Jeremy: Chapter Seven: Targets Close To Home

Story by Kyrugii on SoFurry

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Going to speed things along and cover events through several months on this one.

How are you lot holding up? Eager for the new experience of Jeremy with a whole city to play with? Might not be what you expect. Then again there are those of you with low expectations, love you guys, so easy to please. I'll see what I can do for you.

Jeremy found that enrolling in a new school wasn't a simple matter. He was now in a new school district, one that had different rules and standards. Each new student had to take placement tests. The testing took Jeremy several hours and he still had to wait for his brothers to finish.

Two days later everyone was surprised at his scores. He would skip a whole grade. He was going to middle school a year early. He'd be only one grade behind Eric now. At least physically he looked more than ready for it.

He wasn't prepared for the chaotic process of choosing his own classes. He did manage to fill his schedule, somehow.

The first day was just as confusing and a bit refreshing at the same time. He was predictably treated like the new kid he was, so no surprises there. What did surprise and please him was how he was shown a little bit of respect by his fellow classmates. He was large for a weasel in his new grade, and even those in the next grade. Before, first days back to school were spent avoiding the bullies among the much larger specie. At his new size it was assumed he was a year or two older. He still had to avoid the larger specie, they were still far bigger than he was only now they were generally too busy going after the easier prey. Those easy prey looked at him with the same respect and an almost equal amount of fear they held for the larger specie.

By the end of the first day he was happy with the overall experience. On the way home he found that Eric had had the opposite experience. He'd been harassed by several other students from the larger specie. Jeremy's first reaction was to do something about it. Eric was not so inclined. He wouldn't tell him who was giving him a hard time.

"I'm not going to have my little brother fighting my battles. Especially my little brother that should still be in grade school." he'd said.

"I only want to help."

"Fuck off. I don't want your help."


That was the end of it. Jeremy was hurt though. Sure he wanted to be bigger than his brother but why would he refuse his help? Why tell him to fuck off even?

He looked at his brother sitting next to him on the bus for a second. That was all it took to add him to PATOMES.EXTERNAL SUBJECT : ERIC 3591 UNITSSUBTRACTION OF 36 UNITS SUBJECT ERICREADY

He activated the program before thinking. He thought he could handle things without his help? He'd see what Eric could do with his brother working against him.


Halfway home Jeremy regretted his hasty decision. Still if he was gong to tell him to fuck off for trying to help then he would make his struggle that much harder in return. The more he thought about it the more he liked the idea of their separation growing that much more noticeable. Maybe he'd slow his brother's growth to say, half what it should be. He had him in PATOMES now, he could make adjustments every week on Eric just as he was doing for himself.

Eric didn't see the smile on his brother's face as they got off the bus.

The next few days saw Jeremy settled in to his new routine at school. He even made some new friends. Most were older than him but with his larger size no one said anything. Fifth period pleasantly surprised him the most. Physical education. There was a pool at the school and they used it. It took a few days before he got a pair of swim trunks but once he did he found he liked swimming. He also liked the first time he stepped out of the pool. With his fur wet and slicked down over his body he noticed more than a few stares.There were more than a few of the females looking him over. He found the experience to his liking.

Things were looking up for him. He even started using the gym in the apartment building they now occupied. He started going down and spending time there to cover for the increase in his size due to his additions.

That weekend, as planned he made the modifications he'd planned on himself and his brothers. He'd decided to add Ian to the schedule as well. He figured it only fair to Eric to keep his other brother on the same schedule. It wasn't noticeable yet, but with time he'd tower over his entire family. Sam was lucky to have escaped. He even took to walking the apartment without any clothes on just as Sam had. He wanted his brothers to see every aspect of his physical dominance over them.

After beginning the week of going through the motions of working out he found he liked the experience. By the end of his first week Jeremy was actually working out in the gym. The feel of his body having spent itself appealed to him. He enjoyed the lingering warmth deep in his muscles that lasted for hours. The need he felt rising the next day, his muscles aching for the repeated use was close to an addition for Jeremy. In another week he was working out with the intent of getting stronger through the practice. The time he spent on the machines increased until he was spending over an hour in the gym.

A month went by and they were all settled into their new routine. Eric and Ian were unhappy with the situation but there was nothing they could do about it. Jeremy topped a full two inches over Ian at the end of that month. He had five inches on Eric. The play wrestling matches had stopped completely, there was no longer any point. Neither Ian or Eric could hope to match his far superior strength. Ian now had to tilt his head up to look at him in the eye now. They hadn't noticed their growth had slowed. It wouldn't have been much help to them anyway.

Clothes was becoming a problem. Jeremy had for a time shared his brother's clothes, but now he was too large for that to be practical. His father's old clothes had been donated. He was now the disappointed owner of two pairs of shorts and three shirts. It was all his mother could afford for the short time he would likely fit in them. She would be proven right all too soon, but it didn't mean Jeremy had to like the limits. He had to learn to do his own laundry with his mother out working multiple jobs most of the time. With the weather turning cooler he was left without even a hoody that would fit him right. The one his mother had bought was too large, she'd said he would grow into it.

The second month they were in the new apartment saw better changes for Jeremy. They all knew he'd been working out steadily. He'd come home finish his homework, eat and then go down for an hour or more. His brothers refused to join him even after their mother pointed out what it was doing for Jeremy. He'd changed the ratio of muscle he was adding to himself down to match his current body makeup. He didn't need the extra help any more even though he wasn't growing stronger as quickly from the work outs.

He had switched to using the cardio machines. He'd talked with an adult ferret one night that had been on what was called an elliptical trainer. In the time he'd chatted with the ferret Jeremy had been convinced to give them a try. In only a few days he felt he liked the machines better. To him the machines gave him an overall workout all at once with less waisted time adjusting weights.

His brothers began avoiding him, it seemed they were becoming intimidated by his increasing size and strength. He was delirious with pride in his growing size. He even took to leaving the bathroom door open when he relieved himself. His growing exhibitionist nature led him to leaving the door open to show his brothers the full size of his cock. Unfortunately his mother also walked by once, she said nothing as she shut the door for him. As embarrassing as it had been he refused to fully change his habits, he would close the door when she was home.

By the end of the first school quarter Jeremy had gown three full inches. His biggest gains over a three month period yet. He was now six inches taller that Eric and three more than Ian. He expected their members were about the same size as Sam's. His own sheath was now plump enough to clearly show it contained a cock that was almost as big as the size of Sam's full erection. Eventually his mother stopped complaining about him traipsing around the apartment in the fur. He was taller than her too now.

His grades were surprising too. He was still bringing in straight A's despite having been advanced a year. His brothers were openly hostile to him now. There was even less they could do now than just a few moths ago. The amount of his friends at school had also grown. He was talking with older females more than males his own age now. His confidence had been a bit shaky at first but now he found it easy to chat up most of the females that bothered to address him. He had noticed the specie that talked with him were also of the larger persuasion.

The females at school were taking a greater interest in him as well. He constantly noticed them checking him out. He occasionally spotted females eyeing his crotch area almost as much as the rest of his body. He liked the attention he was getting. Truth was he loved it, maybe a bit too much. As pleasing as it was to be noticed it didn't help with his self control issues.

He had be be careful not to let his mind wander at school. There'd been a few close calls. On some of the occasions that he noticed a cute female his cock tended to respond with fervor. At his size it would be embarrassingly obvious just where his thoughts had drifted. Even still there was rarely a week when he didn't make a long stop in the restroom stalls just to alleviate the buildup of sexual tension. He needed release so often it hurt sometimes.

Sam came to visit one weekend. Jeremy was two inches taller than his oldest brother and visibly far stronger. He couldn't have been happier. He saw several looks of envy from him over the weekend. It made him feel that almost forgotten sense of triumph all over agin. Jeremy added him to PATOMES. He wasn't going to get any bigger than he was that weekend.

Jeremy decided it was now time to take revenge on one of the detectives that had visited after his father had been killed. His test with the truckers had proven he could affect anyone in PATOMES wherever they went.

It had taken some exploring through the various commands but he found he could affect any person or animal he had stored. He never shrank any of the truckers, he only added fat. It made sense that they'd get fatter siting behind the wheel of a truck all day. He'd occasionally monitored them since he'd first targeted them.

He waited until three in the morning for his revenge. In the course of five seconds the leopard that had spoken so callously shrunk down to a quarter inch. That was the lower limit of PATOMES. At that size he would likely never be noticed even if someone knew to look. An insect could do him in. A fitting end to an unsympathetic predator.

For the next month Jeremy slowed down a bit. He'd been pushing his growth for more than half a year. He'd gained over a foot and fifty pounds of muscle. He scaled back to under half of what he'd been adding. With the end of his first semester coming to a close in middle school he was huge. Comparing his size against his mother he was certainly taller than his father had been. His strength had also continued to increase even though he'd added the same proportion of muscle he physically already was.

He even got up the courage to ask a female out on a date. She said yes instantly.