Checkers pieces in a chess game

Story by Plasticfox on SoFurry

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#1 of Checkers pieces in a chess game


Specks of red. Funny how you tend to miss things like specks of red in the sunset. Not sure what it is that causes the beautiful landscape to turn to a stage just before night. Magnificent, all the dancing colors, the orchestra of a thousand city towers adding to the mood of this scene, and finally the setting sun acting as the final spotlight on the floor before the awaited monologue of the moon threw out the rest of the night. And in all of this, small specks of red help to finish setting the tone for the rest of the performance. Important yet going so unnoticed.

I think all this in an instant before the pain brings me back to the harsh reality that lingered inside my chest. Literally, piercing me to the bone. It all happened too fast, and I feel like my death won't even be one worth remembering. What have I done in 23 years of life? Waisted my time chasing girls instead of focusing on all the lame mumbo jumbo parents tell you is important. Wait what am I thinking? I was living life to its fullest. I have no regrets, I have my trophies to show and tails to tell. Life was good. You know what, I think I'm ready. Go ahead take me away, I have no regrets, no fears, no...... "I found a survivor!" Shaken out of the pep talk in an instant by a voice. It sounded soft in manner, but very urgent.

"The pikes in deep but he's still there just barely." The concern in her voice is soothing. Maybe she looks as good as she sounds. I guess it wouldn't be bad to have the last thing you see be a beautiful woman. It will take some effort to try and focus but it's not like I have anything better to do. Using what strength, I have left I turn my head from it somewhat limp position just far enough to where I think I will be able to see most of her face. It hurts but I'm almost there. Slowly opening my eyes, I let the soft light adjust one more time and focus on the shifting silhouette. Whelp, this is it. I hope she's worth being a last sight for a casualty of war. I can finally make out the shapes of her face. Wait am I seeing this right? Yes, Yes I AM..... SHE'S GORGOUSE!!! Perfect skin tone, cute nose, long blond hair hanging just down her back. Blue eyes, body of a goddess, and a not to slim, not to chubby facial complex that would make a super star jealous, no Botox needed. I change my mind, I wanna live, I wanna live. I'm not ready to go yet.

"We are going to have to remove the blade so we can seal the wound, Jackson go get the life support from the jeep and the med kit." Yes, do whatever you need just don't go away you sweet angle. Any one of the gods, please don't let me die yet. I don't want this moment to ever stop. She puts her hand on mine looks right at me, then I see her other grab the lance and...

Wha, What the? Sense when did the lights get so bright? I can start to see. First colors, then shapes, wait AM I DEAD? No my head is pounding like the last time I went to stubbys pub back home. Maybe I'm dreaming? Wait the girl... I hope I'm not dreaming. I sit up then back down as soon as my brain screams DON'T DO THAT!!! Nope not dreaming at least. The pains to real. I can finally make out a recognizable item, It's getting to be clearer, white long, soft, it's the end of a hospital bed. Still fuzzy. Wait where are my legs, oh no... I'M AN AMPUTEE, I... oh wait there they are never mind. The rest of the room is becoming clearer, my suspicions where correct I am without a doubt, confused as heck, how did I get here. I mean obviously this is a hospital, and I know I was rescued by the hottest women to ever walk the earth. But how did I get from the middle of a warzone to what looks like a fully functional ER?