It ain't all about the size, but it helps

Story by lizarman on SoFurry

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#4 of Zootopian texts

This will be a longer chapter, so I'll publish it in 2, maybe 3 parts.

During a boring stake out, Nick gets some horny texts from Finnick and Judy reads them. Both M/F and M/F content, and a lot of shipping.

Also, some shout-outs to my friend Sisco's story, Wild Times, check it out:

For ZPD officer Nick Wilde, this was a personal issue. His nails dug on the hard rubber of the steering wheel. Their unmarked cruiser parked on the dark, near the old storage buildings at the sea docks. They had gotten a tip from a certain loudmouth weasel. A cargo of a new and dangerous drug was about to arrive on a private boat, and they were waiting to bust them in the act. With any luck, they might get some dealers, and a whole lot of cash and drugs as evidence. Quite a blow to the drug cartels.

Judy had felt some relief when Fru-Fru had assured her that Mr. Big didn't deal with drugs. She said her dad prefered much cleaner deals, and that he'd be happy to get some of those nasty things out of the streets. After all, healthy customers pay longer than a bunch of junkies. He always looked for the long game.

Wild times was quite the nasty drug. A softened version of the Night Howler serum, one that didn't cause uncontrollable aggression, but still released the inhibitions of everyone's inner animal, made them more feral and mindless. It had been used as a rape drug, and had even caused some violent assaults. Not to mention that it tends to shut down your higher brain functions, it is hard for addicts to continue without thinking: although for some people there didn't appear to be much difference.

Chief Bogo had already worked hard to bust some operations, even making some arrests personally, (and on one occasion, getting a whole bag of the stuff thrown in his face by a fleeing dealer,) but the cartel was spreading their traffic routes. Now the whole police force had to work long hours to investigate every possible lead, and try to make sure this drug was nothing but a passing trend. Nick was more than happy to lend a hand, or in this case, his natural night vision.

"Hey Nick, take it easy. They won't show up earlier no matter how much you punish this poor wheel," she reminded him.

"Mrf... you know what they took from to me. I gotta get this, Carrots."

She sighed. "Nick... you wanted to own an amusement park when you were a kid and call it Wild Times. Now they called their drug that... it's not such a big deal."

"It is! They're spitting on my childhood dreams! That park would have been awesome! A predator themed park, where you could run free and act as you wanted! Think how therapeutic that'd be!"

"Your 'Chase the Bunny' ride gave me nightmares the last time you told me." She reminds him, getting a grin from the fox.

"Your fault; you made such an horrified face, I couldn't help but add more and more gory details to the original plan."

She guessed he was trying to distract her from the truth. He really had something against drug dealers. By what she knew, he didn't mind recreational drugs, and had even tried a few from time to time when he was younger. She had to keep herself from schooling him about it, she knew it was her 'by the books' instinct. But the dealers themselves... that's where Nick drew the line. She guessed it was something from his past that he'd rather not talk about. She could respect that. The fox had already opened to her more than to almost any other mammal.

She had to congratulate him anyway. He managed to be professional, and even if they kept their usual fun and banter, Nick wouldn't tear his eyes from the dock.

Not even when his phone began to get texts, with some cute 'toot' sounds.

"Who's that ringtone?" she asked, a tad annoyed at the insistence.

"Uh... that's Finnick's. Can you check what he wants?" He fished the phone from his pocket, handing it to Judy. "And, uh... don't open the web browser. There are some private things there."

"I'd rather not see what sort of naked vixens you like to ogle on your free time," she assured him. Nick could relax, she was a bunny of her word. If he didn't want her checking out his favorite websites, she'd respect his privacy. She opened some text app that she didn't recognize (maybe some secret app for hustlers?) and looked for Finnick's profile. It was an epic drawing of him in some barbarian setting. She was quite sure the fennec didn't have those pecs and abs, nor was he that tall.

"Let me guess, a sketch of the next coat of paint on his van?" She asked, zooming in to the profile pic.

"You betcha," replied the fox, amused.

The bunny took a look into the chat. Wow, the small fox was quite quick with his typing.

"Mh... he says... 'Nick, I need to ask you something. Nick? Nick pick up. It's urgent, Stop pawing off for a bit and reply you ass'..."She raised her ears, surprised of the colorful language Finnick used on the next texts.

"Urg... tell him that I don't have the authority to drop charges against him, and ask what the heck has he gotten into now."

She popped up the keyboard, but hesitated before writing it.

"Should I tell him it's me?" she asked the fox. Nick pondered it for a moment.

"Just write it as if it were me. He's quite a private guy, he wouldn't like to know I share this with ya."

She began writing it, even simulating the usual typos Nick did when texting with her.

"If he's so shy about it, why are you letting me read it?" she scolded him.

"Because I know you're a nice girl and wouldn't go around telling his secrets, even if he confesses something you could arrest him for. Unlike Clawhauser, who'd tell the entire precinct One chatroom if he ever knew the kind of bedtime stories I tell you."

"Ben's not... eh... well. Yeah, he'd be gossiping about it for ages." She finished sending Nick's reply. She was about to lock the screen when the fennec's reply came back. She read it out loud again: "'It's not that, you'... ahem, some bad names... wow, quite colorful... ah, there. 'I need some advice, I've meet a great guy, he's an awesome fuck, and an incredible hot piece of meat so big we both could sleep on him and not see each other all night, but...'"She felt some warmth come to her face. Finnick was telling Nick about his fling! And... he seemed quite graphic about it.

"He's got a date? And needs MY help? Wow... he must really like the guy," commented Nick, his eyes trained at some shadows. He wasn't sure if he had seen somebody move... No, just his imagination.

"I didn't think he was the type to... well. I knew you and him had some... history together. But I picture him being more a... ladykiller," Judy explained.

"Nah... He mostly likes larger mammals. The bigger the better. Other than that, he doesn't mind if it's a guy, a girl, or a space invader from Dimension X."

She giggled a bit, seeing as Finn was still typing his next text.

"Mh... I guess he had some fun at your graduation. So many huge, strong cops around."

"Oooooh, you can bet your fluffy ass, he did. If you think my nighttime texts are naughty, better not look back at that date. He told me, IN DETAIL, what he'd do to nearly everybody at that graduation."

"I think I'll let his fantasies stay private, thank you very much," was her reply, getting cut by a 'toot' from the phone.

"I can always ask him to tell those on a group chat with you. But he's quite graphic in his kinks, you'll never see the rest of the guys with the same eyes after you picture them with a fennec licking their---"

"Hush, he replied." She punched him on the arm to cut him off.

"Do tell, the suspense is positively killing me," mocked the fox, his annoying tail tickling the neck of his bunny friend. She swatted it, wondering if it was worth it to cuff that tail to something. Nah, too much effort, and too many chances of Nick using that against her.

"If you shut up, I'll read." She focused on the phone and read out loud: "'I think I'm falling for him. Like, real feeling stupidly in love and I dunno what to do now.'"

"Love? You sure it's him? That doesn't sound like Finn," Nick commented.

"You have him listed as... 'Angry Little Furball', is that right?" She double-checked the profile.

"Yep, that's him. Wow, ok, ask him who's this awesome fella who managed to soften his steel-hard heart."

"Those exact words?" she confirmed, writing it down. Nick's phone was barely an inch larger than hers, but it seemed so big in her paws...

"Yep, cross every 't', and dot every 'i'."

Another reply; she read out loud.

"'I'll tell, but you better keep your trap shut or I'll tell officer fluff all the kinky things you told me you'd do to her.'" Such a small bunny, such an ability to sound like she was about to murder somebody.

"I'm invoking my right to remain silent."

"Keep it that way for a while, so I can focus on your friend," she threatened, while in the chat, she promised on Nick's behalf he'll take the fennec's secret to the grave. In a way, she felt bad for not telling the small fox who he was really talking to. But this was way too exciting. Plus, she was trustworthy too. She took a sip of her coffee, and then nearly chocked when Finn replied.


Even Nick tore his eyes away from the docks to look at her while she quickly typed: "'No way, you mean precinct One's chief of police Ruben Bogo?!'"

"He has to be joking." Sighed Nick, focusing once again on his job. "It's not uncommon of Finn to try to pull pranks on me. Once he--"

"He's just sent a pic," said Judy, whispering as if it was some sort of apparition that would banish her if she spoke too loud. The fox looked at the phone screen again. There he could see the large form of Bogo, laying on his side, with one huge arm covering Finnick's lower torso and legs. The cape buffalo's lips were kissing the fennec's cheek, as he smiled, much more honestly and relaxed than the mean smiles he usually showed around. Finnick seemed to be using a selfie stick to get the picture of them both, and yet only managed to show a bit further below of the buffalo's pecs.

"Oh dear... I haven't seen Finn this happy in ages," said the red fox with a whistle, shamelessly ogling his boss gorgeous body. They might might not see each other eye-to-eye, quite literally, but he sure could appreciate his body.

"Maybe it's just another cape buffalo... one that looks like him?" suggested the rabbit, her nose twitching anxiously.

"One with the same bullet scar on his shoulder, too?"

Judy threw him a questioning look, wondering where Nick could have learned that detail about their boss.

"I DO shower at the station sometimes, you know? And change clothes too. I've seen a number of other male officers naked, including Bogo. And he has THAT exact scar. Although... it's hard to recognise him, he's..."

"Not angry?" Judy finished his sentence. Nick nodded, that was the best way to put it.

"Yes, it's... uncanny. He seems honestly happy; not that forced smile he has when giving interviews, and the like."

"Should I ask him how-"

"Yes. Everything. We MUST KNOW," barked Nick immediately. He glanced at her from the corner of vision. Her incredulous face said it all. "I'm not jealous that my ex got laid. It was ages ago and we're good friends. Never got so far to be able to be jealous. But while Bogo could crush my head without even pretending, we both must admit he's a fine piece of ass, and I expect Finn to give us every little succulent detail. Plus, we kind of need to know how the heck that happened. Because I didn't expect Bogo to just go and screw with a con artist almost half my size."

"Fair enough, but we must NEVER tell anybody. If Bogo hears we've been gossiping about him, it'll probably break his heart... and worse, he'll put us on parking duty until the end of time."

Not long after asking Finnick, they got his reply. The bunny began reading them out loud to the fox: "'Well, he came to my popsicle stand, saying I had some unpaid traffic tickets, and that he wanted to ask me about you, and he'd waive them in exchange for that. Something about writing a profile on you, now that the Night Howler things were settling down. It kind of made sense at the time.'"

"Mh... that's quite a hustle brewing up from Bogo," said the fox. He seemed oddly proud to see Bogo being able to pull such a lie.

The fennec kept going with his story: "'Since I was mostly out of popsicles anyway, I told him to at least get me some coffee, so we went to a nearby StalkBucks. Man, I could almost swim in his cup of coffee, but he paid for mine plus a slice of cricket pumpkin cake, so I played along.'"

"Oh, that reminds me; next time you need to bribe Finnick, instead of appealing to his heart to find poor lost Nicky, just bring him sweets. A 2-dollar chocolate box convinced him to wearing the elephant costume," gloated the red fox, remembering those moments fondly.

"'So, we chatted for a while. At first he keep that 'no-nonsense' look on him, but after some non-ilegal stories about you, he began to soften. He laughed at jokes, and seemed actually impressed with the heart-wrenching tale of how I raised you as a young cub after saving you of a life on the streets.'"

The bunny noticed how the fox had no smart remarks to that line. She just pressed Finn to go on with his tale.

"'We got to some more personal questions. He mentioned you coming out to Judy, but, just like he was happy to see you were comfortable at the job. I hope you didn't scare off your lil country sweetheart.'" Judy chuckled, and Nick just grunted.

"Ok, from now on, you bring night-vision goggles, I read the texts. I'm sure I can get some embarrassing lines from your parents or something."

"Hush, there's more," she commanded. "'I could tell he was showing off, laying back on his seat so I could see his muscles pressing against his uniform. Me? I was panting like a bitch in heat, or I least I guess I had that look. Wasn't really aware. Man, what a MOUNTAIN of muscle and lust, how are you not hard at work all day long?'"

"Tell him his lovely way of speaking manages to kill my boners, thank you very much."

The bunny was holding back her laughter as she typed that in Nick's name, and then read the next texts.

"'Anyway, I don't even remember how the conversation went, but I let it slide that I could appreciate such a police body on the neighborhood. He caught on my compliment, and confessed he enjoyed when others appreciated the hard work he put on it. I then told him that if he were your everyday guy, I would jump on him and appreciate every inch of those muscles, no shame in it.'"

The fox shifted a bit on his seat, grunting slightly.

"Is Finnick's description of chief Bogo making you hard, Nick?" asked Judy, trying her best to sound seductive. She managed to, at least, hide the laugh on her voice.

"I refuse to answer that without legal counsel," he jabbed back at her. When did it become so fun to share these sort of moments with his fluffy friend? The phone pinged again, and she hurried to read it out loud.

"'He admitted that he enjoyed having some close company who'd like to appreciate his body, and that he wouldn't mind if that company were from another species, or smaller than himself. I felt bold and told him I was no stranger of pleasing way bigger mammals than me, that I even had a stash of toys just for those occasions, but that I guessed he was too manly to get milked by a punny fennec. I almost jumped when he said that, if the fennec showed the proper respect, the fennec could do whatever he fancied with him.'"

Judy looked at Nick for a moment, dumbfounded. That was a quite... unexpected side of their boss, no doubt about it.

"Nick, do you think we should open-"

"Open the fucking windows before we suffocate in here, yes," admitted the fox. Yep, it wasn't his eyes getting tired, the windshield was all froggy. Never mind, the cold air would calm them down.

"I know I shouldn't be reading this... heck, I mean, this it's not even getting to the point, he's just bragging about his date with Bogo, but... I wanna know more." She placed her hand on Nick's, rubbing their fur together. "Am I a bad person?"

He turned to look at her compassionately, stretching his arm to hug her shoulder and placing her head on his chest. It always comforted his emotional bunny.

"You silly bunny, we're just two mammals. There is only so much we can hold when presented with this sort of temptation, plus..." He was interrupted by his phone again. "Text text text!"

"Reading!" hurried the bunny, almost slapping Nick with her ear when she raised them in excitement. "'Before I knew it, Bogo had invited me to his home, to see if I could honor my words. I actually make him drove by my secret stash, and helped him pick up some appropriate toys. Brave guy, he went for the big dildo, and about the fleshtoys, he also picked the large one. I told him there was no need to brag, that to me most dicks seem large and I didn't need impressing... he swore he honestly expected that to be his size. Oh man was he right, as I would find in a few minutes. I could barely keep myself from jumping on top of him as he drove me to his place, not before picking up some bottles of fresh water on the way.'"

"Wow, Bogo really needed to get laid, if he accepted all of that from Finn," commented Nick, while Judy wondered.

"He's got a stash of toys?"

"Oh yeah... he's into HUGE size difference. Some guys he can still take them, others... he needs some proxy. Believe me, he makes an effort, but even my knot it's like, the top he can take, as much as he'd like to beg for more, so... toys it is."

"Wow... so every time he got a partner of a size he hadn't tried before..."

"His collection grew, yep. I have the key, if you ever want to take a look. I think there is a strap-on your size if you ever fancy being someone's top."

Poor bunny, lapine hearts weren't meant to jump like that.


Nick's smug face betrayed his thoughts. He was confident Judy would be asking him about strap-ons in no time.

"'So, we got to his apartment. It was a nice place, you could tell he had somebody hired to clean it, but other than that, it felt a bit bare. Just some family and friends pictures, some titles and medals... there was a room that I saw through an ajar door, I guess some sort of study. The walls were covered on framed newspaper scraps, and there were huge shelves with what I guessed were boxes of files. All very organized, but private. At that point at least, now I've been able to check the inside. Ruben's a pro, don't try anything stupid or he'll lock you up before you realize it.'"

"I get goosebumps when he mentions his name so casually," Nick admitted, rubbing his arms with his hands. He knew Bogo's first name was Ruben, but it seemed so distant, like the 'off-duty Ruben Bogo' was somebody he hadn't ever met. Not even during the Gazelle concert. Judy kept reading.

"'He asked if I wanted something to drink first, while getting himself something stiff. I declined, I didn't expect him to even have a glass of my size around. No long afterward he showed me his bedroom. I think I could park my van on his bed alone, I should try someday. He seemed to be getting doubs, so I told him to just lay on the bed and let me do my magic. I jumped over there, climbed on his chest and gave him a nice nuzzling. So sweet, such a big buffalo, and he was scared of that tiny lil fennec. I told him so, and it seemed to get him on his A-game, because next thing I knew, he had torn his shirt open, hitting me on the ear with one of the buttons he popped as he revealed his chest to me.'"

"Ho-ly crap!" gasped Nick. The female officer looked at the port they were staking out just in case he had seen something, but no, that was his impression of Finnick's narration.

"Yes, yes... I agree." She patted his leg. Great, they wouldn't be able to focus on the next mission assignment. Oh lord, why couldn't the showers be unisex? She was dying to see Bogo in all his glory now.

"'I lounged at his neck like only a predator hungry of prey meat could. He fell back with me on top. Of course most I could do was lick that thick strong neck while my hands and feet were rubbing on his broad shoulder and pectorals. I kneeled on his chest, quite hard by the way he was breathing, so deep and fast, but i managed to take my shirt off without even unbuttoning it and threw it at him. It got stuck on his horn, but neither of us cared. I felt his huge, hooved-fingered hand on my back, holding me as he raised his back and pressed his muzzle against my torso and inhaled hard. Such a powerful buffalo, I couldn't do anything but stay quiet and let him smell my arousal, and then give me a long lick with that broad tongue, up my chest and then to my neck and chin. Oh man was I panting hard.'"

The texts came so fast she couldn't finish one before getting to the next. No doubt Finn enjoyed telling his story.

"'He let me go after a bit and I pounced back at his chest. I was resting on those steel-hard abs while I rubbed my face on his huge pecs. I was scenting him, or... well, we were scenting each other. I could taste his arousal and his manly musk in the air, and I knew I'd stink of my lover for weeks. Didn't gave a shit. I found a nipple, so hard you could use it to cut glass with it, and gave it a series of licks. He joked, his voice betraying how good it felt as he said that you can't milk those. Of course I knew that. So I did the best next thing. I bite that, letting him feel my sharp fangs on the only sensitive piece of meat I had found so far. Oh man, his moan made his whole chest rumble like an earthquake!'"

"Finn has always liked his guys huge... but I think the chief must be his largest yet. Biggest I've seen was... that tiger, or maybe the fat pony from last year. It must have been like he died and went to fennec Valhalla, or something."

"I can imagine," agreed Judy, eyeing her partner. The way he crossed his legs... did he really think she couldn't spot his hardon? "I gotta say, Bogo has an amazing physique, but I think I prefer my mates my own size."

"Just your size?" questioned the fox, his curiosity piqued.

"Well... I'm sure I can be a tad flexible. One of my brothers is married to a hare. She's taller than you!"

"Oh... so you can do 'fox-sized'?"

"Yes... I think Finn would work for me. I'll have to ask him, next time I see him."

Nick held his chest like she had mortally wounded him. Jokingly, of course. They both laughed.

"Hehe... aw, Carrots. He could rock your world. He did mention you had a very nice ass!"

"That little bastard! He's getting an earful of me next time!" She didn't know if she should be offended or flattered at this point.

"Mh, I'd like to see that. You both have huge ears," teased the fox, managing to avoid the rabbit ear that nearly smacked him on the snout again. The texts kept coming in:

"'I rested my ear on his chest for a moment, just to hear his heartbeat. So strong and fast... well, I guess fast for him, on a fox it'd just have been 'walking fast' speed. But it was a thousand times more intense. He let me just enjoy his body, rubbing my muzzle and torso on that huge, musky and manly mountain of muscle. I couldn't find almost no bit of fat in there. Just hard bull meat. Does he even eat donuts at the station?'"

"Is correct to call a buffalo a bull?" wondered Judy. Nick shrugged, unsure on the proper term.

"Actually... I almost never see him eat something sugary. You'd think you'd see some donuts, here and there..."

"You're right. He's quite a fruit-and-salad guy," Judy agreed, trying to remember if her boss ever indulged himself. "But he does bathe his salads in a lot of dressing, to be fair."

Nick nodded in agreement. She relayed the fact to the fennec on the other side of the chat app before his next message appeared with a toot.

"'Anyway, I was busy rubbing my back between his pecs when a huge hand rested on my chest and started rubbing my belly, but not before asking if I minded. So sweet... but I told him not to treat me like a newbie. If he wanted something he just had to take it. So he told me what he wanted. Some help on not getting his pants ruined. Soon I could see that he had grown hard after so much attention. He was getting a wet spot already. I slid down his chest and sat on his belly button, making an effort to open those dang pants and unzip them. I had to rest one hand on his huge hardon while the other fought with the zipper, finally getting the darn thing to go down.'

"'He tried to get the rest of the pants out, but I swatted his hands away. I got down on the bed, told him to raise his ass and began pulling them away, enjoying the way his strong bull legs were being revealed bit by bit. I felt quite proud of my effort, when he picked me over and laid me belly up, his face over mine. He announced it was his turn, and began to undo my pants, while kissing and nuzzling my neck. I was obviously hard as heck, so it was nice to get rid of my pants too.'"

"He had to send this on a stakeout night... couldn't be on movie night, noooooo," groaned Nick, trying to find a way to not crush his dick or ruin his pants, while Judy was already thinking on ways of excusing herself. "You think Bogo told him to do it tonight, just to screw with us because we're on duty?"

"Nah... the chief wouldn't tell details of an active investigation, even to a lover. Or to screw with us." Or so Judy hoped. Whether Chief Bogo knew or not, his lover kept telling their story:

"He played with the elastic of my briefs, almost as if he was asking permission. I told him it was just a punny fennec dick, and that he should let me go back to worshiping his body and maybe get HIS dick out. He refused, pushing his lips against mine for a brief, intense moment as he undressed me completely. Then he started giving me short kisses and licks down my neck and to my chest, even finding my own nipples as he held me down with just one hand. He said that fair is fair, he's a cop after all; and that being tinny didn't meant I shouldn't get the same respect and care he was receiving. Or in this case more, because all of a sudden I found him pressing his snout to my cock and balls and inhaling deeply, before opening up and swallowing it all in one go. My hard foxhood and balls filling his mouth as I hugged his head, my legs pressing the sides of his cheeks and my head between his horns, where I held on for my dear life. I couldn't help but moan loudly. He got me to know in just a few licks, his lungs so strong that it felt like he was vacuuming me. I couldn't control my hips, I was basically humping his mouth when he suddenly grabbed me and lifted me on the air. He spun and let me rest on top of him, holding my hands to keep me from just finishing myself off, as my whole body shivered and the near-orgasm died off. I was a mess, a ruffled, panting, precum-leaking mess. I complained about him being a jerk, and he told me that it was an old interrogation tactic. If I wanted the rest of that, I'd have to work hard to earn it."

"That's mean!" Complained Judy, thinking of her boss torturing a poor innocent fennec this way. Nick seemed to disagree.

"It's brilliant! Edging, leads to very intense- ...heh, you didn't know?"

"Edging? Oh... I-I guess so, but I never pictured it being so... controlling."

"Of course, you gotta make sure your partner doesn't finish before it's the right time. If Finn didn't like it, he could just have asked to finish. He didn't, he accepted it and followed along. He's quite easy to lead on, if you know how to push his buttons. Seems our buffalo lover found them all."

"'I laid down on his thick thigh, the left one I think, and rested my head on the bulge of his boxers. If his body seemed to be steel-hard muscle, his cock wasn't far from it. I could feel the warmth and power through the cotton fabric, and with my paw I had no issue finding his huge balls, malleable like wet clay and obviously pent up with his need in seed form. I flashed him an evil glance before beginning to massage the shaft through his underwear, even licking the wet spot that was forming at the tip of it. I could feel his heartbeat increasing by the way the veins on the shaft pulsed under my hands, and he tensed so hard it almost pushed me away. I continued, rubbing that large shaft, as big as my head at least. I groaned and playfully nipped at the head. He huffed and groaned, but I knew he loved it anyway. I started pulling his boxers away... with a bit of his help, because honestly, those elastic bands are way too strong in my opinion. It can't be healthy. But yeah, soon I was able to see that shaft in all its glory, standing tall like a monument to his need.'"

Nick bit his tongue, but still loosened his tie knot, opening a button of his uniform's shirt.

"It's... quite hot in here, isn't it?"

"I'm pretty sure it's just you." Judy giggled, but being honest with herself, she was feeling quite warm too. But that wasn't the kind of warmth that would go away with just some AC.

Those texts were to blame, no doubt about that... but she could understand Nick. Finn was an ex-lover, a fuck buddy, and a good friend of his. They were used to share their sexual stories for each other's enjoyment.

And now Nick had included her on those activities. She felt kind of close to him.

That was either adorable or incredibly perverted.

"'I cracked my neck and spit on my hands, starting to rub around the large cockhead with them. I told him that that was the reason I made him pick up some water bottles. I wanted to get him all wet, and, him being his size, and me being mine, it would take me a while and dehydration was a real boner killer. That made him laugh, and I was glad to hear such an honest, nice laugh. His thick legs reached almost halfway my body, and his cock was big enough for me to need to stand a bit on the tips of my paws. But I loved to hear him moan and huff when I hugged it and used one hindpaw to massage his balls while I licked the cocktip. He told me how different it was from being cared by one of his size. Of course he didn't expect me to deepthroat him or anything, but my way of giving attention to JUST one lil' spot rather that working it all was a quite pleasant surprise for him. Heh, I've heard that a hundred times, but it's nice when your lovers appreciate your hard work, right Nick?'"

"Tell him I DO remember our shared cougar, and I DO remember how he loved four hands and two muzzles on his cock... and I DO remember how annoying he was on trying to get Finn to raise his tail for that big cat. No way in hell that could have fit there."

"On it..." She hurriedly typed. "But you have to tell me the story."

"Meh... it was nicer to seduce him than to fuck him. He was so adamant on screwing a fennec that Finn quit on him halfway through the fun. Quite a boner-killer."

"Oh..." She sounded disappointed. Honestly, on her mind there were already pictures of a huge cougar roaring as the two foxes licked his malehood. For some reasons she was loving the idea of a male roaring as he orgasms... or maybe howling too. Did foxes howl?

"'So, anyway, soon he was leaking like crazy. Those prey guys, they always take to little to finish, hehe. I was licking around the slit, tasting his creamy pre... that by the way, it remind me a bit of skim milk, although he didn't find that funny. My hands going up and down his shaft, feeling those huge veins beat and the meat get so tense. The huge balls pressing against his body. I knew he was mine when he moaned my name. I pressed my cock against the base of his, feeling his cum travel upwards and shoot li a fountain against my face. Ow... RIGHT TO THE FUCKING EYE!'"

Judy had to bite her fist to keep herself from laughing at the top of her lungs, while Nick, who was panting hard like a horny dog, suddenly had an attack of coughs, apparently choking on his own spit fm that anti-climatic comment.

"'Yeah, yeah, freaking rookie mistake. I fell on my ass screaming bloody murder. I think I ruined Ruben's orgasm, because the next thing I knew I was getting carried by arms thicker than me to the shower, and offered some warm water from a sink so big I could take a bath in there. Actually, I HAVE bathed there. He compliments me on saving water... but it's better to shower with him anyway. I get to see him work every little bit of his body. Or to wash it myself.'"

"They bathe together?" asked Judy. She was used to shower in groups with her siblings, but this... Nick, more focused, threw a wild guess.

"I think they're LIVING together. That'd be... amazing. Finn's winning personality never managed to get him past a third date."

That made sense to Judy. Nick admitted the fennec could be fun to hang with, but it was still a lot of effort not to tell him to shut his mouth for a while. He seemed to look for things to be angry about.

"Still... Bogo sitting on the bathtub, with Finn on his chest, cleaning eachother's..." murmured Judy, her mind going to places she didn't expect to see.

"Damn... that's sexy and adorable at equal parts. I CAN picture Bogo looking happy and protective... am I sick?"

"Nick, we're both shipping our boss with your friend. Yeah, we need professional help, that's for sure."

And the texts kept coming: "'I felt like crying in frustration, and lucky I could excuse my red eyes because of the soap. Here I was, having some of the best sex of my life and I ruin it making a rookie mistake and killing the mood. He was... surprisingly OK with it. I know he had finished already, but still, he was very patient, and made sure I was dry and feeling OK before taking me to bed and letting me rest on his pillow. The whole time he just lay there with me, one hand over my chest and nuzzling me from time to time. Eventually, I told him I should leave, and that I was sorry for ruining his evening. He took my hand, keeping me from trying to find my pants somewhere between his sheets. He said it was just an accident, and that, if I wasn't in too much pain or anything, he was more than willing to return the favour, and keep going for as long as we both could still go. He punctuated that with a tender kiss on my lips. One that slowly but surely went deeper and deeper. Before I realized I was grabbing the sides of his face, as he pressed a hand behind my ears to keep our muzzles connected, our tongues tasting each other. After the shortest eternity of my life he let go of me, and when he grabbed my shaft I realized I was hard again.'"

"You know? Under all that rage and hate he seems to have a little fennec heart more emotional than you bunnies," Nick chuckled. "I guess it's the ears. Those big ears must be like a magnet for strong emotions."

"Sweet cheese and crackers, Nick, it's impressive the amount of dumb things you can say in a single sentence, you know?"

"It's still adorable you speak like you have a hundred younger siblings around to hear you swear."

"It's like you have some sort of Tourette's Syndrome of dumb comments. Let me read, At least your friend has something substantial to say.

'He played with my need again, as I collected my wits and managed to not make a fool of myself in front of him. You know I hate to look weak, especially in front of a lover, but Ruben didn't mind. He just wanted me to feel safe, and feel good... and then he asked me if I'd rather get my ass pounded by one of the toys we had brought, or I'd prefer him to rise his ass for me. I said it was very kind, but that he wouldn't get almost anything with my size. He said he didn't mind, that he just wanted me to have as much fun as he was having, and that if I wanted him to enjoy it too, I could always give some more love to his cock, since I was apparently a pro. He also joked about me wearing some safety goggles, and I punched him on the shoulder. I almost broke my wrist. Dude, that man is PURE muscle. It makes me so hot, I just need to look at that body to get me horny and hard. I'm like this right now...' So are you," the rabbit pointed out to her partner. She seemed quite proud of her observational skills.

"And I can smell more horny bunny juices than the time Gazelle's dancers appeared on that underwear commercial," shot back the fox.

"Meh, that's cheating. Your nose is made to look for us poor helpless bunnies."

"I've seen you kick a wolf on the face so hard he surrendered voluntarily. You don't get to say you bunnies are helpless."

"Of course, you preds ate all the helpless ones, and the ones who kicked your face breed like bunnies to evolve into perfect face-kicking machines..." She caught a glance of the fox's expression and her smile vanished immediately. "Wow that went dark quick. Sorry Nick, I... you know I don't think less of you for being a pred, right?"

"Heh... yeah, tends to happen when you talk about prehistory..." lamented Nick, offering his paw to Judy. "You know I'd never hurt you, or your family, right?"

"Silly fox, of course I do." The bunny took the paw in hers, holding it tight.

"And I know you don't think less of me. In fact, I'd guess you think it gives me a very attractive dangerous edge."

Judy decided it was best to ignore him and go back to Finnick's texts.

"'I was hesitant at first, but decided that I'd give him my best if he was so sure he wanted to take the D and the K. He laid on his back and raised his legs for me, stretching his ass open so I could see it, plus his huge balls and larger cock. I rested my body on those plump hangers, so comfy, and hugged the cock, giving it some nice licks and rubs, using both arms and my entire body to jerk him off. Man, that bull is loud. You just need to give him a bit of attention and he's huffing and panting like he'd just run a marathon.'"

"Yeah, he does the same when I crack my jokes during the case assignments." Smiled Nick. It didn't last long when he realized he would be unable to hear Bogo huff and not think of his friend eating his bull-cock.

"I'm pretty sure it's because you're JUST this close to causing him an aneurysm." Warned Judy, showing her thumb and finger barely apart.

"He urged me to get going, so I started rubbing my foxhood on his ass. I was so leaky and wet from his previous licking, it took no time to get that huge ass wet enough. Not like he'd need much lubrication, I was thinner than his own fingers after all. And yet he was begging for it. So I gave to him. I hit hard, pushing it all on an entire thrust, all the way to the knot. He was so warm, and I could tell he was tensing so I felt him get as tight as he could. Such a caring partner.

Usually those huge mammals who like smaller partners are pretty vain guys... or pedos. Urg that ONE guy... anyway, not this buffalo. He followed my every move, his eyes glued into me. I began thrusting, building my rhythm following the beat of his grunts. Soon I felt his hands reach for me, caressing my ears. How do they always know? He tore the moans out of me, making me shiver and hug his hard-on for support as I speed up, his hooved fingers drawing very slow and tender lines inside my ears, playing with the sensitive fur. He seemed to love it, his cock was beating hard, and the smell of horny bull permeated the room. I knew he would barely feel me inside of him, but just my licking and jerking and my presence with him seemed enough to get him going. My knot was quickly inflating, and I knew it wouldn't be long until I wanted to tie with him. His ass stayed clenched around me as much as he could. Relaxing just for a moment while he caught his breath and then quickly grabbed my dick again. I tried to warn him about the knot, and he seemed surprised for a moment, but then mentioned hearing his wolf officers mentioning it and placed his hand on my ass, pushing me towards him."

"F-Fuck..." Complained the red fox, shuffling on the car, unable to find a way to get his own maleness to stop leaking and to not get it crushed by the firm police pants. Judy could understand his plight. Mostly, because she could see the entire shape of that foxhood against the fabric, and smell his musk, overpowering her own around them. Those damn preds, they smelt so strong.

"Nick... if it bothers you so much I can stop. Or you could pull it out."

Officer Wilde looked at her for a very long, awkward time. Was she serious? Juddy Rule-Book Hoppes suggesting he... Then it hit his nose. That sweet, alluring smell of needy bunny. Oh dear.

"Well, it's not like you haven't seen it before, right Fluff? I could let my own "carrot" breathe for a bit." He accepted, trying to undo his belt without making much noise. Slowly, he unzipped the pants and pulled his underwear down, sighing in relief when his red flesh stopped being crushed. Judy couldn't help herself and she illuminated his partner with the phone screen for a moment. The fox's fur was a disheveled mess, but he seemed quite proud of getting ogled by his bunny friend. Violet eyes scanned his form, passing his quickly breathing chest to see the wet red rocket between his legs, tensing and leaking some musky pre.

"Wow... poor vixens, having to get THAT..." She murmured. Nick didn't know if to take that as a compliment, or that she found his malehood unappealing. But the grey bunny paw sliding under her uniform to feel herself removed any doubt. Nick grinned and began to caress his own need.

"Well cottontail... care to keep reading, and I'll be on the lookout for any bad guys?"

She raised a shaking hand to check the phone again, and read:

"That brute, he barely relaxed. He wanted to show me his power, how he could force a full-grown fennec knot inside of him with one hand. I pulled from the fur of his legs as Bogo grunted, my fat ball forcing that ass to open, bit by bit, making me moan and shiver as my balls shoot pre like crazy. Man... so good, such strong flesh crushing my knot... it finally slipped in, making me huff and try to pull on instinct. I nearly came when I felt his warm ass holding it tight and pulling my cock from me with it. I began to thrust again, basically struggling against his ass, just trying to pull out, quickly in, out again... and then I heard something wet. He had just pulled something from his lips. I was about to ask what when I felt it. My favorite toy, that butplugg with the big handdle. He found my tailhole in an instant and pushed. I was so horny that I helped him, pressing against it. Just what I needed, that hard, firm piece of pleasure that had brought me so many fun nights. I love how it starts easily, but quickly it becomes almost too much, and just when you think it's gonna break you, it goes all the way in and fills you so good. The bull managed to force it in quickly enough and crushed all my pleasure buttons into overdrive. I think I almost blacked out, but Ruben said I basically pushed all the way in and screamed at the top of my lungs moaning his name and all sort of curses as I emptied inside of him."

"Nick, do you mind if I ask you something about canine sexuality?" Judy tried to formulate the question in the most polite and detached way she could, ignoring the fact that they both had one hand on their own sexes, as they usually did when sharing that sort of torrid anecdotes. Only this time, they were doing it on a patrol car, hidden by the dark of an unused dock, while supposedly on the watch for possible drug dealers.

"Butplugs do the same to us as it does to male rabbits, you dumb bunny. You do know about prostates." Nick wasted no time on reminding her. She had been forced to give him a summary of all she learned on sex-ed at BunnyBorrow's High School. He had ended up taking notes. "It's just that Finnick's a size queen. Either his ass's made of rubber or I dunno how those things he sticks up his butt haven't destroyed him."

Judy couldn't help but laugh a bit, "Nono, I wanted to ask about the knot. You had mentioned it a bit sometimes, but I dunno how it... you know, works.

The fox seemed a bit too focused on his mental picture of his sexy boss getting done on the ass by his best buddy, but then his hand suddenly stopped as he eyed his other best buddy.

"All right, light me up and I'll explain." Judy did as she was told. She wanted to use the phone's flashlight, but guessed that'd wouldn't be too discreet and might alert other mammals of their presence. So she used the screen, just setting the brightness so it would keep Nick gently illuminated.

The red fox pulled his pants down a bit and released his balls from between his legs, so his friend could have a better view of it all. His knot was still a small, round ball at the bottom, barely any thicker than the rest of his shaft, but she noticed that it was getting slightly fatter, wider each time the fox's heart beat. He rubbed on black furred finger along it.

"So... it starts soft. We don't need to be that hard because we have a small bone inside, you know? It's pretty easy to penetrate with this. And then, the more horny we feel, the more hard it gets, and the knot grows with it. It's very sensible... most canine females hold on it pretty tight, and it makes us thrust and leak pretty hard."

She was very tempted to ask him to demonstrate, but she refrained her tongue. Instead she sent the very next question that popped on her mind. One that might be even more incriminating: "How does it feel to get knotted... I mean tied. It's called tied, right?"

"Yes, that's right Fluff." He clearly was finding it quite interesting, Judy wanting to know that. "I can't say I know how it feels for the ladies. Some have complained I'm too rough and I might get too focused on myself when I tie, but most say it's pretty filling and it gives a sense of closeness. I don't mind getting tied myself, to feel my partner force himself into me and fill me with his need, to feel how our sex is driving him to the most basic of matings... but most, if not all male canines prefer to hold our knots when we orgasm. Some old instinct to shoot our seed inside a tied female. It feels quite nice when your partner holds it for you, if you're being topped, or he's making you cum somehow. Sometimes it's fun to be a bit bondage-y tomake another canine cum «knot free», but it's up to your tastes. I don't enjoy it very much... honestly, I've found it's good for edging. I have a hard time shooting without some knot pressure."

It was amazing the way Nick could share all of that without revealing any hint of embarrassment. Yes, they both were adults, way past the silly giggling phase when a textbook showed a diagram of some sexual organ or something, but still, it made her feel close to him, as if it was his weird way to share some more of his life with her.

Plus, it made her picture him, one hand around his larger knot, another on his phone, forcing himself to orgasm as he told her his naughty tales.

She couldn't hold a moan as one finger dared to go inside her lower lips.

"Does it get very big?" She wondered, almost to herself. Still Nick replied.

"Well, when I sent you that pic I was quite nearly finished, to... I'd say that's how fat it gets. I could try to show you, but... I'd jizz pretty fast if I force it."

"I don't mind." Her mouth said before she could process the idea. Nick seemed to find it funny how she blushed under her fur. "W-we have... lots of tissues here, so we could keep you pretty clean, and.. I wouldn't think less of you. I was just curious to see how bit it is. Just in case..."

"Just in case you want to try it on yourself?" Suggested the fox, enjoying the cute way she squealed. "Nah, I'm kidding. I know you're a curious bunny. Ok... I can give you a bit of a show if you want. I'll sure feel nice to get rid of all this pent-up tension. So... take a good luck, unless you wanna do it yourself."

That was another joke. And yet, once again, she seemed in a hurry to say "I don't mind."

This time they both looked at each other, almost surprised of the way things were progressing. Nick was the first to collect his wits.

"Mh... in that case... I could return the favor. Want to check if my clumsy fox fingers are compatible with your tender bunny flesh?"

In front of Judy a black-furred paw seemed to wave. She took it in hers and placed it over her belly, inviting him to explore on his own. He sat as close as he could without hitting the gear level with his knee. His swift hand unzipped her pants with lots of care and then began to explore under her panties. It felt so warm under his paw pads.

Meanwhile the bunny stretched to touch the red shaft. It bounced for a moment as Nick gasped, but soon she dared to close her fingers around the tip and go down slowly, but firmly. The fox seemed to enjoy it, as his hips pushed almost on their own.

"You've got the power Judy." He used her actual name this time. It sent shivers down her spine, stronger than the ones his hand were causing. "You can take me there slowly, or you can grab from the bottom and force me to finish almost in a heartbeat. The meek bunny has overpowered the ferocious fox."

She gave him a warm smile. She felt some satisfaction with that idea, but honestly, she wanted that to be something they both enjoyed. Although she was indeed curious on what would be like. She thought that maybe a little tug wouldn't hurt. Although the bunny wasn't exactly a pro of doing things "just a little".

She placed the thin base of Nick's dick between her middle and index finger, gently feeling that un-inflated knot against her hand before closing her fingers around and pulling up firmly.

Nick gasped loudly, tensing against the female's grasp. His free hand drew claw marks on the steering wheel as he whined, his hips giving short and tense thrusts. His other hand, the one that was gently rubbing her sex suddenly grabbed her, holding her fur and intruding one finger between her labia, almost knuckle deep. The palm of his hand was rubbing her clit against his paw pad, an entire new feeling. Never she had felt such long fingers giving her such kind of attention. It only made her pull harder, forcing Nick to call her name in a long, almost pained way. She saw that long canine dick becoming thicker, even a more angry red color. The knot pushed her fingers apart, becoming much larger. The poor fox seemed lost in the feelings as his dick began to throb and shoot long streams of hot pre, staining his chin and uniform with it.

"Sorry, sorry!" She apologized, slowly letting go of him as the fox gave a couple more thrusts on his own, slowly calming as he left go of her own pussy. "I didn't think it'd be so... effective."

He gave her a weak smile, still panting. "Now you know... I've betrayed every canine in the world by giving our weak spot to our ancient bunny enemies."

"Mh... well, if they come at you with torches and pitchforks, I could hide you on my dad's farm. Just some ear extensions... and maybe a quick snip of that huge tail." Suggested her, even if she held his hand between her legs. She didn't want him to stop making her feel that good.

"Oh no no... don't you dare to even suggest that. My tail is the bushiest out there, it's my pride and joy!" He joked, hugging his long and fluffy tail against his chest.

"Mh... it does look nice, as a pillow." She admitted. The entire fox looked like he'd be great to snuggle with. She had been hugged by the fox before, and yes, her body had screamed at her to be careful, to run away from that predator. But that was just her basest instinct. Her mind, instead, felt safe and warm in her best friend's arms. "Should I... keep going? I won't be rough, just... rub a bit your..." Her first thought was to call it «thingy», but after giving it a weary look, she decided to settle on "...thing. If you'd like...oh!" The firm way he had pinched her clit between two long fingers and then rubbed around her swollen sex told her everything.

"We could get into a HUGE mess for doing this." Murmured the bunny, slowly stroking the meat between her fingers, delighting on the soft grunts, pants and moans she could make him produce. She enjoyed the idea of making Nick feel good, and him giving her pleasure in exchange. She pushed him to the edge of the seat, nearly against the door as she sat besides him, one hip just besides the other. She gave out a loud sigh as her head fell on the fox's shoulder. Yes, that felt good.

"Yes we could... but I guess some R&R is good to maintain focus... plus, it's amazing to see you breaking the rules." She admitted. Her ears perked up, so he could whisper directly to them, nuzzling those long bunny ears directly with his nose.

"Mrf, don't get used to this. Won't break the rules this bad for the next twenty years or so."

"And... what would you think about doing this sort of thing in our private time?" Suggested the fox, trying to focus on watching the docks so he doesn't have to face her. At least her grip on his cock just stopped for a second, and soon went back to jerking him off with more passion.

"Are you asking me on a date, you sly fox?" She questioned him, somewhat seductive.

"Not NECESSARILY a date. We could just... see if we work together. As... fuck-buddies. No need for commitment or remembering anniversaries or anything like that. Just... see how much fun we can have together."

Judy let go a single "oh", that made Nick's heart skip a beat. Was she disappointed? Angry? Offended? Or just managed to get her mind around it?

"Are you... ok with it?" He dared ask.

The bunny tensed, but soon snuggled back into him with more care. "Of course! Yes, I just... I was surprised by it." She eyed the foxe's shaft, mostly to not see the look on his face. She didn't want to know if he was hurt by her words. Would it too much if she gave him a few licks? A gush of pre surprised her. Those canines, they leaked everywhere! "I mean... Not surprised you asked. Half the station is making polls on us already."

One of Nick's claws began to burrow inside of her, and then out. In and out, a bit more further. How much could a bunny fit? "So... what did surprise you?"

"That you just asked for... you know. Sex." She didn't know what to feel about it. He seemed to care so much about her... and she did about him too. But on the other hand, he was only offering her a purely sexual relationship? It did sound fun, but... shallow.

"Oh. S-sorry. I... it's not that I don't think that you're... you know. That we couldn't be a couple."

That lifted a weight of her heart. Although it appeared that the weight was holding down some offended anger. "So, what's it?" She punctuated by squeezing a bit his knot. He got a quite loud yip from the fox.

"I'm a fox. We... we DO this slow." He excused, grunting. "And you're a bunny, and I guess you guys get hooked up in a moment and have a dozen kids by the first anniversary."

"Rude..." She threatened, while exploring a bit lower. Uh, fuzzy balls. And big. Everything on Nick seemed large to her, but not so much as to seem unreachable. Even his feelings. He was a challenge. And she loved challenges.

"You're right. But... it's true about foxes. When we fall for somebody, we... we fall hard. Finn and I tried for just some short weeks, and we stopped because we realized we were bad for each other like this... and it still hurt me for months. We're still best buds because we DO care a lot for each other, and I want him being happy. And... I DO want to try, but... I want to be sure. I want to know we're... compatible, and that I can make you happy, and that you won't get fed up of me... and I care for you so much that if I tried to go all the way and things didn't work I HONESTLY don't know how I'd survive being near you anymore... that's why Judy... I know you want your rewards, and you've earned them, but... please. Please JUST go slow."

The bunny watched her friend explain all of that. Nick was opening his heart to her, she could see how he dropped his sly mask and let her look into the pain he had lived in the past. She stopped the lewd touching of his foxhood, and carefully removed his hand from her pants, even if her sex screamed at her not to. With the same conviction she put on everything she believed on, she hugged his neck and gave him a soft kiss on his red and white cheek.

"All right you dumb fox. I'll just follow your lead. Should we... settle some ground rules?"

Nick nodded. "Some rules are good, helps us know we're on the same level, right?" He nuzzled the bunny's fur, She felt so nice against his chest. "Mh... I guess... since we'd only be buddies, and all of this started by sharing some... not-safe-for-work stories... I'd say we can see other people if we want, as long as we tell the other?"

"That's fair." She admitted, nodding. "I... do like when you tell me the things you do with other guys."

"I know." He whispered in her ear. He loved the way it made her shiver every time. "And... what about other girls?"

Amethyst eyes stared into emerald ones. How did she feel about it? "Honestly... I... don't think I like the idea of you being with... other females."

Nick grinned, amused by that "Ooooh, the bunny's jealous. That's adorable." He pressed her face on his neck, sighing. "When I've been with a lady, it's usually something more... slow. Planned. So... I'll make sure to run them by you first, all right? By the way, if you want to be with any lad or gal..." Oh crap. His claws almost dug on Judy's skin at the idea. Apparently he hated the idea too. But he wanted to be fair. "... please run them by me first. Just so I can check on my hustle-radar. I've got a nose for assholes." Wow, just fuckbuddies and he already sounded like an overprotective boyfriend. Since he was on it... "And use protection. Carry some rubbers and pills on you. I don't want you to..."

"I know. I know how easily we get pregnant." She swore. "Doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful. I don't want you with some STD or pregnant vixen, you hear me?"

"I do, I do." He laughed amusedly. "Ok, so... next... this must be fun. We are here to make each other feel good, and to feel good among ourselves. No doing things just because we want to please the other, or not warn the other if something starts hurting."

It was her time to get cocky. "What? You think I can't take you?"

"Hey, If you even top me with some toy and it's too big, I'll complain, and you'll have to stop too."

"And if it's like that time you got your tail stuck on that elevator door, hear you whine for hours and hours."

"You mean bunny! But yeah... so... run couples by each other, be safe during sex, and not feeling forced to anything. Are we missing anything?"

Judy gave it some thoughy, and then kissed his chin.

"Just three things: First, we can discuss more rules to add or amend on the future, to smooth things over."

"Of course, didn't think we should even say that."

"Second... I want you to call me by my name more often. Especially as we're making each other feel good. Your names are fun, but... I like when you DO call me by my name. Specially if it's because I'm doing things good."

His eyes nearly watered when he realized how much she enjoyed that.

"Sure can do, Judy."

She seemed to melt on his arms. Specially as she reached for the fox's throbbing need.

"And third... I think we have some unfinished business. Would you like me to check if... that carrot I ate the other day was really the same size?"

Oh lord. His eyes opened like crazy, staring into the horizon as his mind went a thousand miles per hour. Cute curvy cuddly bunny was offering him some head. Shit... shit shit shit!

"Judy... Judy wait, WAIT!" He begged, nearly pulling her ears when she was about to give him the first tentative lick.

"What?!" She complained. What the heck was wrong now?

"The suspects!" He pointed at the docks. A boat had arrived, and now a couple of otters were carrying some boxes to the abandoned storehouse.

"Fucking cheese and crackers!" She swore, Checking out as she hurriedly pulled her pants up. She got the radio ready as Nick gasped and whined as he zipped his pants and buckled the belt over his needy manhood. "This is unit oh-one-five-two, we have visual confirmation of suspicious activity. I count..." She squinted her eyes, trying to distinguish the shadows.

"Seven..." Said Nick, who apparently was afraid to castrate himself if he breathed too hard.

"Seven suspects carrying packages! Requesting backup!"

As they listen to dispatch telling them to (thankfully) stand by and wait for reinforcement, the fox took his phone, first to snap some pictures with the night-mode of his camera, and then to check out Finnick's. He had texted quite a lot more of story before getting angsty about their prolonged silence, and now was basically threatening Nick with convincing Bogot to fire him.

"Chill little buddy, we're working, I'll let you know as soon as we bust this suckers." He whispered into the mic, pocketing the cell phone. He didn't get the chance to read his friend's reply, realizing that, if Nick had jerked off as he usually does with his tales, he had obviously done it on duty.

Finn promised to forgive him if Nick gave him the naughty details.