Erika Whitehoof - Chapter 7

Story by biodaemon2 on SoFurry

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#7 of Whitehoof

Whitehoof - Chapter 7

Erika Whitehoof tried to silently pad her way back to her quarters, each hand holding a small square of white fabric that was desperately trying to preserve her modesty. Cursing her continued misfortune quietly Erika tried to move as fast and as quietly as she could, not wanting to meet another patron while she was soaking wet and almost entirely naked. When Erika had finally lifted herself out of the tub she had gone to the large cabinets helpfully marked ‘Towels' in large block letters, and had pulled out a scrap of cloth no bigger than a loincloth. Realization had struck her; the towels were only big enough for a Goblin! Behind her Cyli had started to snicker at the expression on the tauren's face as she gracefully climbed out of the water, the clear liquid dripping down her elegant curves in a delightfully pleasing manner.

As Erika watched she slid a hand underneath her neatly folded clothes and pulled out a larger sized towel, the side of the blood elf's lip turned up in a smirk. "They have larger towels in the rooms" Cyli explained as she deftly wrapped the towel around her torso before lifting up her clothes and casually exiting the bathing room without a backwards glance, Erika's eyes following the elf's swaying hips as she glided out the door. It took Erika a moment to clear her head as images of their earlier sex passed through her mind, causing her to blush in embarrassment.

"Well I can dry off in my room then" Erika said to herself as she used the towel on her face before turning towards her clothes, knowing that she could hang them out to dry once she reached her room. Looking down Erika was greeted by an empty bench, realizing that Cyli had picked up Erika's as well as her own clothes before departing.

A long trail of water marked Erika's route from the bathing room through the tavern's halls, each of her steps accompanied by a small shower of water from her damp fur that fully illustrated just how fruitless her attempts to dry off with the petite towels had been. Fearing that the assortment of ad-hoc coverings would slip off at any moment Erika increased her pace, fuming at the blood elf for putting her in this situation. ‘That bitch is probably laughing her ass off right now' Erika thought angrily, cursing her unfortunate life, thieving elves, and small goblin towels for all the woes they have caused her.

When her room finally came into sight Erika lunged forward, all attempts at stealth gone as she dove into her room and slammed the door behind her with a loud bang.

"Made it!" Erika declared triumphantly, the two towels falling to the floor as she rested herself against the solid oak door. Catching her breath Erika made sure to slide in the bolt, locking the room before moving towards the large dresser opposite her. As she walked between the two beds Erika took a moment to check on Zulrea, a flash of worry crossing her features when she realized just how loud the noise of the slamming door had been.

Finding Zulrea still unconscious Erika exhaled with relief, glad that she wouldn't have to worry about the former slave right now. Opening the cabinet Erika fingered through the different layers of clothing until she found a large towel suitable for a tauren, her mood souring as Cyli's deceit ran through her mind again.

Minutes later Erika stood before the full length mirror as she used a corner of the towel to dry out her ears, her disposition much improved now that she wasn't cold and wet. Grabbing a brush Erika began to slide it through her light brown fur, wholly pleased that it was nearly spotless; being free of dust and twigs for the first time in days was refreshing.

Looking at herself, Erika had to admit she did have a nice body. Over seven and a half feet tall, Erika was of medium height for a tauren yet towered over other sentient beings. As her eyes dropped down Erika considered her bust, which despite being slightly larger than the other tauren her age was still a point of embarrassment for her whenever she thought of her friend Daci. Erika knew it was silly when she was blessed with a well proportioned figure but she never could keep herself from feeling a small pang of jealousy whenever she saw the shorter tauren.

Erika brushed harder as she tried to distract herself, thoughts of her friend Daci filling Erika's mind with uncomfortable memories of the night she had eaten the incomplete potion. Turning sideways Erika placed a hand on her belly, making a conscious effort to switch her thoughts to something less embarrassing. The young hunter was pleasantly surprised that she had lost some weight; her stomach lacking the remains of her baby fat that had hung around since puberty.

"Hmmmph. Maybe there is an upside to all this after all" Erika whispered to herself, glad that all that tortuous walking had paid off in some small way. But as her eyes travelled a little further Erika felt the good humor drop away as the. . . thing between her legs came into view. Just the sight of it sent a wave of disgust and shame crashing into Erika. The deep black sheath protruded a half-dozen inches from just above her normal female bits, which were hidden behind her massive testicles which reached a third of the way down her thighs. The midnight coloring of the organ only caused it to stand out further against the rest of Erika's light brown fur. Erika hated her appendage with the entirety of her being: not just for making her a freak, but by forcing her to feel pleasure when she wanted nothing more than to be free of the spell's effects.

‘You know you enjoyed it' a small voice said in the back of Erika's mind.

"No!" Erika declared firmly, tossing her brush aside angrily as she spun away from the mirror, furious at the unbidden thought. "I don't care what I think I felt, it's all just more elven trickery" Erika said firmly as she climbed into bed, unwilling to admit that the curse had brought her anything but suffering and humiliation. "Once Cyli cures me I will never have to deal with this again!"

Most of the anger dissipated as soon as Erika slid beneath the soft sheets. "Oh by the spirits I have been dreaming of this for so long!" Erika moaned as she slid the sheets up to her chin, grinning like a little girl again. "I'd almost forgotten what a warm bed felt like!"

Blowing out the candle at the bed stand Erika rolled onto her side, the bed creaking against her weight as she made herself comfortable. Utterly exhausted after her long and trying journey, Erika was asleep within seconds of closing her eyes.

Back in the bathing room the air was filled with chatter and splashing as a dozen goblins cleaned themselves or reclined in the tub, discussing business deals and recent events as they lounged about. No longer rented out for a private group, the regular tavern patrons were allowed back into the bath house. Slowly stepping into the room the ancient matron shuffled towards the benches and changing area, bending over to pick up the odd discarded towel and pocket any wallet that was left foolishly unguarded and alone.

Spotting a bundle beneath a bench she bent over, groaning as her aged spine protested the movement. Grabbing a hold of her prize she righted herself, curious as to what she had found. Holding up the first item she was surprised when the fabric unrolled to reveal a massive shirt that would easily fit all of her hunched body inside with room to spare.

Blinking a few times the old goblin looked up at the rest of the bathing patrons, quickly deciding that whatever giant had been wearing them had clearly forgotten them.

"Finders keepers!" she cackled to herself, placing Erika's shirt and pants atop the pile of towels as she shuffled back out of the sauna and slowly made her way to the laundry. "They should be worth at least a couple copper. At least!" she told herself excitedly, her mouth watering as she pondered all the treats she might go purchase after finishing up the towels.

"Apple tart. No, black currant! Oh, maybe a large shepherd's pie, with all the trimmings! Oh that does sound lovely. . ."

Sunlight danced through the tavern window, the rising sun causing a slash of brightness to run across Erika's face. Erika grunted, clenching her eyes tight against the unwanted light. "Nnnnngh. . . just five more minutes" she mumbled in protest, the morning light coming far too soon for her liking. Turning her head from side to side Erika tried to find some relief from the unrelenting light to no avail.

Erika sighed in resignation as she shielded her eyes from the rising sun with one of her hands, finding it hard to resist just rolling over and falling back asleep. Slowly Erika's eyes adjusted to the faint morning light as she sat up, resting her weight on her elbow. As she blinked Erika could see the room gradually coming into focus.

"Whassat?" Erika murmured quizzically as she looked down at her bed sheets with a confused expression on her face. It looked as though there was something under her sheets pushing them up into the air. A large something. . . Erika let out a startled squawk as her brain, slowed by just having woken up, finally made the connection between what she was seeing and the odd but familiar sensation in her lower half.

Tossing the sheets aside Erika was confronted with her own girl-cock, the morning light illuminating the jet black phallus that rose up in contrast with the smooth brown of her fur. Erika's mouth flapped uselessly for a moment as she tried to find some kind of explanation, her mind flooded with confused thought.

‘Why is it hard!? Nothing happened! How could it. . . but why. . .' Erika tried to find an answer as she stared in wide-eyed shock. "How am I supposed to hide my co- my curse, if it gets stiff without any reason?" the hunter whined aloud. Suddenly a small fragment of memory surfaced in Erika's mind, something that the girls of Thunder Bluff had once giggled back when they were still not full adults.

Erika tried ignoring the panic she felt and concentrated on what she could recall. In her mind's eye Erika slowly constructed the scene; she and a few of her friends had been up late, sitting around a fire and sharing stories and chatting about life. It had been Helenia Oakspear who had told the other girls in hushed tones about her younger brother Takar and how in the morning light of their family's dwelling she had seen a noticeable tent in his bedroll. They had all had a giggling fit and for months afterwards would tease her brother mercilessly, calling him ‘Takar Morning-spear' and asking him if he had pleasant dreams or just really, really liked to sleep.

Relief flooded Erika as soon as she realized what was happening. "Oh spirits, do I feel ridiculous" Erika groaned, a smile playing at the corner of her lips. Looking down at herself Erika's smile vanished. "But it's not funny, damnit. I'm a girl; I shouldn't ever have to worry about my ‘morning wood'!" grumbled Erika, throwing her head back the pillow in frustration and clamping her eyes shut tightly. "Why can't my life ever go the way it's supposed to?"

Consumed by her angry thoughts and soft muttering Erika failed to notice as Zulrea, awakened by the tauren's first outburst, slowly climbed up onto the mattress. The troll's eyes were firmly locked onto Erika's maleness, her tongue running over her dark-blue lips hungrily.

‘This is what you want, my love. I know it!' Zulrea thinks to herself as she reaches out and wraps her arms around Erika's erection, causing the tauren to try and leap back in bed with a shocked shriek.

"Z-Zulrea!?" Erika screamed, her movement checked by the troll's weight. "W-W-What the hell are you doing?" Zulrea ignored Erika's stammers, nuzzling the bovine penis like it was her beloved mate. Looking up into Erika's eyes she grinned, letting her tongue slip out from between her teeth to brush along the veined flesh of Erika's girl-cock.

Erika gasped, her angry words lost with the sudden wave of pleasure that shot up her spine, causing her to buck her hips involuntarily against Zulrea's soft skin. "N-N-NnnnhhNO!" teeth clenched, Erika reached out to grab the troll's hand and pull it off of her organ, causing Zulrea to frown at Erika slightly.

"Zulrea, stop it!" she declared, trying to sound forceful but unable to keep her voice from cracking as Zulrea pressed her blue breasts against the warm shaft, giving off a soft coo of pleasure. Ignoring Erika's protests Zulrea began to run her tongue up and down the shaft, the tip of Erika's member jutting out from just above her cleavage, a bead of pre running down the side to drip onto Zulrea's collar bone.

Pulling her hand from Erika's unresisting grip Zulrea let out a soft giggle as she traced her slender fingers up and down the thick veins, watching Erika intently as she licked and nibbled her dick.

Deep down Erika could feel herself losing control; the sensation of being stroked and pleasured by the troll was immense. Erika realized with a start that over her months of captivity Zulrea must have gained a lot of experience dealing with larger cocks and was putting that to use on her.

"Please Zulrea! S-Stop!" Erika begged, her hands gripping the bed sheets tightly as she tried to resist the mounting pleasure. "This isn't right!" Pleading, Erika looked deep into Zulrea's eyes, who met Erika's gaze levelly. And without breaking eye contact once she lowered her head down and pressed Erika's cock head into her mouth, her small tusks jutting out to either side of Erika's meat.

Erika felt the last of her resistance fall away as her ebon dick was swallowed by the amorous troll, her blue skin bulging out as she forced almost a full foot of Erika's length down her throat. Zulrea held her position for a long moment, her tongue swirling around the bottom of Erika's cock as she stimulated the rest of her length with her hands. Finally Zulrea pulled her head back, keeping just the tip in her mouth as she inhaled a deep breath, filling her aching lungs with air and the delicious scent of her beloved's arousal.

Grabbing onto Erika's organ as much for support as to keep pleasuring her, Zulrea climbed up onto her feet, her dripping sex hanging directly over Erika's cock. Feeling each drop of fluid landing atop her member Erika pushed her hips up off the bed, weakly trying to push herself into the troll's warm nethers. Purring softly Zulrea slowly began lowering herself downwards, using her hands to guide the thick shaft up against her swollen labia where the skin had taken on a pinkish hue.

‘I want to make you happy, my love' Zulrea thought at Erika as she lowered herself further, gritting her teeth as the broad pole tried to work its way into her body. ‘I love you, and I want you to love me back' Zulrea nearly bit her tongue as, desperate to force Erika's organ inside she stopped supporting her body with her legs to let all of her body weight drive her downwards. Zulrea nearly screamed as her cunt was spread wider than she had ever thought possible, pleasure and pain clashing in her mind.

"Zulrea!" Erika cried out in alarm, caught by surprise when the troll roughly forced herself onto the giant dick. The skin above her slit swelled, outlining the shape of the hunter's full maleness. Zulrea panted, tears streaking down her cheeks to drip down onto Erika's stomach. "Zulrea, get off!" Erika protested but was interrupted by the troll, who gave Erika a weak smile.

‘It hurts, but I can learn to take you!' Zulrea promised herself and her beloved. ‘I will do anything for you!' Zulrea took a deep breath and swallowed before letting herself sink lower, gasping as both the pain and pleasure of being stretched so far grew with each inch until she didn't know if she wanted to scream in agony or orgasm forever. One of her hands pressed against her leaking slit, lathering itself in the mixed fluids there before sliding around to place the finger against the dark blue of her anus, Zulrea's other hand busy squeezing her own breasts with abandon.

Erika panted with exertion as Zulrea's sex tightened around her shaft, keeping Erika from going any deeper. With a snarl Erika found her anger and patience evaporate at the hold up, the need to bury herself into the blue female's pussy overwhelming. Gripping Zulrea's hips and pulling her down Erika gave a hard thrust at the same moment, causing Zulrea to howl as the outline of Erika's bovine dick drove up past her belly button.

Pushing Zulrea up a bit Erika dropped her back down, grunting as she began to set a rhythm with the smaller girl. Zulrea felt her mind shatter under the assault, the pain of having her cervix bruised and penetrated nothing to the awesome joy of having her beloved's black fuck stick jammed up into her depths. ‘Erika! Yes! Yes!' she thought, her mouth trying to find the words but only emitting lewd whimpers and moans.

Increasing her pace Erika began to moan in time with her thrusts, feeling her climax rapidly approaching. Her testicles bounced up and down between her legs with the movement of the mattress, where Erika could swear she heard them audibly sloshing. In her pleasure clouded mind Erika could still tell that they felt full and swollen, begging to be released.

The magical nature of Erika's penis was already working on the pair, the tendrils of energy causing Erika's balls to ramp up the production in response to a fertile female nearby. Zulrea wasn't immune, her ovaries responded to the cock's influence by forcibly pushing more eggs out into her uterus in preparation for receiving Erika's seed.

Something in the back of Erika's mind could tell something was wrong, but the small voice of protest was lost to the hurricane of physical stimulation that whirled around Erika's brain, keeping her thoughts fragmented and focused on only one goal: fucking the blue cunt stretched over her cock.

"Ah ah ahghaaaaa!" Erika bellowed as she felt herself go over the edge, the climax causing her to jerk her hips upwards, a firm grip keeping the tip of her shaft pressed tightly against the back of Zulrea's womb. Erika's cock physically pulsed as it shot a thick blast of semen into the troll's uterus with bruising force, her voice growing hoarse as she came again and again.

Zulrea screamed with her beloved tauren as she orgasmed with every spray of cum, the impact of the rich liquid enough to keep her squealing happily. The blue flesh of Zulrea's belly began to bulge outwards as her womb expanded under the increased pressure from Erika's seed, only a thin stream able to push out around the invading maleness. Erika's body was doing its best to empty every drop of semen from its sack, Zulrea's middle distending as gallons of tauren spunk were forced inside.

It was too much for Zulrea to mentally take: her last thoughts were a kaleidoscope of random thoughts and raw sexual energy before she went limp, her arms dangling to either side of her bloated gut. As Erika gave a last gasp she finished cumming, her bottom falling back down onto the sheets, the movement causing Zulrea's stomach to slosh and sway with its frightfully large amour of liquid inside. Erika's last thoughts before she too passed out were ‘wow, Zulrea looks really pregnant.'

And then the room was quiet once again.