Of Wild Flowers and the Knots Inbetween

Story by Bluewolf99 on SoFurry

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#1 of Wildflowers

Just another story that I'm trying out, tell me if you like it cause I might just make another!

18+ story so non-adults, off you pop.

Otherwise, enjoy!

Glass and metal surround me on all sides, glistening with a sharp artificial cleanliness you could never find anywhere outside. The awful amalgamation of disinfectant and the smell of the indoors assaults my sensitive nose. Here I sit, a German Shepherd waiting for the next time someone takes me for a walk. Waiting for the sharp lines of metal to become the smooth curves of trees, for the artificial white light rooted in the ceiling above me to become the sun, to feel the softness of grass on my paw pads instead of the harsh concrete floors in every direction.

A fur walks past the glass door of my enclosure and peers in at me. My ears perk up and I start wagging my fluffy tail in excitement. Is today the day? I think, hoping I'm looking upon my savior that will rescue me from this metallic prison.

"Hey, Buddy," the fur says kneeling down in front of the door.

I excitedly pace over to get a closer look and smell of my potential new owner. He looks a lot like me, brown and black splotches of fur with light tan highlights, the only difference really is he's a fur, not a feral like me. He reaches his paw towards me. Overcome with excitement, I forget I'm in a glass cage and try to lick his fingers, only getting a refresher of what glass taste like.

"Ha, dumb dog," he stands up and walks away, cackling as he does.

Fine, I wouldn't want a master like him anyways.

The excitement drops from my ears and my tail droops low between my legs. I sulk over to my bed in the corner and lie down, feeling and overwhelming need for a fur.

Even a bad one would be better than none.

Why doesn't anyone want me?

I drop my head onto my front paws, breathing slowly with a soft whine. I try to comfort myself by curling up in a tight ball, digging my head into my thick fur but it doesn't help.

"Let me out. Let me out!" I call out in soft barks, "Let me feel the soft dirt and the wind flow through my fur... Help me," I add with a tiny yelp of desperation. The noise goes unnoticed, diluting into the congregation of other dogs calling out to their potential masters. I bury my face further in my fur in attempt to hide the soft whines of desperation that escape my muzzle.

It's just like any other day, furs walk past but no one wants me, they tease me, looking into my cage and playing in front of the glass not knowing the freedom they have. I sit here everyday, excited at every visitor, then crushed as they leave so soon every time. I even try the classic puppy eyes look that usually works for the younger pups, big eyes, head down, whimper softly like you're trying to get a treat. Nobody wants an old dog.

I lie in my bed trying to cover my sensitive ears from the barks and howls of the other dogs with my paws, scratching desperately and their edges but to no avail. Their calls flood my ear canals with chaos, hardly being able to distinguish one from another. Overwhelming my senses, I almost miss the soft click of the door of my cage opening.

I spread my paws apart to peek at the intruder, an anthro husky girl with a purple_Sunny Hills Adoption_ tee shirt. She smells of the outdoors: fresh air, trees, with a hint of flowers, not overpowering like the usual females that walk in with their perfume I can smell a mile away, just enough to remind me of what waits outside.

"Hey, Buddy," she says walking slowly over to me placing a paw on my upper back, her familiar voice soothes the barks from other dogs.

It's Ava. The only fur who has ever taken an interest in me. She brings me food everyday along with a healthy dose of affection, rubbing me down with gentle paws and scratching me behind the ears, just where I like it.

Her touch is gentle as she pets my back, making me relax a little from my tense position. Her paw slowly strokes through my fur, sending a warm tingles through my body as she massages my tense muscles. I peek out a little farther from behind my paws then cover my eyes again as she looks at me.

"Aw poor puppy," she says leaning in closer, wrapping her arms around my chest in a warm hug, "It's okay, today's gonna get a whole lot better, don't you worry." She rests

her head on me, feeling the rise and fall of my breath. Warmth surrounds me, making me forget where I am. Her proximity gives me the feeling of the sun's rays falling on my back, her scent, that of a warm summer day in the country.

My mind wanders into a tiny daydream of me and her running through an open field of wildflowers, not a care in the world. Ava is laughing as we tumble down to the ground, rolling around in the soft dirt as the summer sun warms us both. I bark happily as she reaches over to give me a scratch behind the ears, her gentle touch bringing me infinite happiness, her eyes looking into mine, giving me butterflies in my stomach. She leans in, blue fur flowing in the gentle wind, pressing her forehead to mine and gives me a soft kiss on the top of my muzzle, "I love you, Buddy."

I respond in a quiet bark, " I love you too."

A new smell brings me back to reality, Ava still holds me tight in her arms. I try to identify the smell but it's like nothing I've sniffed before. I use my acute sniffer to try and identify it but it soon dissipates into the other smells of the room, camouflaging behind the scent of dog and cleaning fluid. Dismissing the thought, I lower my paws from my face and turn my head towards her, giving a small lick of affection to the top of the head.

"It's okay buddy," she comforts with a soft caress of my face, "I'm gonna take good care of you."

I don't know what to say, no words can describe how she makes me feel, "Thank you," no. "I love you," doesn't cut it. Her simple gesture of kindness means more to me then anything else in the world. I remain silent, giving her another lick, hoping she understands.

She leans in close, her nose tickling the tip of my pointed ear, "I love you too," she whispers, combing her claws through my fur, "You'll never have to be alone again."

I release a soft whine as she stands up, wanting her to keep on hugging me, giving me her warmth and affection. She walk over to the door and takes out a black rectangular device, speaking into it with some determination. I cock my head to the side, curious of this strange behavior.

"Alright thank you," she says to the device, putting it back in her pocket as she opens the door. I stand up in urgency, barking once with burning curiosity. "Don't worry I'm not leaving," she says, peering out the door expectantly. A few minutes pass and another fur walks in, holding a clipboard and pen.

"If you would sign here... and here," he says, pointing at different spots on the piece of paper, "Alright thank you, I'm sure Buddy will be happy to get out of here."

Ava scribbles furiously on the paper, signing and checking boxes as fast as her paws can carry the pen, "I'm sure he will too, won't you Buddy?"

I bark happily in response knowing exactly what that means. My tail wags furiously behind me as I run in excited circles around the small room.

Finally someone will take me home! I think as I run over to Ava, nuzzling her upper thigh.

"Ha ha! I'll take the that as a yes," she laughs, giving me a scratch behind the ears, "Come on let's get outta here!"

She jogs out the door of my enclosure, prompting me to follow her. I hesitate for a moment at the door: the only times I had been outside were with a leash and collar and now I have neither, "Come on, Buddy! I thought you'd be eager to get out of there!"

I feel empowered. Without a leash limiting my every move I am free. I dash over to Ava who is making her way quickly towards the exit.

"Umm, Ava?" the fur who has the paperwork in hand calls out, "You technically have to get your house checked before you take him home."

Ava barely loses a stride in her step, "I've been here eight years Dale, who do you think does the inspections," she calls back through the partially opened door.

I can see it now, the great outdoors is just a few steps away. Eager to feel the wind on my face, I rush past Ava to the grassy front yard.

"Someone's excited," she says, leaning back against the door watching me play in the grass.

I run and frolic about like an excited puppy seeing a toy for the first time. I jump and roll in the grass feeling the soft coolness of the ground in contrast to the gentle warmth of the sun's ray shining down on me back. I look back to find Ava and notice she's still standing by the door. I run over to her panting heavily with tail wagging rapidly behind me. I wedge my head between her and the door and give gentle shoves in the right direction. As I push her, I catch a whiff of that unfamiliar scent again, but I'm too excited to give it much thought.

"Alright, alright I'm coming sheesh," she says giggling in amusement at my excitement. She joins me in lying on the soft grass. We gaze up into the sky as our bodies make slight indentations into the soft ground. Clouds pass over in white puffs of ever changing shapes, dancing across our view as the wind pushes them along the sky. They waft freely around the heavens forming indistinct features as they go, "Hey look! That one," she points towards a strangely shaped cloud, "Looks just like you, Buddy!"

I stare at the cloud she pointed to and tilt my head trying to see a similarity, "Aroo?"

Ava sees my confusion, the bursts out laughing, "Oh, Buddy you have the cutest face ever, how did you not get adopted until now?"

My tail falters in its excitement, slowing to a slow shake. I place my head over Ava's belly.

"Sorry, that didn't come out right," she says patting my head then hopping up, "Come on! You've still got a lot to see!"

Ava runs towards the parking lot, her fluffy blue tipped tail wagging excitedly behind. As I trot over to her car, my tail perks up, giving a slightly more excited appearance. She stands by the side of the car, "So are you a front or back kind of guy?" she asks opening the passenger side door along with the backdoor. I hop in the front seat, wanting to be closer to her. "I thought you might like it up there."

She closes both doors with a light push and walks around to the driver's seat. Closing the door behind her, she quickly puts the keys in the ignition, bringing the car life with the chuff of the engine. The noise makes me jump, "You've never been in a car before have you Buddy?" she asks noting the awkward shifting in my step, "Well don't worry we'll be home in no time."

The car lurches forward, throwing me of kilter as I try to remain sitting upright, "You can lie down if you want," she says, reaching over to give me a comforting pat of the head. The car pulls out of the Sunny Hills Adoption Center parking lot and onto the open road. Trees whiz by at higher speeds then I can imagine, their colors blurring together in a blend of reds and greens. Outside the car is more green then I have ever seen. The few walks I took while in the center hardly do justice to the beauty of the rest of nature. Ava rolls down the window on my side to let some fresh air in. I stick my head out the open window and let the wind blow back my fur, rippling across my face in a cool breath of air.

We slow down and start to turn into a long tree-lined driveway, "Here we are," Ava says pulling the car into gravel parking place outside of a quaint cabin in the middle of a forest, "This is you're new home Buddy, I hope you like it."

"Like it" could not begin to describe how I feel about the place, it is outside of the horrible metal and glass cage, with the curvature of nature built right into the building. The humongous logs that make up the walls are aged, blending in with the surrounding forest perfectly as if it were made by mother nature herself. But even if the house was a strewn on the side of the road, it would be okay: as long as I'm with Ava, everything will be okay.

My tail thumps wildly in the seat as Ava opens my door, "Go on! Make yourself at home!" she urges, pushing me out of the car.

I leap from my seat and dash across the yard taking it all in. The cabin, the scents of leaves and trees, the stream that runs nearby and wildflowers. I halt in my tracks at the familiar smell. Sniffing high and low, I try to identify the source. There, just past the stream a patch of white flowers covers the area around the base of a large tree. I sprint over towards the stream, excited by the thought of something that smells like Ava. Head spinning in eager desire to reach the flowers, I plow straight through the stream. Cool water splashes around my fast moving paws, refreshing contrast to the warm summer sun that pelt my back with warmth. Dripping wet, I find the flowers, their in sweet fruity smell thickens the air. I dive into the patch of flowers sending a plume of sweet smelling petals in the air. I lie in the middle of the patch, gazing towards the sky as the petals glide on the soft blowing breeze.

"You could have used the bridge you know," Ava laughs, paws on her hips on the perimeter of the white flower patch, "Well I guess you're gonna need a bath."

"Ruff!" I bark in agreement, shaking off the white flowers that coat my brown fur. I take a few of the flowers in my mouth and trot over to Ava.

"Those are my favorite," she says taking the flowers curiously, "How did you know? You haven't followed me home before have you?"

She gazes intently at the flowers, caressing their fragile petals in both paws. With a deep breath she inhales their scent, "Aaah," shes goes into a sort of trance, deep thought is written in the lines of her face. I nudge her hand with my nose, "Oh, sorry," she says, her inner thoughts tossed away with the shake of her head, "The smell always reminds me of my mother, she always had them around the house. They were her favorite flowers as well."

I run back into the white sea of white, scooping up another bunch of flowers as I go. Returning with the sweet flowers, I look up to Ava with a cocked head, "Arr?" I ask with a mouthful of flowers.

Ava looks at me with watery eyes, "Thanks, Buddy," say says, her voice cracking, "I'm sure she'll love these." She pauses again, looking deeply at the flowers, then walks quickly ahead towards the small footbridge the crosses the stream. Following close behind, I hear a quiet sniffling emanating from Ava's nose, "Let's go see mother."

I walk protectively beside Ava as we make our way back to the house. Opening the door with a wooden creak, Ava allows me in the house for the first time. Although curious of the new environment, I stand still, waiting to walk alongside her. We walk through the entryway, passing some framed photographs of what must be Ava with her mother. The pictures show the pair smiling, caught mid laughter with innumerable white petals floating around.

Entering the next room, I notice a small table in the corner with another picture, but this one only includes her mother, smiling as usual. The frame is cushioned by dozens of white flowers and a few unlit candles.

"That's mother," she says through stifled sniffles, wiping a single tear form the corner of her eye, "Here," she says with a deep sigh, placing her bundle of flowers with the rest of the pile, "Give her your flowers."

I pace over with flowers in maw, dropping them on top of Ava's.

"She would have loved you," she whimpers under her breath, kneeling next to the table, "I know she would." Hunched over, she reaches out a paw to remove a speck of dust from the glass.

Wanting to comfort my master, I stick my head under her hanging arm, wrapping my canine body close around hers. I place a small lick on the underside of her chin, prompting a tiny exhale of laughter.

"Aah, that was years ago," she says with a long exhale, "No need for sadness today, it's your first day here."

I nuzzle her fluffy cheek in affection as she leans her head onto mine, "Aw it's okay, I'll be fine," she says squeezing me around the neck in a tight hug, "Now how about that bath? 'cause you're one dirty dog."

As her tail begins to wag again, so does mine, quickly perking up from sad memories. With an enthusiastic bark I follow Ava to the bathtub to be washed, excitement building in my chest the closer we get to the bathroom.

"Alright Bud, hop in," she says turning the shower on with the hot water knob.

I jump in without a second thought, quickly drenching myself in hot water. I close my eyes and let the warm water rush over my face, soaking me in a wet warmth that relaxes the muscles of my face. Disturbed from my trance, I smell that strange scent I smelled back at the adoption center, now stronger than before. I turn to see Ava, completely naked hop into the shower with me.

"What?" see says with an obvious grin, "I didn't want to get my clothes wet."

She takes a step towards me, the scents hangs thick in the air, overpowering my docile behavior. I stick my nose in her crotch and manage to place a single lick on her swollen mound before she pushes my head away.

"Mmm," she groans, biting her bottom lip trying to contain her outburst of pleasure, "Hey now, usually you ask a lady before you go lickin' her there." She turns away, shoving her rump in my face as she grabs of the shampoo. I swear that she stays like that for ages as if taunting me, wanting my more primal side to show. She turns back around, squeezing a glob of soap onto her paw, "Let's cleaned up you dirty dog."

Rubbing her paws together to spread the shampoo, she starts to clean me up. Her paws find my front shoulders, giving them a deep massage as she rubs up and down my front side, getting me all soapy. Bubbles lather my fur, slowly eating away the the grime I acquired while romping around outside, revealing my shiny brown coat.

"You're quite a handsome dog you know?" she whispers in my pointed ears, filling me with a warm feeling of pride. I stand tall, tensing up my shoulders to show off my strength, but her paws take the tension right back out with a slow massage, "It's okay, relax Bud," her words soothe me into a dreamy state of relaxation, "I know how strong you are."

She moves further back, placing her paws on either side of my torso, pressing into my deepest tensest muscles and relieves all of the tension in my body. Never before have I felt this relaxed, I feel that at any second, I will spontaneously collapse into a deep sleep, hopefully accompanied with cuddles from Ava.

She reaches over further, massaging my hind quarters. In doing this, she shoves her mound right in front of my muzzle, teasing me with her enticing scent. It takes all of my willpower to refrain from reaching out my tongue and slurping up the tasty smell hidden within the folds of her swollen mound. I simply sit, staring ahead directly at the cause of my primal urge to mate.

"You're such a good dog Bud," she says bumping the side of my hind legs with her paw, "Go ahead and turn around, let me get the back of you."

Taking one last sniff of the delicious scent I slowly turn around, leaving the mound with some reluctance.

She begins to rub behind my legs, massaging as she did before but then she stops. I turn my head to see the reason for her falter, and notice she's staring right between my legs, "Well hello there..."

Electricity shoots up from behind me, shocking me with pleasure. Ava has reached out her paws and has begun cleaning my balls. I'm wide-eyed for a few moments, but then my face melts into pleasure, my tongue lolling lazily out the side of my muzzle. Her gentle caresses of my low hanging fruit quickly chipping away at my learned docile behavior leaving me with only one thought: plant my seed.

With urgency, I turn around to face Ava who is already slightly red in the face, "Didn't you like i- ooooohhh,"she groans in pleasure as my tongue assaults her soaking wet slit.

"Mmmm- noo, ah stop," her halfhearted resistance is completely drowned out by the sounds of wet slurping and her own groans and moans.

I use my tongue to get a full taste of the scent she has been teasing me with all day. Its length searching for the richest flavor digging deep within the folds of her dripping pussy. I graze over a small bump right above her slit. This causes her to quiver and moan out loudly, "Mmmm- yees" she gasps, shaking all over as my long tongue berates her swollen mound. I look up gazing at her face to make sure she's enjoying it. She is panting heavily her eyes droopy with her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth. She looks at my face, then down between my legs where my red rod was quickly sliding from my furry sheath.

She rolls over, sticking her plump rear in the air, directly between my front legs, "Come on Buddy, show your master what you can do." She shoves her mound towards my growing cock, grazing its tip along her wet slit, "Make your master scream."

Primal instincts take over. Hardly thinking, I leap forward, plunging my hard doggy dick in to her hole, hilting her on the first thrust. I feel the wetness of her mound on my growing sheath.

"Aaahhh!" she screams in pain and pleasure as my cock pistons in and out of her wet pussy. My hips thrusting quickly, giving her no mercy from the force of my cock. After just a few thrusts, her passage tightens and she starts to squirm in pleasure as her first orgasm hits like a freight train.

"Oo-oh-oh- ye-ah- fuck-me wi-i-th that big do-ggy cock," she manages to sputter between thrusts. As my balls slap madly against the back of her thighs, I know I'm getting close. My knot slips out of my sheath and starts battering against her pussy, banging her pleasure mound with such force she goes into another spasming fit, tightening even more around my length and sending her juices flying around the tub.

Feeling my own impending finish coming, I redouble my efforts of shoving my knot past the outer folds of her mound. Her moans give me the energy to push past the tight barrier, burying my knot deep within her hot pussy.

"Oh fuck!" she screams as I release a torrent of hot cum deep in her womb. Her passage tightens again, milking my cock for all the cum it can give. I feel my knot expand inside of her, locking in all of the hot seed that I pump in.

Ava turns to face me, "Good Buddy," she pants then looks at her filled pussy, "I guess we're gonna be her for a while then." Giggling she turns around to face me, my knot twisting her insides as she does, "I never expected you to be such a big boy, but I have been wrong before," she says giving me a wet kiss on the forehead, "I hope you can show me again, just in case I forget."