Jacks Tail: Chapter-6 Rented

Story by Slatepaws on SoFurry

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#6 of Jack's Tail

Chapter Six. Jack has graduated to 'full employee' and experiences what it is like to be rented out for a private party as a server and plaything.

But not all is bad for her, she collects another tool and learns more about the place. After all her plan is coming together nicely.

This is also the last chapter before the halfway point chapter wise, chapter 7.

Chapter 6: Rented

Friday morning starts like every other morning so far this week. I am woken up for lessons like normal, I also properly address both Red and Alpha as I greet them. Thankfully I know the words to do so verbally. They made sure these were part of my first words.

Alpha surprisingly doesn't mention last night's talk nor acts any differently this morning in front of Red and me. This surprises me because I expected our relationship to change dramatically because of how I acted. Telling her to leave and not telling her what I wanted the knife for exactly.

As for the lesson, today's is not as hard compared to the previous ones. New words are becoming easier for me to learn so I end up practicing four words this morning. I'm also starting to understand the underpinnings of their language even though my current vocabulary could be counted on someone's hands.

If people knew about it they would be amazed at the sheer complexity derived from such simple yips and barks strung together. Sadly our lesson ends faster than I would have wanted it to. I was starting to enjoy the lesson too, still, we have more pressing concerns like getting to our 'job' on time.

Red and Alpha are already fully dressed for work so they wait for me by the residential container door as I put on my undergarments and the cheap robe / kimono thing. Once I am finished all three of us make a mad dash to the restaurant so we don't have to be out in the cold for that long.

I wish they would give us some kind of shoes and a winter coat. This fur, while better than bare skin, doesn't keep out most of the cold. Or how about putting in a roof between the residential containers and the main building? I guess they can't be bothered, after all we are just unfeeling slaves.

Once inside I grab the ordering device and put it on before following the rest of the Bio-morphs to our appropriate positions behind Red. Waiting silently for the first customers of the day to show up.

One of the males moves from his normal position and tries to insert himself between me and one of the other Vixens. I don't know why he is doing it though, none of the males he was next to were bothering him. Only when I glance over after the vixen moves to give him room that I notice he is the same male who has been staring at me for the past couple of days. There is also a scent coming off of him that I have not smelled before, not a bad scent, a bit musky. It makes me have a weird feeling in my lower belly whenever I breath it in. Still, I don't like him standing this close to me.

Giving him the 'leave me alone' look I walk over to the other end of the line, only for him to switch his place again with another bio-morph so he can stand next to me like a second ago

What is with this Bio-Morph? Why is he acting like this? Wait, is he 'attracted' to me? God no, I don't want this. I'll never want some guy lusting after me because I know all too well why he wants me. Like hell I am going to let him or any guy do that to me!

The arrival of the first customers of the day prevents me from changing positions in line again. Only for Red to motion for him to take the first customer followed by pointing at me to take the next one through the front door. Did Red see what was going on? He had to considering where he was standing and the noise we were making.

Said customers happen to be a young couple with a son around the age of six. Their clothes are of a style that shows they belong here, because I have never seen any customer that is not wearing expensive clothing. I am betting that anyone who doesn't come this well dressed will be shown the door.

In accordance with my 'job' I take them to an empty table for four. Sitting the husband on one side then the wife with their son facing him. Their son seems to have trouble reaching the table in the chair so I quickly grab a booster seat for him. Because of the incident with that male bio-morph I was not even thinking about or mentally preparing for my extra duties. So it was shock to my system when I see the husband pointing to the part of the menu that is for ordering my 'services' till his food is ready.

Neither was his wife apparently, she shoots him an icy glare when she sees me doing my job and adding it to their order. Hey, if it was my choice you rich bitch I would have removed myself from the menu! The trouble I am having with this body is more than I can handle without the addition of having to be a plaything to customers.

With all their orders entered I have little choice but to comply and perform the special service he ordered. So hesitantly I sit on his lap, I guess from their point of view my speed might have looked more erotic than me hesitating out of fear.

I'm certainly not winning any favors from his wife over what I am forced to do. She is scowling at him while at the same time attempts to cover the eyes of their son. Instead of being mad at your husband, be mad at this establishment for offering such services.

While siting on the husband's lap I feel his obvious 'reaction' to me sitting there and my nervously swishing tail. Stop moving you damn demon spawn appendage! It is bad enough I can't control you most of the time unless I concentrate on you. Something else though makes the whole situation a lot worse. A strong scent, similar to the one I noticed when that pervert of a male Bio-Morph tried to get close to me. Wait does it mean? No, I am not going to entertain that line of thought now. I REFUSE to even consider it.

Their kid breaks the icy silence between the two. "Mommy, why are you doing that? Daddy is just having the foxy sit on his lap like he does while working." It's hard not to smile at the naivety of youth when you are so close to it.

"Why did you order that? Its bad enough you let him watch as you do this with the animals at work." The wife sternly asks the pervert that I am sitting on in a tone of voice that is laced with venom. Meanwhile, their son tries to remove his mother's hand from covering his eyes, she fights a loosing battle to keep them covered.

I know for a fact from personal experience when I was younger she lost the fight to keep them covered from the moment she started covering them.

Also, you and I are in complete agreement. I don't like being on the menu any more than you like him ordering me. I would tell you that If I could still speak English.

"Oh I'm sorry, did you want one to sit on your lap too? They have well endowed male waiters as well." He answers in a tone that indicates he might as well have answered with, 'yea, so? What the fuck are you going to do about it?' instead.

The wife removes her hand from the boy's face and aggressively points a finger at him with that hand, or it would be him if I was not sitting on his lap between the two.

My eyes go cross eyed as I can't help looking at her finger with an over-sized fingernail in front of my muzzle. Funny, I stopped even noticing I 'had' a muzzle until this. Not 'funny' per se, only another thing that is irking me about this body. The fact that I am getting used to it without me wanting to. "Don't you dare give me that tone! I know exactly what you do with the Bio-Morphs your office owns!" She stands and in the process causes the cushions to slide across the floor. Then waltzes over to the side of the table this horn dog is sitting on, her heels clicking loudly in the process. As she approaches he gently pushes me off his lap and manages to stand without knocking about his cushions.

Thank you, I guess, for small favors. At least their squabble cut short the time I had to sit on his lap. Only to feel a tug on my sleeve, glancing down I see it is their son.

"Pretty doggy. Can I pet you?" He smiles at me with his child like innocence showing. Completely ignoring his parents who are ironically drawing the attention of everyone else here. This simple action warms my heart. Contrarily his presence drives home I am only five feet tall now, at his age he stands just over half my height already! I hate being this short, how do people stand it?

Why not let him pet me? I have a nice fur coat, if I say so myself. Despite the fact I don't want it in the first place. So I kneel down a little and tip my head in his direction allowing him to reach me. With a wide smile he starts petting me with both hands.

Yes he does it in the same way that someone pets a cat or a dog, but I can't blame him for it. To the kid I must look like a giant animal walking on two legs rather than four. He's too young to know better, and to be frank he needs something nice to distract himself from his parents immature actions. To keep him occupied I just stay still and let him pet and rub my fur all he wants. He even rubs me behind my ears, which cause them to twitch despite my attempts to stop them. The sensation of him doing so strangely feels good and I can't help letting my tail wag in tune with the rubbing. Okay, this one time I will let you do what you want you stupid tail.

Sadly, for the kid it doesn't last that long. Minutes after his parents become loud enough to create a scene that draws the attention of everyone in the dinning area. To the point that everyone seems to have stopped eating. Red and Christopher quickly appear to break it up as well as throw them out. The poor boy has no choice but to go with them. As they are nearly dragged out of the restaurant the child waves goodbye to me, so I wave back with what I would later learn is a vulpine smile on my face. The kid was nice so I hope that his parents treat him better than they have been treating each other. I also hope that this little encounter helps make him see that Bio-Morphs are not just animals either. A lesson I have learned the hard way.

I get no respite from my duties after that incident sadly, it is on to the next customer as if nothing happened. I wish I could at least have the food they ordered rather than it being thrown out without it even being touched. What a waste.

Ah well, at least my next customer is normal and not perverted. He just wants his food quickly served and steaming hot. Followed by many more non perverted customers. So many that it raises my mood and makes me forget that today is the day that I will be made to do the rest of the 'special duties' they bought us Bio-Morphs for.

As soon as Alpha approaches me a few minutes after the lunch hour do I remember that today is the day for me to have my first 'private' party to tend too. Said group being a small party of four businessmen wearing expensive suits. All of them take little time to go from the podium to the back staircase, must have reserved it in advance. None of them look older than their mid thirties either. I watch them go up the stairs while giving one another high fives in celebration of something. For what, I have no clue as the general noise of the place drowns out what they are saying from this distance.

Alpha gently touches my shoulder before leading me to back to that same staircase they went to, we end up meeting at the first landing between floors. I barely have time to notice the gray fox vixen being directed to take my place in serving the customer I was helping.

Our presence stops their celebration allowing their attention to be drawn to me in particular. "So this is their new vixen Bio-Morph? Damn, she's a knockout. I love her platinum silver-gray coat and her bright eyes." One of them comments about me like I am some object. Their gaze also makes me feel ill, and I want to be anywhere else but here. Can I go back to just serving tables downstairs? I'll even sit in people's laps without complaint if I can choose not to do this.

I am only able to shift my weight a little from one foot to another before I feel Alpha's hand strongly grip my shoulder. I guess it's her way of saying to me 'You had better not be thinking of running from this right?' No matter how much I want to run from this, the specter of Christopher punishing me like a disobedient animal. As well as the strange mental pull Alpha has on me because she is the Alpha Female of the pack prevents me from doing so.

Alpha leads them, and me up the rest of the stair well to the second floor. "I was getting tired of that Bio-Morph there. The rest of their vixens were not reacting like they should to my 'attention'. I hope this new one is more sensitive and reacts like a proper female should." The same person comments.

What does he mean by that? I'm not going to do anything with you other than what I am forced to do due to the situation I am in right now. So don't expect me to be sucking your dick or anything!

On the second floor the entire decor takes no compromises approach in keeping with the theme of the restaurant. The entire floor looks like someone just up and transplanted a traditional Japanese multi room house interior here.

The paneling, the floor, the authentic rice paper walls on the sliding frames. The ones that can be moved to either section off a room to create smaller ones or opened up to make one larger room. I almost feel like I went back in time as well as being transported a continent away. Only the fact that I am a slave to the owners of the place puts a damper on it's beauty.

Alpha quickly, with my help, moves the rice paper walls to close off a small square area for these customers. We set in place a table taken from one of the many closets as well as cushions for them to sit on. All of it continues to follow the decor of the room as the table, cushions, and the place-mat under it all are apparently of ancient Japanese origin. Or manufactured to look as such.

Following setting the place up we seat each of them, two on opposing sides of the table. From that point on it is just like attending the customers downstairs. Their orders are taken in the same way, only with the 'extras' being different from downstairs.

They flat out order the most expensive meals and wine this place offers. The optional services they order are the most expensive ones as well. My heart sinks as I am forced to enter that into the system too. So much for them just getting drunk off their asses while Alpha and I stand quietly in the sidelines.

"Hey easy on our lunch budget!" A different member of their group compared to the one who looked me over comments upon seeing what his colleague orders.

"This is a celebration meal! We crushed the South Dakota nurses union in court, cracking open the entire market here for our Bio-Morphs trained to do the basic healthcare duties of a nurse. We are going to get rich off of the commission and stock options alone from the company. Not to mention the end of year bonus" So that is where I ended up, South Dakota. I have to focus as to not show my elation of this bit of information. Now I know if all else fails I can just make a run for it. Only one state stands between here and Canada. This bit of good news of where I am doesn't overshadow the fact that I am about to be molested by the people who just cost thousands of people their jobs to Bio-Morph Slaves.

Well, if they aren't tricked into a similar situation that happened to me. Kidnapped and transformed into a Bio-Morph, only to be forced to work the same job they used to have. That seems even more demeaning than just being changed into a bio-morph and sold off to the highest bidder like me.

I have to force my hackles from bristling at the thought of what they did to me. Showing signs of anger or aggression would result in me being punished or sold off. Either of which would crush what little progress I have made in escaping.

"Fine, fine. I guess we earned the right to live a little, but 'I' get first dibs on their new Bio-Morph." Replies the penny pinching complainer while holding his hands up in defeat. This leach of a man who possibly has not worked a day at a real job or seen any kind of adversity then reaches for me.

Alpha has a stoic face on the mater before I reluctantly walk on over and sit on his lap due to what he ordered. Forcing myself to give an appearance via my body language that I am more willing to do this task than I actually am. Or at least I attempt to do that, I don't know how I looked to him.

Either way this man doesn't care about how I act, or he doesn't notice my body language. The second my ass touches his lap he has his hands all over my body in the most intimate of ways, much to my displeasure. One of his hands moves down my belly to the flat area just above my crotch and starts to rub there, This feels odd. The other hand goes and slips under my sports bra, it comes to rest on my right breast, which he starts to roughly grope. In the process his palm rubs the nipple on said breast. The nipple quickly becomes erect from his attention.

I find that some part of me enjoys him touching these areas of my body. No! This is a body that I was put into against my will. I am a man, not a woman! Still, I can't ignore the pleasureful sensation I feel when he pinches my right nipple between his forefinger and thumb. It rushes through my body and settles between my legs feeling completely and utterly alien to what it was like when I was man let alone human. Especially how it seems to reflect through my tail and back up my spine. Between gasps of air I let out a low pleasureful growl, I CAN'T be feeling this way at the touch of a guy! These sounds refuse to stop no matter how hard I try not to make them.

This man ignores my growls while my mind suddenly becomes sharply focused along with the sight whole room. I feel his other hand slowly inch lower through my belly fur and under my panties. I focus my attention on Alpha to try to ignore what this guy is doing.

On the other side of the table she is getting a similar treatment to me. Something seems off about how she is moving in response to his actions. Like how someone would act like they are enjoying it to fool the person groping her. Is Alpha faking this? How can someone FAKE feeling this? This body I was forced into is acting on its own! If I could stop it from doing what it's doing I would!

Then I feel him touch what I think is the clitoris and my focus shifts to only the sensations this sends through my whole body. A jolt of pleasure shoots through my spine and down my tail, all my fur fluffs up while a feminine moan rips from my throat mixed with a vulpine whine.

'Oh god! How can I feel like this?! This isn't happening. I'm a man, I'm a man!' I repeat the last three words in my mind as he rubs this little nub like a joystick. Waves of this strange feeling continues to flow through me no matter how hard I try to stop it. This is followed by a warmth and feeling of dampness along with a sense of emptiness that needs filling from that opening between my legs? Is this how women feel when they are? Please NO!

His 'attention' ends the second I feel the vibration and hear the buzz of the device on my arm indicating their food is ready.

"Aw. She seemed to be enjoying my touch considering that cute moaning yip. Such a shame I have to stop so she can get our food." The man whose lap I am sitting on comments regretfully as he lets me go.

Taking the opportunity I scramble away from him, or as best as I can as my legs refuse to work like they should. My legs feel like liquid rubber. At the same time the parts he molested ache in a good way. Like they are demanding to be touched more.

This feeling mentally shakes me, in fact I am shivering and my hands are shaking as Alpha helps me out of the room while glaring at me. The look on her face says what would say if she could speak English.

'You didn't follow my advice did you?' I just look away her while she huffs in an annoyed tone at me. What? You expect me to 'like' this body? It isn't ME. It will 'never' be me if I can help it!

She makes no other noises at me, or says anything in the language as we enter the kitchen. We pick up the trays of ordered food and drink for the private party.

Never mind the fact that I don't know enough in their language to make any meaningful conversation with Alpha. As we carry the food upstairs I glance over at Alpha wondering how long she has had to do this?

Maybe she was faking the reaction because her body has become so desensitized from being played with so often. Thus, she has to act like she still responds like that to their touch or they may get angry. How long does someone have to be here for that to happen?

I have got to get out of here as soon as possible and get changed back to normal. Getting so comfortable with this body that I too will have to 'act' like Alpha is something that I do not want to happen.

We re-enter the room but instead of placing the plates in front of the patrons like we would do downstairs, Alpha directs me to sit down at one of the empty seats. She sits down at another one and places the tray in front of herself. It makes me nervous to sit here because I am in grabbing range of the man who just had his way with me minutes before. It's a struggle to not let this show on my ears and tail.

Alpha with practiced ease sets the plates of food next to the customers to her left followed by the one on her right. The rest of the food is on the serving plate that she keeps in front of herself. This is followed by quickly and neatly placing highly polished silverware next to their plates, forks first and then the razor sharp steak knives.

A modern convenience for customers since I doubt many of the people in this part of the country know how to use chopsticks. I couldn't use them before being changed into this so I could take a guess I would be even worse using them now. I bet watching me try will be hilarious though. Alpha then places empty wine glasses behind each plate but within reach of each customer.

With practiced skill she then opens their expensive wine bottle with only her hands. Giving a loud pop that reverberates through the room as soon as the cork is removed from the neck of the bottle. Alpha then fills their wine glasses with the sweet smelling wine. With that task finished she takes the two cloth napkins left on the tray and drapes them over the laps of the two customers she just served. Alpha glances over to me and makes a small motion with her head indicating that I should copy what she just did.

So I am supposed to serve the two near me in the same way? Can't I just take the open wine bottle and bash them over the head with it? Considering how Alpha is looking at me and waiting for me to follow her directions, I guess not.

Placing the food and the empty glasses in front of them is easy enough. Same with the silverware, but when it comes to pouring the wine I almost spill it onto the table not expecting the wight of the bottle. Or how potent it smells to me being in my hands rather than across the table. Did alcohol used to reek like this? I don't remember.

Placing the napkins though is the hardest part. I don't want to touch 'that' area of their anatomy but I have to hide how my hands are shaking and to keep these damned ears and tail from moving either. It is a relief once I finish and neither the customers nor Alpha have any complaints.

Alpha gives me an approving nod and with no encouragement from her our 'customers' start eating while talking about their families. Or lack there of with the two sitting near me. The conversation then shift to what they plan to do during the weekend, lastly the conversation ends up about how I look before they become too drunk to have a coherent one. To sober ears at least. Even inane ramblings can sound coherent when you are drunk off your ass.

So this is what some women meant by saying they feel like a slab of meat on a plate in the presence of a group of men? Well, when I get myself changed back to normal I will make sure I never treat anyone in this way.

Upon emptying their plates we have to serve them more food from what is on the trays in front of us. When they empty their glasses of wine, we pour more. It isn't long before they go from merely too tipsy to have a coherent conversation to just random babbling of someone who is drunk. Drunk enough we have to keep them from falling over occasionally.

"Heh. If this leads to more nurses looking like this" One of them speaks and points to me. "I would go to the hospital more often!" The fur on my tail bristles when the same person suddenly gropes my breasts before roughly squeezing them while making a honking noise. He then lets go and they all start laughing at this while I fix my robe. I don't get the joke, especially since it is because I seem to be the butt of it.

Then again, they are completely and utterly drunk. I remember the last time I was drunk enough I could barely stand, just about anything was funny to me. It didn't matter if it didn't make any sense at all.

Still, time moves slowly as Alpha and I deal with these douches. It feels like an eternity has passed by the time they finish the whole bottle of wine they ordered. By this point they were so drunk Alpha and I nearly have to carry them downstairs. Similar to any responsible place that serves alcohol we couldn't just let them leave under their own power. Both of us watch over them as our owners summon an automated cab for these businessmen. I have heard of them, but I have never seen an automated cab in my entire life. So I stick around the window for a short while watching them get in it before the cab drives off under its own control. Alpha then taps me on the shoulder to indicate that I should follow her back up stairs.

I still need to find something to get into the casing of the control system in my residential container. This may be my chance to do so considering how many utensils are haphazardly laying about on the table in here.

While Alpha is busy putting the wall panel's back into their storage location I use this opportunity to gather all the plates and utensils. As I do this I clean off one of the sharp steak knifes, before wrapping it in a clean napkin and quickly stuff it into my kimono.

Only to turn around to find Alpha staring at me. Oh fucking hell. She must have noticed me swiping the steak knife. Alpha already knows I have the other one so she may not forgive me for stealing this one.

My first instinct is to flee, but as I try to turn away she grabs me by the shoulders and prevents me form moving until I stop trying to get out of her grasp. Once Alpha lets go I am bombarded with her speaking rapidly in the Bio-Morph language too fast for my limited knowledge in it to understand.

I get the general idea of what she is asking me and what she is worried about. A point that becomes clear when Alpha makes the motion of slicing open wrists after she finally realizes I don't understand over half of what she just said.

So I shake my head several times and try to mime to her that I am not planning on using the knife for that. Mentally I add 'at least for the moment, if I fail to escape I may consider it'. In response Alpha just tilts her head a little and speaks some more while making a stabbing motion in the air. To which I again shake my head no. If I was going to stab someone, I would want do it too that bastard who drugged me in the first place. Joe Snyder, If anyone deserves a knife in his back or his balls cut off as he watches it is him.

Alpha tilts her head the other way while having the look of utter confusion shown by her face, ears, and her tail. I doubt she would understand what I actually want to use it for, even if I knew the words to say it in their. No, in the Bio-Morph language.

As much as it pains me to admit to it I have to realize 'I' am a Bio-Morph now. In body at least for the moment until I can get out of here and get what was done to me reversed. I have to keep holding onto the hope that this can be done, otherwise I may go crazy before I can escape. Giving that up it would mean that Joe Snyder has won.

Alpha leaves me alone as we finish cleaning up the remains of the private party. Once we finish we carry the dishes down to the kitchen, and are allowed a short detour to the locker room to fix up our clothing. With a decent amount of time left on the clock both of us have to go back to serving regular customers for the rest of the day.

Luck is with me today as none of them asking for anything other than food. I notice to my dismay that the cloth I used is 'not' doing a good job protecting me from the sharp blade. It is starting to poke me through the cloth, when I get a private moment to check it doesn't seem to be cutting me or drawing blood.

What happened during that private party also weighs heavily on my mind making the poking of the knife a minor concern in comparasion. It even distracts me enough I almost screw up and bring the wrong food to the wrong people occasionally during the rest of my 'shift'.

The feeling of being touched in those odd places, the way my. No 'this', body reacted to his touch. Thinking about it still causes a tingling sensation and a feeling of dampness to come from the new equipment between my legs. Even stranger it causes the nipples on these breasts to harden and become sensitive to the slightest movement. This isn't helping my concentration any.

By the time we are allowed to go back to our containers after the nightly shower, thankfully fully clothed again due to how cold it is. I am ready to get on my knees and 'praise' whoever will listen for the fact that I was again able to sneak the steak knife out of the building. Well, from everyone but Alpha that is. In fact I make a run for my container once I am outside, it is only after I reach it that I register that walking and running like this has become so second nature to me. Part of me fears what else has become second nature despite my best attempts to fight it, the rest doesn't want to think about it right now.

I tear off the kimono again as soon as the residential container warms up to allow me to do so. This time I am more careful on storing the robe.

Next I remove the hidden knife before slowly removing my underwear. Why? They reek of an acrid spice like scent. Despite my many times in the shower it takes me several moments of breathing it in to realize what it is.

This is my scent, this is what I smell like to all the other Bio-Morphs. In a fit of anger I throw the garments against the wall while growling loudly. What that scent represents is NOT what I am!

My anger fades as fast as it appeared as I stare at my platinum silver-gray fur covered arm. With a hand like paw at the end that has neatly trimmed claws points on each finger. The thumb, while it does look like one has some visual hints that it is a modified dewclaw.

It's so small, so lithe, and so feminine. The arm moves the way I want it to, even though it shouldn't look like that. I try to imagine what my old arm looked like in its place. Something to remove this feminine limb from my sight even though a larger part of me is starting to realize that this is me when I don't want it to be. The late 20's too early 30 year old male's forearm and hand. Fingers slightly callused from working on old computer systems with their sharp edges. The tanned white skin with thick but not fur like hair. I see it like I still had it, only for the illusion to fade with the slightest movement of my arm. Leaving me with just the Bio-Morph vixen arm to stare at. No, dwelling on this is the same as going down a road I refuse to go down! If I do I might just do what Alpha thought I was going to use the knife for.

So I remove the sharp knife from its covering and check if its edge can fit into the joining point of the plastic clam shell of the control panel. The edge slips cleanly into the joint of the plastic case causing my mood to soar. My plan seems to be coming together nicely. Yet, glancing at the clock shows I have to stop for the night. Time is not on my side tonight because if I continue I will be eating into my food and sleep time, both of which I get little of. If I am lucky, I will soon have some time to do what I plan to do. For the moment I settle for placing it with the other knife underneath the padding on the cot.

Then I retrieve some of that rubbish they leave for us to eat and sit on the cot as I woof it down with enough water to dilute the taste.

What is on the top of my list when I escape to Canada is purchase a big dinner of burgers, maybe enough for two people. Then eat myself sick.

Just to try to erase the memory of eating this crap. Until then water will have to suffice for getting the taste out of my mouth. At least it's bottled water and I don't have to drink from the sink.

Turning off the lights after I am finished eating reminds me of something. I do like, this body has much better vision in low light. I can see some details of the inside of my container purely from the light coming from the control panel and some street light seeping in through a few cracks in the door frame. Albeit the colors are muted and fine details are a bit blurry. This would have come in handy when I was younger, I would have been able to stay out longer scavenging for parts. Maybe when I get changed back I can convince them to allow me to keep it. My thoughts continue to wander on this until I fall asleep.

Saturday starts like the every other day before it since arriving here. Being woken up by Alpha and Red as they enter my Residential container. Well, this morning it is the blast of cold air waking me as they open my door rather than them gently shaking me awake.

The heater kicks in and warms the place back up to the way I like, with the return of a warm room we start the normal morning lessons. By the end of today's lessons I know a few more words, and I feel confident I can say at least one or two simple phrases to the both of them. Not fluently though as they claim I have an 'accent' or something.

They wait for me as I get dressed and prepare to brave the cold morning so we can head into work. I have meant to ask them something and now is as good of a time as any.

The cooks here are human, which means they have normal jobs and by the labor laws they must have days off. So I hope that there is at least a day we are not forced to work. A day that we are left to our own devices. If there is one, I will use that day to make progress on my escape plan.

Picking up the pad of paper, which has become our main mode of communication I write down my question.

'Do we have to work the entire week? Or do we have a day off?' I hand the pad back over to Alpha once I am finished writing.

Alpha stops dressing herself and reads it before looking up at me with a vulpine smile. She writes on the pad and hands it back to me. 'We have Sunday's to ourselves because the human cooks do not work that day. Do you want to spend all day Sunday doing language lessons?' As I write my reply on the pad of paper Red heads for the door of my residential container with Alpha right behind him. I wrote down that I have other plans for that day and that I hope she isn't angry about me wanting to be alone. Straightening my kimono looking robe I move to catch up to them and hand the pad over to alpha to read.

This answer to her question causes her head to tip to one side showing that she is curious as to what I am planning to do with my free time tomorrow. I don't want to tell her what I plan on doing, for her and my safety of course.

Not only do I doubt she would react well to me saying that I plan on finding a way to the back of my residential container. As well as out of our little penned in area behind this place. I don't want to risk the chance of anyone else knowing about it. If all the Bio-Morphs here knew I that I was planing on a way out, they would be out watching and that would tip off any onlookers that something is up.

All three of us again brave the cold morning weather as we leave my residential container. I wish our 'owners' gave us more to keep warm out here then this cheap robe. I have to look on the bright side that at least it is a short walk, I have seen Bio-Morphs having to go much longer distances to get to their 'work place'.

Walking into the restaurant I half expect to be spending all day today on the second, or even third floor tending to private parties. Only to be proven wrong on that assumption.

Some rich bitch is getting married in a few days so she rented out those two floors for a day long bachelorette party. Because of this 'all' the male fox Bio-Morphs have been rented out for the event expect for Red. He is after all needed to direct all of us for the normal customers.

I envy all the male fox Bio-Morphs over this. They are going to get more female attention in this one day than I did in a whole year when I was still a human male. No, stop that! I am 'STILL' male in my mind despite what they did to my fucking body! I will be male in body again once I get out of here and find someone to get what ever they did to me reversed.

Today also teaches me that Saturdays are their busiest days, I end up spending all day running around like a chicken with my head cut off. It is hard to tell though how much of it is due to half of the wait staff being 'occupied'. I also learn that these things on my chest, these breasts, make carrying larger trays of food harder than it should be. When ever they are poked by a tray edge or something rubs a nipple through the robe and underwear it distracts me. On the bright side both lunch and dinner rushes were so busy the place limited the amount of special options on order. I ended up not having to sit on anyone's lap while letting them grope me at all. Being so busy is still better than dealing with that one male who is attracted to me. I can't help but physically shudder every time I think about it.

As for the customer's I had to serve, I have to admit I did not get 'every' order right. When I learned about this it frightened me because I expected to get punished. Only to find out that if they did that, they would have had to punish most of the other female fox Bio-Morphs, including Alpha. Seems the private party was an exceptional circumstance and they learned to not have so many of their 'staff' ordered like that again. Or at least that is what I overheard from our 'owners' after the dinner rush. So they are not dumb slave drivers after all.

I don't even know how I got the energy to do so by closing time, but I somehow was able to make my way up to my residential container. Despite the shower nearly putting me to sleep if it wasn't for Alpha shaking me awake. Most of the male fox Bio-Morphs were not as lucky, must have been one hell of a party for them to have to be carried back to their containers by those who could still stand. Basically Red, Alpha, and a few of us Vixens.

Too tired to eat or drink anything I just set the controls to keep the place warm and collapse on the bunk. My world falls into darkness as soon as I close my eyes.