Herotica #6a - Force Of Will

Story by AstroSecant on SoFurry

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#8 of Herotica

A lot of the stories so far in this series have involved villains or otherwise antagonists getting the win over heroes. Let's flip that around, shall we? This one's got a victorious hero, one who was briefly mentioned in an earlier tale and was co-opted for a sense of mild continuity between stories. (I'm actually doing a fair bit of that, we'll see if that lasts.) Also, a species I don't use a whole lot of in my stories.

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between two males, rape, rough sex, domination/submission, bondage, and petards which do a lot of hoisting.

His mind was in a haze when he came to. There was pain, he could feel it in the back of his head...someone must have kayoed him, a cowardly sneak attack while he was heading home. What should have just been a simple trip to the store had landed him in a dark, barren building without any features he could define to tell him where he was or who had brought him here.

Dammit...I formed the Peace Squad partly to keep things like this from happening all the time. That makes Blurr and me...not doing a very good job with it so far.

As he moved around, one oddity became noticeable. He could feel something wrapped around his wrists and ankles and around his torso, not holding him motionless or super tight but definitely there to keep him from going far. He tried to clench at it, but it was mostly insubstantial - his fingers went right through whatever it was without getting any grip on it. The capture didn't faze him that much...in fact, it was a bit of a welcome thing, there was only one of his enemies that specialized in this sort of thing.

"Well, well...finally awake, Azure?"

The wolf sat up fully, looking towards the voice in the darkness. Though light was scarce, his eyes were exceptional, the aura giving him a special sight that could make out living forms even in the complete absence of light. And it was very difficult to miss the dolphin standing there out on the open. "Caranox. To what do I owe the displeasure?"

"What, you're not happy to see me? And after I went to all the trouble of preparing this for you..." The dolphin had a gloating tone to his voice, as if he'd already won. Not that this was abnormal; Azure had had more than a few run-ins with Caranox already, and he had a rather unfortunate habit of being extremely overconfident. Well, unfortunate for him...it rather worked out well for Azure, as well as other heroes who'd faced him. He didn't even seem to be aware of the problem, like many mentally unstable people...it seemed almost cruel to exploit that weakness, but when it came to destructive and deadly individuals like Caranox, it wasn't exactly the kind of thing that induced a lot of guilt.

"I might be able to see you better if you turned on the lights."

"Hah, I won't fall for that one again. You just want to weaken my powers so you stand a chance of escaping my trap! No no, I've spent too much time on this to make a stupid mistake like that!"

"I'm pretty sure I could get free regardless." Azure wasn't so sure he wanted to try to test that in sight of Caranox, though, just in case he couldn't. The dolphin's powers were plenty strong at baseline, but were definitely more potent the less light there was. Natural light, that was - unfortunately, Azure's aura, despite the glow it gave off, wasn't natural. It was still pretty strong and he thought he could use it to break free...but if he was wrong, Caranox would know he had a trump card. Better to play off the dolphin's overconfidence until opportunity arose.

"You say that, but you're not trying very hard...you must know it's futile! Now I'll finally have my chance to get power over you...you'll break to me this time, Azure, and everyone will know how you'll serve me!"

"Break to you? I don't think so."

"Of course you don't, you're an idiot who doesn't realize my greatness! But you will soon...I'll have you begging like a little puppy, eager to serve me!"

"What are you..." It was only then that Azure realized he didn't have any clothes on. He mentally smacked himself - that should have been one of the first things he'd noticed. All his attention was on other aspects of the situation. "Really? You think you're going to break me by sexual assault? You do realize that rarely works, right?"

"Fool, you don't even understand..." Caranox stepped up to Azure and stroked his chest fur, not in a playful way but as someone trying to impose contact. "It's not about just dumping my load inside you, I know better than to think that will have any effect. No...what I intend to do is claim you, drive you crazy, and make you surrender to me, make you beg for my cock, make you shoot your worthless seed like a bitch. Once I've succeeded, you'll never be able to fight me again...you'll be desperate for my touch, a servant to my lust, an impotent hero unworthy of the title. And THAT...that will be how I break you!"

"It doesn't really work that way..." Azure didn't expect that to sink in, Caranox was a bit nutty and if he'd decided that was what happened he would believe it until the end of time, or at least until it worked to his advantage to think otherwise. Especially when he had the advantage, though, he wouldn't convince the dolphin of anything. "Regardless, you know you're not going to get the better of me, right?"

"You're overconfidence will be your downfall, puppy! Take this!" The tendrils suddenly pulled Azure down onto all fours, bending him over for his captor. His trail went down to cover himself, but a tendril took care of that right away, and he was helplessly exposed. Caranox almost casually walked around behind him, snickering evilly as he bent down behind the hero, his prehensile cock prodding at him. "Go ahead, scream and shout all you want...soon you'll be singing the song I give you!"

Azure clenched his jaw as he felt Caranox slam into him, hilting in one go, a strained growl the only sound he made. It was a rough entry for sure, though Caranox wasn't the largest thing he'd ever had back there so it wasn't something he was totally unfamiliar with. Perhaps because of that, it didn't hurt quite so bad, but he still would rather have had it out than in. Nonetheless, he was rather bound to take it, and so just focused on not giving the dolphin the satisfaction he wanted - even if he wasn't going to fall as badly as threatened, some kind of resistance was still a point of pride.

"Ahh, fuck, your ass is fantastic, pup," Caranox gleefully taunted him as his hips smacked into Azure's rear, wet slurps coming from their meeting as his pre saturated the wolf's hole. "Never should've been a hero, you'd've been perfect as a whore. I'm gonna enjoy owning you." He worked one of the tendrils around Azure's groin, enveloping the shaft as it emerged from his sheath, some sort of thrumming going through it to help stimulate the hero and get him closer to his goal. Azure's jaw clenched tighter as pleasure was forced onto him, trying to control his breathing and keep himself steady; as long as Caranox neglected a certain part of him, he'd have a good chance.

The villain picked up the pace, nailing Azure harder and trying to put an emphasis on battering his prostate, while more tendrils stroked the wolf's body, searching for any weakness they could take advantage of. He was certain Azure was breaking, pants and moans coming from him a clear sign that he couldn't outlast him, would have to submit and call him the master soon...the idea of it was really getting him hot, he wouldn't endure long himself, but he would have to make sure Azure beat him to the punch. He shifted again, angling in for maximum force, imposing his physical will on the hero like never before.

What he didn't expect was for Azure to start toying with HIM. Without warning the wolf clenched down, making Caranox's eyes shoot open as pleasure burst through him, almost taking him over the edge. He almost slowed down, but pride got the better of him, he wasn't going to let the wolf beat him at his own game, and immediately redoubled his efforts, drilling him in a near-frenzy, using his own tendrils as leverage. He worked Azure's groin harder, tried playing with his nipples with his tendrils...but the wolf was still fighting back, clenching down around him and pushing back with what little motion he had, and though he was clearly panting and straining a bit, he didn't sound like he was that much farther along...

Caranox wasn't paying attention, he got too wrapped up in his own pleasure...with a yell, he slammed in, shooting his load deep into the wolf, his dick squirming around inside like a snake, a sign of his lack of control. His eyes shut tight as he gripped Azure, leaving him unaware of the growing brightness from the wolf until it was too late. With a yell, Azure let loose a powerful blue flash, erasing the tendrils from existence in one fell swoop with sheer force. The burst threw Caranox back, yanking him out of Azure while he was still spurting, the rest of his seed splattering onto the floor.

Now Azure was ready to turn the tables. The dolphin had tried, but he hadn't come that close to succeeding; not only was Azure capable of holding back through some pretty intense pleasure, but Caranox had failed to attack his real weak point, his knot. Now freed from his bindings, he leapt onto Caranox just as he was shaking off the haze, using his aura to strengthen him and keep him down. "Looks like your little takeover attempt failed, now it's your turn!"

"What? You can't-" Caranox cried out, cut off as Azure's cock sank into his tailhole with brutal speed and force, as much as he'd given Azure but he was far less experienced with such things. Oh sure, he'd worked his darkness tendrils in there quite a bit, but they were only semi-solid, they didn't stretch like a real thing...he squirmed underneath Azure but the wolf had him dead to rights.

"What's the matter? You can dish it out, but you can't take it?" Azure growled, his body shining blue as he worked his power to keep the villain under him. He showed no mercy, pounding hard, balls slapping against the cetacean's flesh with wet smacks, smirking a bit as he saw Caranox's dick remaining hard, leaking pre onto himself despite the recent orgasm. "Or maybe you can, and you want to...seems like you might be the bitch after all."

"N-never!" But Caranox didn't sound quite as confident in that refusal; his body ached with need, and being drilled like he was was doing it for him, sending everything from tingles to thunderbolts through him. His hands tried to push Azure off of him, but despite his solid grip he couldn't push the wolf away...indeed, he seemed less and less forceful with every instance of his hole being spread by the wolf's dominating dick. "You...you won't get the better of me..."

"Think I already did...now I'm just turning your own shit back on you." He didn't really care if he got Caranox to blow again, he was just more interested in getting his own rocks off inside the dolphin, a bit of tit-far-tat as he could still feel the leakage from his own tailhole. But it was clear that Caranox was faring worse than he had; any sounds of pleasure he'd made, the dolphin was doing double at least, and though he couldn't move as much with Azure due to their positions, he was doing even less to throw him off. With a bit of a laugh, he picked up the pace, slamming his knot against Caranox and trying to force it in. "Ever been tied before? I think you'll like it."

"Ngh...n-not...gonna..." Caranox's wavering voice was heavy with lust and pleasure, and now the dolphin's grip had changed to hold Azure in place above him rather than get him away. His body was on the throes, and before he knew what was happening, he was cumming again, shooting a sparser amount onto himself, plastering his body with his own seed. He let out a pallid cry that only intensified when his hole finally surrendered to the wolf's knot, stretching around him and taking him fully inside.

Azure nearly howled as he came himself, spurting a rich load of his batter into Caranox. His fingers gripped so tightly to the dolphin, claws digging in harshly but not breaking through, his body rigid as he unloaded everything he had into the vanquished villain. Caranox gradually became limper and more docile underneath him as his orgasm expired, leaving him subject to everything that Azure had to offer, as he wasn't escaping the most powerful binding of all.

Finally Azure felt his shots taper off, and he eased off of Caranox a bit, still staying on top of him and close to his body due to his knot staying put inside the dolphin's hole. "So...one of us did spill his seed like a little bitch at the other's domination...so, still think that that means that one's broken?"

"Haah...you're...I'm not gonna...serve you..." Caranox muttered, almost feebly; for all his bluster at the start, he certainly seemed pretty defeated, and there wasn't any intensity in his voice. He didn't sound all that convinced of his own defiance, perhaps a bit surprising but it likely wouldn't last. Still, Azure was happy enough with how things had turned out; he'd beaten the villain at his own game, after starting out in a rather sticky situation, and that meant it had been a good day for him.

Now he just needed to figure out where his clothes were so he wouldn't have to walk home naked...