A Quick Pit Stop

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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On the way home, Killian finds himself caught a little short. Thankfully his loving boyfriend is all too willing to lend a hand... and a muzzle. :3

This story was written for Cassius, coz they're a kinky dork. :3 :3 It contains M/M sex between consenting adults, watersports, and dom/sub play.

A Quick Pit-Stop

"Hey, uh... can we stop for a second?"

Cassius raised an eyebrow as he felt the hand he was holding onto cease moving, glancing back over his shoulder to see Killian's face slightly flushed beneath the lynx's silvery grey cheeks. The taller male shifted from foot to foot, and looked rather ashamed as he admitted the truth to his partner.

"I... I need to take a piss. I mean, now."

The red panda smirked, releasing Killian's hand and folding his hands across his chest.

"Really? You can't wait five minutes till we're home? Or you couldn't have gone at work?"

Frowning, but unable to look like his usual stern and grumpy self due to the now increasingly urgent pee-dance he was performing, the lynx shook his head. He glanced from side to side, the road on which they were walking deserted at this early hour of the evening. On one side, a row of houses stood peering out towards them. On the side of the road they were standing on however, a large row of sand dunes rose up to separate them from the local beach, topped with long grass and coarse bushes. The lynx rapidly padded a few metres back to a gap in the low concrete wall that separated them from the grassy, sandy earth, and moved towards the dunes. Still grinning, Cassius followed.

"You're actually gonna piss outside? Really?"

He may have been mocking in his tone, but as he watched Killian start to fumble with the belt of his crisp work uniform's trousers, a shiver ran down the red panda's spine. His long, thick tail twitched in excitement against the ground, and a soft groan escaped him as he saw the feline male's trousers fall open at the front, and Killian obvious pulling his cock out from the interior of his underwear. Biting down on his bottom lip, Cassius padded closer still. Killian looked over his shoulder, ready to try and defend his decision as he tried to focus and settle himself enough to let the stream begin flowing. He only got part way through what he was trying to say though...

"Hey, better than wetting myself like a chi-..."

...before he saw the look on Cassius' face, and felt the red panda embrace him from behind as the shorter male stepped in close, wrapping his arms around Killian's waist and rather shamelessly teasing the lynx's paw away from his soft but still ample cock, replacing it with one of his own.

"Go on then."

Cassius' whole attitude and demeanour changed. No longer was he fooling around. No longer was he teasing Killian. His voice was genuinely encouraging. Almost begging the lynx to do it. To piss right here in public, while he helped. Killian rolled his eyes.

"Really? This is turning you on?"

The red panda whimpered bashfully, his own cock beginning to harden within his jeans as he felt his lover's member, so warm and so smooth in its softened state, against his palm and fingers.

"S-shut up, and piss..."

It didn't take long for Killian to do as Cassius suggested, more due to necessity than any wish to obey the whimpering, blushing red panda now practically grinding his own erection into the lynx's still trouser-clad backside. Indeed, as the taller, stronger male's flow began, a pale yellow stream gushing from the tip of his cock, and he gasped in relief, his own confidence swelled and he growled through the satisfaction of his emptying bladder.

"Don't tell me to shut up. I'm the one who gives the orders when you're all needy... the one who calls the shots when you're too horny to know what's good for you. Right?"

Killian reached down and grabbed at Cassius' other hand, which had started to gently tease and fondle the lynx's balls while he guided and waved his beloved boyfriend's cock back and forth, directing the stream side to side, up and down, eyes fixated upon the tip of the fleshy length from which it was pouring out. Before the red panda could even figure out what was happening, his own other hand was being pushed into that stream, and he barely stifled a cry of pleasure as he felt the hot flood of Killian's piss begin to soak his fingertips.

The red panda didn't pull his hand away from the flow of urine, indeed he didn't even try to resist as Killian pushed his paw even more firmly into the path of that lengthy, sustained stream. The more the piss splashed and dripped off of Cassius' paw, the louder and more desperate the needy male's whimpers and moans became. Indeed as Killian began to feel his flow waning, his bladder nearing empty, he released the red panda's paw and watched, grinning, as Cassius actively moved his hand closer as the flow waned, feeling every last droplet trickle over his fingers and down to the ground. Only when the flow had stopped completely, and the shuddering, horny male was left standing there just holding his lover's cock in one hand and staring at his other paw, its fur soaked and still dripping wet, did Killian speak out once more in a deep, commanding purr.

"Now... taste it. Suck those fingers dry. Lick your paw clean for me. Show me how glad you are I stopped here. How happy it made you to watch me piss... to feel it all over your hand, out where anyone could have seen what a kinky little bitch you are."

With a frantic whimper Cassius did as he was told, and the musky scent of Killian's piss filled his nostrils a second before he shamelessly and hungrily stuffed his paw into his own mouth, suckling on each finger at a time before beginning to lap and nuzzle at his soaking palm. All the while, he was still holding the length of his lover's cock in his free hand, and whimpered louder still as he felt it beginning to swell. Killian grinned, peering over his shoulder to meet the other male's wide eyed gaze, and nodded as he felt Cassius squeeze his growing erection with eager affection.

"Go on. If you're really that horny, that desperate... do it. Jerk me off right here. And if... a-ah... someone catches us... well, you'd better at least make me cum before they do anything about it. Wouldn't want a drop of my cum going to waste, would we?"

Killian's eyes actually widened slightly as Cassius did as instructed, starting to slide his paw more purposefully back and forth along his lover's cock. The lynx groaned under his breath, and shot another look around them to ensure that they were still very much alone.

"F-fuck. You slut... you're actually doing it?"

He bucked his hips, the pleasurable, surprised groan he'd let slip originally turning to a more motivated and passionate growl. Killian was, after all, the one in charge here. He couldn't let Cassius see just how surprised he was at the red panda's forwardness, and knew that his partner would enjoy it all the more if he took greater and greater control of the situation. Thus he let Cassius stroke and masturbate him from behind, and kept on growling and huffing with audible passion for the red panda to hear for almost a minute more, right up to the point where he could feel Cassius' own hips grinding up against him from behind, no longer just idly stimulating himself against Killian's rear, but actually starting to put some force and intent behind his thrusts.

Abruptly, one of the lynx's hands swung up and over Killian's shoulder, grasping tightly at a handful of Cassius' hair. The red panda gave a cry of surprise and pain, which swiftly turned to a long, subserviant whimper as he was half guided, half dragged away from where he was standing behind the lynx, and pushed down to his knees in front of the sharp eyed feline male. Killian bared his teeth, and snarled commandingly as he tugged on Cassius' headfur once more, pulling the smaller and already submissive male closer to his body. To his open fronted trousers and exposed, thick erection.

"Don't get any ideas, bitch. If you jerk me off, it's because I want it. You think you can use me as some sex toy just because you're making me feel good? Some tight piece of ass to use to get yourself off while you indulge in your kinky public fuck fantasies?"

He snorted loudly, and reached down with his other hand, both of them gripping at the back of Cassius' head and forcing it yet closer and closer still to his twitching, currently untouched cock.

"You're gonna make me cum. Fast. You're gonna use every trick of that muzzle of yours to get me off. And whether or not you've already cum all over the inside of your boxers by the time I'm done putting a load down the back of your throat, I'm gonna walk you home all hard and horny, drag your jeans down as soon as we get through the door, and fuck you so hard that any time we go out for the next week, people will know from the way you're walking just how much of a needy slut you really are."

Cassius could say nothing in response. All he could do was give a frantic, happy gurgle as he opened his mouth wide and felt it being stuffed full of lynx cock, then whimper and grunt in muffled ecstasy as he felt Killian start to face-fuck him with rough, shameless lust. The lynx's cock jammed into the back of his throat after just a few thrusts, and pushed beyond until he was wholly hilted within the red panda's whimpering maw. The public deep-throating only served to intensify Cassius' need to see his lover satisfied though, and the harder Killian gripped at the back of his head and the rougher the lynx pounded himself against the other male's muzzle, Cassius could only suckle and slurp harder and more hungrily in his efforts to take from his partner exactly what he wanted and needed. The lynx's cum. All of it. Every drop. Pouring down his throat, and safely locking it away within his belly.

"A-ahhh... ohh, fuck..."

The lynx's deep growling rang like music in Cassius' ears before long, and a gurgling grunt of passion escaped the red panda himself when he felt the already rigid cock in his maw seeming to swell and stiffen to a new intensity. Killian was close. He was going to cum. Right here, outside and where anyone could catch them. Cassius was going to make the man he loved cum.

"Killian! Please... o-ohhhh please!"

At the last moment, Killian tugged Cassius' head sharply back with one hand, and wrapped his other trembling paw around the base of his cock as it sprang free from the red panda's already whimpering, greedy muzzle. He grinned down at his partner's wide open, panting maw and bulging, desperately wide eyes. He took one last look at the rosy glow beneath Cassius' fur, and at the lust obvious to see across every inch of the male's features, and grunted happily as he began to milk his cock hard, launching thick ribbons of cum all over Cassius' suddenly joyous, gleefully whimpering face.

"Ahh... ahhh y-yeah... take it. Greedy whore... t-take it all..."

It was as Killian's cock slapped against Cassius' muzzle, thick streaks of cum coating his face and yet more continuing to add to that mess, the lynx's prediction regarding his partner's own arousal came true. An almost agonised shudder ran through the red panda's body, and he gave a strangled cry, clutching at the front of his jeans and humping helplessly against his trembling hands as he began to cum; overwhelmed and overstimulated to the point of no return by just how hot his lover's rough treatment had gotten him. With eyes rolling back in their sockets and his tongue hanging out, saliva and strings of Killian's seed drooling down its glistening length, Cassius lost himself to his release. To Killian's deep and passionate grunting, and of course the scent of the lynx's cum; far more strong and potent than the piss which had preceded it, and indeed started this whole chain of events in motion.

When Killian was done, he stuffed his cock back into Cassius' mouth to be cleaned. The red panda obeyed eagerly, and almost refused to let go as the lynx attempted to withdraw his glistening, spent cock again some seconds later. A warm chuckle escaped Killian's maw, and he shook his head as he stared down at the man he loved. The whimpering, shivering, sticky red panda kneeling before him, the front of his jeans darkening as his cum soaked through his underwear and into the rich blue fabric, and his face an absolute mess with liberal quantities of cum already starting to dry out in the outdoor air.


Killian rolled his eyes as Cassius blushed and moaned happily, relishing the teasing, affectionate insult. He released his grip on the back of the red panda's head, and tousled his hair more tenderly instead.

"My slut."

With that said, he began to slip his cock back inside of his underwear and re-fasten his own trousers. Cassius had barely managed to scramble to his feet by the time Killian began to walk calmly back towards the pavement and towards their home. He whimpered, looking down at his crotch and raising a wet, still urine-scented hand to his face, feeling it sticky and coming away with glistening whiteness upon its fingertips. Before he could call out anything to his partner though, Killian glanced back over his shoulder, and held out a hand as if expecting Cassius to take it.

"Come on. Time to go home. We'll clean you up when we get there."

Cassius shuddered happily, and padded over to take Killian's hand. He resisted however as the lynx began to walk again, holding his lover back until Killian turned back to face him with a sharp, pointed glare.

"B-but... what if... s-someone sees?"

The lynx licked his lips, grinning from tufty ear to tufty ear.

"Then they'll know my man is a needy slut, who couldn't wait till we got home. Now, come on. I promised I'd fuck you as soon as we were indoors, and you know how much I hate having to break my promises to you. But if you make me wait much longer... I might just be tempted to make you get down on all fours, and do it right here."

Cassius gave a needy whimper, and fell into step behind his lover, head bowed low to hide his cum-streaked features, as Killian began to walk towards the road and their home once more. As he followed the lynx obediently though, the red panda could feel his cheeks flushing, and his oh so recently spent cock still half-hard twitching within his sticky, stained boxers. Already he was thinking about when they got home. About how maybe Killian would already be pulling his trousers down as Cassius fumbled with the key. About how he would already be able to feel the lynx's hips against his ass, and Killian's cock between his cheeks, as they stumbled over the threshhold.

A loud moan of desire escaped the red panda, causing Killian to look back over his shoulder once more, eyebrows raised and a wry smirk spread across his face. He chuckled, and shook his head in fond disbelief.

"God, you really are a needy little bitch today. But, that's okay. Because you're my needy little bitch... and I love you for it."

By Jeeves

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