Rory At School

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#4 of Rory

Rory At School

By : Panthera

This story is not to be reproduced, copied, or otherwise published anywhere, in any way shape or form, without the express permission of the author.

The day so far had been a quiet one for Rory. He'd done his English work, even managing to stay fairly quiet while sitting through the section about diagramming sentences. Then he'd had a math quiz, which he did very well on. He was glad he did well too, since his teacher that day, a strong, yet lithe lioness named Ms. McVeer, had punished any cub who failed the quiz.

There had been only one such unfortunate cub. A young wolf cub, named Veronica, had only gotten a 50% on the quiz, and since that was a whole fifteen points below the absolute failing mark, she was going to get a good fifteen swats in front of the class, with the paddle. Rory smiled a little as he looked at the eighty-nine he had scored on the test.

Sniffling already, just from fear of what she knew was going to come, Veronica padded to the front slowly. Ms. McVeer stood there calmly, watching her approach, holding the wooden paddle with both paws.

She looked up at the teacher when she finally got there, almost in tears already. The teacher chose to speak first though. "Veronica ... do you know why you're up here?"

Her voice was calm, but strong.

Veronica, on the other paw, could scarcely keep her lower jaw from trembling. "Uhhhm ... was it 'cuz of my math quiz Ms. McVeer?"

"That's right Veronica. Did you know this quiz was today?"

She nodded her head meekly.

"I see. And did you study for this quiz Veronica?"

Rory felt like grinning, but he knew better, so he kept his muzzle calm. He hadn't done much studying either, but he understood the material well. Veronica, in the meantime, was looking down at the floor, her head shaking slowly from side to side.

"And why not?" the teacher's voice was still calm.

The wolfette pup looked up slowly at her. "Be .. because I was playing last night. This math's boring anyway."

Ms. McVeer watched her for a moment. "Well, it can seem that way, and I'm sure running around playing is more fun than studying..."

Veronica began to smile a little.

"... but I did assign this studying for a reason." The lioness continued to say, "And decimals may seem a bit hard now, but they are something you learn every day once you're grown up. You need to learn them Veronica, fun or not."

The wolfette's smile had faded again.

The lioness continued. "So Veronica ... tell me what happens now."

The whole class knew, but they watched on intently, most of them grinning a little as well. Veronica sniffled again. "I gets paddled."

The teacher nodded, her face and voice calm. "Go on."

"With my sweatpants and panties down."

Another nod.

"In front of the whole class."

"That's right. Now Veronica, if you do this yourself, I won't call your parents at home tonight. If you make me undress you, I will. Now drop them."

Veronica fidgeted in place, beginning to whimper a bit.

Ms. McVeer frowned, setting the paddle on the chair in the front of the class. "Fine then. I think your parents will have some to say to you tonight then Veronica."

Without another word, she leaned down and grabbed onto the wolfette. Veronica stayed in place. The lioness lowered her light gray sweatpants down to the floor, followed by her white panties.

Rory watched with glee, squirming slightly in his seat. The wolfette kept her legs together, so the class couldn't see what was there.

Ms. McVeer even had to bend Veronica over the back of the chair, her paws by the ground and her rear in perfect view of the class. "Grab onto the legs." She said, her voice much sterner now.

Veronica did so, whimpering a bit more.

"Now then class, let this be a lesson to all of you. When I assign something to be studied, I expect you to study it."

Everyone gave a slow nod, their eyes intent on the scene before them.

The lioness stood up again, with the paddle, and without speaking another word, she swang, hard. The smack! had hardly struck her rear when she starts crying.

The teacher continued on, only taking a couple more swats to make the wolfette's backside glow a bright, deep red under her fur there. It seemed clear to everyone that Ms. McVeer had some experience in this. Each swat landed in a different spot, leaving a bright glow under it, and a fresh yelp or new round of sobbing tears from Veronica as they hit.

By the time she reached a count of ten swats, Veronica was bawling, almost screaming form the pain and shame of it all. The teacher stood up, watching the pup's rear, and watching her squirm and cry.

"Now does everyone remember why I have to do this?"

No one needed a more memorable reminder to study than this.

"Good. And how do you feel Veronica?"

All the wolfette could do was sob there, weeping and whimpering, her tail hung limply to the side, out of the way.

The lioness got a small smile to her muzzle, "Then let's finish this Veronica."

The last five swats landed hard, coming in quick succession. One after the other they landed on her, the lioness swinging her arm as fast as she could with the paddle.

When she finally finished, Veronica screamed out loudly, making Rory pull his ears back from the sound.

Ms. McVeer let her stay there crying for another minute, then spoke. "Get up Veronica."

She slowly got to her paws, trembling and still crying openly. She turned her reddened eyes up to the lioness.

"Your parents will be notified Veronica. But for now, get dressed and go sit down again. If I have to do this again anytime this week, Principal White will get your rear after I'm done. Am I perfectly understood?"

Veronica only nodded, and cried. She winced pulling her panties back up, then yipped as her sweatpants slid warmly over her rear. She shuffled back to her seat, whimpering as she sat down. Aside from her soft sobs, she did stay quiet the rest of the day.

After all that, it had been time for lunch. Rory didn't really care for the mixed vegetables, or the chicken fingers, but since he hadn't brought a lunch from home that day, he made due with the school's lunch. It was after that at recess that his troubles began.

He was playing kickball with some of the other cubs, and everyone was having a good time. Even Veronica was playing, though no one could help but to notice she was running a little differently than usual around the bases.

Rory was up at the plate, getting ready to kick the next ball with all his might. He watched the ball come rolling towards him, smiled when he saw it was exactly in the right spot for him, and gave it the best kick he had in his young little leg.

With a loud 'boing' the ball went off, way over the heads of everyone who was out trying to catch it. Rory gave out a happy mrewl! And started clearing the bases.

He noticed as he cleared second base, that everyone was watching where the ball was going, and not him. He kept running though, and just as he crossed home plate, he heard a loud CRASH! from the direction of the school.

Rory gulped and looked over. He saw a big hole in a window, then saw Mr. White stand up and look out through the hole. Rory frowned, mrewling softly with fear. A second later Ms. McVeer was grabbing onto his paw "Come with me."

Rory had no choice but to follow her as she walked away quickly, leading him into the schoolhouse.

A few moments later, he was in the principal's office, while the custodian was sweeping up the glass from the principal's waiting room.

Rory was alone with Mr. White, the large, very strong-looking Siberian tiger. He glanced down at the small orange and black cub, frowning a bit.

"Rory ... " he sighed, " ... I know you didn't do this on purpose. But this does still count as damaging school property. And you are to be punished for this."

Rory stayed standing, though to him, it felt like his heart had just dropped through the floor.

"We are going to call your parents and explain everything. They will have to pay for this window."

Rory mrewled softly.

"But ... you are at least lucky in one way."

Rory really had a hard time believing him, but he said nothing.

"If I thought you'd done this on purpose, I would be using the paddle on you cub, and then suspending you for three days. Since I saw that you didn't aim at the window though, I think I'll just use my paw."

Rory watched him move over and close the door, at least giving Rory more privacy than Veronica had earlier. Mr. White sat down in his chair, that Rory now noticed didn't have any arms on it. He patted his lap, "I'm sure you know what to do by now cub."

Rory frowned, but he certainly did know what he was expected to do. He slid down his jeans, then his undies as well and stepped out of them. Now nude from the hips down, he climbed up and onto Mr. White's lap, laying down on his front. He also moved his tail out of the way.

The larger white tiger only nodded, "Good enough. I'll try to make it so you can still sit down after this is over." Rory was afraid his parents weren't going to be so lenient.

A moment later, he felt the first smack of the paw, whimpering as it struck his behind.

Then the paw landed again, and again, and yet again, and once more, every time somehow managing to feel stronger and harder than all the ones before it.

Rory whined and kicked his paws, tears pouring down his orange-furred cheeks.

Mr. White aimed most of his swats on Rory's cheeks themselves, only one or two smacks landing close to his thighs, where he'd be sitting on it for the rest of the day.

Rory was crying good, kicking still and wriggling about in pain, but Mr. White continued on a bit longer. When he finally did stop, he slid his paw under Rory's chin and turned his head so they were eye-to-eye.

Rory could only stare into the deep blue eyes of his principal, while he in turn watched the cub's green eyes cry for a moment. "I can't do anything about what your parents might punish you with tonight Rory. I want you to know, if I could, I would, and I mean that deeply."

Rory gave as much of a nod as he could, and waited until he was told to get up. He stood shakily and got dressed again, frowning. He was led back to his classroom just as everyone else was returning from recess.

It was fairly obvious what had happened, but no one said anything to him about it. The rest of the day was quiet for everyone, except for Rory's visions of dread. The final bell rang much too soon for Rory's like, and he began his slow walk home, being in no real hurry to get there.

He finally got home, and padded in quietly. He was almost to the kitchen when he finally heard his mother's voice calling him. "Rory!"

He turned to look at her, a bit surprised that her face wasn't really angry, just worried.

She came over to him and knelt down by him. "You ok son?"

He leaped up against her chest and hugged her around her neck tightly. "I s'pose I's okay mommy."

She smiled and kissed his muzzle tenderly. "I heard about what happened son."

Rory leaned against her chest, nodding a bit. "I'm sorry mommy."

He felt her sliding his jeans down in the back. "I know son. But you know we are still a bit upset, even if this was just an accident."

Rory squirmed a bit closer to her as his undies came down, "I know."

She gave him a few firm swats of her paw, enough to get him sniffling.

"Now son ... go wait in your room. Your father wants to speak with you alone when he gets home."

Rory frowned, but nodded and hobbled into his room. He had been expecting this anyway.

Once there, he slid the jeans and underwear completely off of him, then took off his shirt and laid down on his front on the bed.

Much sooner than he would have liked, he heard the car pulling up in the driveway. A moment later, he heard his parents both talking softly in the kitchen.

A few minutes later, the voices quieted, and he heard a knock on his door. "Rory?"

Rory knew his father's voice instantly. "Yes daddy?"

He stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "Can we talk a bit son?"

Rory squirmed over to one side of the bed, giving his father room to sit down.

His father took a deep breath. "Rory, we know you didn't mean to break that window today. But we do still have to pay for it."

Rory nodded just a little, not speaking.

"So son ... if we're going to have to pay with money, we think your rear should have to pay as well."

Rory frowned, watching him unbuckle and pull off his belt. He patted his leg, "C'mere son."

Rory sighed and crawled over, laying down over his father's muscular lap, his head by the bed, his paws grabbing the sheets tightly.

His father folded the belt in two, holding it in one paw. He landed the belt once across his son's rear.

Rory jumped against the lap, kicking his footsies. His father held him down with his free paw, and continued.

Rory whined, mrelwing! out a scream with each lash of the belt. He whined and kicked his feet, but could only cry as he got belted, his father's strong paw holding him down like a vice.

After eight or nine smacks of the black leather belt, Rory's rear was glowing a bright red, with one or two tiny welts beneath his fur. His father brought the belt down harder than before one last time, this time smacking right across where his rump connects to his thighs.

Rory gave out another loud scream, then laid there, mrewling and weeping softly.

His father held him there, rubbing his back softly, waiting a bit until Rory was more or less calmed down. "Son?"

Rory sniffled "Yeah daddy?"

"For the rest of the night, until you go to bed, you're staying undressed, ok?"

Rory frowned a bit. The wooden kitchen chairs would be a real pain, but he suspected that was the idea. "Well, ok daddy."

His father smiled, "There's my good cub." he leaned down to kiss his son's cheek gently, then lifted him up, hugging him tightly.

Rory purrrred, only wincing a little bit as he was carried out to dinner.

Rory had a painful evening that night, but when he finally did fall asleep, he fell asleep feeling very loved.


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