Taming the Werewolf - 5

Story by Connor on SoFurry

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#5 of Taming the Werewolf

The dinner Jacob had planned for Amanda went exactly as he had hoped. They had cured her lycanthropy, or at least kept it at bay with modern medicine and common sense, letting her lead a normal life even during the full moon. No longer would they fear the prospect of their daily lives disrupted by the terrifying change she was forced to endure since being cursed.

He took notice of the small things, though. Amanda ate her dinner quite happily and Jacob watched, but he could tell she was restraining herself. Every little noise - a car driving by outside, the floor creaking underneath their feet, even the hum of the central air throughout the house - seemed to set her off, forcing her to drop her utensils and look wide-eyed in some random direction. Then she would take a deep breath, smile nervously and reassure him that everything was fine.

It was her heightened werewolf senses, he figured. She was sensitive to everything, as animals were. The beast was surely gone, at least for tonight, and they were in no danger. But when that animal attacked her all those months ago, it left behind a mark that could never be erased. Amanda would always suffer from the werewolf's curse, and it would always be apparent when the moon pulled at her the strongest. If the werewolf couldn't emerge, then at least it would remind her that it was waiting underneath her skin.

They talked about their weekend plans, their next vacation, what to get for her brother's wedding in the summer, anything to have a normal, human conversation. Jacob tried not to notice that Amanda tensed up after every lull in their dinner chatter. She would crane her neck and square her shoulders to work out something sore, like a restless animal that was straining for the open air.

"I'm fine, really," she said, her gaze surely focused on the subtle facial expressions that gave away Jacob's concern.

"I didn't say anything," he said half-heartedly.

Amanda pushed her chair closer to his, leaning in. "I can control this. I am controlling this."

"I just don't like to see you suffer."

She smiled brightly, a turn that he didn't expect. "I'm not suffering! Everything just feels...electric." She put her hand on top of his. It was warm, almost burning from the heat of a change that didn't happen. She breathed deeply, as if it were an involuntary impulse from touching his skin. "I feel so stimulated right now. My blood is pumping, and it seems like it wants to burst out of my veins. But I can control it. You don't have anything to fear from me."

Jacob looked up into her eyes, and looked away just as suddenly. She almost sounded more aggressive, more alluring, more tempting. Amanda wasn't meek or introverted, but in this moment, she was playing a role that he hadn't seen before. As her hand closed tightly around his while she leaned in, he could sense her forceful intent. This close to her, he could sense a heat coming off her body that unsettled him.

He cleared his throat and chuckled nervously. "I-I should clean this up," he said, starting to pull away.

Amanda tugged right back, keeping him in place. She grinned at him playfully, and he began to dwell on how sexy that smile made her look. The dress she wore for tonight, how she had done her hair, the perfume she wore, all the trappings that were her human existence to remind herself she wasn't going to be a werewolf tonight. She looked so good.

In moments, Jacob found himself being pulled to the bedroom, and found that he wasn't resisting at all. He feared that a bit of the werewolf remained and desired him, and all he wanted to do was convince himself that it really was Amanda playing the aggressor. As she guided him onto the bed, and had her hands run up and down his chest in the same way she always liked to play with him, he let himself believe the werewolf wasn't in the room with them.

He gripped the sides of her head and pulled her closer, pressing their lips together. Her mouth burned against his as they kissed, and when their tongues rolled around, he resisted running his tongue across her teeth to feel how sharp they were. Not long after she was cursed, they were horny enough and desperate enough to make love one night and he was equal parts relieved and guilty that he didn't change with her the next full moon. Lycanthropy only passed through the bite, and a tinge of guilt ran through him for being afraid of having the curse passed on to him on the first full moon he had his wife back.

Her perfume was so strong, Jacob thought. Its usual scent reminded him of cotton candy, but somehow it also adopted an earthy flavor, no doubt affected in part by the full moon. Something in her sweat gave off a more vibrant scent that assaulted his senses and drew him closer to her.

They rolled around in the bed, laughing playfully as they fumbled with each other's clothes, fighting to remain upright as they removed each other's tops. Once Jacob's chest was exposed, she pushed him back down onto the covers, pinning him by his shoulders and pressing her face against his body. She breathed him in once deeply then looked up at him with seductive and hungry eyes that he had never seen before, exciting him in equal parts as much as surprising him. She certainly was much wilder than her normal, human self was.

As fearful as he was, Jacob was still erect underneath his pants, which Amanda was hurriedly working to undo. Her fingers fumbled around with the belt and upper button, as if she had forgotten how to use her hands for such a simple task. For half a moment, she even tried to rip the belt apart in frustration, arousing him in anticipation even more. Finally, she pulled his khakis and boxers down, revealing her prize, which she enjoyed with her glistening eyes. Lustfully, she tugged at her jeans. She was so desperate to get them off that, in one motion, she pulled it apart at the zipper, letting the top button ping against Jacob's chest. Amanda gave a grunt of relief at being freed, and Jacob could swear he heard her snarl and growl.

By now, her facial expression was manic with wide eyes and bared teeth, and a little trace of saliva dribbling down her lips, onto his legs as she sat on top of him and examined his manhood one more time. Jacob was certainly lost to the moment as well, excited by how wild his wife and lover had become.

Jacob sought to take control. In one swift motion, he sat up and pushed Amanda down on her back. She laughed, almost roaring in delight, as they kissed again. With his body on top of hers, he guided himself into her, stretching her insides, which gave so much resistance it startled even him. Of course, he thought. Every bit of her body was pulled taut from the expected transformation. It was only natural that she was even tighter down there. He liked it, and he knew that she did too.

They rocked back forth to let his manhood enter her more deeply with each thrust, kissing each other and grunting every time their lips broke. Jacob could feel Amanda's nails press against his back, as if they were werewolf claws threatening to mark him as her mate. For a moment, he thought he could match her aggressiveness, but he knew there was no match for the beast she played, even if the beast inside wouldn't emerge. Something in her still very human eyes when he looked at her as he thrust on top of her that was feral, absent-minded and instinctive. Like she had indeed lost control. Still, his desires were growing to be too much, and he pressed on, motivated by the sound of her moaning.

As they rocked on the bed and against each other, Amanda's hand traveled down his back, around his waist and between his legs. Her hot fingers tugged at his sack, massaging them tight, making him wince in equal parts pain and delight. He wanted to fill her, just as he wanted to excite her and make her explode, taking her mind off the dreaded curse that she had been suffering for too long.

His excitement turned to fear in an instant when he realized that Amanda was gripping his shoulder with her teeth. In between what he swore were animal-like growls, her moans were high-pitched, almost girlish and innocent, timed to when he pushed deeper into her, distracting him from the dangers of the werewolf inside her until she had her front teeth clamped on to the skin on his shoulder when he pushed, and scraping his flesh when he pulled. Whatever happened, the curse could be passed on during the full moon. He didn't want to be a werewolf, and foolishly thought he was being careful until now. He stopped in mid-thrust, nearly forgetting all of the desires he had to make love to his wife.

Amanda had no words, most likely no ability to speak in her frantic state. As he looked at her, her lustful face turned to frustration, and instantly she threw him to his side and onto his back. Her figure was still fully human, but now her eyes had taken on an animal intent as she examined his manhood one more time. She forced herself down onto him and slid his member inside of him, moaning loudly as she was stretched.

Her hands pressed against his chest, pinning him down and keeping him from resisting. The fear he felt from his wife's dominance kept him from drawing closer to orgasm, while Amanda bounced up and down rhythmically on him, satisfying herself more than exciting him. Her face alternated between anger, frustration and arousal each time she bounced onto his manhood, as her desire for release was readily apparent in her eyes.

"Amanda," Jacob whispered.

"No," Amanda said in between moans, "I n-n-need th-this..."

By now, he was exhausted while the entire force of her body pushing down on him wore him out. All he could do was watch Amanda snarl madly into the air while she stretched herself out on his manhood.

"I'm almost...al-almost...aaaarrrroooOOOOOOO!"

It was a howl, but a very human howl, that shook the walls of their bedroom as she climaxed. Jacob could feel himself becoming covered in her juices while any prospect of enjoying his orgasm washed away by fear. Amanda howled until she ran out of breath, then adjusted herself so she could enjoy a second, smaller release, and howled again. It was unnatural, lacking the deep animal timbre of a fully-transformed werewolf, but it seemed just as instinctive and involuntary.

After one final outburst, Amanda collapsed on top of Jacob. Her hair fell all over his face while she landed face down over his shoulder, completely spent by their lovemaking. All Jacob could do was lie there, his wife still stretched out on his manhood with her dead weight resting on his chest. He didn't know if she was okay.

"Amanda?" he asked fearfully.

She began to breathe again, and the only way he could tell was that her chest expanded and contracted against his body.

Amanda's body jerked upward. He watched her eyes dart left and right as she tried to orient herself. The next question she finally asked probably frightened him the most of all.

"W-what just happened?"