Ash's Birthday Experience

Story by Rhys Foxx on SoFurry

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#3 of Familt Matters

Warning the following story contains a sexual act by a teenage male fox. if this offwnds you, or you are under age (as if that part matters to you) stop reading now. There boaring legal this is over and if you havent stoped reading yet... Enjoy! if you actually bothered to read this then say so please, I just want to see how many People have lol.

Ash awoke the next morning wrapped in Rhys' arms. Smiling happily to himself, he snuggled deeper into his older brother's embrace and went back to sleep. A few minutes later, Rhys woke up to find his younger brother snuggled against his chest. For about five seconds he thought it was cute, but then he recalled just what had happened last night. Pushing Ash out of his arms, Rhys jumped out of bed and began to freak out.

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Ash, did we..."

"Huh," Ash replied rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "What are you going on about Rhys?"

"Last night did we... did we..."

"Hmm? Oh, yeah we blew each other. So what?"

"So what! We're brothers for goddess sake! We can't do that."

"Well we did."

"How can you be so calm Ash?! What we did was-"

"Rhys, Shut up!" Ash interrupted. "I love you. I always have, if that's wrong I don't care. I just wanted to show you how much I do."

"Rhys would you please come downstairs please?" a female voice called interrupting the conversation the boys were having. "Ash, I'd like you to stay upstairs for about ten more minutes if you don't mind."

"Sure thing mom," Called Rhys. To Ash he hissed, "Go to your room, get dressed, and never mention last night again to me."

"Big Brother..."

"No Ash, I mean it." with that Ash left the room, and walked across the hall to his room to get dressed. Ash started to cry as soon as his door closed behind him. He threw himself onto his bed, and sobbed into his pillow.

"Why doesn't Rhys like what I did," he thought. "I just wanted to show him how much I care about him. Maybe he doesn't like me as much as I thought." He got up, still crying a little, and walked to his bathroom. He slipped off the shirt he was wearing, and turned on the hot water in the shower. After the steam began to build up on the glass door and the mirror he jumped inside. As the hot water began to run down his back and through his fur he thought about what had happened the night before. He recalled just how much he had enjoyed sucking off his older brother, and these thoughts began to provoke a reaction from his member. Slowly it began to fill his sheath, and Ash could not help but begin to stoke it. Quickly it stiffened to full attention, and Ash began to stroke harder. While he was pawing his cock he grabbed a large handled brush from the shelf in his shower. Pulling out a bottle of shampoo he lubed up the handle of the brush, and placed it against the base of his tail. Slowly he inserted it, pretending it was Rhys' cock, and began to paw himself harder still. The brush's handle was just long enough so that it was able to mash into his prostate, which caused Ash to moan with pleasure. Each time the handle pressed into his prostate, Ash released a jet of pre into the stream of water. Quickly, the sensation overwhelmed the young fox, and he came. Thick, white, ropey spurts of fox cum splattered onto the drain, and were washed away. Finishing his shower, Ash dried off and got dressed. He slipped on a fresh set of clothing. He picked out a nondescript pair of blue jeans, a white shirt, and his sneakers. He left his room and headed down the stairs where he hear voices.

"Alex I though you said you bought him a cheap car," came the voice of his mother.

"It was cheap, for me that is. The owner of the plan owed me a few favors and I called about half of them in. I got the car for about eleven hundred dollars," came the reply from a voice his mother had identified for Ash as his Uncle Alex. Ash ran into the living room to see his uncle.

"You bought Rhys a car," said Ash as he ran into the living room. "What did you get me?"

"Ashton Foxx is that any way to greet your Uncle," admonished Ms. Foxx.

"It's alright Sarah," laughed Alex. "He's entitled to act like that on his birthday, goddess knows you did."

"Alex!" Both Ash and Rhys laughed as their mother turned such a bright red that is was visible under her pale fur. "That's not helping."

"Relax. Come on Ash, your gift's in the garage." Leading the way, Alex ushered the family into the spacious three car garage. Sitting in the middle of the floor was a shiny new silver Vespa Scooter. Ash walked over to it. The scooter was the most wonderful thing that Ash had ever seen, and he was close to drooling over its beauty. Sitting on the seat was a black helmet.

"Go on Ash take her for a spin," said Alex and Sarah at the same time causing them both to laugh.

"I'll be back in a little while then," called Ash as he pulled on the helmet and rode off. He turned onto the street and saw a black car parked in front of the house. Figuring it was Rhys' he marveled at the beauty of the machine. Not knowing much about cars, he just thought it looked awesome and left it at that. He revved the small engine on his scooter and reached the end of the road. He turned left and began to go down the hill. As he began to pick up speed however, he noticed a silver flash from his right side. He hear the sound of brakes being applied too late, and suddenly there was an extreme pain on his right side. Then everything went black.

What did you think? Come on people don't be shy it's not like I'm Sweent Todd or something let me know what you thought of my story.