Kinky Bestiality Part 2

Story by chingchang21 on SoFurry

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This may be a special case, I don't know if I will be able to upload this frequently from now on, but we'll see. This chapter features out inter special lovers having it out like the night before. What will happen? The only thing I can guarantee is there will be plenty of piss.

Part 2 - Keeping it Semi-Vanilla

Waking up, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. The world's horniest dog between my legs, my morning wood poking at his lower back. I winced as my penis twitched against him. I rubbed it up and down his soft fur. I lifted the sheet and peeked at him. He'd lifted his tail up and out of the way for me. I grabbed my dick and positioned it under his tail. I was so ready to stick it inside him, but my heavy need to pee outweighed everything at this point, so I just let it rest on his leg. From the way he was breathing, I could tell he was still asleep. I slowly lifted the sheets and sat up on the side of the bed, taking care not to disturb him. I rubbed my eyes and just about stood up when I heard the familiar tapping of claws on the hardwood floor. In front of me sat Taido, tail wagging back and forth, panting like he'd been up and around all this time.

"Good morning, bud. Sleep well in your new home?" he sort of blinked and nodded.

I stared deep into his eyes, I must be obsessed. He was just adorable, those perky ears, that droopy pink tongue, that delightful smile. A good looking breed, beautiful white and brown fur, a long, winter coat. I'd never been attracted to any girl like I was to this dog. I knew I'd made the right choice by taking him home, I just hope that we could actually be friends; have a good dog-owner relationship. I didn't want him to just be my sex toy and nothing else, I want to take him out, play with him, talk to him, get all the benefits of a good, friendly dog; but also get a little ass from him on the side. Hmm. So, I looked into his eyes, the urge to pee hitting me strongly yet again.

"Out of the way, boy, I gotta-" he scooted over and sat on my foot.

He then started noshing his muzzle onto my dick. He backed up and opened his mouth wide, just as he'd done yesterday. I rubbed the back of my head.

"Oh like that don't you..."

I was really unsure to feel about this whole situation. I mean, I'm really into peeing and stuff (amongst other things) but I never got to actually try it on any of my girlfriends, hell, some of them I never even saw naked. I could search a million cities, farms, mountains, beaches, and forests, but I would never find a girl who would want me to pee on her. Now here sits my dog, my new best friend Taido, fresh out of the pound, sitting at my feet ready to drink straight from the source. I really was the luckiest guy in the world.

"Alright then, bud...I guess...just try not to spill any." I then leaned forward and tried to relax.

Taido responded by wrapping his mouth around my phallus all the way to the sheath. I twitched nervously and clenched my fists into the sheets. I was so into this. Once again, however I was a bit anxious. An adolescent fantasy being fulfilled in this bedroom right now. His mouth was so nice, mushy and warm, a gentle pressure holding me in place. I leaned back and sighed, closing my eyes. Soon I felt his soggy warm mouth get flooded with hot. It was a feeling like no other, my stomach and genitals tingled like butterflies, the same feeling I had in the shower the previous night. I could feel the pee fill up in his mouth, surrounding my penis quickly. I heard him gulp it all down, keeping pace with the stream as it filled his maw over and over. Once more, I opened my eyes to see him. His eyes were closed, the better to enjoy the whole experience. He slurped and swallowed my piss with ease, clearly drawing pleasure from it all. I stroked his head softly as I felt a little pee trickle out his lower lip and down to my balls. I made no effort to slow down, in fact, I wanted him to have more. I grabbed the back of his head and leaned forward over him. My mouth opened with a gasp as I blasted my urine harder down his throat. His eyes widened at the sudden increase in pressure, but I knew he could take it. His gulps quickened, not nearly enough time for him to breathe at this point. More and more pee started trickling out of his mouth and onto the floor. Just the thought of him tasting my salty acrid piss and loving it like sweet nectar was enough to push me over the edge. My stream was just about to die down as I started involuntarily cumming into his mouth. My balls twitched and pumped while pee flowed over them. I cried out a moan, I couldn't help myself. Tears formed in those gorgeous eyes of his as I pulled out suddenly and came all over his face. Little spurts of my milky semen were combatted by the piss still trying to squirt its way out.

"Well...hah...that's...mmm...a new one." I continued spraying pee onto his face while smaller loads of cum followed close behind.

Despite the mess on his face, he still looked like he was enjoying it. He loved this kind of treatment, no denying. I used a finger to open up his mouth a bit, and finished peeing onto his tongue, which he started darting in and out of his mouth, trying to lick the cum off his face. I grabbed a towel from the hamper and wiped his face clean. He tilted his head and whimpered as I threw it back into the hamper.

"Don't worry, bud, there's plenty more where that came from."

I then opened my bedroom door and we both head out into the living room. Taido darted over to the balcony door and sat down on the mat. I walked over and took a look outside. I was on the top floor at the end of the hall, no neighbors above or beside me, the only things out on the balcony were a few potted plants the previous tenant left. Such a great view as well, facing away from the old smoggy city, and out to the rolling green plains. This place was worth the price. I unlocked the sliding glass door.

"Alright, boy, you can pee on whatever you want out there. As far as pooping goes, you'll have to wait for our walk later." His head tilted when I said 'walk'.

I opened up the door and headed for the kitchen. I started pouring out a bowl of cereal when I glanced up at Taido. He sniffed one plant for a little bit, before lifting his leg and relieving his bladder all over it. He stood there for a while, the piddling of his stream reaching my ears. Below his left leg, a small yellow puddle started to form. His eyes were half shut, and his tongue was hanging out. My erection had just about died down, but after seeing knot was starting to rear it's ugly head. I'd never thought watching a dog pee could be sexy. Then again, he wasn't a dog, he was my boyfriend. My boner poked uncomfortably against the underside of the island counter. I turned and opened up the fridge to try to calm my little problem when looking inside, I sighed.

"Out of milk..."

So it was about nine in the morning, I took Taido for his little walk and told him to sit tight while I went to the grocery store. Through the auto doors, down the last aisle, I grabbed the milk and headed for checkout when I passed by the pet section. I noticed some brightly colored toys. I figured Taido could use a little gift and I stepped in really quick to have a look. As I was browsing, I heard a familiar voice coming from behind me.

"Hey Lita, long time no see." A light, gravelly voice came from behind me.

"Oh, hey Tia."

Short and skinny, not busty in the slightest, there stood my third or fourth ex-girlfriend, Tia. A near jet-black and grey mix of fur she had, little droopy ears, and pretty brown eyes. Her non effeminate features never bothered me, in fact, I thought she was very pretty. Only, we broke up after saying we both knew we simply weren't compatible, (when really it was because she never put out, even after 6 months of dating). She was cool, though she loved to bust my balls regularly, we were still pretty good friends.

"Looking for something to chew on?" Spoken like the trus smartass she was.

"No, actually, I got a new dog yesterday."

'Heheh, girls not doing it for you anymore, stud?" She nudged my arm with her elbow.

Jeez, this was awkward. I didn't want to clue her into anything, if she--If anyone found out, I would never hear the end of it. Instead, I just chuckled and looked back at the shelves of toys.

"It's good, Lita. You do really need someone after a split." Her voice was so grating and sarcastic, everyone else finds it annoying, I always thought it was cute.

'LEE-TUH' I always thought it was a ridiculous sounding name.

"I've got one myself. Right after...well, us. I didn't really take the breakup too hard, but just sitting around by myself all day got old really fast. Then I found her at the pound, little Mika."

I took a little green ball off the shelf and looked at it.

"You know, we should hangout some time." I suggested, "We could have a little play date with Mika and Taido."

"Tay-doh...hmm, cute name. Sure, I'll give you a call." She smiled and winked.

I took one last look at the toys laid out before me. I really had no idea what to get, I mean, I didn't even know what Taido liked. I decided on the ball, all dogs like balls (some more than others) and a little yellow bear. Really, there was only one thing I knew Taido liked for sure, but they didn't sell anything of the sort in a grocery store. With toys and milk in hands, I said goodbye to Tia and headed back to my apartment for some real fun.

Taido was, unsurprisingly, really happy to see me. I tossed the ball and bear on the floor, initially he chased the ball, but after a while went to chew on the bear. He just seemed so stoked to have new toys, he didn't know which one to play with, so he hit them both, back and forth. It had been a couple hours since the store, I sat on the couch and looked up that 'thing' I'd thought about in the store. I looked it up, and found a little custom shop which was based not far from my apartment. I looked over at Taido, whose butt was in the air as he chewed down on his new toy. I smiled and clicked order. I was legitimately surprised that a website like this had a 'same-day shipping' option. A surprise for my new friend, and I knew for sure he was going to love it.

After a few more hours of random browsing, I closed my laptop, and walked over to my door. Taido looked up at me with a happy grin. I bolt locked the front door, and moved over to the windows where I shut the blinds. I turned on all the lights, clicked the TV off and looked over at Taido. He knew what was happening, all the while I'd been setting up, he rolled his ball and placed his bear over to the corner. Then it was just us, standing in the living room, staring at each other. His tail stood up, his face in that perpetual grin. I slid my shirt up over my head, and Taido approached me. He pushed himself right up against my crotch and tilted his head back to look up at me. I reached down, unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. I pulled them down to the floor along with the underwear and stepped out of them, kicking them away.

My dick was already starting to poke its head out as Taido took a long, eyes-closed lick up from my balls to my sheath. I was poking out a little more. I knelt down to him, and stuck my tongue in his mouth. Making out hardcore, my dick grew larger still. Finally, he pushed me onto my back and proceeded to lick my penis over and over, enticing it out to full mast. He wasted no time, taking the whole thing in his mouth he began to suck. So tender and gentle, he slurped all over, making sure not a single part was dry. He looked into my eyes as he stretched his way down to my balls. He had my whole dick in his mouth, knot and all. He started nibbling on it like a pup on on his mother's teet. After swallowing a few times, he leaned back and let it flop out of his mouth. My penis was sheening with saliva. He then nudged his nose under my balls, trying to get at my butt. I laid all the way down, and lifted my hips up for him. With one hand, I spread my right cheek apart, and he dove right in. His nose against my anus, he breathed in deeply, smelling my insides. With long, slow licks, his tongue moved around my hole, slobbering all over it.

"Hah...nnn...ohh..." I made noises I'd never heard myself make before, so cute and tiny, like a girl even.

Gay, straight, bi, pan, whatever I was, I was enjoying every minute of this treatment. Soon, Taido started curling his tongue and pushing against my butt hole. I grasped my dick with my left hand and started jerking off. After a bit of effort, he pushed his slick tongue into me. I felt his tongue wiggle around inside me, something I'd never even thought about before, God did it feel good. His warm, supple muscle made its way deeper and deeper. I increased rhythm as his tongue made contact with my prostate. His cold, wet nose was pressed against the bottom of my scrotum, his maw pushing right up against my butt. I could feel my peak rising, but I wasn't ready yet. I scooted my way back, escaping from the clutches of his soft pink and wiggly pleasure maker. The feeling of it sliding through my sphincter just about pushed me over the edge.

"Alright, bud. Now it's your turn." I patted him on the head.

He stood up, and turned around. Tail held high, he lifted his butt up to me. On my knees, I slid forward, and grabbed either side of his butt. One thumb on either side, I spread apart his fur and revealed his tiny pink anus. I moved my lips up against it and breathed in, just as he had. After I got my fill of his scent, I stuck out my tongue and started to lick. Thick and beefy, he tasted so good. His musk so strong, inviting me closer. His breathing started to pick up. I gave him some good, long licks before attempting to stick my tongue in deeper. It slid right in no problem. His insides were amazing, the same taste as before, now stronger. Such a new feeling, I've eaten girls out before, but their smooth pink walls have nothing on this. So tight, like rubber, but smooth and welcoming. I kept going in deeper and deeper until my mouth was so wide, my jaw started to hurt. He let out a soft, cooing howl as I pulled my tongue out of his butt.

With a swift, lustful motion, I stuck my dick right up against his butt. Sliding it up against him, the puckering, star texture of his anus made my knees shake with excitement. He winced and grimaced as I tried pushing my way into him. I prodded at his opening a few times before I realized I just wasn't going to fit. I mean, my dick isn't the biggest one in the world, but it's a pretty decent size for my body. He whimpered in disappointment as I sat back down onto my heels.

"Don't worry, I got this." I smirked, eyebrows down.

With a nice, thrusting motion my index finger glided right into him. He let out a slight yelp as I slid all the way down to the third digit. He lay there with his eyes closed as I moved my finger in and out. Soon, I added my middle finger, along with the sliding I added a spreading motion between them. He murred in pure delight as I twisted and twirled my fingers around inside him. Finally, as I added a third finger, he could not stay up any longer, and he fell over onto his back. His legs apart he revealed to me his rock-hard doggy cock resting up on his tummy. He gazed up at me, eyes half closed. Finishing my work, I slid in my three fingers, making a triangle with the tree, wiggling and squirming them all around in his rectum. His tongue fell out of his mouth, he seemed like he would drift off into sleep he was so comfy.

Finally, I spread all three of my fingers apart one last time before pulling them out, leaving his tight little pink hole a little looser. On his back, his legs up in the air, I grabbed them and positioned my cock against his butt hole.

"Ready?" His forepaws begged forward, giving me the go-ahead.

I pushed the tip in slowly, meeting a bit of resistance. He flinched at the feeling, flashing his teeth, his eyes grew narrow. I kept on pushing, sliding in slow, making my way deeper. I used his legs as leverage and pulled him closer, helping me in. Finally, there was a 'pop' and before I could react, I plunged into him all the way down to my knot. He gasped as his crystal eyes shot open. I grinned down at him, and started thrusting. He was so tight, his walls hugged my member from all sides. I humped smoothly, with a rhythm and motion like a wave. Each time my knot bumped his butt, he let out a cute little squeak from his slightly opened maw. An immensely warm sensation, all around my cock. Sliding in and out grew easier as I went on, anal sex was truly a new experience for me. It almost seemed like his butt was providing its own lubrication.

I could feel my orgasm approaching as I felt Taido kick his leg in my right hand. I knew what that meant. Letting go of his legs, I then took hold of his waist, and upped the frequency of my thrusts. I bucked so hard into him, finding my way to what seemed like hit bottom. I felt the strong urge to pee rising as my groin slapped against him. Grunting and moaning together, we prepared for our climax. With a few more quick thrusts into him, I pushed myself as deep into him as I could go. My dick throbbed and twitched as I pumped a huge load of cum deep inside him. His little dick twitched and pulsated as he shot his own load all over himself. I pulsated into him more and more, all the while he kept cumming as well. I feel some of my hot cum squish out through his anus, the volume clearly overflowing. His didn't seem to have an end either, his dick kept squirting rope after rope of sticky white jizz. Together we panted and gasped as our dickes poured out the last of our cum. His eyes, their clear blue-green color, entrancing me, pulling me in as I kiss him so lovingly, my chest against his.

I placed my hands to the ground and looked down at my dick. His anus crowned around me as I pulled out. His right leg twitching once more, I pulled myself free from him. As I popped out, a huge load of cum followed along, pouring out of his loose little ass. Taido couldn't help himself at this point his mouth gaped open wide as he started peeing all over himself. In a plea of service, I leant over and started lapping at his warm golden stream. Such a great, sour taste he had, very strong indeed. His dick still throbbed up and down, soaking my chin as he did. I then move myself back, took hold of his penis and aimed his stream up at his face. He closed his eyes and leaned forward, taking it all over the top of his head. As it died down, he twitched and flinched again, as though he were having another orgasm. He laid his head back down, continuing to pant.

Feeling the pressure in my bladder reaching a boiling point, I stood up. Positioning one leg on either side of him, I pointed my dick right as his open mouth. He closed his eyes as I relieved my bladder directly into his open mouth. I watched as my hot, yellow piss pooled up in his mouth quickly. The sound of the piddling pouring liquid really turned me on.

"Mmmf...good boy..."

His tongue flexed as he swallowed down each puddle, some spilling out the sides of his maw and onto the floor. I was in heaven as I listened to him gulp it all down. His tail kept on wagging. I wiggled my hips a little, spewing the stream into small circles in his mouth. Cup after cup, he guzzled it all down happily. Feeling it start to die down, I stepped back and let my pee cascade onto his belly, then down to his cock and balls. I used my piss to wash away the cum from his slightly prolapsed anus. As the last little pit leaked out, I layed back down onto him, pressing my nose against his fur I sniffed long and deep. Such a strong smell, the strongest, I wanted him to smell like me all the time. He looked down at me, half-closed eyes as I made my way down to his butt, where I started to lick at his hole. I placed my maw up against it, and he pushed some cum out into my mouth, which I swallowed hungrily. I couldn't get enough, this was all pure bliss.

We laid next to each other for a while, on the ground, in a puddle of our own cum and piss. I looked over at him, and he looked back at me. Our eyes said it all, we were both in love. I gave him a small kiss on his nose, he responded with a lick to mine. Eventually, we both got up, and had a shower. I slipped into my PJ's and made us some dinner. We were sitting on the couch then, watching TV when suddenly, I heard a buzz at my door. Taido turned his head, but didn't bark, in fact, he stayed seated on the couch. I opened my door into the hallway, and saw a little brown package there waiting for me. 'Same-day shipping' really was a thing with these guys, guess you never know when you'll need one of these. I walked over to the couch, and turned the TV off with the remote. Taido looked back at me, and at the package.

"Come on bud, I got a surprise for you." I motioned for him to follow me to the bedroom.

He sat on the bed, eagerly awaiting as I opened up the box. He leaned in close as I pulled out his gift, a little red doggy dildo. He stood up, and wagged his tail.

"And the best part..." I gave it a little squeeze, and it squeaked.

Taido lit up, jumping back and forth, running in circles around the bed. I chucked it to him, and he took hold of it in his mouth, squeaking the hell out of it. I crawled under the covers and after giving that chew toy a piece of his mind, he soon joined me. I spooned him like the night before, he lay there with his new favorite toy between his paws. I breathed along with him as I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep, another perfect night with my perfect new mate.

Kinky Bestiality Part 3

Part 3 - Things are really heating up. Friday rolls around again, now marking one week since adopting Taido. I've enjoyed him sleeping in my bed mostly, his fur is so damn soft. Sure, the sex is awesome, but with my bed lacking another living being...

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Kinky Bestiality

Not sure how it all ended up this way, but hey, I'm not complaining. I mean, I am a LITTLE annoyed, sure. Not to brag, but I think I'm decently smart, funny, I have a good personality and I'm not a bad looker either. I'm tall, golden brown fur (which...

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