goes on stage and starts his theme song. _It is where it is, but going with...

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