Checkers pieces in a chess game

Story by Plasticfox on SoFurry

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#7 of Checkers pieces in a chess game

Rise and shine Eye's heavy, check. Paranoia, check. room full of any girls, check. At least Katie isn't involved in this circle of hate. And what is taking the lockdown shutoff so long? Normally it only takes an hour to filter all the toxins out of the air, We've been here all night. I turn where to Beth is sitting. Katie was finally awake and for a pleasant change was talking to Beth with that oh so lovable smile again. Good to see she recovered from last night. I turn to look for Jane but she's not there. A moment of destress washed over me. I stood up. "Where is Jane?" I say. "I'm over here." Janes voice ring out from behind the collapsible wall. " I... still have this heat. And I didn't wanna get you worked up again with these toys I brought out." She says in a tone of voice that is very down to business. I look over to Beth who is looking back toward the wall. With an annoyed smile she roles her eyes, then looks over to me. She then gestures for me to come sit down with them. Unsure of what this could be about, I brace myself for the worst, and walk over to Beth finding a seat on the floor next to her. In a tone that is very motherly she says. "Listen, About last night, I'm sorry about what I said. I just don't wanna see anyone take advantage of you is all. Your my best friend." At that Katie looks over to her with a confused look on her face. "Best guy friend." She corrects. Katie's expression then goes back to her warm smile. "I also know that you tend to get yourself into bad situations with girls, like that thing with Vanesa. I guess what I'm really trying to say is be careful with her." Loud hefty knocks interrupt me before I'm able to respond. THUD, THUD, THUD. "Anyone in here?" I run to the door and reach for the knob. Trying to turn it but finding out it's not meant to open till the raid is over, at which point the guards will unlock it from the outside. "Yes but the door won't open, it's one of those self-sealing doors. I say. Again in a muffled gizzly voice. "Damn that's a stupid feature. Alright Stand away from the door, and look away. I do what he says on the first part, but out of curiosity I continue to watch the door. Nothing happened for a moment, a click and loud roar of something fast. The metal around the door knob started to glow a bright red. Then in a split second a small flame protruded out of a hole of melted steal. Oh I see what he meant by look away now, Don't wanna go blind. I turn around, and listen to the sound of flame melting metal at a rapid rate. I could feel the heat from the torch even standing aways from the door. I hear a heavy chunk of metal fall to the floor and the loud torch extinguish it's flame. The door is then kicked open. "Rise and shine kiddies, time ta go." Came that same voice from the other side of the door. Finally we had the chance to match the face to the voice. A cigar was the first thing to stick out of the shadows, as the face of a war weathered but young grizzly bear stepped into the room. He had a self-confident grin across his furry face. His one good eye was a dark green that greatly improved his looks over the other grey scared eye that came with an accompanying mark down his left eye. His hands where giant to match the rest of his body, and his bare chest, (no pun intended) was covered in similar trophies. "GOD DAMN IT! And I almost got myself off too." Came the voice of a flustered Jane who was still behind the foldable wall. "Getting off? Who's getting off right now?" the big bear walks into the room until he can fully see Jane. He then just looks at her with a big ear to ear grin and sayed. "Ya know I could help you better than those toys can." The next thing I see is a long horse dildo being thrown at the unmoving solders chest, then leaving no effect on her target falling to the floor. "I didn't hear a no." He says with the same smile he's held the whole time. "Captain!" Comes an almost disgusted call from the doorway. I turn to see who it is to find a sturdy Dalmatian standing before me. By the expression on his face, this is normal for the captain but in his opion a big waist of time. "Fine, Another time dear." The captain says in defeat. "Alright people, Time to move we haven't got all day." He says as he start to leave the room. "Leave, wait. No one said anything about taking us anywhere." Jane says in a almost teenage style tantrum. She walks out of the cover of the wall then stops in her tracks once she see's the door. " What the hell?" She says as if she just saw a friend of hers reck her new car. She marches right up to him still stark nude and says. "Who the hell are you guys, and what did you do to the door? Once my employer see this he's gonna.." "Your employer is most likely dead." The bear buts in. "We opened up the main bunker to find that those air filters where in range of the emp that went off. Those inside died from the toxins. You lot are lucky to be alive, looks like your back up generator was just out of range of the blast, just by inches. Jane stood there with wide eyes and open mouth. I didn't even see his hand reach between her legs. As he pulls a plug out from her legs with a resounding wet pop. Jane still stood there wide eyed. "You left your butt plug in.", he says with a disinterested look on his face. He then popped the butt plug into her open mouth and walked out of the room. Despite the awfull news, It was kinda funny to see Jane with that thing in her mouth, It looked like she was sucking on a binky.