A little Bit Of Cross-Dressing

Story by WolfPack30156 on SoFurry

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#1 of At First Glance

*EDIT(11/20/09)* Authors Note: I need to upload the first chapter again seeing how the site is not showing it ^.^ And Thank you For rating it (Jake ShadowWolf) Reading it and Fav'ing it (Lione Dryke and King of Slac) The following story is a rp that my mate and i are converting to this but this is chapter 3 out of right now i think 5 ^.^ i need to upload them all but i don't have the complete revised them yet and as soon as they are ready trust me fellow Yiffstar users/admins/moderators/etc... you WILL know. So have fun till next time -Another Guy

I turned around after locking my door-dressed still in my Parkour uniform. "So what you think?" I asked grabbing Jacob's paw and taking him into the kitchen "Of you...dead sexy. Your place...pretty sweet I live with my roommate." Jacob said following me into the kitchen. I giggled and pushed Jacob in a chair. "So what do you want to eat since we skipped lunch?" I began looking in the fridge hoping to find some leftovers from last night-my home made lasagna. "I don't know. Maybe some of the lasagna you got there." Jacob leaned back in the chair making himself comfortable. I shot up, "How'd you know 'bout the lasagna?" I turned the lasagna in my paws-I pushed the fridge close with my hip. "Don't know it came in as a thought I guess." He shrugged. "This has been happening ever since we have met...I think it's cool." Jacob said with his stomach growling. I laughed and nodded then put the lasagna slices on two different plates and put them in the microwave then on the table. "Mom...it's good" Jacob said taking a bite "Thanks," I said sitting down next to Jacob, "I made it." "Well then I wanna kiss the cook" he said laughing, "so how much is rent?" I laughed, "I live here with my dad but its $250...I think. Although my dads always away so I minus well live here alone." I looked down. "Hey if it isn't much so when are we gonna get into the studying? "When you're done," I said taking my plate and rinsing it before placing it in the dishwasher then I grabbed my bag from by the door and brought it back to the kitchen. Jacob did the same and returned into her seat. "Okay so what do you need help with exactly?" I asked him as we took out our Physic books. "Um...I don't really know." Jacob looked at me. "Hey d'you like movies?" "Yes." "Hey how 'bout you come over to my place or I stay here and watch one?" "You can stay here the odds my dad will be here tonight are very slim." Jacob nodded, "Okay, can I use the phone?" I nodded. Jacob got up and got the phone from the kitchen receiver then dialed the number and then said loudly, "Hey man I'm going to be over at a friends house so don't wreck my side of the room okay?" then hung up after getting a response. I stared at him then shook my head, "So how come you don't live with your sister and parents...if you don't mind me asking." "Well, I have a confession...I kinda do live with my sister but I live with my roommate more but when he's drunk I stay with her so yeah, but what really sucks is that my sis wants me!" he blushed then laughed as he watched my reaction Wants? As in want wants...hmm okay. I thought. "...and my parents well they left me and sis together...well they sorta went to the magic thing in sky. Sis raised me, I was 13 and she was 14. So yeah she feels this feeling that makes her really...er...hot..." "Oh," I said not knowing what else to say. "Yeah but hey it was a long time ago so don't worry 'bout it, speaking of which this conversation is making me feeling sweaty. Do you have a shower?" "Uh yeah it's down the hall, the second door on the left," I said pointing down the hall. Jacob got up and I heard~*~I like group showers~*~ in my head again. I looked over at Jacob. Was that him I just heard? I thought. "Nothin' I guess," I said confused. "Well I guess I'm going to take the shower alone?" Jacob said~*~ I like group showers~*~ I heard it again. "Jacob...what's your stance on group showers?" I asked peaking up at Jacob. "I...er...well...like them. You?" Jacob said~*~Holy shit can she hear me~*~ ~*~I think I can~*~ I thought looking at him. ~*~so you want to take one~*~"Hey you ok?" Jacob said I was like thinking of group showers but you know creepy you asked." "Sorry I was just shocked."~*~Follow me~*~I leered and led Jacob to the bathroom. ~*~okay~*~Jacob following me to the bathroom. "I'm fine," she leaned in and turned the shower on~*~I don't know you well enough to take a shower with you~*~I kissed his cheek and left the bathroom. "Okay." He said behind me after I closed the door~*~ maybe we can get to know each other more after the shower~*~ ~*~okay~*~I went to sit on the coach and call my dad, but go the message machine so I just hung up without leavin' a message "Hey, Sasha," I looked over at him, "do you have clothes?" "Oh my god," I gasped looking down after seeing that he was naked. "Uh yeah go into my dad's room and he has jeans and a shirt always lying down on the bed." I pointed down the hall. "It's all the way down the hall." "Oh, thanks sorry 'bout the flash."~*~what did you think~*~ he thought going to my dad's room-I ignored him though I had enjoyed it. ~*~ HELP!!!~*~ I came into the room then laughed when I saw Jacob trying to put on the jeans, "Okay try this," I went into Chris's closest and got his jeans out that were bigger then threw them at Jacob and turned around. I heard a *RIP* and~*~you won't believe this~*~ I turned and fell down on my knees laughing. The pants had ripped all the way down the side and fallen off. "I know...how 'bout I don't where any thing seeing as how I don't have anything to wear?" I got up, "Well there's always one of my stretchy skirts." ~*~Are you man enough to handle it~*~ ~*~YEAH, but are you woman enough to give it to me? ~*~ I laughed~*~follow me~*~I took him to my room-it was pretty plain since I'd just moved in but my bed spread was dark blue with silver mist through it, and I had a desk with a pic of my family before my mom had died and I had a dresser with perfumes and my hair products on the top. ~*~like blue~*~he asked sitting on my bed. ~*~yes~*~I walked into my closet and grabbed my biggest skirt-black with pink flowers- then threw it at Jacob. ~*~unless you're not man enough~*~ I teased when he hesitated. "Er...I think I'll need some help getting it on, and how about one of your shirts?"~*~joking~*~he laughed at his joke and waited for me to help him. "Oh no you're going to wear that skirt!" I laughed and walked up to him and took the skirt and unzipped the zipper then held it out for him. "Oh yeah I am!" then hesitated, "So just step in it?" he said as he took it and examined it then stepped in it. I went behind him and zipped it then went back around to face him, "Very nice it's fixed perfectly." "What's fixed?" he asked as he moved his paws down to my hip. I laughed, "I meant fits." then I kissed him. Jacob moved both his paws down to ass and kissed me with his tongue as it went in it felt...wow. I leaned into him as I felt him enter my mouth. ~*~you like~*~Jacob thought as he rub my rump then back up to my hips and he shifted his legs and continued kissing me. ~*~hmm~*~I could feel my instincts about to kick in so I broke the kiss. Jacob smiled at me and then said "You okay?"~*~that was good~*~ "I'm fine," I assured him~*~yes it was~*~ "Okay, hey wanna watch a movie?" Jacob asked. ~*~hey...how about you get me a shirt and me and you'll go into public with me being a girl~*~ I laughed and thought God I'm falling in love and I'll be leaving soon. "Sure hold up," I went into my closet and got out my tank top that had a built in braw then threw it at him along with some tissue. Jacob smiled and threw it on over his head and stuffed it while laughing. ~*~hey you alright you look as if your happy but part of your is depressed~*~ I chuckled, "I'm just fine," then looked down hoping it wasn't obvious on my face. Jacob came and hugged me tightly and said "Let's go get some shoes." He laughed and began walking out the door like he should if he was a girl. I laughed and pulled him to a stop, "You don't have to do this." "Oh, but girl I wanna do this...but what exactly is this?" Jacob asked smiling. I smiled, "Be nice to me because I'm the new girl nor do you have to date me when the possibility that I'll be leaving at the end of next month is so high," I sat on the couch, curling my legs beneath me, and looked down. "Well, I understand that and I want to make you feel welcome and all." ~*~ and what a better way then to make me look like a fool~*~ Jacob smiled at me as I received the thought. "Yeah but Jacob I haven't lived in one place longer than a semester since my mom died and my dad's job is talking already about him moving to Costa Rica next month and I...I thought that it was no big deal because I wasn't really going to have a chance to meet anyone but then I met you and...and I'm making no sense," I chuckled wiping a tear from my face. "Hey...hey...who...hey have you ever heard of Horace?" Jacob asked me as he hugged me. "No," I said hugging him back getting a hold of myself. "He used Carpe diem in a poem it is translated into "seize the day", and that means to me that you live to make the most out of this day not tomorrow or yesterday. You understand?" Jacob asked me as he kissed my hair. I pulled back, "My mom use to say that all the time especially when my dad came up with his next crazy plan." I laughed. "My dad was a different man when my mom was alive," I shook my head remembering when I was younger and I was completely happy. "I'm sorry for bringing that up but you need to take it as it comes and all but however if you went away I would care but hey I'm not going to be able to control that." Jacob patted me on my back then hugged me again. "I love you Jacob," I whispered so softly that Jacob didn't hear me but it felt good to get off my chest either way. "I love you too." Jacob said, "I have wolf hearing,' then he just stared as he heard me. I began remembering my 5th birthday party~*~"Look mommy I blew them all out by myself," I said proudly as I sat on a park bench in front of my cake. "Yes you did great but wait to you see what me and daddy got you," my mom said to me-she was a beautiful red vixen with a white tipped tail; she had blonde hair and blue eyes. "Oh what is it?! What is it?!" I asked. My mom gave me a bag and inside it was my very first leotard. "Oh my god thank you mommy and daddy," I said looking at both of them~*~ I kissed him deeply. Jacob moved his tongue to my lips and then pulled away and said "Let's get some shoes." Laughing he buried his head into my stomach and I started laughing along with him because his laughing was tickling me. "How bout we stay here?" I laughed then pushed him up and pushed him down so his back was on the couch and I was straddling him. ~*~are you trying to turn me on~*~He thought as his sheath started to poke my through his skirt into my thigh.