Diary of a Horny Pup: Intro

Story by Bluewolf99 on SoFurry

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#1 of Diary of a Horny Pup

Thanks for the support on all of my stories so far, I really appreciate the votes and favorites and it's an honor to have made it to the popular tab. It seems kinda childish but I really appreciate it and it all thanks to you watching and all those who favorited any of my stories, or who are just reading for the first time.


18+ story so if you're not, read something else

Otherwise Enjoy!

Day 1:

They say you're born with your sexual identity right out of the womb. Gay, straight, bi, whatever you may be is predetermined in the womb. It's seems so easy when you put it like that, with the snap of your fingers, poof, you know what gets you riled up. Who to like. Who to befriend. Who to love. If only I could do that, snap my fingers and know who I want and what I like. Life would be so much easier. Instead, I awkwardly shift through the halls of high school, hopping between the various social groups and see how everyone seems to know who they are. What they like. With whom to show their vulnerability. Maybe I'm just a coward, afraid to show everyone else who I am. Maybe it's because I've spent so much time being someone else, sullying my uniqueness with conformity. I don't really know anymore and I guess that's why I'm writing in here. My diary, my story, my one place of vulnerability. A chink in the armor of social anxiety that might help to find the fleshy insides where a confused, awkward teenager hides. Where I hide.

So dear diary, what do you want to hear? The wildly inaccurate, "Oh dear diary, you won't believe it, I've found the love of my life!" ain't gonna be what I'm writing about. Not that it wouldn't be nice; it's just not going to happen anytime soon. Ever actually. I guess I'm destined to be a loner. Passing life by as a another mindless cog: go to school, do homework, go to sleep, repeat. And how wonderful a life that's been so far. So is that what I'm supposed to say? Am I just writing to tell you how much my life sucks? I thought this was supposed to be helpful not a constant reminder that my life isn't anywhere near where I want it to be! If that's what you want then, dearest diary, let me sum it up for you with a haiku:

Life is a journey

an impossible journey,

and I lost the map.

In other words: I'm screwed.

Day 2:

Dear diary,

Geez, I sound like a ten year old pup writing in her pink sparkle feelings journal. From now on I'm gonna skip the formalities. You are just a few dead trees. I don't think it's gonna make a difference if I address you as "Dear diary" or as "Want-to-be tree." As long as you don't have any objections of course... I didn't think so.

Christ if only my friends could see me now, conversing with a piece of paper. I'm sure that will go over well with the guys:

So what do you like to do in your free time Ethan?

Well actually I'm insane and like to have one-sided conversations with a book.

Yeah I guess it is "that bad." Well, may as well embrace the insanity and tell you a little bit about myself: I'm a husky to start, with the typical spots above the eyes and a natural tendency for athletics. Not to say I'm particularly strong, you won't ever find me working out at a gym or anything like that. I just like to run. I love to feel the wind on my face, brushing back my fur in a cool breeze. It's one of the few hobbies I've picked up over the years that has actually stuck.

This is my senior year in high school, thank God for that. Once you're a senior, by default you've earned a sense of respect from everyone, at least to a certain extent. Plus I always feel like the end is so close I can reach out a paw and touch it. I can't wait to get that graduation cap and toss it into the fire. I want high school to be a bad dream so that once I'm done, I wake up and the details start to fade away. I don't ask much of the world so just take this one request. So please let this all be a nightmare.

Oh, and I turn feral whenever I'm *ahem* aroused. No, not like the "feeding off of primal instincts" feral. Literally a dog, like one you would have as a pet. I guess it could have some potential advantages... I just haven't found any yet.

The first time "it" happened was during my freshman year. Of course, it had to be freshman year because when better to leave a lasting impression on your classmates then when you're a brand new student and know nobody.

Locker rooms always lead to awkward sideways glances and even more embarrassing half-naked bumps. If only that was the limit of my locker room experience. We were in the swim unit of gym, so everyone... I, was feeling especially self conscious. Swim trunks don't cover up a whole lot in the first place and changing into them without someone's fleeting glance is almost impossible. There I was, in the back corner of the locker room, surrounded by a whole load of furs in various stages of undress. The one fur I had managed to at least know the name of, Liam, stood in the locker adjacent to mine. He was a white wolf with electric blue eyes that stood out against his jet black areas around his eyes. His pearly white fur tinted with a shade of pink as he removed his undergarments. This whole time, I had been making periodic glances at him, I guess I was trying to figure out if I found him attractive. Right as he hooked his thumbs under the waist of his boxers, I looked away, just barely seeing the top of his sheath. I looked down and around my locker in embarrassment. Realizing I had dropped my swimsuit, I walked around my locker door behind Liam, forgetting I was completely nude.

As I tiptoed behind him, he stepped into his swimsuit, sticking his butt backwards as he leaned over.

Before I realized what happens, my sheath was buried by his fluffy butt cheeks, surrounding it in warmth. Liam quickly jumped forwards apologizing profusely, but I just stood there frozen with unfamiliar sensations all over my furred body. My nose started to tingle along with my sheath. Then my elbows and knees heated up, feeling as if they had been dipped in a warm bath. An urge to be on all fours took over my ability to stand up right. Luckily, nobody but Liam seemed to notice, they all seemed to be focused on hiding their own crotches at the time. Liam stood there staring in amazement and horror, afraid to utter a sound. Now on all fours, I felt my fingers shrink, becoming more primitive digits. My entire body shrunk, leaving me with the appearance of a feral husky.

I, of course, had no idea what was going on at this time so I began to panic. I ran back to my locker and hopped in, hiding myself from the few classmates that still remained in the room. Somehow I got lucky enough that no one saw me. The locker room emptied as the teacher called the rest of the students into the pool. I sat there panting with my tongue hanging out for some time, waiting to return back to normal but nothing seemed to be happening. That's when I noticed something sticking out from between my now hind legs. Something red. Something radiating heat. Something tingling just like my nose before I went feral. Curiously, I reached out a paw to touch it, but then remembered feral paws aren't made for that sort of thing. Growling quietly in frustration, I bend over with a heavy sigh. My body bent over farther than ever before, my snout dug right into my furry balls. Taking a deep breath, inhaling my own musk I got a new idea of how to *ahem* satisfy the tingling.

I lifted my head and started suckling on the tip of my newfound feral rod. It felt so good that I had to keep going. The warmth of my maw engulfed my throbbing cock, sending shivers up my spine the further down I went. The taste was one unfamiliar to me, never before had I seen a feral's cock, let alone tasted it. Salty with a hint of sweet is how I remember it. I slowly forced the long rod into my mouth, letting it sink far into the recesses of my doggy maw. I remembered that I had a long tongue, not that that was any different from usual but I had never used it in this particular fashion. I wormed my long tongue down and around my cock, squeezing it into the small space between my shaft and sheath. I began growling lightly as my hips reflexively thrusted my cock down my throat, the vibrations sending my hips into a fury of lunges, forcing the red hot rod so far down my throat that my balls rested on my brow. The sensation drove me mad with lust, hips thrusted as wildly as the feral beast that I was.

Salty liquid started to flow from the tip of my tingling cock. It coated the inside of my mouth, making a squelching sound every time my cock slid in. Faster and faster my hips thrusted in the awkward position within the closed locker. My balls tensed up, and began pumping hot liquid into my throat. Wanting to leave no evidence, I swallowed the copious amount of liquid, filling my stomach with salty canine cum. As I pumped this liquid down my throat, I felt a familiar tingling in my nose. The sensation again spread to the rest of my body, slowly lengthening my appendages and finger so that I looked like myself again, except now with a subsiding erection and deflating knot hanging between my legs. Quickly, I gathered up my clothes and replaced them on my body trying to process what had happened and wondered if it would happen again.

Turns out, it would. Luckily it never happened again when I was around other furs, 'cause they usually don't appreciate a horny dog appearing out of nowhere. Usually it happens when I'm in my room alone. Liam of course knows of my secret, but he hasn't gone around telling everyone what he saw, probably because they would think he's crazy... But also I have become his friend of sorts and convinced him that it didn't happen. He still gives me strange looks every once and awhile but I don't think he himself is sure of what he saw.

Either way, it sure as hell makes it difficult to have a boyfriend or girlfriend: I'd rather not turn into a horny pup every time I kiss someone... but I guess that's how fate decided I am to live my life. So like I said yesterday:

I'm screwed.