Choose Her Adventure: Fedra in The City of Harmony

Story by Zeong on SoFurry

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An interactive story about a lizard for hire with a dubious sense of morality as she arrives in the southern port city of Harmony. Sex, violence and mayhem abound around Fedra in a reader driven narrative.

Hellooooo fellow perverts! What we have here is a little game I'd like to play. I write a story and YOU, yes YOU, gentle readers get to decide the direction it will go! At the end of each chapter will be options to be voted on. The one that gets the most votes is what gets written. Reader interactivity is always fun, isn't it?


Sun on her scales and the salt air on her tongue, Fedra descended gangplank from the small merchant vessel to the docks of Harmony. With her beaten and scarred brigandine, short handled axe at her hip, and all her worldly belongings in a satchel slung over her shoulder Fedra was every inch the layman's image of a wandering adventurer. Eight long years she'd traveled the world for gold, for fulfillment, for the excitement, for...well, to be honest with herself pure restlessness in the end. Fedra's scales would start to itch and her mind haze over if her feet tread over the same cobble stones and dirt trails too often.

So the lizard traveled. Sometimes she'd be a soldier for a petty lord to fight in a nameless, pointless, squabbles between grasping, greedy nobles. Other times, she'd find herself the hero to some small village for slaying a wild beast plaguing their fields where she'd gladly accept the praise and reward heaped on her. And, more often than she'd imagined when she first put together her rucksack together and left her desert village behind her, a whore.

Fedra wasn't unattractive, her snout gently curved, if marred by fine scars from old fights, her breasts and hips generous even by mammal standards, and her scales a rich green and blue. It made it easy to pull in a man or woman, or more than one if she felt the mood, and separate them from their coin over an hour or so of fun. But in the end, her scales would itch and her mind haze over and she'd be gone and wandering to some new land.

Now here she was in Harmony, a sprawling port city on the far southern coast. The port itself was crowded and frantic with activity. Sailors hauling cargo to and from ships bound for destinations both foreign and domestic. She passed a pair of fit young horse boys carrying a crate between the two of them and paused to stare. Long, well muscled legs, tight asses and gods their chests. Fedra felt a familiar tingle between her thighs and fought off the impulse to just grab one or both and drag them into an ally. It had been far too long for Fedra's tastes. The mercenary lizard forced herself to move on, shaking lust from her head. Yet, with her light coin purse in mind that was an avenue for revenue that appealed to her more than ever.

Leaving the docks behind, the city of Harmony was a welcoming sort of place. Street vendors hawking food and cheap trinkets and household commodities at almost offensive pricing -_a whole silver for a saucepan?-_as the city watch milled about, eyeing for pick pockets while not so surreptitiously muscling merchants for protection money. The city's architecture was hardly breathtaking, she'd seen the same high peaked, smooth surfaced roofs everywhere the snow came down heavy in the winter. The roads, at least, were clean and well kept.

Up head were several inns and restaurants, all close enough to knife fight for cliental if they needed to. One caught Fedra's eye, its wooden sign a beautifully carved relief of a fox cradling an infant, the name 'Mother and Child' engraved below it. The exterior was well cared for and the main door flanked by a pair of hearty flowering shrubs. With little too lose, Fedra went inside. The door opened with barely a squeak of the hinges. The smell of fresh bread and, frying meat mixed with sweat and grim of the packed front.

Spotting an isolated table in the corner, the reptile quickly slipped through the door and settled in, scanning the room. Groups of workmen eating, drinking and gambling on break or done for the day she didn't know or care. Two watchmen - a big male brown bear and a slender female ferret were hunched over a pile of papers, drinking something from clay mugs. A cute, anxious grey mouse was sitting by herself clutching a mug of something steaming, her big blue eyes darting around. And tending the bar was a gorgeous, busty fox maid pouring beer from a tap into a trio of steins on a platter.

She picked it up carefully and lowered them behind the high bar and mouthed something, her voice lost in the noise of the crowd. A half a second later a fox cub, maybe a short twelve years old, darted out from behind the bar with the platter and ran toward a table with a trio of horses dressed for the docks. One of them patted him on the head and slipped him a pair of coppers from a fat purse and shooed him away.

Before he could retreat back behind the bar he spied her and smiled and cleared the distance between them in the space of a blink. Fedra jumped, grasped at the table with one hand while her left went down toward her axe on reflex before she stopped herself from cleaving into the cute, and disturbingly quick, child.

"Hi! I'm Walt!" he said so fast it sounded like a single word. "What can my mother get you?"

The mercenary looked back over at the fox, bent over wiping down the bar to show more cleavage than she needed to. Her head between my thighs and my tail in her cunt, Fedra thought. Or, at least she THOUGHT she thought it. Walt giggled- an honest to the gods giggle. Fedra's face warmed and her eyes bulged. Welp, one more inn she was never allowed back in under pain of death.

Walt ran back behind the bar and tugged on his mother's sleeve. She looked down at him and before Fedra could bolt for the door she saw the fox look directly back at her...and smile lasciviously before winking. Fedra stared back dumbfounded with her heart hammering. Not the worst possible reaction from the innkeeper.

Still, she needed to get some idea of what she was going to do. Her purse was light - paying passage on the ship had cost more than expected and she wasn't rolling in coin before she'd departed her previous location in the first place.

The bear and ferret watchmen, she thought. Those posters they were hunched over had faces drawn on them...and bounties. Headhunting in cities was always profitable, even if the fights were rarely worth mentioning. Pickpockets, escaped prisoners or the odd murderer or rapist hiding in the shadows were hardly masters of armed combat after all.

Then there was an easier option and one the ache between her thighs was screaming at her to do. Lots of workers here, all a little tipsy and looking for a good time. Who was she to not offer them a good fucking at reasonable rates?

Or maybe saunter over to the bar and have a word or two with the matron. Fedra licked her lips and drummed her clawed fingers on the wood of the table. Decisions, decisions.


And that's it for the first introductory part of the tale of Fedra in the city of Harmony! So what shall she do dear readers? Will she hit up the city watch about catching criminals for gold? Maybe chat up a sailor or three for a few coins and pussy full of cum? But that fox DID look rather interested in her proposition.

It's in your hands and you have until October 29th to have your voice heard!