Afterburn Chapter Two: Ignition

Story by PuppyBat on SoFurry

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It seems Travis might be getting into some trouble.

Afterburn Chapter 2: Ignition

My mind was reeling, all I could think about was Dallas's strong arms touching my body. I could still feel his hand on my shoulder, and his breath on my neck. Shivers ran down the length of my spine, physically shaking my tail, with every playback of that memory. I couldn't help but wonder how his hands felt other places, and how it might feel to touch those muscles of his. I wanted to know how much of his body was metal, and what that silicone skin of his felt like wrapped around me. Parts of me.

I had to keep a hand on my crotch just to keep my oversized dick from ripping my zipper open again, even though the pressure only complicated what was going on in my head.

I was so distracted that I just stared at my computer monitor without doing any work until lunch. It was almost surprising that no one came by and noticed, but everyone on my floor was still unnerved that Dallas fucking Smolder had come down and shaken things up. Dallas fucking Smolder had shaken me up.

When it was time for me to take my lunch, I put my messenger bag on, squared the bag over my crotch and walked as quickly as I could to the elevator. I stared at the elevator buttons so long that the doors tried close before I could make a decision. My hand hovered over that small plastic button to my boss's boss's boss's boss's floor. The floor of the company god. When I finally pressed it, it was like the elevator took off without me, and I was falling through an empty shaft. And then I arrived, but I wasn't prepared for when the doors opened, when he was just suddenly before me.

They opened into a large room, with a small dining room table, one chair, and Dallas sitting in that chair, a single place setting with a steak and a wine glass sitting before him. He sat facing away from the table, pointing towards me. He wasn't eating, or doing anything really. Just waiting. Waiting for me.

I stepped over the threshold, and in a timid voice that sounded like it was coming from a child, I started with, "Good afternoon Mr. Dallas-" Before he cut me off in his deep, lurid, and commanding voice.

"Take off your clothes." His voice was steady, and confident. Picking up his wine glass he added a, "Boy." and in that moment that's what I was. A boy.

"Uh, um, what? Excuse me?" I said, flustered, blushing, and already starting to take off my tie. I managed to stop myself, though the urge to obey every deep rumbling word from his muzzle wouldn't subside. "N-no."

After a sip, the wolf set down the wineglass, "I have a job to offer you, boy. I want to see what I'm working with before I offer it to you." He looked me up and down with his hunters gaze, hungry. "So, and I won't repeat myself a third time. Take off your clothes."

I finished loosening my tie, and pulled it off before coming to my senses again. "No, no I-I can't."

"This job will pay you three times what you're being paid now." He dragged a claw along the edge of his wine glass. "Is that an acceptable excuse to degrade yourself?"

I dropped the tie, thinking about the money and my own growing arousal. It was more than an acceptable excuse, it was the perfect excuse. The job could be as his cock sleeve, and I would be okay with this. I undid my first two buttons of my shirt, and he held up a hand to stop me.

"No." He growled. "Slowly."

My cheeks burned, and I undid the next button, letting my shirt fall open as I undid button after button, revealing my scrawny chest and boring gray undershirt. I made eye contact while I did, watching him give me an approving smirk while he drank his wine. As I reached my waistline, I untucked my shirt carefully, letting it drop behind me onto the ground. Peeling my undershirt off, I watched Dallas pick up a fork and knife and begin cutting his steak. He had dinner and a show. He nodded at my soft belly fur, and I found his approval exhilarating. With the undershirt on the floor, I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my pants.

With a gentle push over my bulge, they dropped to the ground, and he chuckled, setting down his silverware. "Boy, how do you keep a toll like that in briefs?"

I looked down and away from him, my arms crossing over my chest. I was embarrassed, and suddenly felt very exposed. I was standing in just my underwear after all. "P-practice." I said sheepishly. I just stood there, unmoving and lost as to what I was even doing there. Were we having sex? Was this just a booty call? I just wanted to go back home now.

"Take off the shoes and socks, and step over here." He commanded, pointing in front of him.

Kicking them off, I practically scrambled to stand in front of him., aching for that approving smirk again. He placed the claw of his metal hand in my waistband and pulled it back, glancing at the package with in and turning my cheeks scarlet. Not knowing what to do with my hands, I just tucked them behind my back, and watching him looking at my horse cock.

"How does a tiny hyena like yourself come to posses such a large instrument? Is it even real?"

"My mother is a horse sir." I said quietly.

"You're a natural marvel Travis." He mused, pulling the waistband down and watching my giant member spill out. He pulled the underwear down until it dropped around my ankles.

Dallas put his robotic elbow on his knee, using his large wolf paw to grab the head of my cock and send shivers through my body He pulled it up, pushing it against my belly. "It's touching your navel... Wonderful. Does it get bigger?"

"It's a, uh, a grower sit. Yes."

He smirked, "Sir. Okay. That will do for now." He let my cock drop and sat back, touching his fingers together in front of him as he studied me. "Travis dear. I want you to take off my shoes."

I nodded, and kneeled in front of him, my cock head dragging on the carpet. As I reached for the shoes he held up a hand to stop me again.

"Without using your hands."

"I'm sorry, sir? I don't understand."

"Think of it as a test of your skill. For the job, I want to know what you can do."

I placed my hands on my knees, and leaned in. I could smell dirt, and feet, and leather. I pushed my nose into his ankel,a nd took his shoelace in between my teeth, gently pulling it and undoing the knot. There was a thin layer of dirt on the lace, and it was bitter in my nose and mouth. The leather smell was also unwelcome, but the smell of feet, as long as it was his feet, I was okay with. I focused on his scent as I pulled the laces apart with my teeth, but I couldn't wrap my head around to take off his shoe without my hands. I gripped the tip of his shoe with my teeth, and tugged, getting more dirt directly into my mouth, but not making any movement off his foot. I tugged again, and again, scraping dirt off and into my mouth. I let go to try and get a new grip elsewhere, but a stern throat clearing stopped me.

"Are you unable to do it?"

I nodded, and he sighed.

"You can use your hands, if you're prepared for the punishment."

I looked between him and his feet, thinking about it. I didn't know what punishment meant. Gingerly, I reached down and pulled the shoes off his feet, setting them gently to the side. I did feel shame, and guilt, which I didn't understand. I wanted to please him, and it hurt me that I couldn't.

Suddenly he stood, startling me, a towering wall of metal and wolf above me. He undid his pants, letting them fall, and revealing his metal and silicone covered leg. Grabbing his red silk boxers, he dropped them too, causing my heart to stop at the beauty that was his package. I found it hard to breath in the presence of it. I had wanted to see him naked more than anything, and now that I had him in front of me, my horse cock immediately swelled to full attention and I felt like I could orgasm from just touching Dallas's cock.

His balls looked to be intact, a round black furred sack sitting between his legs. His sheath was a clear silicone though, perfectly molded, with a purple rocket buried deep inside it. He sat back down, and motioned for me to move closer. "Hands here." He commanded, tapping his knees. I did as I was told, and put one hand on his furred knee, firm and muscular, the other hand on an equally firm robotic knee. His hands grabbed mine, holding them down, and causing my dick to twitch and hit the bottom of the chair Dallas sat on.

"This is the job. Tomorrow, you start as my assistant. You'll assist me in any needs I have, both work related and personal." He ran his thumb against my hand as he spoke, and he had my full attention. "Now, this job comes with a warning. Over the course of it, I will have my fun with you. I will hurt you, but I'll try and make you like it."

"What if," I said slowly, my desire and excitement being set on the back burner for the briefest of moments as my sanity drifted up to the top of a sex fueled emotional high, "What if I don't want the job?"

His grip tightening on my hands, and he smiled a harsh and delightful smile that told me he could be cruel, and that he would unleash all the cruelty on me, and that I would not only want it, I would ask for it and beg for it. "You want the job." And I did. "You want it because I'm telling you that you want it." And I really did. He gripped my hands harder, digging his claws into me and making me wince and try to recoil unsuccessfully from his grip. "Now, I'm going to let go. Do not move your hands, not an inch. I want your lips wrapped around my sheath so I can breed your young beautiful face."

He released his grip, and I immediately sank my muzzle into his crotch. I didn't want to disappint him. Not again. I nuzzled the mix of fur and silicone above his sheath and licked at the silicone sheath itself. It was like I was rimming a fleshlight, and the purple rocket inside it was very much alive. It was warm, soft, and tasted like musk and cum. I gently sucked on it as it left the sheath, having it slide into my mouth quicker than other guys I've sucked. It immediately came out and slid perfectly into my mouth fully erect in my mouth. As I tried to back off of it, to try and move my head back and forth to suck Dallas, my boss and god, off, a firm robotic hand grabbed the back of my head and held me down. "Lips firmly wrapped around my sheath." He repeated with a growl.

I did as I was told, holding fast against the sheath as his cock continued to fill my mouth. My eyes watered, and I coughed around it as it tickled the back of my throat. The purple member then began to inflate, and at first, I thought it was just a growing knot, but it very quickly filled my mouth entirely, wrenching my jaws open as wide as it could go and causing tears to run down my cheeks in response to the pain it was causing. My jaw burned, and I was confused. He gently scratched me behind the ears and chuckled.

"When I had my accident, I lost my penis. And the synthetic one just doesn't have the same feeling as the real thing. It's remote control however, which is a perk." He brushed something along his robotic arm, and a large spurt of cum shot down the back my throat causing me to cough around the rubber penis gagging my mouth and making me reinforce my grip on his knees. "But I do enjoy playing with my toys." Dallas said quietly, stroking my head. "Now, let's play a game. Since you're going to be my new assistant, you should get used to these. This is your punishment for before."

He ran a hand down my packed muzzle, putting his thumb against my nose. I was more vulnerable than before and I was a bit scared, but I waited to see what he would do. I breathed around his thumb, unable to breath at all through my mouth. His thumb ran over my nose playfully, and I looked up at him. That cruel grin was on his face, and my cock twitched again, hitting the seat. I wanted to touch my dick so badly, but I couldn't move my hand from his knees. I was afraid too. His thumb claw traced my nostrils, and then, in one quick movement, he pinched my nose shut.

My lungs strained, trying to get a breath from somewhere, all air closed off. My grip tightened on his knees, tears forming in my eyes as I tried to breath, struggling against the powerful man who's crotch my head was buried in. I could have let go, and grabbed his hand to try and move it away from my face. I could have. But I endured, I could see him smiling at me, and I could feel the approval washing over me.

He let go for a moment, and I sucked in breath after breath through my nose. But it was just for a moment before he clamped down again. I was back to snuggling, and I could barely see him through the water in my eyes. I just gripped his knees and bore it. For him. For Dallas Smolder, a most arousing man. I was happy to choke for him, my throat constricting as I tried to get a breath. Breathing wasn't my decision anymore, it was his.

He continued to do this several times, letting me breath for only a moment or two just to clamp down again and watch me struggle against his inflated member. After a while, maybe ten minutes? After I was good and light headed, my eyes red and rolling up into my head, he finally let go for good.

"Well," He said, his voice rolling out with a soft delighted growl, "I suppose we should finish lunch then talk about the terms of your employment."

He tapped something on his arm, and cum began shooting in spurts down my throat, causing me to cough in gagged silence, cum shooting out my nose until I finally adjusted to the flow, letting the cum drain into my throat and taking breaths in between his large spurts.

Dallas picked up his utensils and began to continue to eat his steak. Once he was finished cutting his steak, he used his free hand, the robotic one, to gently pet my head while he ate. My grip on his knees loosened, my horse cock continued to twitch, thumping against the bottom of the chair as I suckled the cum out of his cock. My lungs burned from the breath play, and nostrils burned from the cum in them. I wondered, both excited and aroused, if I was going to enjoy my time with him. As his assistant to this muscled cyborg that was old enough to be my dad.

I didn't know, I couldn't. I wasn't even sure if I enjoyed the moment. But I couldn't help myself want him, and want to please him. He was going to make me hurt, and I was sure that he was going to make me like it.