Afterwork suprise!

Story by MackKitty on SoFurry

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Master comes home from work and his pet surprises him with some fun.

He wandered into the bedroom and flopped down on the bed, tired from the days work. He hadn't seen her all day, but he assumed she was around. He laid his head on the pillow and closed his eyes, kicking his shoes off one by one to make himself more comfortable. He laid, one hand propping his head up, the other laying on his chest as it rose and fell. Soon he was asleep, dreaming of less stressful times.

Sometime later, he wasn't sure how long, he felt warmth press against his lips, and when he parted them, he tasted cherry. His eyes opened slowly. She was seated on the bed beside him, leaning over to press her lips against his. Her red hair was loose, long and flowing free in riotous curls around her face. She grinned and sat back, and that's when he noticed what she was wearing. Her black and white striped fur was barely covered by a black leather corset that sucked in her already narrow waist and pushed up her amble breasts. The breasts were hidden, barely, under a red shirt that dropped off her shoulders and left her cleavage open for his view.

A skirt wrapped her waist and flared out over her hips and rear end, coming to an abrupt stop not far below the bottom curve of her nicely rounded rear. Her legs were covered in thigh high stockings held in place by a garter belt under the skirt, and that was all she wore under the skirt. When she was sure he was awake, she stood and walked around to the other side of the bed, her long thin striped tail curling around her ankles as she walked.

At his side, she leaned down and kissed him again, then pulled him into a sitting position. Her finger pads trailed across his arms as she skimmed from his shoulders to his wrists then back up again to caress down his chest, lightly enough to be teasing, but firm enough to be felt through the material of his shirt. She grinned and, reaching the bottom hem of the shirt, lifted it up and over his head. She leaned close and let her lips trail across his chest and abdomen the way her finger pads had gone. When she had kissed and caressed enough, she gently gripped his wrists and pulled him to his feet, leading him towards the bathroom.

There she quickly leaned into the shower and turned the dial up for the water to be nice and hot. As it heated, she went back to him, trailing her finger pads over his muscles again, leading down his chest and stomach to the waistband of his pants. Popping the button free and lowering the zipper she slowly knelt in front of him, easing the pants down from your hips to the floor. He looked down at her, knowing what she was doing and letting her as her fingers slid back up the insides of his legs then around at the thighs and up to his hips, teasing him in the process. Her fingers slipped inside the waistband of his underwear and pulled that down as well, baring him completely in front of her.

When she was finished and he was nude, she stood again, motioning him to step into the hot spray of water. She stood outside, in plane view, as she raised the skirt just enough to unfasten the clip of one garter, then roll the stocking down her leg. When she pulled it off, she continued with the other leg, showing him every step. Next she turned away from him, sliding the garter belt and skirt off over her rear and hips then down to the floor, bending to place the skirt folded gently on the floor, showing off her rear to him. When she stood again she untied the lace to the side of her corset and let it fall away, baring herself completely to him before joining him inside the shower.

After she stepped inside the shower she turned him away from her, taking the bottle of soap from the shelf on the wall, she poured a bit in her palm and began slowly massaging it into his fur. She moved slowly, starting at his head and massaging gently all the way down. She works on his shoulders, one at a time, then down his back. When she reaches his rear she stifles a giggle as she grips each ass cheek, pressing her body fully against hiss from behind. Then she turns him around pressing him against the wall as she massages the soap suds into his arms and chest and stomach, feeling all the ridges of muscle under the layer of fur.

She moves lower, kneeling in front of him again, working gently down both legs. She uses her strong hands to not only work the soap through his fur, but also her fingers to dig gently into the muscles of his legs, making sure to massage the backs of his thighs as well as his calves as she moves.

When she finally deems him clean and massaged, she stands and pulls the shower sprayer down and rinses his body completely. Being very through to trace over every spot to be sure that no suds stay trapped in his fur. When she has him completely clean and suds free she places the shower sprayer back on the wall and leans up to kiss him lovingly on the muzzle. Letting the still hot water rain down on both of them as she does, pressing her body close to his. His hands come up, finally moving on their own, and grip her hips, pulling her close to his, letting her feel the hardness she has been neglecting.

"You forgot to clean something," he says, his voice a low husky growl of arousal and need. She wriggles free and drops to her knees, reaching out with her finger pads to grip his length when he stops her. "No, pet, no hands."

She nods, smiling and leans forward, her tongue tip darting gently across the now swollen tip. She sighs as he sighs and leans in, wrapping her lips around him and lapping happily across his tip with her wide and rough feline tongue. She pulls back, her pursed lips dragging against his length as her tongue teases around all the ridges of his shaft. When she suckles him deeper into her mouth, he feels the tip press against the back of her throat gently, and her throat grips him before pulling back again, teasing him.

After a few more teasing strokes he groans and grips her by the hair, pulling her roughly to stand, facing away from him. The water is still raining down on both their heads as he grabs her hips, pushing her shoulders forward to press against the wall, pulling her hips back into his shaft.

"This is for teasing your Master, pet." That is all the warning she gets before he slides himself deep into her waiting sex, the teasing had been working on her, and her walls were slicked with arousal. She moaned pushing her hips back into him, feeling his hands caress over her ass and hips. He pulls back just enough to feel her muscles gripping to keep him inside, then thrusts back in hard and fast.

She moans, arching her back as he drives into her, repeatedly, taking her again and again. He spreads her legs a little wider, driving deeper inside, one hand resting on her hip, the other reaching around to tease gently at her clit. She shakes with pleasure as he thrusts again and again, till finally he leans down, biting the side of her neck.

"Cum" he growls into the bite. She cries out as her core grips him tight, spasms of pleasure coursing through her as he continues to drive into her again and again, his fingers never stopping their teasing on her extremely sensitive clit, sending her higher into her climax. He thrusts twice more then pulls free, holding her so she doesn't fall to the floor of the shower. He cleans her gently then turns off the water, pulling them both from the shower. They towel each other off and wander into the bedroom where he seats himself on the bed.

She climbs into his lap, feeling that he is still rock hard and at full length, his knot swelling at his base. She raises up on her knees, kissing along his jaw and up to his ears as she feels him press at her still sensitive sex. She slowly lowers herself onto his shaft, feeling him slide deeply inside her again, but regaining the control she didn't have before, or at least the illusion of control.

When she is seated in his lap, his flesh buried deeply inside her, his knot pressed hard against her outer lips, she hears him grunt softly and smiles. It had been a while since she had been able to please him and she reveled in it. Taking her time, she began to move, first just simply raising and lowering, riding him gently to feel the pressure of his length inside her. Then when she was seated she would grind against his knot and hips. His hands came up, caressing across her ass, pulling her down harder onto him with every stroke. His hips coming up to meat hers. He laid back, letting her ride at her pace, keeping his hands on her as guide. She squeezed her muscles around him, as she rode, making him moan with pleasure.

Soon his breath was coming in short gasps as he drew closer to his climax. Her body was equally as close as his hands were pulling her hard against him, she leaned back, arching her back as with one final thrust, his knot slammed home inside her. Her walls clasped it tightly, squeezing and milking him as she cried out again. He pulled back, just a little, his knot pulling at the insides of her cunny, driving her higher, till he slammed deeper. His tip thrusting as deep inside her as possible before she felt the heat his seed as it spread through her. He growled and roared through his climax, pulling her down so her breasts pressed hard against his chest, biting the softer part of her throat as he filled her, claiming her as his yet again.

She laid, her body twitching gently with soft aftershocks as he held her. Then rolled to the side, laying her back and pulling free. His knot slid from her with a soft pop, the mixture of her juices and his seed, spilling gently from her lips. She laid, a lazy grin of ecstasy spread across her face as he looked down at his pet, dripping his seed.

"Good Kitty."