Revenge is Sweet

Story by NymVette on SoFurry

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Cassie, Sadie and Sasha were close friends throughout high school they had the same interests, the same ambitions and the same tastes. They had all chosen the same course at the same college and were all looking forward to the next 4 years. They were all pretty in their own ways, Cassie is a tall, slim collie with long flowing light brown fur with small black patches on her face, ears and body. Sadie is a mouse and the smallest of the three friends, her petit body covered with very short white fur and Sasha is a rabbit. Her curvy figure with her ample breasts and wide hips are covered with a short grey fur. There was one other thing in high school that the three of them had in common, they were all bullied by Sophie a mean wolf and her pack of friends. Sophie and her pack made their lives almost unbearable throughout high school and only their friendship helped each other get through this period of their lives. This was a reason why the three were so looking forward to college they would finally be free of Sophie and her pack and would be able to enjoy their days.

The girls travelled together to college for their first day, they were all nervous as they didn't know what to expect, but they were also excited at meeting new people and learning new things. As they walked through the entrance to the college they all stopped as they saw Sophie standing in the lobby with the rest of the new entrants. The girls looked at each other as the excitement and freedom they had been feeling was drained out of them. They couldn't believe how unlucky they were, the one person they all hated so much was going to the same college as them, their hopes and dreams were broken in an instant.

Sophie ignored them that first day and as the first week progressed they all started to believe that things may not be as bad as they had first feared, Sophie was on a different course to them so they saw very little of her and when she did see them she was usually alone and ignored them. None of Sophie's pack was attending this college and without them Sophie didn't seem as scary to the girls.

As the weeks passed the girls relaxed and made new friends and took up new activities, some they did together and some they did separate but the close bond between them always remained. Sadie took up swimming at the college pool, but the other two were not keen so she always went alone. She really enjoyed her swims as the pool was nearly always empty so she could have it to herself.

The girls had been at college for a couple of months when Sadie left the other two to go enjoy her daily swim. She changed into her blue one piece swimsuit and dived into the empty swimming pool, she had been swimming for about ten minutes and didn't notice that she was no longer alone. Sophie had walked out of the changing rooms in a white string bikini and had seen the mouse swimming lengths in the pool. She walked to the end of the pool that Sadie was swimming towards and sat down on the edge hanging her legs in the water.

Sadie knew she was nearing the end of the pool and looked up to reach out and touch the end before turning around for another length. But instead of seeing the tiled end of the swimming pool she saw two legs in her way. She reached out and grabbed at the wall between the legs stopping herself, she looked up and said 'hey your in my way' but as her eyes cleared she saw the large wolfs figure sitting on the edge of the pool which caused her to let go of the pool and push herself away slightly treading water.

'Aww what's the matter little mousy?' Sophie teased her 'did I ruin your swim?' Sadie stayed treading water just looking at Sophie, she didn't know what to do, she thought these days were over and she had let her guard down. 'Let's see how long you can hold your breath' Sophie said as she reach out and grabbed the mouse's head pushing her under water. Lucky for Sadie she had moved away from the edge of the pool and she managed to pull under further causing Sophie to release her hold and allowing her to back away from the bully. As Sadie swam away from her, Sophie lower herself into the pool and tried to catch her, but Sadie was a better swimmer and easily kept a distance between them. Sadie reached the other end of the pool and pulled herself out before running to the changing rooms before Sophie had even reached the end of the pool herself. Sadie locked the changing room door and so Sophie couldn't follow her not knowing that Sophie has already given up and was swimming lengths in the pool.

Sadie reached in her bag a grabbed her mobile phone to call her best friends. Cassie answered her mobile to hear her friend call for help. Sadie explained what happened and Cassie told her to get changed and to keep the door locked until they got there. When Cassie and Sasha arrived Sadie was dressed and sitting nervously on a bench. She unlocked the door to let them in and they quickly comforted her. 'She's not changed' Sadie told them 'she's still mean, it's never going to end'.

'Your wrong' Sasha replied 'she been quiet until now because she is alone. We outnumber her and now is our chance for revenge, to make her pay and to make her never want to bully anyone ever again'.

'What do you have in mind?' Cassie asked.

'I have a couple ideas' Sasha said smiling as she pulled her bag closer. She explained her plan to the other two girls and they all agreed they would do it. Sasha and Cassie hid while Sadie unlocked the door again. She took a towel pretending she was still getting changed after her swim as Sophie walked into the changing rooms. Sophie was just about to say something as the door slammed and locked behind her, she looked around to see the Collie and Rabbit behind her.

'What the hell is this?' she said as she started to feel nervous for a change. She turned and tried to get to the door, but the three girls grabbed her. She was no match for three of them as they managed to wrestle her to the tiled floor. 'Let go of me' she yelled but it didn't matter as no one else was around to hear her.

Cassie and Sasha held her arms down as Sadie straddled her stomach using her whole body weight to pin her down. She lent forward getting closer to Sophie's face 'we are going to make you regret that you bullied us for all these years' she said. Sadie was just about to put the next part of their plan into action when she noticed something 'hey look girls she's enjoying this' she said pointing to Sophie's breasts. The two other girls looked and saw what Sadie was talking about they could clearly see her nipples were hard and pushing against the thin material of her bikini top. Sadie's then even shocked her friends as she pulled Sophie's bikini top up revealing her furry wolf breasts and lent her head down liking the dark pink nipples which stuck out through the grey fur. She licked one nipple then the other causing them to stand out even more before she bit one of them causing Sophie to scream out in pain. 'Sorry I couldn't resist' she said to her friends.

'You fucking whores' Sophie shouted as the three girl laughed at her. 'Let me go, or you'll regret it' she said trying to act dominant in contrast to her situation.

'We'll regret it!' Cassie replied 'I don't think we'll be the ones regretting anything today'. As Cassie and Sasha held her upper body Sadie slid herself down Sophie's body so she was now sitting on Sophie's legs. 'Look Sadie, I think she enjoyed your mouth a little too much' Cassie said pointing at Sophie's bikini bottoms. Sadie then shocked them all again by running her finger over the bikini bottoms then putting her finger in her mouth.

'Your right Cass' Sadie replied 'for such a bitter bitch she tastes very sweet'. Before her friends could answer she had ripped the bikini bottoms off and pushed her face into the mound of fur and flesh. As her tongue forced its way between the outer lips of the wolfs vulva Sophie let out moan.

'Erm Sadie what are you doing?' Sasha asked her.

Sadie stopped licking the wolf for a second to say 'sorry it just looks so tasty I can't resist' before returning to her task.

'You fucking dyke' Sophie shouted 'stop her' she pleaded with the other two but they saw the anger on Sophie's face and decided they would let their friend continue to violate the wolfs most private area. But even as she protested the licking from the mouse's tongue caused her arousal to grow. She began to thrash about but her movements were restricted by the other two girls still holding her down. The little mouse was very skilled with her tongue and it wasn't long before the wolf felt a wave of energy rush over her body as she climaxed.

Sadie looked up at her friends knowing she had just given their captive a climax and said 'oops!'

'Can we get back to the plan now?' Sasha said jokingly to her friend. Sadie reached for Sasha's bag and took out a rope and handed it to Sasha. She used this to tie up the wolf's arms behind her back which meant Cassie could now restraint her all by herself while the other two got more items from Sasha's bag. 'Lucky I all this on me today' she said as she removed an electric sheerer from her bag.

'What the fuck!' Sophie said as she saw the rabbit hold the sheerer 'your not doing that!' she said realising what the girls had in mind.

'Doesn't look like your in a position to stop us' Cassie replied laughing at her. Sadie held the wolfs legs open as Sasha turned on the sheerer. She started at the wolfs ankles moving up the leg to the top of her tight and then back down again. She did this until all the long fur on both of Sophie's legs was cut very short. She then moved up to her body, starting at her stomach and moving out in a circular motion cutting all the fur there short leaving the breasts and between the legs till last. As she moved the sheerer over Sophie's breasts she looked into her face and saw anger and fear in the wolfs eyes. Finally she moved down to between the wolfs legs, the fur here was still very damp and Sasha was very careful as she cut away all the fur from the wolfs vulva. She looked at her handy work, all the fur on the wolf was cut very short except for her head and paws.

'You fucking whores stop this now' Sophie's said but her voice gave away how scared and upset she really was, which was exactly what the girls wanted.

'We are not stopping now' Sasha replied 'we've hardly started and just think of all the years you tortured us with your bullying'. Sasha then took a packet from her bag and removed the contents. 'I've always wondered whether these cold wax strips work well, now we'll all find out' Sasha said as she laid one of the strip over the short fur on the wolfs leg. She patted it down making sure it had taken a firm grip of the short fur and then ripped it off quickly causing Sophie to scream out in pain. She looked at the strip covered in fur and then at the strip of smooth bare flesh. 'Looks like it works really well' she said laughing with her friends. She used the strips to remove all the fur she had just cut short, leaving the wolfs breasts and between her legs till last again. As she did those last two areas the wolf cried out in even more pain. The three girls looked at the wolf as tears ran down her cheeks, she was no longer scary to any of them anymore laying there with her front totally bare of fur and her pale skin with red sore marks there for all of them to see. They rolled her over repeating the sheering and waxing on her back, arms and bottom, but leaving her head, paws and tails alone. As Sasha pulled the last strip of wax off the wolfs bottom causing another scream of pain she looked at Cassie 'Your turn' she said as Sadie took Cassie's place restraining the wolf.

While Cassie retrieved her items from Sasha's bag, Sasha and Sadie positioned the wolf bent over forward over a bench. Cassie walked up behind the wolf and took hold of her tail, lifting it up. Now all the fur was gone she could clearly see the wolf anus and vulva peeking out between her legs. She lifted the table tennis bat she had taken from Sasha's bag and brought it down hard onto Sophie's naked and already sore bottom. Sophie let out a scream as Cassie hit her again and again with the bat, adjusting where she hit each time so the wolf couldn't be prepared for the pain. It wasn't long before the wolfs bottom was very red and showing marks from the patterned face of the bat. She forced the wolfs legs open slightly as aimed the hits on the back and inner thighs of the wolf. The collie looked at the large red area on Sophie's bottom and legs, she put the bat down and began to run her paw over it. She could feel the heat coming off the sore flesh as her hand gently stroked it, her paw moved from one cheek to the other allowing her claws to gently scrape across the tender flesh. Her paw then moved down between the wolfs legs find the area that had appealed to Sadie so much. As her paw slid over the bald vulva of the wolf she said 'wow she is so wet' then she copied Sadie's action by tasting the wolfs juices. She then returned her paw between the wolfs legs and pushed on finger into her which caused the wolf to moan out in pleasure. As her finger slid in and out of the hole Sophie's breath became heavy as she continued to moan louder and louder. Cassie couldn't believe how wet and slippery Sophie was, she realise she could easily get more than one finger in the wolf, but she wondered just how much. The next time she slid her finger out instead of slid just one finger back in she tried to slide her whole paw in. She expected Sophie to scream in pain again, but instead she just moaned in pleasure. Cassie had to push harder as she slowly pushed more and more of her paw inside the wolf which just caused even more moaning of pleasure. 'You like this do you bitch?' Cassie asked causing a giggle from both her friends.

'Yes' Sophie replied causing all three girls to look at each other in shock.

'Yes Miss!' Sasha said quickly winking at her friends.

'Yes Miss' Sophie replied again causing the three girls to giggle again. Sasha and Sadie had now let got of her completely but she stayed bent over the bench as finally Cassie had push her paw inside the wolf right up to her wrist. The wolf thrashed around as her body climaxed for the third time, the three girls hadn't noticed her climax the second time during the spanking. As Cassie tried to pull her paw out of Sophie she had difficulty causing her to pull the wolf off the bench and onto the floor again. Sasha and Sadie held the wolf as finally Cassie pulled and with a pop her paw came out of the wolf.

'Now your not going to try bullying us ever again are you?' Sadie asked.

Sophie rolled over onto her back and look up at the three girls standing over her, 'No Miss' she replied. Her body sore and exhausted as she just lay there on the floor. The three girls were whispering to each other and then they all turned back to the wolf and lifted their skirts and pulled aside their panties. Sophie looked up as three streams of urine rained down on her from the three girls. She lay there not moving as the urine rained down on her naked and sore body she was too exhausted to scream as the urine caused her sore skin to sting. She knew that they were marking her with their scent so she would get many funny looks as other smelled their scents on her. The girls then finally picked up their things and left the changing room and Sophie lying on the floor in a puddle or urine.

She laid there for a while before she had the strength to crawl into the showers. She reached up and turned it on and sat down letting the clean clear water fall on her bare skin. Because she had not fur protecting it anymore she could feel every single drop hit her causing her arousal to rise again. She placed her paw between her legs and gently massaged herself as she enjoyed the feeling of the water running over her skin causing her to climax a fourth time.

The following day Sasha was walking alone through the college when Sophie walked around the corner and quickly towards her. Sasha hesitated for a moment as she saw Sophie's face but her hesitation disappeared as she saw Sophie was wearing a short skirt and small top showing off her shaved and abused body to everyone. She could still smell their scents on her too as she stood directly in her path. 'You said you wouldn't bully us anymore' Sasha said defiantly to her.

'I won't mistress' Sophie said in a subservient tone 'I was wondering if there was anything I could do for you' she continued as she gently took the rabbits paw and guided it under her skirt.