A Walk on the Wild Side

Story by speedingz on SoFurry

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So this is a really different type of story than most I've posted, far more kinky than most. Hopefully it's still enjoyable, was a fun story to write!

If you aren't into this sort of thing (feral on anthro knottiness) then move along, nothing to see here!

Squinting, Chris raised a hand to his face and shielded his eyes against the glaring sun. All around, the bright light cast a glow upon the trees, leaving them almost as silhouettes before its harsh gleam. He couldn't help but growling slightly under his breath, thinking again of the sunglasses he had forgotten on the dash of his car. Muttering to himself, he looked down at the ground again and left his eyes squinted.

The soft grass under his gray-furred feet was a good distraction, so rather than stew on the irritation he chose to revel in that instead. Splaying his toes slightly, he let the long blades slip between them, tickling his sensitive pads. It's so good to be back out here again, he thought with a sigh of contentment. Sun notwithstanding.

The path he was following could scarcely even be called that, in reality. The trees through which he was walking were slightly wider here, creating the impression of there being a man-made trail; however, judging by the tracks scattered around the area, men were one of the few animals not using it. He could understand why; he had never told anyone about it, and didn't think that there were any others who knew of it or the beautiful beach to which it led. Hell, the only reason he knew about it was because as a kid he had a tendency of wandering, and in one of his longer treks he had stumbled across it. Intrigued, he had followed it through to the end, and the sandy beach at the other end had made sure he would never forget it.

Chris tried to get out here as often as he could, but with his new-found job it was getting harder to get the time. There was always some sort of commitment, whether to his band, work, or some other social stipulation. So, for this weekend he had decided that he was going, and after turning his phone off and parking his car he had hiked off into the bush, cooler in tow.

Following the well-remembered track, he gave a sigh of relief as a familiar clearing came into view. Despite the cooler having wheels on the back, his arms were still getting sore from pulling it along the uneven ground. Just a few more minutes, he thought with a grin. And then it'll be just me, an ice cold beer, and a beach all to myself.

Suddenly, a crackling sound came from the other side of the clearing, like someone stepping on and snapping a branch. Chris froze, his grin sliding off his muzzle in a hurry. "H... Hello?" he called out nervously, flicking his eyes around the whole field. His tail twitched slightly, raising up as his hackles instinctively rose.

All around was nothing but silence and bird song, nothing out of the ordinary. However, he could swear that sound had been the same sound he had been making all morning, snapping twigs on the ground... There it is again! he thought in alarm, ears swivelling towards the direction it had come from. "Hello?"

Again, silence... But he could swear he could almost hear some sort of low, rhythmic sound, a low slapping sort of sound. The hell?

Anxiously, Chris hunkered down in the tall grass and crept forwards, leaving his cooler at the edge of the path. Creeping forwards, he tried his best to keep his paws away from anything which might give him away. As he made for the sound, his heart was pounding a million miles an hour, brain filled with a hundred thoughts, each more terrifying than the last. What if it's a bear? Or an angry poacher, or a... Escaped lunatic!

Finally, through the tall grass he saw a smudge of something dark. Heart in his throat, Chris reached out and pushed some of the blades aside...

He remained frozen for a moment, and finally remembered to breathe again. Backing up slightly, he let the grass close mostly again, but he couldn't help but keep a little gap to peek through. The wolf laying on the other side... It was a wolf, as far as he could tell, despite its sleek, coal-black fur, and definitely on the larger side... Well, he'd never seen a dog doing that before.

The wolf's shaggy head had been down, between his hind legs as dogs are wont to do. However, he had never seen a dog clean himself quite so... Vigorously. Chris squirmed in his suddenly tight shorts uncomfortably, his own sheath suddenly feeling quite plump. Without a second thought, he slid them down, as quietly as he could, and dropped them to the ground besides him. Of its own accord, his left hand drifted down to squeeze behind his barely formed knot, sliding the loose tan-furred skin back and forth lightly over his sensitive flesh.

A sudden grunt directed his attention back to the scene before him, and Chris crept back up to the edge of the tall grass, one hand on the blades and one on his burgeoning sheath. Thankfully, the wolf's back was turned to him, and apparently he was too distracted to catch Chris's scent. However, the dark feral canid's hind paw was high in the air, offering him an almost-clear view of the action.

The wolf's sheath was even more swollen than his own, although the sight of that quickly had his own junk playing catch-up. The entire fleshy tube looked stretched taut by what resided within, although the only external glimpse of this came from the thick red tip protruding from the end of his sheath. The wolf clearly hadn't ever been neutered (and just who would be neutering a wolf anyways?); even if Chris couldn't see the large furry orbs dangling loosely against his thigh, the copious amount of fluids spraying from the tip of the crimson rod demonstrated it without question.

Damn... Chris couldn't remember the last time he had gotten hard this fast. He had just been able to pop his swelling knot free of his tightening sheath before it got too large, but he barely even noticed all of the pre splattering up his stomach. The shepherd simply couldn't take his eyes off the sight before him. Before his eyes, he watched the wolf delicately lapping at his dripping tip before wrapping his tongue around it... Apparently he liked the taste, and with a grunt the big wolf pushed his rolled tongue into his tight sheath. The effect that had on him was instantly apparent; his powerful haunches immediately began rolling upwards, pressing his retracting sheath against his lips.

Chris couldn't help but thrust his own hips slightly at this; even though he was barely touching himself he could already feel his own orgasm approaching with the same rapidity that the wolf was apparently feeling. Lost in the moment, he shifted onto his knees...


Two furry heads shot up in an instant, ears bolt upright and eyes wide. The wolf's head swivelled back to face him, and all of Chris' forgotten fears came shooting back up into the forefront. A pair of vivid green eyes stared directly into his own golden eyes, and even with all of the copious pre-cum matting and dripping from the wolf's muzzle, Chris found himself utterly terrified of the intensity of that gaze. As the wolf got to his paws, Chris' own cock quickly shrunk. Great. I'm gonna fucking get eaten by a horny wolf, and I didn't even get off first, he thought incredulously.

Belatedly, he tried to back peddle, eyes on the wolf, but in a terrifying instant his foot caught on a stick (probably the same fucking one I stepped on), and he was suddenly falling. He landed hard on his back, air exploding out of his lungs in a loud huff. Oh irony, he thought, closing his eyes. So many times I've laughed at this exact sequence in a movie... And now I'm the moron who forgets how to walk. He could hear the wolf prowling closer, but just kept his eyes closed. Make it quick, will ya?

_ _

The warm musk of the wolf washed over him, wild and powerful. The wolf's paws rustled the soft grass... And then stopped. Chris held his breath, not daring to think, to hope. For a long moment, all that he could hear over the steady rushing of blood in his ears was the wolf's steady breathing.

Abruptly, he felt a warm rush of air blow across his mostly-resheathed cock, and before he could open his eyes the air was replaced by a warm, wet tongue. The hell?! Chris flung his eyes open in disbelief, and gasped as that gentle tongue slathered across his sensitive tip again.

The big wolf was standing beside him, head down and snuffling in his crotch while his tongue flicked out again and again over his already glistening tip. The slippery muscle even slipped inside his sheath for a moment, teasing at his hidden shaft and coaxing it back out into the open air. The wolf's hindquarters were facing him, dark tail raised to bear pink pucker and fuzzy sac alike. He didn't usually have any issue with getting hard quick, but at the combination of sights and sensations his cock practically exploded out of his sheath, ready and waiting.

As more and more of his own shaft bared itself, the dark canid took a step back, as though admiring his handiwork, before lowering his head back down to Chris' crotch again. Opening his jaws, he slid the shepherd's throbbing length into his maw, and mindful of his sharp teeth he began to bob up and down slightly, suckling.

Chris watched the surreal scene through wide eyes, unable to think or even begin to process what was happening. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined that he would find the one wolf in the forest who knew how to give a blowjob... And so well! My last boyfriend couldn't do this half so well, and he had hands to help!

Totally bemused, he couldn't help but groan as his knot began to swell in his sheath. It wasn't big enough yet to be uncomfortable, but he didn't dare reach down to free it from its furry prison. He hasn't bitten my dick off yet, but who's to say what would set him off? So for now he merely laid back and enjoyed one of the best blowjobs he had ever received.

However, his eyes wouldn't stop wandering over the wolf's presented rear end, and he couldn't help but lick his lips at the beautiful fuzzy orbs practically in his face. He knew it must have just been because of how close he was to the wolf's rear, but from where he was laying they looked to be the size of jumbo eggs. Unlike some dogs he had seen, they didn't hang down loosely in their dark sac; rather, they were drawn up fairly close to the wolf's body, hanging like obscene apples in their black-furred pouch.

...And then his focus shifted entirely when the wolf abruptly turned around. Suddenly, a bright point of crimson all but filled his vision, like a laser surrounded by dark fur; the wolf's musk, powerful before, suddenly tripled until it felt like he was bathing in the wild, masculine scent. The wolf had stepped over his face, rubbing his chest along the shepherd's head until his fat sheath was hanging directly in front of Chris' face. Chris ducked his head back quickly, looking back at the underside of the wolf's head for confirmation, not knowing what to expect... But he wasn't expecting the wolf to turn his own head to look back at him; nor was he expecting the subtle wink or nod that the wolf gave him. That was enough for him. His own cock was now throbbing almost painfully hard against his belly and yet remained forgotten for now; instead, he reached up with a shaking paw and, with another moment's hesitation, settled his fingers lightly on the wolf's sheath.

The soft, furry skin was warm against his fingertips, taut over the hardening flesh beneath. He let his fingers trace lightly over the entire length of it, from the firm tip right to the growing knot at the base. The wolf was barely even hard, and yet his shaft was still an impressive length, the knot already at least half the size of Chris' own. Squeezing lightly on this, he let his other hand drift back to fondle at the wolf's heavy balls, hefting them and letting them roll around in his paw. Again, the wolf put him to shame in this department; the twin orbs felt to be the size of mandarin oranges, although the left felt slightly heavier than the right. The pair barely fit in his paw! Squeezing them ever so lightly, he could tell that the wolf hadn't gotten his rocks off in a long time... They felt so heavy, so full. The wolf's heady scent was even stronger than before, and finally Chris couldn't restrain himself any more.

Bypassing the wolf's tip for the moment, he pressed his nose up against the side of the wolf's sheath. Inhaling deeply, he let the wild scent wash over him as he let out the tip of his tongue, lapping lightly at the underside of it. It had a mild taste; a little like pine needles, but a fair bit more of just pure male musk. Inhaling deeply again, he could barely restrain himself from shooting his load right then and there. Never in my life would I have imagined I'd be doing this... he thought incredulously. If only Mark could see me now... He chuckled a little. His prudish ex had never put out, and even when he had his dick had been... Somewhat on the small side. I'd say this is a distinct improvement!

_ _

Giving the sheath one last lap, he finally pulled back and just stared at what the wolf was offering him. Under his tentative ministrations, the wolf's reddish tip had extended another inch or so out of his sheath; now it hung there before his face, pulsing slightly and with a clear drop hanging from the tip. Here goes nothing...

_ _

_ _ Opening his mouth, he let his tongue out and gently flicked it across the pulsing tip. Immediately, the wolf's flavour burst across his tongue: salty and musky with a coppery tang, at the same time both familiar and totally foreign. Mark's had always been somewhat bitter, but he was happy to find that this wolf apparently had that edge up on his ex as well. He just knew he had to have more. Pushing his muzzle forward, he wrapped his thin lips around the wolf's tip and suckled.

Apparently that was all the wolf had been waiting for... Up until this point, he had been standing relatively still, hips twitching every once in a while, but nothing more. However, the moment that Chris' lips touched his cock his hips jabbed forwards, and abruptly he had 6 inches of throbbing, _growing_wolf cock rammed into his muzzle. He spluttered, caught off guard, and spluttered again as the wolf's first true jets of pre began hammering against the back of his throat. True to the heft of his balls, the wolf was spraying like he hadn't had an orgasm in a year; within seconds it had begun pooling in his mouth, and he had to start gulping it down to avoid choking.

However, the wolf wasn't simply going to sit back and let Chris passively suck him off. With a deep, passionate growl he pulled back, bare cock glistening in the sunlight, before shoving in even deeper than before. He used Chris' own lips to peel the sheath back from his cock, digging in until the entire half-hard length was wedged into Chris' mouth, the tip burrowing down his throat. His black balls slapped up against Chris' chin hard, the beginnings of his knot wedged into his mouth. Chris gagged, panicked; for a moment he couldn't breathe, and the wolf showed no signs of letting up.

After an uncomfortable second though the wolf pulled back again, and Chris was rewarded for his hard work with a nice big shot across his tongue. The dark canid shoved his cock in again, but this time Chris was more ready for it, and instead of jabbing against the back of his throat he instead pulled back slightly so that the half-swollen knot only pressed up against his lips rather than jabbed between his teeth. This way, the tip of the wolf's cock ended up at the back of his tongue rather than in his throat, and with a happy sigh he suckled at the thickening shaft, gulping on every stroke.

Now that Chris had found a comfortable position, he was more than happy to do whatever he could to make the wolf happy. He tried bobbing his head in time with the feral's frenetic thrusts, but he quickly realized that if he tried to keep that pace he'd wind up straining something in no time. Instead, he wrapped a paw around the wolf's slick knot; years of jerking off as a teenager had taught him just how good it felt to have the right pressure there, and apparently the wolf agreed. If anything, those jack-hammering thrusts grew even faster, until it seemed like the wolf was determined to jab a hole in the back of his throat. And if the tip of his pointy dick didn't do it, the powerful jets of pre he was squirting every second or two sure felt like they would!

The wolf suddenly growled deeply, and with a grunt reset his legs to a more firm footing, spaced equally on either side of Chris' body. Tail swaying behind him like a flag on a breezy day, he began his thrusting anew, hips moving slightly slower but pushing his pounding cock deeper and more directly into Chris' mouth. Again and again, the edge of the wolf's now-massive knot slammed into his lips; again and again, the tip of his throbbing rod poked against the back of his throat. Chris couldn't see too much; most of his vision was taken up by either the wall of black fur that was the wolf's stomach, the brief flashes of veiny red flesh as the wolf's hips pistoned, and the bobbling of the wolf's dark jewels behind the bulbous knot. However, what he couldn't see was more than made up for by what every other sense was experiencing. The little grunts and passionate growls, the musky, earthy scent, the salty, wild flavour... It all added up to pure bliss.

However, Chris knew it couldn't last forever, and apparently so too did his companion. His hips took on a not yet seen speed, and it was all Chris could do to hold on and weather the pounding his muzzle was taking. Again and again he gulped, trying to stay ahead of the flow of thin, slippery pre the wolf was injecting into his muzzle, and again and again he felt thin trails trickle from the corners of his mouth. The wolf's balls seemed to be drawing tighter to his body though, and the wolf's speed was frantic, almost desperate.

Abruptly, a powerful jet splashed across his tongue, greater in volume than those of pre, and even as the wolf let out a triumphant howl Chris realized that he was finally cumming. Tightening his grasp behind the wolf's gigantic knot, he jerked the wolf off in time with the lupine's furious thrusts; unable to resist any longer, he reached down to his own groin and started furiously pawing at his own long-since unsheathed cock.

It took barely a dozen strokes of his own over-sensitive shaft to erupt over the edge; squeezing hard behind his own knot, he groaned around the throbbing meat in his muzzle, tail flagging desperately as he bucked his own hips. His load splattered hard against his chest, long spurts of thin jizz catching in his shaggy fur to slowly sluice down his sides. For a moment, his vision narrowed, until it seemed the entire world consisted of just the cock in his mouth, and the cock in his own hand.

Finally, with a long sigh he slowly came back down to reality, long orgasm dwindling into a warm afterglow. The first thing he realized was that the wolf had finally stopped his frantic thrusting; now he stood still, sides heaving to the rhythm of his panting while his balls rhythmically tightened in his sac. The powerful jets of cum of before had dwindled as well in power, but just like Chris' own, they would probably continue for the next few minutes at least. More, probably, considering how long it felt like it has been for him... So, Chris settled back in for the long ride, suckling lightly on the wolf's rock-hard cock and idly playing with the wolf's dangling balls.

Eventually, the wolf pulled back slightly, and with a little regret Chris let his cock slip out of his muzzle. For a moment, the wolf just stood there over Chris' chest. His reddish shaft, still hard despite shrinking back slightly, bobbed in time with his heart beat; on every beat it jumped slightly, spewing out another thin line of lupine seed. These spurts quickly mixed with his own mess on his chest, becoming indistinguishable, but the sight still made his retreating cock give a feeble pulse.

Chris gave the wolf's knot one final squeeze and then scooted to the side, pushing lightly against the feral canine's legs until the wolf let him out. He stood up shakily, panting with his tongue hanging out of his muzzle. All he could taste and smell was the wolf's potent seed; licking his lips, he only picked up some more from his face and it only made the taste even stronger. It was still tasty, even coming down from his orgasmic high; definitely a stronger taste than his own, more coppery and musky, but he thought it was a flavour he could get used to.

Abruptly, the wolf trotted off into the bush, cock still hanging low and dripping. "Hey... Hey! Come back!" Chris called after him, disappointed. Damnit. I was hoping he wouldn't be leaving already... He watched until the wolf's muscled rump disappeared into the bushes and then turned away unsteadily, legs wobbly as he started to collect his clothes from the ground where he left them. He froze when a big glob of thin white fluid splashed against his shirt, leaving a big splotch. Well, at least he left me something to remember him by, he chuckled to himself, dipping a finger in the mess and licking at it. Still chuckling, he strode back to the cooler on the path, leaving his clothes off for now. Crumpling them up, he tossed them into the cooler and then started dragging it off again towards the beach. Maybe I'll see him later, if I'm lucky.