An Autumnal Interlude

Story by LethiaNyx on SoFurry

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A short interlude on an autumn afternoon

An Autumnal Interlude

"You're here already, shit" Tamsin gave a little start and laughed nervously as she came into the small bedroom, tugging at the wide pastel purple towel that around her waist while she wrapped a matching one into a turban over the wet mass of her shoulder length deep russet hair with a flourish. "Did you find the place okay?" "Yeah, it wasn't too far from mine, really." Wearing her favourite black and white striped t shirt that showed her black bra through the thin fabric, battered leather jacket and faded black jeans Harper sat cross legged on the rumpled twin sized bed looking out of place among the muted Bohemian jewel tones and kitschy 1970's knickknacks that dominated the room. Watching her new lover dress in a soft plum coloured sundress that suited her cream coloured fur and wavy deep red hair perfectly the Feline wished she would have put more effort into her own outfit. "I just really wanted to see you today, I guess" she said with a vague shrug and a half smile. "Didn't mean to, you know, interrupt you..." "You're fine, don't worry about it." Tamsin said with a soft chuckle as she moved around the room collecting jewelry from side tables and dresser tops until her plump arms were covered from wrists to elbows in gently jingling gold bangles and her large pointed ears were studded with small gold hoops four in each, "Help me with this?" the Jackal held up a heavy purple jewel studded necklace in the Feline's direction before sitting at the tiny white painted vanity bench, she nodded at Harper encouragingly from the mirror as she took up a slim pencil from the mess of tubes and pots to line her large pale jade green eyes in deep brown. "Oh, yeah, no problem" the Feline said with a nervous giggle, uncoiling from the bed with a faint creak of leather and crossing the small space between them. Trying to ignore the trembling in her paws she lifted the damp waves of Tamsin's hair to gently clasp the necklace at the nape of her neck skimming her fingers lightly of over the soft fur there. The Jackal caught her breath at the touch. "Hm, thanks" she said with a slightly strained laugh, her eyes widening slightly within their ring of dark makeup, the expression on her long oval face equal parts wary and excited. Her tail twitched brushing Harper's legs in a nervous rhythm. "Hey, it's okay, if you, you know, don't want to..." Harper said, meeting Tamsin's fretful gaze in the mirror "I mean, we can just hang out, it's okay" The grey Feline bent and wrapped her arms around the pale Jackal and rested her chin on her shoulder. "It's okay" she said again with a smile. Tamsin relaxed into the embrace, tilting a look down at Harper before sighing softly. "I want to, Harper; I do" the older female's voice was a low thoughtful murmur as she spoke "Meeting you has been so amazing" she paused, "so fulfilling in ways I didn't think were possible for me at this age" she said ruefully. Harper knew that Tamsin had a mate, a Serval named Owen who had an eye for females who were, in the Feline's opinion, barely out of cub hood. She'd always preferred experienced lovers herself. "You're not old, if that's what you're worried about" Harper said with a lightly teasing chuckle, giving the Jackal a gentle squeeze. "God, it's not that!" Tamsin exclaimed suddenly, shaking off Harper's embrace and jumping to her feet so quickly that the vanity bench fell backward landing with a soft thump on the thick beige carpeting. Harper hopped back, barely avoiding the bench. "It's not only that, it's everything! It's Owen and his constant infidelity, his snide jabs at my age, my pregnancy weight" Paws clenched at her sides she turned to face the younger Feline, a hopeless expression drawing down the russet arches of her eyebrows and pulling the thin line of her mouth into a soft frown. "Between him and the cubs I never get a moment's peace" she said her ample form hunching with guilt. "And do I get any help with midnight feeds or nappies? No!" "You have cubs?" Harper bleated in surprise, going stone still with the shock. How hadn't she known that? Why didn't Tamsin tell her? "Yes, Harper, I have cubs, twins" Tamsin said heatedly "just where do you think these came from?" she cupped her heavy breasts in her hands thrusting them towards the Feline disdainfully. "Why didn't you tell me?" Harper asked her expression blank, hurt and accusation made her voice flat and hard. She backed away and crossed her arms, waiting for an answer. "I thought it would scare you off, my being a mum, I thought it would disgust you as much as it does Owen!" the Jackal said with a teary laugh, her light green eyes spilling over with tears that dampened the fur of her cheeks. "Oh, fuck..." she said her face crumpling with tearful frustration "great, just great, what a fucking time to be goddamn leaking!" Twin patches of wetness spread across the top of her dress, darkening the pale purple fabric. "I'm not him, Tammi, I'd never be disgusted by anything about you" Harper said, all the anger and accusation gone suddenly from her voice, her expression softening at her lover's distress. Closing the small space between them she took the Jackal's hand and raised it to her lips, kissing each soft pale pink paw pad in turn before pulling Tamsin towards the bed. "Take off your dress, love" she murmured, with a heavy lidded amorous look. "How can you be thinking about that when I'm...this?" Tamsin gestured and made a low watery sound of distress crying harder Harper shook her head, murmuring soothing sounds "Shhh, shhh, my darling, let me show you how much I love you. The Feline pressed a flurry of soft kisses over the Jackal's face, licking away her tears tenderly. She pulled the dress up and over Tamsin's head making her bracelets ring softly and, tossing it into a heap on the floor. "Lie back, just here" she instructed gently, "Good, there you are" Tamsin reclined on her back, leaning against the small mountain of pillows, her hair spread like a fiery halo around her head. Her eyes were wide in her pale face as she watched Harper shimmy out of her clothes, carelessly throwing jacket, shirt and jeans across the room until she was wearing only her bra and slim fit boxers. The Feline grinned cockily knowing she had Tamsin's full attention. She unhooked her bra she small breasts bouncing free and dropped it to the floor before sliding down her boxers, stepping out of them before straddling the pump Jackal. "Feel good?" she asked bracing her paws gently against the soft mound of the Jackal's belly and rocking in smooth undulating motions, sliding her slit against Tamsin's until the Jackal was moaning softly, her pale pink tongue lolling slightly, her eyes squeezed shut with pleasure "Y-yeah, hmm..." Tamsin whined deep in her throat, her paws fluttering against the sheets, her clear claws catching on the paisley print fabric slightly. "Yeah..." Harper breathed rocking faster, coaxing Tamsin into spreading her heavy thighs wider so she could slip her paw between them to tease the Jackal's pale rose clit gently. "Oh...oh..." Tamsin moaned softly as Harper's fingers circled her clit, her body shaking with arousal. Harper laughed softly and ducked her head to kiss the Jackal's pale pink lips, parting her own to invite the Jackal's long agile tongue into her mouth, 'hmm-ing' softly. Tamsin kissed back hard, tugging the Feline's lower lip between her sharp teeth with enough pressure to Harper moan sharply in surprise. "Gently, will you?" Harper scolded teasingly with a laugh after breaking the kiss. "I'm sorry, sweetie" Tamsin said with an equally teasing half grin. She arched up to capture the Feline's mouth again, gently, apologetically. They writhed together, mouths locked together in a soft duel of lips and tongues for several moments, the Jackal's moans becoming breathy and keening as the Feline pushed a single finger into her eager hole withdrawing it suddenly. "Don't stop..." Tamsin moaned "Please kitty, I'm close" bracelets jingling she gripped Harper's hips holding her, fixing her with a heavy-lidded, wide look of slightly panicked lust. Her pupils were blown wide dark pools rimmed with palest green. "You've got to let me go if you want my tongue in your pussy, darling" Harper said covering Tamsin's paws with her own and gently pulling them away from her hipbones. She laughed at the startled, aroused expression that made the tips of the Jackal's ears turn a deeper pink with a charming blush. "Oh, you want to..." she giggled breathlessly when the Feline slid down between her legs. Harper flashed a teasing look up at Tamsin before spreading her wet deep pink pussy lips wide open and delving her tongue deep into that glistening pulsing hole. Tamsin's reaction was immediate; her hips bucked up from the bed and her head thrashing about the pillows in the throes of her ecstasy her impassioned whines rising in pitch. She gave voice to a string of ragged full throated moans gripping Harper's head between her paws while her entire body shuddered wildly as the Feline sucked, licked and teased her to a series of orgasms that left the plump Jackal limp and panting open mouthed. "Where the fuck did you learn that?" she puffed, eyes dazed as she basked in the afterglow with Harper curled beside her, her fur from nose to chin a wet mask of pussy juices and her own saliva. She smiled slyly and shrugged one shoulder while she wiped at her mouth with the back of her paw. "That'll be my secret, eh?" she chuckled lightly and shifted so that she could rest her head against the Tamsin's shoulder, curling her body more tightly against her lover knowing that this feeling of blissful peace couldn't last. That their lives would have to begin again in a few hours when Tamsin had to pick the cubs up from daycare, do the grocery shop and cook for the ungrateful Owen while Harper herself had to bike back across town to grab a shower in her tiny flat then take a taxi out to the college where her night classes were held. Listening to the soft sounds of Tamsin's breathing and watching the late autumn light paint the tiny room in shades of gold Harper felt a pang of sadness knowing beyond a doubt that this would be the first and last time they could do this. Never one to prolong the inevitable slipped from bed, re-dressed quickly and was out the door while Tamsin slept, a soft smile on her serene face. End