Raising Asses - 7

Story by sorfa on SoFurry

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#7 of Raising Asses

Last part, for the moment. Might do a bit of what happened with Mike but not set on it. Hope you guys enjoy

The barn was sweaty, to say the least. Muggy from the heat of the day, trapped inside the old wooden building. Mike and Jake sat leaning against the wall, breathing hard, the donkey resting peacefully in it's pen. After their last romp Jake mentally reprimanded himself for not doing his part to help his parents. There was work to do and he'd get it done. It didn't take any prodding for him to lead the donkey to its pen, but far more was required to get Mike's rear in gear. Saying they had time for another round, he looked so great, couldn't get enough, yada yada. Farmers son Jake quickly got that nonsense from his head and set him to work, cleaning the cum from the barn, arranging hay bales, making sure the other pens were ready for when Jake's father brought back the other donkeys. A quick call from the door told Jake as much. His dad was sweet, not wanting his son to have to ditch his friend, but it also wasn't a three man job. Noting the heat Jake did agree he and Mike should do the work naked. A few glares from Jake whenever Mike deviated with playful touches settled the matter.

Sitting on the floor Mike looked at his mate and smiled. "Dude you really know how to work a guy, jeez. Though can't deny the results. Look at this place now. You'd never know there was all kinds of donkey sex happening. By the way how are you feeling?" Jake looked at him and cocked an eyebrow. "I just mean you're changed more than me. I mean the ears and stuff. Wanted to make sure it wasn't having some other effects. Honestly I kind of want to suggest I give you a check over but I'm legit too tired now."

"It's the miracle of hard work. Pumps the body. And I feel ok. The breeze sensation on them is weird though, I'll give you that. All in all, weird as it is, it's not that weird. If you get my meaning. I should be asking if you're ok with it."

"It's not what I was expecting would happen, or would be my life, but I don't regret this. I'm glad I did it, and with you." The two shared a tender kiss before dragging their sore bodies from the floor to grab their clothes. Jake's father would be getting back soon with some of the donkeys.

Mike found it much harder to get back into his clothing, his tail snaking down the leg of his pants while his massive cock made a noticeable bulge even while soft. Jake found the reverse was his problem. His tail and cock were hidden well enough but he wasn't sure how to hide his ears. Rummaging through the barn he blessed his lucky stars when he came across a hat big enough to hide them without looking like he was trying to hide something. They both were tying on their shoes when they heard Jake's fathers truck pull up close the barn. They moved fast and opened the door to help unload the donkeys.

Jake sat himself down in the hay of the barn to relax, door left open to give more of a breeze. Mike had had to return home, his mother told Jake's dad when he picked up the donkey that she needed her sons help for a bit. It made him sad his mate wasn't there with him, but he knew he wasn't far and would see him soon enough. Sitting in the now full barn, the musk of donkey was overpowering for Jake, his head swimming and making him dizzy with lust. He knew he needed to control himself but it was harder and harder. All the physical labour had gotten him all worked up. He'd managed this far without notice, wasn't going to lose it now. Looking up Jake saw the donkey watching him, it's cock having thickened up, hanging below it's body. That hard organ made Jake lick his lips with desire.

Jake got up and walked to the donkeys pen, keeping careful watch of the open barn door. His parents were out on the field checking equipment but who knew how long it would keep them. The desire in him didn't care, just wanted to get in there and let the donkey take him. The rational part of Jake's mind knew that was a bad call. Even if he had notice they were coming he'd still not be able to cover himself and hide it. That or he wouldn't be able to bring himself to stop enough to try and hide. Ultimately Jake decided to leave the door closed, but he did undo and lower his shorts enough to expose his ass to the donkey. Spreading his legs and leaning forward the donkey got a full view of his furry ass. He shuffled backwards carefully so as not to trip till the donkey's muzzle was on his ass. The donkey set to work using its thick tongue to pleasure the donkified human, making his head swim. Jake moaned with a burning need, a want to be filled deeper than its tongue could manage. The donkey seemed to understand that moan, for it moved away from Jake's ass before mounting up against the stall door.

Jake was about to look back to see what the donkey was doing when he felt it's flared head touch his ass, having slid between the door slats. The donkey made light jabs with its cock, enough to give pressure but not enough to press inside. Each thrust seemed to apply more pressure, even if only slightly. I can't, Jake thought while he brayed. There isn't time enough for it. Or privacy. Maybe just the tip though...

Jake pushed his ass back and the thick head slid into his ass. He started bucking his hips, fucking himself with the first few inches of the donkey's cock. Amid all his pleasure Jake looked down and saw his hands starting to darken and feel stiffer, feeling the same stiffness forming in his feet. The shift caused him to topple forward, falling off the donkey's cock and onto the barn floor. Kneeling there Jake felt his face tingle, knowing he was growing his muzzle, the rest of his body swelling too. Jake quickly scrambled to get his clothes off before they ripped. When the donkey brayed he looked back to watch it lift the latch with its teeth and open the door. Jake smirked at the donkeys cleverness. It walked over to him and promptly remounted, sinking it's cock to the base.

Jake, now standing on fully formed hooves, watched with fascination as he saw his face extend and become covered in the same fur that's all over his body. Jake brayed as his body finished swelling to donkey proportions. The donkey signaling the end of the change by shooting its load into Jake who shot his own to the floor of the barn. Pulling off, Jake turned around and tried to ask the donkey what he would do now but only a nicker came out. Makes sense I guess. Donkey's don't talk after all. The donkey seemed to smile at him like it knew his thoughts.How does it do that he wondered. Testing his hooves against the floor of the barn Jake looked over at the sound of his mothers voice outside.

"Dear, that was Mike's mother just now. You'll have to head back over there. Seems you missed a donkey. She found him out on the field."

Jake couldn't help but laugh, the donkey joining him in their shared joke.