Final Corruption

Story by travisbuchanan on SoFurry

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Final part of the commission for FA: Cidius ! The now-converted demons Gevurah and Jaeron target the final hurdle before they can conquer the kingdom - King Albus. Will he withstand the corruption, or fall to lust?

It's been a long time coming, and hopefully the wait will have been worth it. I'm slowly getting better as I write more, anyway!PART ONE | PART TWO | CURRENT

It was a silent parade of demons that followed, though anyone watching would have been hard-pressed not to call the scene ominous; as far as Gevurah and Jaeron were concerned, it was the march to end their kingdom and hand it over to the demon it truly belonged to. Deyx would reign over it with a firm hand, turning all its citizens into minions to satisfy his lust... and the newly minted demons all enjoyed the thought, their cocks rising in response.

Their goal, however, could only truly be accomplished if they corrupted the king to their cause as well. Gevurah wasn't too worried; the king was a man of pure heart and noble soul, but easily enough corrupted with the powers they had at their disposal. Perhaps the seed of just one demon wouldn't be enough, but...

The former commander glanced at the legion of men behind him and smirked. They'd certainly have more than enough, and they would fuck and violate the king until he was moaning, _begging_for more -- until he could do nothing but think about the moment when he would be transformed into one of them, his body just as demonic as the rest.

It was in this way that they strode into the throne room. Perhaps, if the king had been given more time to prepare, he would have been ready -- but he'd believed Gevurah to be more than capable of dealing with the threat on his own. By the time he felt the dark magic slowly growing and approaching, it had been too late; all he could do was bide his time, enhance himself with what magic he could.

Gevurah threw the doors open carelessly, a flash of demonic light flickering through his eyes, and he wore a dark and admittedly handsome smile.

"My king," he greeted, his tone faintly sarcastic. The man sat on the throne, as he always did, wearing a loose set of robes and a golden crown upon his head. He was more elderly than most of the men they had in their army, but had suffered no less for his age. It was a part of his blessing as the king that he was able to keep himself as fit and healthy as he had.

The king had begun to rise when his doors were thrown open. He'd felt the surge of dark magic, known that something was coming, though he couldn't know the precise details of it. He hadn't thought that his commander might have been lost, but the expression and face on the demon before him was unmistakeable.

"Gevurah," he greeted softly. His features suddenly seemed to match his age, old and tired all at once -- perhaps mourning the loss of a man he considered to be a son. "What has happened to you?"

"I have simply been awakened, my king." The demon gave his former king a mocking bow, his cock already extended and dripping between his legs. Precum fell onto the carpet billow, tainting the crimson red to a corrupted sort of purple. "To my desires, and my true purpose."

"This is not your purpose." The king shook his head sadly, rising from his throne to step forward. He should have been afraid, he knew, more cautious -- but he had faith in the power of their kingdom's patron god to protect him, and he was far more concerned about the man who had given his life to the kingdom. To think he'd been corrupted... "You gave up everything you once were to protect this kingdom. Do you not remember, Gevurah?"

"I remember," Gevurah said smoothly, allowing a low chuckle to roll out from his chest. The demons near him shuddered at the way his voice was loaded with corruption, the mere sound of it enough to bring the weaker amongst them to a trembling erection and a painful arousal. "But my past no longer matters -- and soon, neither will yours."

He stepped forward. Albus, the king, tried to step back -- but he was too slow, even with the blessing of the gods, too momentarily distracted by the pleasing rumble of the demon's voice and the subtle shifts of his body that showed off muscle and cock alike. A demon's lips pressed against his own, sudden but insistent, and though his protest was loud and immediate, it was already too late. Corruption sparked. It was loud, seeping into both his magic and that of the god he worshipped, and it was only through sheer force of will and the pious nature of his soul that he did not fall immediately.

Instead, he wiped at his lips, his brow furrowed in disgust. "This is not you, Gevurah. This is not any of you."

"It is now." It was Jaeron that had spoken, this time, and Albus' eyes widened. It took him a moment to place just who it was that the corruption had taken, and his eyes grew sad and pained all at once. He'd always been a king that did everything he could to learn about the men and women under his rule, and Jaeron was no exception to it. He felt fiercely protective if the young knight. To think that he, too, had fallen to the darkness...

So distracted was the king by his own thoughts that he didn't notice when both Jaeron and Gevurah gestured simultaneously -- didn't quite catch it when the shadows pooled beneath him and began to form into writhing shapes, lashing vines that were remarkably similar to the ones that had first held Jaeron still as he was corrupted by demonic energy too strong for him to resist. Already, their magic had been strong enough to break the young man's charm of protection, and it was only a matter of time before they broke through Albus' mental fortress as well.

The man, however, had not been made king without reason. He glared, his eyes still filled with hope and belief, still untainted by the lust and desire that had corrupted all of his men. "Think about what you are doing," he urged softly. "Think about the kingdom that we have built together."

"Think about the kingdom we will build together," Gevurah countered smoothly, a smirk dancing on his lips. "Think of the demons fucking each other on the streets, of the moans of pleasure that will fill the air. You will be lord of them alls second only to lord Deyx. Does that not appeal to you? The thought of taking your pleasure whenever you please, bending any man before you to satisfy your needs?"

"No." Albus' voice was insistent, though he couldn't deny the full throb of blood through his loins. "That is not the role of a king. I protect my people; I do not use them."

"It sounds like you are trying to convince yourself more than you are me," Gevurah observed, smirking faintly. "Why don't we see how true your words really are when all this is over and done with, hm? I have no shortage of men to use to fuck you until you beg for more... and trust me -- you won't last nearly as long as you think."

His style of speech had changed slightly, almost as though he was sinking a little further into the corruption that fueled him. If he was, then there was little that the king could do about it; all he could do was hope that the former commander of his forces would somehow snap to his senses, though he was starting to doubt that that might ever happen. The shadows that had grabbed him were starting to pull off the robes he'd worn, revealing loose undergarments beneath -- and even those were easily ripped apart by the corruptive magic that held him.

Soon the king was naked before all the men that had once served him. The demons that surrounded them all growled appreciatively, clawed hands reaching down to stroke aching cocks; old though he was, the king had kept his body in good shape. It showed in the wiry muscle that outlined his form, skin pulled taut over them though any other man of his age would have it loose and wrinkled, sagging. His cock hung between his legs, somehow still flaccid in spite of the corrupting energy that surrounded him.

"Stop this," Albus hissed desperately. "You will stop this."

"I will do as I please," Gevurah responded with a low chuckle. "And in time, you will learn to do the same." The faint smirk on the demon's face betrayed his amusement as he trailed a single claw down the center of the king's naked chest; Albus let out a shudder at that, feeling the touch somehow easily tear through the enchantments he'd been relying on as a trump card. They were meant to protect his mind, yet Gevurah had somehow torn through them, and the spark of lust burned ever stronger within the king.

"How... how did you..." Albus' voice was pained as he fought against the corruptive magic that sought to control his mind. Gevurah tilted his head, smiling.

"I simply leveraged your own desires against you, my king. You might find that the one weak point of many enchantments is the mind of the mage powering it. Your chastity works against you here; all those hidden lusts, all those thoughts and feelings you ignored... They will tear you apart from within."

He took a step back, glancing at the army of demons behind him. His cock stood dangerously hard between his legs, and try as he might, Albus couldn't help but gaze at the throbbing tip.

The king swallowed, his throat strangely dry; he shouldn't have felt attracted to this, but when the air was rich with the scent of demonic precum... it was difficult not to be affected. Gevurah spoke again, and Albus trembled subconsciously at the seductive undertone in his voice. "I will enjoy watching it, I think, before I take you for myself."

That was their signal. Both Jaeron and Gevurah stepped back, quickly catching each other in a passionate kiss; hard cocks pressed against each other, rubbing harshly as slick precum began to drip down both their lengths. Albus would have been distracted by the sight if not for the multitude of demons slowly advancing on him, and as he watched them, his breath caught in his throat. Whether it was lust or fear that made his breath catch he couldn't say; all he knew was that he couldn't take his eyes off their throbbing dicks, the eager, menacing grins on their faces.

He struggled -- or at the very least, he tried to get out of the shadows that held him fast -- but there was nothing he could do against the demonic magic holding him in place. He could only watch and pray for the strength to somehow survive this with his mind intact, for the willpower to resist the corruption.

But he could already tell he was going to have a very, very hard time. The first demon that approached him he could barely recognise; everything about him had changed, from his size to his musculature. It was only the face that remained the same, achingly familiar. "Vilos?" The name left his mouth before he had the chance to stop himself; he knew the truth could only hurt.

And it did. The demon before him -- once a thin, smaller man, always friendly and an incredible cook -- now wore a smirk that rivalled Gevurah's and a bulky frame that fit his insectoid looks. "I am Vilos no longer," the demon spoke. "I have no name. I am merely an expression of the will of the Archdemon, of his lust and pride..."

Albus would have commented, if not for the fact that the demon that had once been Vilos chose that moment to press their two bodies together. All at once he felt warm chitin press against his skin and the outline of firm muscles against his body, and the words he'd intended to use turned instead to a soft, surprised gasp. He could feel the creature's penis grinding against him, hard shaft against soft flesh.

The king only wished he knew what to do. Even if he could get free, he couldn't possibly bring himself to hurt the men who had once been his allies; they were all people he had called friends, once upon a time. Nor could he allow himself to succumb to their violations; to do such a thing would be to allow the Deyx to win...

"Lost for words?" The demon seemed to chuckle. Albus wasn't sure if he did; if so, then the sound had been too low for him to hear. A sudden flicker of movement had the king grunting out loud as he was slammed against the ground, his chest forced against the carpet and his ass up in the air; he groaned softly at the impact, dreading what would happen next.

"That's fine," the demon whispered. His voice was menacing, low, but the little growl and the promise of violation in his tone sent a shiver of arousal through the king. How he wished he had better control over his libido, but with Gevurah ripping through his protective enchantments, he wasn't sure how long he could last. "I'm going to fuck you, my king. I'm going to use your ass until it's sore and aching, loosen it up for the rest of these men to use..."

He gestured to the rest of the demons that waited behind him. Each of them wore the same smirk, had the same look of lust buried deep in their eyes. They were waiting, he knew; waiting for their turn at their former king, to seed him with their cum and reduce him to nothing but a trembling, begging mess.

As much as he would have liked to say that he would give them no such satisfaction, Albus wasn't entirely certain he could stop himself. Not when he felt the warmth of Vilos' shaft against his ass, and certainly not when the demon forced himself in with a growl. What should have been a painful stretch was instead a burst of pleasure that made his dick shoot to full erection within seconds; he moaned, and the sound echoed throughout the hall.

It didn't fall short of Gevurah or Jaeron's notice. The father and son pair smirked, still frotting with each other; the younger of the two had a hand wrapped around both their cocks, slowly stroking as he spoke. "Seems our king isn't quite as pure as he claims to be," he observed, his breathing coming out in light pants as a building orgasm rolled through his body.

"He never has been," Gevurah chuckled. "He tries to pretend that he is, of course, but you should see what he thinks about when he doesn't know I'm listening. There's a small part of him he's managed to suppress, but he's always wanted to use his authority on his men, to force them into his bed..."

"Yet now it's his men that are forcing him into their bed." Jaeron chuckled softly, his eyes dancing with amusement as he groaned; leaking precum changed quickly into a spurt of milky-white liquid as he reached an orgasm. The seed trailed slowly down his hands, but he continued stroking, almost mindless in his desire for pleasure. One was no longer enough, not any more.

"Delicious bit of irony, isn't it?" Gevurah smirked, watching as the king moaned and writhe. Every so often, he would reach out to grasp at the carpet, trying to tear himself away -- trying to pull himself to the side. Anything to stop the beetle's constant invasion of his ass, to stop the way the thick cock grinded into his prostate and overwhelmed him, making it hard for him to think. Jaeron nodded in agreement, both demons enjoying the show thoroughly.

Albus, on the other hand, was grunting and moaning as the demon slammed into him. It took effort to stop himself from begging for more, from pushing back into each thrust -- and even with all the control he was exerting over his body, he couldn't be sure that he wasn't leaning back into the thrusts every once in a while. He couldn't deny that it felt good to be stretched, to be marked by a power so far beyond his own. He'd had responsibilities for so long that it felt good to simply let them go...

But no. That was the corruption speaking, and he refused to let it win. The king steeled his mind and focused, trying to take himself away from everything that was happening, from the insectoid demon still grunting with pleasure as his hips jerked and thrust.

Unfortunately for him, the moment he did, he felt something warm drip onto his face. A warm, smoky sort of musk filled his nostrils, and he couldn't help but moan abruptly. Albus' eyes flickered up, uncertain. A demon stood before him, this one a mantis of some sort; he recognised the features, yet for the life of him could not place the name. Already, the corruption was eating away at his memories, replacing it with unbridled lust. It was a miracle that he'd held on to himself for this long as it was.

This new demon had his fun by slowly stroking himself off in front of the king. He didn't seem to need the king's mouth to please him, as Albus had originally suspected he wanted; instead, he seemed more than happy with forcing the king to watch as he pleased himself. He was good at what he did, too; insectoid fingers ran teasingly over a long, narrow shaft, and a number of clicks and chitters escaped from between the demon's mandibles in what Albus could only assume to be his version of a moan.

If only that was all he had to look forward to. There were many, many more demons he would have to endure, and he wasn't sure how long he could last. Already he could feel his body beginning to change as his mind succumbed to the corruption; bumps were growing on his head, slowly extending outwards into some rather familiar horns...

But he couldn't let that happen. Could he? Albus was having a hard time remembering what the reasons were for doing what he did; all he knew was that he needed to resist the corruption.

It felt so good, though, he thought dully, as the beetle-demon pounded his way in and out of the asshole of his former king. He felt he should know the name of the man, but he'd long forgotten; all he could focus on was the sensation of carpet on his chest as he was forced into the ground and pounded into. Every so often, the beetle would stop just so he could grind hard into the smaller male, and the moans he managed to draw forth from that were exquisite.

All the while, precum from the rather smug looking mantis demon dripped onto the human's face. It was hard to resist the temptation to lick it up, but Albus persisted, clinging desperately onto a determination he hadn't known that he'd possessed.

If only that had been all he had to endure. If only Albus couldn't feel the power that began to flow through his form as he was corrupted, the pleasure that began to spread through his body as his normally neatly shaven hair began to grow. There was a taint of darkness in it; that was how it always began, and soon, as he succumbed further and further to the corruption, it would become something more.

The demon finished with a grunt, warm, corrupted seed leaking into his former king -- and he pulled back, admiring the way slick seed dripped from the loosened hole, imagining what it would look like after all the other demons had had their way with the king. He was only the start, after all, and already he could see Albus' tongue subconsciously dart out to lick at the precum that fell on his face. It was slow, but the corruption was feeding into his mind, his body...

And then the next demon stepped up.

What followed was what might have been hours as the demons used their king in any and every way imaginable, from forcing him to ride their cocks to fucking him tenderly, as though he were a lover. All the while Albus somehow managed to cling on to some fraction of his being. He enjoyed it, certainly; he moaned, panted, even reached down for his throbbing cock to give himself a good stroke every once in a while -- but he never bent, never broke. He allowed the monsters to take their pleasure without compromising himself.

It was no wonder that both Jaeron and Gevurah were surprised -- pleasantly so -- when they saw the king panting and moaning, shivering in a puddle of his own fluids, having been fucked by every single one of the demons that had approached him. Still, he hadn't begged, but the corruption had spread nonetheless; it was minimal, but there was a faint bulge on his head where his horns would soon be, and he seemed ever-so-slightly more muscular than he had been before.

Not that that was what mattered. It was, after all, time for the two true demons to have their fun. Father and son broke apart, each one taking one side of their former king, and though the tentacles retreated, Albus made no effort to run or protect himself. There was little to nothing he could do, he told himself; he would simply have to endure, to hope that they would give up after they failed to corrupt and change him.

That was just the excuse he gave, of course. He wanted more, but couldn't bring himself to put it into words. To do such a thing would be to admit that he'd lost -- and he couldn't do that, not if he still wanted to see himself as a king that was doing his best to protect his land. It was tempting, though, he had to admit. To let himself simply give in ,to enjoy the pleasures of fucking and being fucked.

Gevurah stood behind Albus. The king was on his hands and knees, shivering and doing his absolute best to stop himself from begging -- yet the feel of that warm shaft between his cheeks was impossibly tempting now that he knew what it was like to have it buried deep within him. More than once, he had to catch himself, to stop his hand from reaching for his cock and giving it a few strokes.

He barely noticed the way the hair on his body grew a little more, the way the horns on his head started to push outwards slightly, growing thicker. It was a sign of his corruption, and both Jaeron and Gevurah grinned at the sight.

"You won't last for much longer, you know," Jaeron said, amused. He pressed forward so that the demonic shaft between his legs pressed between Albus' lips, and though the king tried to keep his mouth shut, he could still feel the warmth on his lips. The demon's musk filtered up to his nostrils, and he could taste a faint hint of salt and power just beyond his reach. If he only opened his mouth...

He shuddered, trying to stop himself, but it was too late. His mouth had opened just slightly, and Jaeron had taken advantage of the moment to force himself in, thick cock throbbing inside Albus' mouth. The sides of his shaft scraped gently along the king's teeth, yet he seemed to derive no pain from it -- only pleasure, if the pleased grunt that left his lips was any indication.

Before the king could say or do anything else, he felt something force itself into his already loosened hole, and he let out a sharp gasp.

Gevurah's cock was different from the others. It was neither the thickness nor the length that touched the king so much as it was the sheer power contained within the shaft; it held corruptive magic of the highest degree, and the first thrust was like a wave of pleasure that left the king's knees weak and his body trembling.

"G-Gevurah," Albus gasped out -- or he tried, at least. It came out as a hum around Jaeron's shaft, and the demon let out a groan of pleasure as he forced himself deeper into his former king. Albus' hands tore at the carpet, and already they were turning into claws at the mere touch of the greater demon's cock; he could feel both his body and mind changing in response to his former commander's touch. He should have been worried, but he'd been violated for hours, and he no longer had the energy to muster. All he could do was lay there and hope that Gevurah tired before his mind broke.

That, of course, wasn't going to happen. Gevurah wanted to push the king to his limit, to see him break -- and as far as he was concerned, he could go as long as it took. A glance from him got the other demons to cooperate, scurrying over to help. It was one thing to resist while he was being fucked; all Albus had to do was lie there and control his lusts.

It would be quite another if he could do the same when he had demons submitting for him. He smirked as a smaller demon crawled underneath the king, eagerly licking and sucking at Albus' manhood. The king tried to tell himself he wasn't thrusting in, that it was just the force of Gevurah's movements that shoved his shaft down the demon's throat, but...

He knew he was lying to himself. Albus moaned, and the sound had finally lost a little bit of its reluctance, finally gained a bit of strength. The demons that surrounded them clustered together and moved a little closer to their king as his transformation began to speed up, his horns bursting out from his head into solid spikes of bone. His toes seemed to sharpen, hair growing along his legs much like a the satyr of myths...

And as much as he tried to tell himself he didn't enjoy it, the truth was that he did. The transformation was accompanied by a sense of power and manliness, and he knew now that he could command any of the demons to do anything he wanted, and they would submit to him. That thrill of power, the knowledge that he had so much control...

It sent a throb through his cock -- and then even that began to change.

That, perhaps, was the moment Albus first realised that he didn't quite stand the chance he thought he did against the demons. It was the moment he began to whimper slightly as he rocked back into Gevurah's cock, gasping moans leaving his throat whenever Jaeron's shaft wasn't buried deep inside of it. It was the moment he began to break.

But what a glorious way to break it was. Albus' eyes fluttered shut as he finally, _finally_allowed himself to properly enjoy everything that was happening -- the feel of Gevurah's cock pressing into him, each and every ridge along the demon's cock, the subtle burn of demonic precum as it soaked into his passage. He thrust with wanton need into the demon whose mouth was pleasuring him, and now he neither knew nor cared about the smaller creature's name; all he cared about was getting the pleasure he knew he deserved.

"Heh." Gevurah chuckled softly, pulling back to give one more harsh thrust. The movement jerked the king forward into Jaeron's cock and into the mouth of the demon beneath him. "So you did break after all, eh?"

"Shut up." The king's voice was a low growl -- and Gevurah had to shudder slightly at the note of command it suddenly held. He looked to Albus, and the king's eyes were flickering with a demonic red as spikes of bone began to rise out from his elbows and shoulders. His body had changed so much that Albus was barely recogniseable. "Shut up and fuck me."

Gevurah growled in return, something clicking in his mind as he did so. This man was still his king, and now that he'd been corrupted, he was the man he needed to serve. If Albus wanted to be served by being fucked and taken... well, who was he to deny such a thing?

He gripped on to the almost fully transformed man, slamming into the king's hole, eagerly filling it with his precum. There was only one aspect of Albus that remained unchanged, and it was his cock, throbbing and shifting with every thrust. It had begun to lengthen, and even now it was slowly growing, the once-blunt head becoming a sharp, pointed tip...

The demon worshipping Albus' cock seemed excited by the fact, with the way he moaned and began to bob his head up and down with all the more eagerness; Albus let out a grunt as his body shook with pleasure. He thrust his hips hard into the demon below him even as he sucked eagerly at Jaeron's cock.

It was no wonder, with all the debauchery they were participating in, that Albus came a final time very, very quickly. His seed burst out of his cock, filling the mouth of the eager demon beneath him, who swallowed every drop and moaned for the privilege. His own mouth lap and sucked at Jaeron's shaft until he was filled with the same pleasure, and Gevurah...

Well, Gevurah was the last to cum. He growled as he did so, the king's tight ass wrapping around his cock and milking him of his juices; demon seed spilled out amidst his thrusts, and he didn't stop until he'd thoroughly exhausted every drop of cum that had been inside his balls.

There was a panting silence for a moment, broken only by the moans and groans of the demons around them as they groped themselves and watched. Then Albus slowly rose, his eyes flickering a deep red. All at once, there was a presence in the room, and even Jaeron and Gevurah were compelled to kneel.

"My loyal subjects." Albus spoke. His voice was layered on top of himself, almost as though Deyx was speaking _through_him. "How quickly you have fallen. This land will soon be a kingdom I can call my own, a land of debauchery and sin -- but first, you have to free me from my prison. There lies a nearby village of holy men, all living for the sole purpose of keeping me bound. I bid you to taint their waters and corrupt them from within. Only then will I be free, and only then will you have the king you deserve."

"First, however... Jaeron. Gevurah." The two demons looked up at their king and the demon that had possessed him. "You have earned your place, and you will need new names as my generals. Jaeron, you will be called Temptus, a demon that looks into the hearts of men and corrupts them from within."

The demon in question nodded. Jaeron -- now Temptus -- stood, allowing the Archdemon's magic to flicker over him as he was empowered. Gevurah stepped up next, and Deyx smirked through Albus' body. "Gevurah. You chose your name to represent justice; your new name will be the shadow of the former, a reflection of what you have become. Golachab, you may rise."

Golachab stood in turn, allowing his own blessing to wash over him before he took Temptus into his arms. The two kissed passionately in a display for all the other demons, who licked their lips appreciatively.

"And this body... Well." The demon's smile was dark. "You may call him the Herald."

The red flickered off. Albus seemed to sway gently before a more mischievous grin took over his expression. "Well then," he spoke, and it was clear that Deyx was gone. It was the Herald that now stood in control, and he stood proudly before his subjects, his cock still hard despite his recent climax. "Shall we free our master?"

The demons cheered, and the darkness grew.