The end of the night.

Story by Doods on SoFurry

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Val woke up before Ben did. He let out a loud snore and she jumped awake. Her face had been buried into Ben's side, his arm around her head, so her nose was in his armpit. His musk deep in her nose. It was an oddly great way to wake up, she thought. Pulling away from Ben's body, she rolled toward the clock. Six in the morning. Rubbing a hand over her face she stood up, her butt hurt, Ben had been rough with her last night, but it still felt good. She walked into the adjoining bathroom and flipped on the light. The light burnt her eyes and she had to squint as she got used to the brightness of the room. When she could see, she splashed water on her face. Grabbing a towel from the handle and wiping her face dry, she looked in the mirror to see the light shining across Ben's body. He was such a handsome guy. His black spots and bright yellow fur, so beautiful, his nose a bright pink, just like his... She stopped herself, she was looking at his face and torso, not thinking about anything else. She dried the rest of the water from her face. But after placing the towel back she stared at him again before turning off the light. His eyes shut, his mouth open, such a cutie.

As she laid in bed again, she placed her head on his chest. Ben's chest was muscled, along with his shoulders, arms, he was covered in natural muscle, she knew he didn't work out that much, except for exercising for the track team. Moving her head up, she kissed his jawbone. Her hand across his chest, moving over his nipple, feeling the little nub, then up to the side of his face, rubbing her hand through his soft fur. Moving to his ears, scratching the back of them. He moved and took a deep breath in and sighed, smacking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. Leaving small kisses from his jaw to his neck, to his collar bone, and his pectoral muscle. Ben moved a little more. She stopped kissing him, she didn't want to wake him up. Instead she lay moving her hand over his stomach, she tried to sleep but couldn't.

After laying for almost an hour, Ben's cock began to rise. She giggled, as she saw her boy toy get a morning woody. Reaching down she wrapped her hand around him, softly, not squeezing, just enough for him to feel it, but not wake. Moving her hand up and down the shaft, not tight enough to get him off, but gliding over his flesh, to the head, moving her palm along the tip. A small moan escapes from Ben's sleeping mouth. She smiles. Sliding down his body, she grabbed the base of his dick and placed her mouth around his head. She could taste herself on his dick, which she didn't want, but, she'd do it. Sliding her lips down his length until, she felt the head touch her tonsils. Pulling back up it and suckling on the head for a moment, Ben gasped, as his eyes opened.

"What?" He said as he sat up, bumping the side of her head with his stomach. Looking down at her, he gave a smile. "That's an odd way to wake up."

She laughed, his cock still in her mouth. Sucking on his length, bobbing her head up and down with vigor. Ben laid back while she gave him a wake up bj. His musk was strong in her nose as she buried her face in his crotch. She took one hand and grabbed onto Ben's fuzzy balls, rolling them over her fingers and on her palm. Ben moaned. She rolled them around some more, her index and middle finger pushing against his taint. Making him jump and moan. She loved the way he moaned, he was so open after last night, it was almost like a new person. His hands found the back of her head and pushed down on her, his cock touched the back of her throat and started going down toward her stomach. She tried to stop her gag reflex, but her throat convulsed around his cock head. He moaned again, loudly, sounding almost like a roar.

But he didn't cum, yet, he started to hump her lips, hump her throat, it was odd for her, for him. But she liked him taking control, being the man, she didn't mind teaching him but some times she wanted him to be use her. Unfortunately he wasn't like that. She'd enjoy it now, and wait for the next time. He continued to use her mouth and throat as he humped and fucked her. Pre started to sputter out of Ben, coating her mouth. He was getting closer and closer to the end. Soon he pushed in as far as he could and started to empty his balls into her mouth. Shot of thick cum flew down her throat, feeling a little odd as she barely had to swallow because he was so far down her throat. She pulled off of him, getting a large drop on her tongue which she swallowed down happily. Their mouths met and Ben's hands started to run over her back and butt. Groping her and their tongues met and explored each others mouths.

At eight in the morning the two broke away. "Why don't you hope in the shower," Val said to Ben.

He sniffed at himself. "I smell okay."

"Hope in the shower," she said with a mom tone. "And I'll make breakfast."

"Okay, okay." He walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower and jumped in. Scrubbing at her fur with Val's soap, he started smelling like lavender. After his fur was cleaned of soap he got out and started to dry himself off. He could smell breakfast in the air. Whatever Val had cooking for breakfast, smelled like heaven itself.

Ben walked downstairs to see two plates on the kitchen table. Each plate had eggs and bacon with a pile of hash browns, Ben realized just how hungry he was. Sitting down at the table, Val brought a glass of orange juice to him. She had put on an apron but as she sat down she removed it, and was stark naked again, same as Ben. The two started to eat, while making googly eyes at each other.

"You know," Val said. "I've been really happy as of late."

"Oh, yeah, why's that?" Ben asked.

"I think you know why, little kitty." Ben smiled. "How about you?"

"Yeah, it's been a great couple of weeks." Ben took another fork full of eggs.

Val finished up her food, bringing her plate to the sink. Bending over into the basin, she started washing off the food, then she felt something by her butt. Then a tongue entered her body. Turning back she saw her spotted kitty lapping away at her body. Placing her hands on the counter letting out a moan as he continued to lick her insides. He suckled on her clit making her almost collapse to the counter. That's when her phone started to ring. "Ben, stop." He shook his head no. "Come on, I have to get that." Ben groaned and backed away. Val walked to her phone and picked it up, she hoped on the counter as she answered. "Hello," she said. She spread her legs showing her cunt to Ben. She made a 'come here' motion with her finger, and started to rub her own clit. Ben came over and started to lap away on her again. While his tongue was deep inside her, Val spoke to the person on the other side of the line.

"Hi, Val, this in Steven." Steven was her boss at the hospital, where she helped with insurance and finances or patients.

"Hi, Steve, how are you today?" She grabbed the back of Ben's head, pushing his nose and mouth harder against her body. Ben made sure to rub his rough tongue against her clit, making her eyes cross as pleasure went through her body.

"Well, not great, we are having a meltdown over here."

Ben reached up and started to rub the pad of his index finger over her back door. Sliding it in. She let out a gasp, but added. "Oh, no, why's that?"

He started explaining what was happening. "Do you think you could come in and help out?" He asked as Ben's finger went in, up to his knuckles.

"Umm, sure, give me an hour."

"Alright, thanks." He hung up.

"Sorry, hun, I'm going to have to go, in a bit."

He pulls away from her. "Awe, why?" Pulling his finger from her body.

"I'm sorry, but I have to work." She fell from the counter top. "But I do have something for you." As she walked past she grabbed his tail to make him come with. Back in her room she went to her nightstand. Pulling out the fleshlight, she gave it to Ben. "This is for when we can't be together."

"Oh." He looked at it. "I've never used one."

"You just put your dick into it." She looked at the clock. "Get on the bed." Ben did as told. She grabbed the fleshlight and climbed on top of him. Placing her cunt onto his lips. Ben knew what he was to do, he drove his tongue into her body. She moaned while she placed some lube into the fake vagina. Putting the opening at the tip of Ben's cock she slid him inside of it, he moaned into her pussy as she did. It wasn't as good as the real thing but he still liked it. She moved it on his cock, jerking him off with the toy. His tongue licked at her folds, pleasing her immensely. She was trying to get him off quick as she had to shower still. Ben started to huff and puff into her cunt, he was getting close, she could tell. And soon he grunted as he filled the fleshlight with his seed. She sat upright on his face and started to grind into his mouth, she had a small orgasm of her own. She wanted more, but couldn't at that point. Getting off of him, she gave a smile. "Alright, get dressed, I have to go."

"Fine," he said.

As she showered, he got dressed. He hung out until she was about to leave. She gave him a kiss at the door as she left and he did. He had a backpack slung over his back, with his clothes from yesterday and his new toy.

Ben walked back toward his house, and heard the rolling of someone approaching. Cody stopped by him. ((Side note: If you don't know, Cody is from The Horse's Neighborhood and House Party, which is where Ben premiered, end side note)) "Hey, bro," the horse said. "Did you just come from Andy's house?"

"Uhh, yeah," he said.

"Isn't Andy as his dad's?"

"Yeah, just found that out," Ben lied. Cody was a nice horse, Ben had no problems with him, but they weren't close. Why was he being so talkative today? When Cody just continued to walk with Ben, the leopard felt obliged to ask. "So, heard you and Rachel are together, she's a nice girl."

"Yeah, she is." Cody smiled. "You guys are in the play together, right?"

"Yeah." Then Ben added. "Why did you and Brandon get into a fight, last week?"

"Oh, he, uhh, doesn't like I'm dating Rachel."

"Why, Brandon's gay?"

Cody laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, can you keep a secret?"

Ben looked at Cody, "Sure, I guess."

"Well," Cody stalled. "Me and Brandon used to date. I'm bi," he added before Ben could say anything.

"Oh, that's cool."

"So, I left Brandon to get back together with Rachel, back during the party before school started again. And even since then he's been giving me shit. We just had it out last week."

"I didn't know, sorry."

"Eh, it's fine, he has a new boyfriend so, I don't know why he still has to hassle me."

"He'll get over it," Ben said. "Hopefully. Brandon is a nice guy, I bet it's just because you hurt him so much."

"Yeah." Cody and Ben walked together. "So, I told you a secret can you answer a serious question?"

"Is it about me?" Ben asked.

"It is."

"I guess."

"On the night of the party, I went into the basement where Andy's mom said you were sick, but it really smelt like, well, like sex. Did you two hook up?"

Ben grimaced. "Yeah, but you can't tell anyone." Ben looked at Cody. "Promise you won't."

"I promise, don't worry." Then after a moment. "Was she good?"

"Yeah," Ben said smiling.

"Is that why you were at Andy's today? Are you two still sleeping together?"


"You lucky cat." Ben smiled even more. "Does Andy know?


"Have you and Andy done anything together?" When Ben raised his eyebrows at the horse, he added. "I have heard rumors you two have been hanging out a lot as of late, so it went to you two, doing things."

"Once or twice."

"I knew it, Andy said he'd never do that."

"What are you talking about?"

"Andy kissed me at the party before I left. He was drunk, and said he wouldn't normally do that. But it seemed like he enjoyed it."

Ben laughed. "So, does Rachel know?"

"Yeah, she does. She's cool with me being bi. Not like I'm going to leave her for a guy or anything."

"You two do seem really happy." Ben had seen them around the school, he hadn't seen two people so happy together. Even when he considered the adults he knew.

"Too bad she's gone today?"

"Where is she?"

"With her parents up state."

"Oh, well, I'm not busy, you want to hang out?" Ben asked.

"Cool, want to come over to my place. My parents aren't home."

"Yeah, sure."

The two walked to Cody's house. Walking through the front door Cody threw his shoes off by the door. Ben did the same. As they walked through the house, Ben asked. "Where's your brother? The football superstar."

"Oh, he's off to college. He's on the other side of the state."

"Ah, I see." They walked into Cody's room.

Cody sat on his bed and turned on the television. "What games do you want to play?"

"Don't know, what do you got?" Cody listed a number of games he had. "Anyone is cool. If it's a fighting game I'll probably kick your ass."

"Oh, is that a challenge."

The two played several rounds of a fighting game. It was tied at two to two. "Okay," Cody said. "Next one to lose has to answer a question a hundred percent honestly, deal?" Ben didn't know why they had to make a bet, he usually would answer truthfully but he agreed. The two fought and Cody won. "Alright, what have you done with Andy's mom?"

"Umm, everything," Ben said. "Normal sex, anal, blowjob, strap-on..."

"Wait, she fucked you?"


"Did you like it?"

"Yeah." Ben smiled. "It felt really good. Not at first, but later. She's only done it once."

"Would you do it again?"

"Of course. Let's go again, same rules."

They played another round. Ben won. "Have you ever been done in the butt?"

Cody blushed. "Yeah."

"By Brandon?"

"Well, umm, please keep this to yourself?" Ben nodded. "The lady that lives across the street, we had sex, and she fucked me with a strap-on too."

"It's fun, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is. But I haven't done anything with her for a long time. She didn't like it that I had a girlfriend."

"Ah, well." Ben shrugged.

"You know what I'd like to try, speaking of sex toys, a fleshlight."

Ben laughed.


"Andy's mom just gave me one."


"Yeah, she gave me one." Ben grabbed his backpack from the floor. He pulled aside his dirty clothes and pulled out the fleshlight. "See."

"Dude, awesome." Cody reached out but stopped before grabbing it. "Can I see it?"

"Sure, but I came in it just a little bit ago."

"Did you clean it out?"


Cody grabbed it then. Looking at the fake lips on the front he felt it with the tip of his finger. "How did it feel?"

"Pretty good. Not like the real thing but still."

Cody felt his cock stirring inside its sheath. "This is weird but, can I try it?"

Ben raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Cause I've wanted to."

"Sure. I guess."

"You can jerk off too. I mean nothing weird, we don't have to touch each other. I can even put some porn on."

"You really want to use it don't you?" Cody nodded. "Alright, put some porn on." Cody grabbed his laptop. He opened it up to a video site and found a video of two human females and a dalmatian male and a tiger male. "You got to this too quickly."

"I like this video," Cody said. Cody removed his pants. His black and pink colored cock was hardening rapidly. Ben stared at it with his mouth agape, it was so huge, compared to his. The horse looked at it. "Do you need lube for this?" Ben nodded. Cody reached into his nightstand and found a tube of lube. He squirted some onto his head and rubbed along his length. He placed the head of his cock at the fake lips. Ben watched as the horse slid his dick into the flesh light. He sunk himself into the toy until he hit the end, around four inches of his dick still exposed. Cody started to pump the toy along his cock.

Ben's dick was straining against his jeans. He opened his fly and allowed his dick to pop out. He gripped it and started to jack himself off. He watched Cody a lot more than the video. He hadn't seen such a large cock in real life. It was something amazing. Cody saw Ben looking at him. "You like the scene, dude?"

"Yeah, that's some piece of equipment you got there."

"Thanks. Want to see something cool?" Ben nodded. Cody pulled his cock from the fleshlight. He brought the head to his mouth and started to suck his own cock. Ben stroked his dick faster.

"Man, I wish I could do that?" Cody moaned around his dick and started to bob his head up and down. Ben grabbed the toy and slid his cock into it. He started to fuck the toy while Cody blew himself. The two boys started to moan, each one turned on by the other. "I'm about to cum," Ben said. Cody moaned around his cock, meaning he was about to. After a couple of seconds, Ben came into the toy, and Cody unloaded into his mouth. Cum leaked from Cody's mouth as he couldn't contain it all. As Cody sat up, Ben saw his spit covered tool start to shrink, covered in white jizz, Cody gulped down what was in his mouth. Ben pulled the toy from him. "Guess I'll have to clean this out again."

"Just wait, let's enjoy this for a bit."

The two guys sat in their afterglow, enjoying what they just did.