Origin of the Species - Carl and Andy

Story by Equusaz on SoFurry

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#1 of Origin of the Species

In the not so distant future, evolution changes the world, and mankind is no longer as strong as once thought. New races emerge from other genus species. Humans are trying to find out why, at the expense of Anthros. This is the opening chapter of what I hope will be a longer work. I feel I've grown enough to try my hand at some more substantial works.

Here we meet Carl and Andy. Equines. Room mates, and much more. This is the beginning of their story. It is a little dark at the end. No death, but, just read. I hope you all like.

Andy sighed, staring out the small dingy panes of glass at the barbed wire fenced yard outside and sighed. His hooves clopped hollowly on the smooth concrete of his room. Room number 26, block C, building 18 of "Research Facility 102." Andy wasn't even certain if anyone outside of this hallway knew him as anything other than Andy. They probably all referred to him as "Subject EQ8-189556619." That's who he was on paper, and he doubted anyone cared that his name was Andrew.

Asking the universe 'why me' was the equivalent of asking the sky what it thought about the stars, or the grass bellow. All he knew, and all he'd known, was this building, these hollow halls, and his fellow equines. He thought about that. "Fellow equines." He had no family, that he knew of. His earliest memories were of being in some kind of nursery with other colts. All of them his age. Six months old, and walking around, running, playing.

The door opened, and a light breeze toyed with his mane as the draft found some crack near the window. His roommate clopped in. Andy glanced over his shoulder. The short pony boy closed the door and peered through his thick white forelock. "Hullo Andy." The pony was short for an equine. Maybe 5'8 or so, but what he lacked in height, he made up for in bulk and strength. "Hey Carl." Andy replied before brooding again and staring out the window, ignoring his roomie for now.

"The great evolution" they had called it. Some great evolution - hah Andy snorted to himself. Just one day, sixty years ago, feral animals began giving birth to sentient versions, then ten years after that, bipedal ones were the offspring of the sentient. Mankind was more than a little startled and scared. No laws forbade their existence, and in reality they were classified as animals based on their genus. Bovinae Equus, Canis. Within a few months of the first bipedal birth, all Anthro versions were sent to research facilities. For years Humans were on the decline, and then this happens. Was it divine intervention? Could it have been some kind of Dr. Moreau experiment? So far research had no answers.

Humane detention, captive protection, scientific research, humane environments. All words meant to give reason to why the humans had captured, detained, and performed experiments on the Anthros. And that's what they were called. Oh there was good reason to detain some of us. The old phrase "strength of an ox" didn't just mean the feral ox. The Antro Bulls had at least four times the strength of a normal human. Some of the feline species could run at local speed limits and beyond. Mankind was scared.

"Do you ever think we'll get out of here Carl?" Andy muttered, keeping his eye on the oak tree not more than twenty yards from his window. "Eh? Why?" The bass voice replied. Andy turned. Carl was laying on his back on the bunk with a book, scanning it's pages. "Because I'm fucking sick and tired of this." Carl lowered the book and stared at Andy. The deep brown eye twinkled. "What? Free food, we get to go outside for a few hours a day, work out, learn, read, watch movies, what's not to like?"

Andy sighed. The black pony stared back at him through his shaggy forelocks. Some of the equines, like him, kept their manes and tails short, but a few liked the rougher look. With his thick shaggy black coat, and white mane, Carl looked every inch of a mountain pony. "We don't have any kind of freedom. We sit here, and do nothing, nothing productive anyway."

The pony sat up a little straighter and watched as Andy absently scratch his crotch though the thin cotton of his scrub pants. "Nothing productive?" Carl leered. Andy just chuckled. And there it was. "Nothing RE-productive." Andy muttered glancing away with a smirk on his blond muzzle. Andy and Carl had 'an understanding' as it was put around here by humans. None of the Anthros were allowed to mate. Oh, they could do whatever they wanted to with their cellmates and other friends, but not with any females. 'Coupling' was standard, and 'couples' were given their own rooms for privacy. There were some things the humans would let them do anyway. It did keep the testosterone levels in check, as well as their fighting instincts. 'Bachelor herds' in essence, with no one true stallion to rule over them. All of them considered 'colts' since they had never really truly mated with a female.

Hoofed fingers landed on his shoulders, and Andy could feel the tenderness through the thin blue cotton. He looked down. Carl tossed his unruly mane back and stared up at Andy. "I know Andy, trust me. We're also not productive in the real sense either, but what can we do, stage some type of break? You heard what happened to unit 305."

That had been a bad day a few months ago. Facility 305 had suffered a revolt. Not a break out, but a full-fledged revolt. The bovine unit had fared badly the last few years. It was hard to keep the males in check at times, and someone in security had slipped up. One key card missing at 1600, and by 2230, all 1800 subjects, and 200 of the 430 humans had been killed. The bovines had broken into the weapons locker and made a bid for freedom. After that, automated locking systems, and human error had been removed from the equation at all installations except for inspections. Guards were sent in full numbers with heavy tasers.

"Yeah, I know, but I wish there was a way." Andy sighed leaning forward and down, resting his chin between the Pony's ears. His blond coat contrasted nicely with Carl's black. His own black mane and tail, the opposite to Carl's white. Tall and well-muscled, Andy was a athletic quarter horse, and he could feel it in his blood. The need to run, feel the wind in his mane, and the grass under his hooves. No fence to hold him back, just the wind in his nares, his tail flagged behind him as he ran as fast as possible, away from his fears, his sorrow, and most of all, from captivity.

The warm bulk of Carl heaved a sigh as he embraced the taller equine. "I know my friend, but, we are what we are. We cannot fight our nature, nor what hand has been dealt to us. I hear rumors that the human population continues to dwindle. They're down to 1 billion now. Our numbers rise. Another rumor is that our genes are increasing and evolving even as we live to make us better."

Andy chuckled. "Stronger, faster, we can rebuild you. Yeah, I've seen that movie too. "He said pulling back a bit to stare down into Carl's warm brown eyes. The soft nicker in his throat felt right, and Carl returned it, their lips meeting gently. Andy melted against the small muscled pony just letting his lips rest against Carl's. If there was one constant in this world it was Carl. They weren't allowed last names, and even at times the humans regretted giving them any kind of name. "It gave them ideas."

The smaller pony's strong hands held Andy tight to him as Carl suddenly returned the kiss with all the passion in his smaller body. One hand ran up to Andy's neck and held him close as his tongue slipped inside the quarter horse's maw, their tongues wrestling. It seemed this time Carl was going to get the upper hand, for a moment anyway.

Carl squealed with shock as Andy roughly wrestled him to the ground, breaking the kiss. The two rolled for a minute or too, each trying to win dominance over the other. It wasn't a real battle, only a mock one, each testing the others mood, preference, and current state of mind. It was a 'game' all male equines played. If it had been real, one would have been severely injured, and the room destroyed.

With a huge amount of effort, Andy was able to pin Carl down by his shoulders, the smaller Pony chuckling. "Ok ok! You win you broken old nag!" Carl's rich voice sounded sweet and rich to Andy. He smiled down at the muscle pony and smirked. "Of course I do, now let's see if we can do something about my sour mood..."


Carl chuckled internally at that. Andy was so serious at times, it could be a little irksome, but 'play time' always cheered him up. It's one reason the two of them had been paired together. It had been all their own idea, but the doctors and scientists had been overjoyed at the "dumb animals" finding their own way, instead of having to go through all the optional psychological testing to find each of them a match. That was six years ago.

His reverie was broken as Andy sat up after pinning him and taking off the simple blue cotton shirt. Carl sometimes regretted he didn't have a shaggy coat. He knew he'd be a stunning piece of horseflesh if you could see it. With Andy, there was no denying his athletic stature. His smooth blond coat almost glowed. His taught pectorals framed his chest, and his abs....Carl already had on one occasion spent an entire afternoon running his tongue over them.

The pony could feel his sheath stirring as his long thick cock began its arduous drop inside his cotton pants. He nickered his approval up at Andy who only smirked down at him. "Ok Pony, I've shown you mine, you show me yours." It was odd that the taller of the two was a light tenor. Carl smirked back and slowly stripped his own shirt off. He heard the nicker of approval from Andy. He spent hours a day in the gym, and then hours in the library. A healthy mind, and body. That was his motto for a good life. Andy didn't complain apparently. The last time Carl had looked in the mirror, even he had been surprised at the amount of bulk he was putting on. He must have some draft lineage in his line somewhere. His pecs were well rounded and full under all that shaggy fur. His legs were corded with muscle. He could even keep up with the bigger horses on the track, but best of all, he could out last them, running for hours.

A thin line of white fur ran between his pecs, down between his abs to his crotch. His cock had extended a good amount and was straining the fabric of his loose cotton pants. There was chuckling wicker from Andy. "Ok horse brain, you better take those pants off before you ruin them." Suddenly Carl realized he'd begun to leak pre. Almost all equines did, but he seemed to have enough of a supply for five of them all by himself. Quickly he reached down and slid the cotton pants off, sighing as the cool air met his quickly hardening shaft, his pendulous leather sack sagging low to the floor.

Movement caught his eye. The camera up in the corner of the room was turning to focus on them. _Fucking perverts. Done all in the name of science and research and such. Yeah, in your dreams. _ Carl was not pleased about it, but a sense of pride stole over him. If the pervy humans wanted to watch, he'd give them a show, and make them jealous at the same time. He reached down and languidly ran his hand over his long black length. "Think this is enough for you to handle stud?" He winked at Andy. Their silent signal that they knew this time they were being watched. Andy's eyes twinkled. He loved fighting back in any way he could. If it was running a pace that no human could match for an hour or two, or showing his stallion hood off, well, then he'd take the opportunity.

"Oh yes my little pony boy, more than." Andy stood up leaving Carl prone on the floor. Carl's eyes roamed over Andy's arms. There was more bulk there. They were both 19 now, and would probably only fill out from here on in. Muscles rippled under his golden fur, down to the darker brown fur at his wrists, and his dark brown hands. His thumbs deftly hooked under his pants seam and he languidly lowered his pants. His pink and black mottled cock was freed and hung low. Carl's mouth watered at the sight. He wanted to grip that horseflesh and slip it into his muzzle, tasting every inch. That wouldn't be good for the 'audience.' Or it would be, but the pair had this down pat. It was an act. Usually the next day they'd get sidelong glances from a few scientists, or scowls, depending on who it was. It was their only way to fight back.

Carl sat up and pressed his nose to Andy's heavy leathery orbs, inhaling deeply, the rich scent of horse sweat met his muzzle. He felt a huge rivulet of pre pour down his now fully hard length sending a shiver up his spine. Reflexively his groin tightened and slapped his belly, smearing clear honeyed pre all over his shaggy fur. "Like the scent little pony? I should put some in a bottle for ya." Andy leered down. Carl chuckled. "It wouldn't be as good as the real thing. Never is." His tongue snaked out and he ran it between the two heavy testes, gently separating them and feeling their heat on his tongue. He wickered with joy at the taste and smell. His stallion was really in the mood today. That was a good thing in Carl's mind.

Carl gently took each heavy orb into his muzzle gently, caressing it with his broad tongue, washing one clean, then the other. He could hear Andy's panting above him. A certain scent was hitting the pony's nose. Desire. Humans had to express themselves in words. Anthros had many different languages they could use; body language, ear placement, intricate movements of the eyes and face, and of course, smell. Something no human could understand at all. He could smell the desire to mate washing off of Andy almost as if the taller equine was shouting at the top of his lungs.

Pulling back, Carl looked up at the long mottled rod in front of him, and above it was a pair of twinkling eyes. Andy's ears were perked forward in rapt attention, his muzzle panting. Carl cheered inwardly. He had worried this talk of mating meant that Andy didn't want him anymore. Apparently that was far from the truth. Slowly the pony reached forward and gripped Andy's cock firmly in his hand. He could feel the warmth of it, the beat of Andy's heart caused the member to gently pulse. Carl closed his eyes. He didn't need to see the cock to appreciate it, and let his other senses take over; the warmth of the skin, the weight of it, the musky smell and sweat, and above it all, the heat of desire.

Carl knew it was coming from him now as well. Their scents were bathing the room in the rich aroma of needy stallion. He felt another shiver and pulse from his own cock as it drooled out a huge load of pre. He snaked his tongue out and let the next sense take over. Taste. If any human had asked Carl to describe it, he'd be at a loss for words, and considering he spent a lot of time reading books, that was saying something. Andy tasted or horse, sweat, desire, need, mate-claiming instincts. It was sweetly and tangy with a hint of saltiness. He slid his broad tongue up the shaft, past the medial ring to the bumpy ridge of the flare. A new taste his his tongue, the sweet pre that signified extreme arousal. Carl never knew why he himself produced so much, but whenever Andy produced even the smallest drop, he didn't dare waste it, and he didn't do so now. He eagerly lapped the bead up into his mouth taking the flare into his muzzle. He felt another pulse, and another bead coated his tongue. His mane shivered with delight in equine answer to his mate's feelings.

His other hand wasn't idle either. He gently caressed Andy's heavy nuts in his palm, rolling them gently, feeling the sheer heft of them. He'd been with other equines before Andy, and none had a pair to match his. The pony had experienced it first had, and the amount of cum they produced as well.

"Fuck Carl!" Andy huffed. Slowly Carl looked up at Andy as he took more of the stallion cock into his muzzle, caressing it with his tongue, feeling the flare scrape gently down his throat, his muzzle buried finally in the softest sheath lips he'd ever nuzzled. "Unf!" Was Andy's reply. Carl grunted in satisfaction around the thick cock in his muzzle as it pulsed. Slowly pulling back he breathed as heavily as he could before diving down again, and again, setting up a motion he could (and had) kept up for hours.


His mind was white with instinct. It happened from time to time if he lost himself to them. This time he did. He knew there was a 'show' to put on for the pervy doctors, but he didn't care. This was his mate. HIS MATE. Not theirs. MINE HE IS MINE AND SO HELP ME I'M GOING TO MARK HIM, THEN MATE HIM! His mind screamed at him. He'd won the fight, and now he'd win his mate.

Andy slipped his hands into Carl's thick mane behind his ears and began to let his legs buck. His sack was heavy in Carl's hand. It had been almost two days since he had spent a load. almost a record. Not quite. A small part of his mind told him to be gentle. His instincts told that part to fuck off. Slowly and forcefully he thrust his hips into the pony muzzle wrapped on his cock. He grunted with pleasure and forced his thick cock in as far as he could. He pulled out slowly, then thrust in again, his hand gripping the pony's white man, the snowy threads laced in his dark brown hand fur.

The equine's mind raced over and over. Mate, MARK, MINE! A litany that drove their mating instincts. They mated for life, and once mated, would never find another. The instinct was deep in their psyche and Andy didn't mind giving in to it. Over and over he rammed his cock deep into his mate's muzzle, the litany repeating and growing stronger. He could feel the burning need in his sack as he gave in. His orgasm built slowly, and inexorably higher, until even he thought he'd never reach the top. Finally, with a shrill whinny, he felt the first torrent of cum wash out of him. He quickly pulled out of the gaping muzzle below him and gripped his cock fiercely, an equine snarl of triumph on his muzzle.

"You're mine! MINE!" He roared as load after thick load shot with tremendous force onto Carl. Thick white sum soaked Carl's black muzzle, and shaggy muscular chest. Andy continued to cum, two, three, four, five large shots, then two smaller. Finally with a whinny of triumph Andy regained his footing and disentangled his finger hooves from his lover's mane. He surveyed the mess bellow him. Carl's eyes were glazed. His muzzle dripped thick rivulets of cum down to land on his heavily cum and presoaked cock. The black shaggy chest was matted with white thick cum.

Carl was panting heavily. "Yes....yours....."


Carl caught his breath, letting his pink tongue snake out and taste the sweet hay flavored cum dripping from his muzzle. His mind was awash with need. When Andy had begun to rut into his muzzle, his own instincts had kicked in. He had a mate to please. He'd done the first part, but he was far from over. Glancing up at the still slightly flared, but rock hard equine phallus in front of him, he knew he still had a job to do, and more than that, his own burning need to fulfill.

MUST BE MATED, MUST MAKE HIM MINE! His mind screamed at him. The white hot message always screamed it's shrill message across his mind, burning his soul with a fire he'd never be able to put out, not that he wanted to. He quickly got to his shaking hooves and made his way to the lower bunk laying on his back. He scooped a huge amount of thick horse cum into his hand an roughly fingered it into his doughnut. It'd been two days since they'd last mated. Might be a record for all Carl knew, but he didn't care they'd waited so long. The longer they waited, the worse the need drove them.

Waiting was not on Carl's mind. Not one tiny bit. He glanced over. Andy was still caught in the afterglow and adrenaline rush of cumming. Carl let out a shrill whinny. Andy jumped, his ears splayed back for a moment. He glanced around and his eyes locked with Carl's brown. His ears perked forward and his cock slapped his belly, coating it with thick white cum. He slowly clopped over. Carl grunted, hooking his muscular arms behind his knees, pulling them to his chest, presenting himself.

_TAKE ME, I'M YOURS, YOU'RE MINE! _ He screamed it with his ears, his eyes, his body. Every ounce of him demanded it from his lover. Andy wickered in response as he finally slowed and took up- his position. He took a huge handful of the copious amount of cum into his hand and smiled down at Carl as he slowly spread it over his pink and black cock.

_DON'T TAKE YOUR TIME, MATE ME ALREADY! _ Andy nickered loudly, and without words, radiated the message with every bit of his being, shifting anxiously. Slowly Andy stepped forward and lined his cock up to Carl's pucker. He could feel it press gently to him. Carl gritted his teeth and wanted to scream with impatience. Suddenly, with a force Carl was always amazed at, Andy pushed forward past Carl's ring, and up to his medial ring. Carl squealed, this time in pleasure. He could feel his lover's length inside him. He could hear Andy stamp his hoof once or twice as he shifted to accommodate his copious length. The pony could feel Andy's soft hand grip his black maleness in his hand, squeezing his medial ring.

That elicited a whinny of pleasure from Carl, and he felt a river of pre begin to flow from his gently flared head. Suddenly he felt his insides stretch as the blond horse pushed in with a huge huff of breath. The journey was a slow one, and ended with sheath lips gently kissing his now abused ass. Andy's heavy nuts slapped against the dock of his tail, the two of them whinnying in triumph.


Andy ground himself gently a few times against Carl as he was buried to the hilt. He huffed a few times. The first fire of mating was somewhat abated by his first orgasm, which meant he could take his time if he wanted. He knew Carl was as on fire with mating instinct and lust as he had been, and teasing would be fun, but a bit cruel. Besides, he was a stallion after all, he had a job to do. He needed to satisfy his mate's need. Some nice tender mating later tonight would be a nice ending to a long day.

Carl wickered and shifted getting himself into a comfortable position. His cock throbbed in Andy's hand, and his eyes went wide. They really had gone too long. Carl's stallion hood was very thick, and drooling a constant stream of pre. It had pulled his cum matted fur, and was dripping slowly down his side to soak the bunk sheets.

The horse huffed, and slowly pulled back letting his medial just exit Carl, before slamming home. He had a thick medial, and Carl had teased him about it, then praised him for it when they first met. Carl arched his back in pleasure, letting a whickering moan escape those black velvet lips. Andy leaned forward and lips his lips brush against them. He could scent Carl's need. The stench of male mating filled the room, flooding his nose. His head swam a bit, his instincts kicking back in.

MINE! The primal should seared through his mind and body as he began to rut into his mate. He could feel the pony's heavy sack slide against his rod as he pulled back and thrust back in. He soon picked up a maddening rhythm. Carl had scolded him for it with a twinkle in his eye. Andy knew what he was doing, and knew just how to pleasure his love. He let his medial, not his flare, do its work slowly, gently, bringing Carl to the edge, then slowly letting him down again, each time with soft equine kissing.

Words did come to Carl's lips again. "Andy yes....again please...." He would whisper each time the horse let him down from his orgasm. He knew the little pony loved this. He let his hands roam over the cum soaked coat, feeling the bulging muscles under that soft fur. The pecs were rock hard, the abs stood out in stark contrast from each other. His hands gripped the pony's shoulders as he slid home again. He loved carl's broad shoulders the best. Strong enough to lift Andy himself over the little pony's head, gentle enough to comfort the taller horse in his sorrows, and ready to take on the weight of the world.

Finally Andy's nose told him he was bringing the little mountain pony past the point of no return and he began his mating in earnest. His forelock was drenched in sweat. He tossed it out of his eyes, he loved this part and didn't want to miss it. He pistoned in an out of the well stretched pony hole, his long cock disappearing time and again, his leathery sack and lips meeting dock and ass. With each thrust he felt his own fire burn in his crotch, his spine tingled. He could feel his tail begin to flag. "Ahhhh!" Carl moaned loudly. Andy watched as the clear flow of pre began to whiten, a sign that Carl was close.

The moan began to turn into a deep throated whinny of pleasure as finally that white flow equipped. Andy deftly caught the thick rod, and bent down taking it into his muzzle as his own volley shot deep into his pony.

The sweet flood of cum coated his muzzle, and he eagerly drank it down. Practice makes perfect, and where someone mere amateur might have let it ooze down their chin, Andy let no such tragedy take place. He guzzled the sweet hay tasting cum down his throat like a starving man. Carl bucked and squirmed deliciously beneath him as he unloaded his own seed into his mate. Wave after wave of pleasure flooded both of them.


Carl lay scrunched up against the wall of their bunk, nuzzling against his mate. "Earlier you said something about....about reproducing." He whispered at the blond form next to him in the dark. "Does that mean you want to ....take a mare?" The blond form in front of him froze. "No....no....not really. I....I want a child. Badly Carl."

The words had been spoken at a whisper. The pony was stunned. "A...child? A foal?" He replied huskily. Too many emotions ran around in his head. "Yes....a daughter. I want a family.......with you."

Carl felt a tear form in his eye. "With me?" He whispered. "They.....they'd never allow it." His voice was husky with emotion, and unusually deep. "I know...." Came the reply, and he felt the blond shoulder shake...with a sob. They'd been together since they'd reached mature age, but neither had spoken of this before. In fact, the thought had never crossed Carl's mind before. A family? Him? Both of them? Until now, he'd never really worried about the future, or what would become of them. Thoughts swam in his head.

The humans would never allow that. The best they could hope for was to be "milked" for their seed, and then be informed at some point letter about their foal. And that would be it, nothing else. A life of leisure, no responsibility, no cares, just exist and to just be was their fate.

He opened his mouth to reply when suddenly the door to the room burst open. Six heavily armored men entered the room, leveling tasers at the two. "On your ...hooves!" The voices shouted. Carl had jumped when they entered, and now calmed down. Nightly inspections were not uncommon. Andy sighed as well. The man in charge stepped forward. He wore the rank of Colonel on his shoulder. "Please state your designations!" He barked looking at a clipboard.

Carl sighed. "Subject EQ8-189498613" he replied, wanting these humans to leave, and to leave him alone with Andy. The Colonel nodded flipping a page. "And you?" He barked nodding at Andy. "Subject EQ8-189556619" The taller equine replied in a bored monotone, obviously wanting this to be over.

"Right. Subject EQ8-189556619 you are being reassigned, come with us." The colonel turned to the guards. "Take him." He said as he strode out of the room. Carl stood frozen, his muzzle dropping open in shock. "You can't take him! Hey!" He took one hoof step forward when pain lanced through his entire body as did about 50,000 volts. He fell to the floor in a daze cracking his teeth and tasting the sour tang of blood in his nose. He was frozen in shock. Above him he could hear an equine squeal of indignation as something was going on. There were some curse words from the humans. The pony huffed and pushed himself up a bit only to be hit with more voltage and pain. His blood roared in his ears for a second or two until he felt some tugging on his fur as the taser probes were yanked loose and heard the door slam shut.

_No....no no no no_his mind whispered to him. He shakily got to his feet. "Wait!" He shouted. "Where are you taking him? WAIT!" He boomed in his deepest menacing voice. Only an equine whinny of rage met his ears, followed by the metallic clank of a door slamming shut and then the soft silence of the quiet cell. Carl walked over to the door. It was locked tight.

"WAIT!!!!!!!" He screamed. He stood shaking for what seemed like an eternity before slowly sitting on the floor. He pulled his knees to his chest and sobbed. He was gone. Andy......Andy was gone. The last thing he remembered was Andy's voice. That soft tenor repeating a phrase he had once called demeaning. Carl found his own voice echoing the same phrase as tears filled his eyes and sorrow and loss filled his soul.

"Subject EQ8-189556619, Subject EQ8-189556619, Subject EQ8-189556619 Subject EQ8-189556619....."

He sobbed hugely and whispered one word.
