Two against the world (Ep 3)

Story by zombiebell on SoFurry

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                         Episode 3                    "True police work""Is it ummmm... Flower?""Na-ah Ben." Nick answered with wide grin, full of satisfaction.Judy was trying to figure out the answer, while tapping her feet on the floor."Say the riddle one more time." Judy demanded, clearly frustrated.Nick spoke."I'm tall when i'm young and i'm short when i'm old. What am i?"Benjamin's face look'd like he had solved the riddle.And after one second he took that back.Nick was enjoying this too much.Suddenly Judy woke up from her mind wrestle state and her eye's shined."It's a candle!"Nick's smug grin fell down."...Dammit.""I'm too good at this, admit it slick." Judy smiled and got one in return."Indeed, clever bunny.""Next time i'm going to cheat with my phone, i did not know a single answer and Judy knew them all."Ben muttered while opening another box of donuts."It would rhyme. Cheating cheetah." The fox chuckled.It was Nick's second day in the force. It was just like his first but the place still felt a bit foreign.He knew he would get comfortable around hall full of cops in time. Maybe. Nick laid his eye's on Judy.She was talking about something concerning Gazelle, so it was perfect time for Nick to zone out.She is so beautiful this morning. I could just stare those eye's for eternity. I wonder how she would react...If i just said it. Just say that you look beautiful today Judy. You have no gut's to do it. Coward."Nick, is everything okay?""Mhhm, completely fine.""Is there something on my face? You have the look. I swear if some of my breakfast..""Nononono sorry whiskers, i just zoned out a bit. I was wondering that shouldn't we head to the bullpen already?"Judy's eye's rose in panic. She look'd at her phone and started walking."Wowowowow Nick we have two minutes, let's go!""Cya Ben!" Both yelled back as they ran to the elevator.They entered the bullpen that was once again on full chaos. They made their way to the front seat and sat down.Everyone were babbling random things around the room. Nick's eye's wondered around the place, following everyone's conversations.This place had very high school like mood. It confused Nick. He thought that the first day had been just someone's birthday or something.But this seemed to be everyday thing. Nick always thought

that cops were boring lot, always with faces of stone and rarely cracking jokes.It felt now like a complete opposite. Nick did not even notice that a wolf was standing next to him, trying to get his attention."Wilde, you damn daydreamer, earth calls!""Oh hey Oliver, what's up buddy?""We were wondering that if you would like to join us at the Blue lagoon next week?""... Blue lagoon?" Nick repeated, not understanding at all."It's a cop bar that is just three blocks from here. Almost everyone here visits the place once a week for a little late night partying.At least so i was told. The guys wondered that it would be nice to have all the new recruits on spirits. Getting to know each other and all.""I... I guess i could come." Nick said in unsure tone. Drinking with cops? This feels weird... Maybe i should take that back. I got things to do any-"HE'S COMING GUYS!" Oliver yelled and half of the room roared on their direction. Great. Just great. After that, Oliver went back on his seat.Nick turned his gaze to Judy, who was smiling widely, like she knew what was coming for Nick."Please tell me that you will be there for me carrots.""Oh what's that? Big old fox is scared to socialize among cops. What a shame."Judy was smiling an evil smile as she stared the spooked Nick."It's just drinks at the bar and such. Why are you so nervous Nick? Scared of a little bonding?""Carrots. I only know Oliver. I rarely drink. I rarely go to bars. I might had even hustled their families.They will find out. They will beat me up and tie me in the chair and make me tell everything i know.""Pffft, relax Nick it will be fine. You are police now. Stop thinking like a hustler.""... Judy.. Please..." Nick begged like a kit."Fine. I will not drink though. Not after what happened last time while i was there."".... What happened last time you were there?"Judy took her phone out and spoke as she was reading some article."It was like two weeks ago. I got a bit drunk and some other bunny tried to take advantage of it. He had his paws all on me. He grabbed my butt and everythingand told me the things he would do to me if i went with him."Nick's mouth was open and his eye's were full of fire. He was going to find and kill whoever did that.It took all he had to keep his anger away from his tone."What.. What did you do?""Nick. I was joking. I just drank a bit too much. I'm not much of a drinker myself. I had the worst headache ever.Besides i can't dance at all. Most tried to get me to have fun on the dance floor but

i'm a bit shy when it comes to dancing." Judy giggled and kept reading the article.Judy kept tapping her phone and could not see how relieved Nick was that she had fooled him. Where did that anger even come from?He had not felt that angry for a long time. Even idea of someone talking to her like an item and touching her like that made his blood boil."Besides if someone did something like that to me, i would break his paws and arrest him. Maybe send him back to bunny burrow as a rug." Judy added with cocky tone.Nick chuckled. That is the part he always seemed to forget. Judy was more than capable of beating someone bigger than her down easily.Hell, she could probably take him in seconds. Still. He did not like the idea of anyone disrespecting her like that. Just admit Nick.You have a crush on her. It's you who really would like to ask her out and kiss her-"SHUT THE HELL UP EVERYONE!"Nick practically jumped in his seat as Bogo roared at his podium, making everyone go quiet as graveyard."Assignments for the day! Grizoli, Fangmeyer, patrolling. Higgins, Wolford, robbery at the bike store at the rain forest district.Manchez, Hills, patrolling. Hopps, Wilde, stakeout job. You shall join me at the office for more information. Everyone else, there is a protestat the Savannah central, you will work as necessary security. That's everything."Everyone cleared out from the room one after one, until only Judy and Nick were left."Follow me you two." Bogo bluntly stated and waited at the door for the two to follow.They turned left and made their way till the end of the hall, where Bogo opened the door for them and made his way to sit down behind his desk.Nick's gaze wondered around the room. It was dark but very professional. There was bookcases everywhere and couple of plastic plants.In front of Bogo's large wooden desk there was two chairs waiting for them. They both sat down.Bogo sighed and sat on his seat, turning his gaze for the two. Judy only look'd excited about the task, whatever it was.Nick on the other had was a bit nervous, about the way Bogo was looking at him in particular.After a moment he spoke to Judy, sounding casual as he could."Hopp's. How did your partner do for his first day? I was so busy yesterday that i forgot to ask.""He did quite well. It was a pretty peaceful day.""That was my intent. A light task for the first day.You apprehended the street racer. I just feel need to clarifysomething about the report that Wilde signed about it."Nick grinned widely now and Judy look'd a little puzzled."It is written here that "We successfully

captured the street racer at the Savannah Central 11:00.The driver was identified as.."Bogo stop'd reading and raised his eye's from the report file and look'd at smiling Nick now. He kept reading."Flash 'THE HUNDRED YARD DASH" , the commonly known street racer living in Zootopia.Penalty. "We let him go off with a warning, but you should have seen the car. WPR-500With incredibly nice tint jobs. It was even this years model. Anyway, my partner promisedto make sure that next time would be more serious encounter to the victim. Flash said thathe completely understood. Officer Hopps can be very convincing when he goes all "serious cop".It's kind of cute in it's own way. Case closed? Yes. Yes it is."Nick turned his gaze to Judy, who was staring at him back with her look that screamed. "Nick WHY?!"Bogo was now face palming himself and sighed deeply."Officer Wilde. This is not how you write a case report.""Oh i'm sorry, i'm not very good at describing things that are not important Chief.I tried my best with it. I'm sure that i learn how to write them better in time.""I really do hope so Wilde, or even better, Hopps might be better candidate for writing themin the future. Spares me from headaches." Bogo said in passive aggressive tone."Whatever you prefer boss. I am here to serve.Or in this case Judy is." Even Judy snorted now a bit. Nick always knew how to make her laugh. "You are impossible Nick." "You know you love me." Nick said in is flirty voice."Whatever.""Are you two done?" Bogo sighed."Yes, sorry Chief, won't happen again." Judy apologized with a bit embarrassed tone.Bogo turned to Nick."Yes. Yes i am.""Good. Now Hopps. Next one is stakeout job. We have Intel about Jack Garnow. The pantheris rumored to make some kind of transaction deal front of the bar called "Bernie's" at this evening.""Garnow? Isn't he the one that escaped Higgins and Wolford a month back?" Judy ask'd with interest."Indeed he is. I hope you have more luck than they had. He is slippery one. The informer toldthat whatever the deal concerns, it's really big. Your mission is to tail him from the club and arrestwhen possible. tranquilizers required. Use force if necessary. Jack is also wanted for having highcrime connections, two assaults, and armed robbery. So it is likely that he is going to resist the arrest.The location of the bar is in Tundra town."Judy nodded with serious expression and Bogo continued."The question is, is your partner ready for this kind of

mission? I trust your judgement Hopps,so id like to know your honest opinion.It is no picnic.""I.." Judy turned her gaze to Nick, who stared back with smile."Yes. I trust that he can do this." Judy said with proud tone in her voice.Nick felt his smile growing.He was actually happy to have some real action."Good. Keep me updated on Officer Wilde's process from now on. Off you two.You are going to have to spend quite a lot of time on the stakeout, since we don't have specific time of suspects arrival.So prepare to spend your night on this. I am counting on you two. Now go get some rest to yourhomes and some sleep when you still can. You have long night ahead of you." Bogo said.   They both nodded and made their way out of the room.Once the door closed, Judy spoke."I am sure that we get him. This is your chance to show some of those sly cop skills of your's.""Im pretty sure that when i have someone intimidating as you with me, those guy's will surrender right away."Judy rolled her eye's as he saw Nick smile to his own sarcasm."Har har Nick. By the way, they will be easy catch. I did not earn my reputation among criminals by being lazy. " Judy grinned."Wooohooo, ego burst from whiskers! I will save this to rare moment's memory box!" Nick laughedfor the unusual attitude from Judy."You will laugh now slick but just follow my lead when we get in action.""Will do, my sassy partner." Nick chuckled."You better take this seriously.""I am. What makes you doubt me?" Nick tried to hold his grin."I hate you.""You love me.""You wrote that case report like an idiot on purpose. It was not funny. Don't do it again.""It was a bit funny. Besides you really are cute when you are all seri-""I will change partner, i swear."____________________________________________AT THE STAKEOUT / ALLEY NEAR THE BERNIE'S / SIX AT EVENING._______________________________________________________________Nick and Judy were sitting in their stakeout ride, both observing Bernie's front doors.The place was pretty crowded even from the outside. Nick knew the area quite too well.It was not the best part of the town, that was for sure. Judy look'd way too comfortable with the situation.I guess it was normal to feel a bit nervous, Nick thought. It was his second day in the force and he was already in the fielddoing an actual stakeout, run and catch job. Maybe even shoot. He wanted to believe that he was ready

for this.The rabbit had vouched for him, so he had to take this one seriously. He really did want to make Judy proud.The snow was raining quite a lot on the alley, making their stakeout van all covered in snow. Was pretty good camouflage.Nick drank some of his coffee and stared as the mammals front of the bar.They were chatting and laughing quite loudly.It was six at evening and some of them were already completely drunk. At least the sights were not getting boring any time soon.Judy all tough look'd like she wanted to already do something right now. She was getting anxious."Is there something wrong carrots?""Those two bears just smash'd their beer glasses on the ground. Public trashing. They do not even have slightest intent of cleaning it.mammals may step on all that shattered glass and get really hurt. Also that skunk just started fighting with his friend.Assault. And everyone around them are cheering. Unbelievable. And don't get me started on that tig-""Is this your first time seeing the nightlife of a local bar? This is not even bad." Nick laughed loudlyas she watched her stare the bar with annoyed glare in her eye's."I want to arrest at least half of these idiots.""Well that is something you should not do. You would blow our cover.""I know and it annoys me. Just look at that guy! Why on earth would he-""Whiskers. You are going to kill yourself with stress if you keep looking at them.It's just a typical bar night. Let them have a little fun.""....Fun." Judy turned her gaze to Nick aggressively slowly."I mean that guy just did a back flip completely drunk and then trowed up! That was one of the funniest things i have ever seen.""Well i am glad that at least one overgrown kit is enjoying this.""Come ooooon whiskers, chill out. Let me help you get your mind out of all that.Let's talk about something fun. Oh, right. I was about to ask that when and if we seethis Jack Garnow arrive to the bar, how will we proceed? I mean i know the textbook way of doing things but knowing your super cop skills and experience, you must havealready everything planned. So details. Teach your student sensei."Judy smiled now and began after taking a deep breath."Considering that Jack escaped last time, it means that he always has company with him.There is no way that he outran Wolford without help. He is one of our fastest runners in the force.In the report of the last times encounter with Jack, it reads that he had an escape ride waiting for himabout two blocks away from the deal point. They were doing business on alleyway when they ran toconfront them with tranquilizers. The

problem is that he had about three bodyguards with him, soit became brawl pretty quick. Garnow got away by running to whoever was waiting him with his ride.It means that we have to act fast and in bestcase, get tip's about their escape ride's whereabouts."Judy took a breath and continued."My best bet is that he is meeting someone at the bar. They walk out of the back doorafter they are done talking. After that they find the local alley like our's, away from curious eye's andstart doing the transactions and deals, whatever they are. We follow them and wait for the right moment.We keep out of sight until it's time to act and arrest every single one of them right on the spot.Best way is to tell them to get on the ground but that always goes out of the question.They always start running or fighting. Once they do that, we kick their butt's, handcuff them andsecure all their illegal possessions. Easy peasy, done and done."Judy stared at Nick who was watching her with his mouth wide open, clearly very impressed."Aaaaand how many times have you done cases like this again?""About ten.""Ok, i will definitely follow your lead fluff.""Ummm Nick...""Yeah?""I know you can do this."Nick smiled to her and reached for his shades."Don't worry carrots. I'll back you up if things get-"Nick put on his shades and grinned to the rabbit."Frosty.""....Nick seriously?" Judy rolled her eye's but could not help but to laugh."Get it? Because we are in Tundra t-""Yes i understood Nick.""I got another one-""Don't."It had been quite a long night. They had already waited for two hour's in the car. There was no sight of Jack.Nick was just rubbing his paws together and took another sip of his coffee. Judy was just alert as ever,looking around the bar. The more the night progressed, the wilder the action got. Nick really had to talkJudy out of arresting so many mammals front of the Bernie's, that it got amusing. About three fights,absolute trashing everywhere, urinating in every corner and disturbing the peace with constant yellingto almost anyone walking by. It was time to take Judy's attention to somewhere else, just for her sake.Nick cleared his throat after taking his gaze out of the phone screen."Do they usually consider giving cases like these for new recruits, or is it just me?Don't get me wrong, this is exciting but it just did not seem like normal task to give for someone who justjoined the force day

ago.""Oh ummm, I have told Bogo on detail how we solved the night howler case after all. I also told about your great progress in the academy, and since you also have skills that all of the cops may not posses,Bogo was eager to see if you are ready for field work like this as soon as possible.It's time for you to start earning your reputation Nick, i truly do believe you might become one of the best."Nick smiled and stared at her with that melting flirty gaze of his again."I posses skills that many cops do not? Enlighten me carrots.""Well...They told me that you were quite fast runner in the academy. I actually came to followyou running the track couple of times. I was at the academy to give speeches for the new recruits and i sometimes sawyou on the obstacle tracks.""So you are admitting stalking me while i ran on the track all sweaty and sometimes without a shirt youuu naughty bunny.."Judy's cheeks and ears turned red as she took her gaze out of his alluring eye's."No. I was watching your progress. In professional matter.""Mmmhm.""Also you know how to talk to animals and make solutions that might have great outcome's... Like with Flash and such...""Keep going..." Nick spoke warmly and moved his face always a bit closer to her."You are enjoying this aren't you?""Come on... It was getting good. Don't stop now.""You are horrible.""That is hardly a trait that would qualify as a police skill."Judy could not hold her giggle anymore. This fox always drove her insane and knew how to make her laugh."Fine. You also know things considering crime side. It might come in handy since... Well.. You have done these kind of things too.""Mmmmhh.... Wait what?" Nick took a bit time to understand and he leaned back. Judy look'd at his way and saw that Nick look'd a bit.. Angry?"Carrots. What did you mean?""I uhh... Meant that... You really did not just do illegal ice cream business. You must have done something else too.""What make's you think that?""I...""Who has told you these things?" Nick sounded a bit angry now.Judy look's a bit embarrassed and clearly wanted to change subject."...Judy."He used her name. Oh sweet cheese and crackers.".....Mister big."Nick's jaw dropped and for a moment he look'd really scared.He stuttered a bit before looking at Judy with a bit concerned look now."Wh-why have you been talking with him? Judy, he is someone you don't want to get involved

with!""Nick. I am a grandmother to her granddaughter. I visit her every month. Me and Fru Fru are really close.Mister Big is not as evil as you might think. I have talk'd quite lot with him and he has even help'd me with some cases.This is his territory anyway. He was the one who informed us about Jack. Well... He called me and told that if we do not catch this Garnow guy this night and put him behind bars, he will find him and ice him himself. Whatever he did to mister Big, it was bad. Probably stole some money for him.So i convinced him that something like that was not going to happen and that we were going to make sure that we catch him."This did not answer Nick's question but he had to ask."Carrots. What is ZPD's view on this? Do they know that mister Big help's you and ZPD with cases?""....Chief does.""And he allows it? He allows you to take help from one of the biggest crime bosses in Zootopia, who even threatens to ice civilians trough phone."HE TRIED TO ICE US."Judy look'd a bit sad now. She knew deep down that it was true."I know Nick. But what can i do? I know we should eventually go after him and his operation's. But it would take year's.Besides i'm like family to him now. I have tried to fish out details about what kind of crime's his family have been doing but for all i know,It's mostly about... Smuggling electronics, printing fake money. Dealing lot of car's without taxes and some of them are probably stolen.I know that it does not sound good but... It does not truly hurt anyone. It does not break apart families or destroy life's. Those are most concerning. It is all crime, i know.And as much as i would like to obey the law in this... It does not work that way. He might do these things but he is not a bad person. And he is way too smart to do mistakes.Like you. You may have been on the other side of the law most of your life but... I trust you too Nick. You are my best friend."Nick was a bit taken aback with all this information and saw that Judy was desperately waiting for some kind of reply.He could never be truly angry to her. He had once been and it was the emotion he did not want to feel against her ever again.The fox sighed deeply and spoke."Fair enough Whiskers. I did not know all this. I'm sorry. But... You still did not answer my question.""Huh?" "What did mister Big tell you about me?""Oh.. Umm... I might have ask'd out of curiosity that.. Well since he knew most of the criminal activities and names around Zootopia,i ask'd if he knew more about... You. He told me that you were usually a low profile hustler. He told me that you were quite a big namein the Savannah's streets with Finnick and

someone called Ben and Mike. He said that when you were twenty you and your crew made quitea lot of money by doing hustles. You were all famous for many years and stuff... He told me that it was mostly clever con's andselling stolen good's... Stuff like that.."Nick was face pawing himself as he was listening Judy talk."You should have never known these things.""Nick. I do not judge you. Look at yourself and see where you are now. None of that matters anymore. Not to me.You are twenty eight year's old. There is so much good that you can still do. Others might see a sly and criminal foxbut to me and for the ZPD you are promising police officer, who has live'd umm... Colorful life? That's all."Nick raised his head from his paw and look'd at Judy and the annoyed expression slowly turned to smile."... You really are good with the moral speeches, aren't you fluff?""Thanks." Judy said and smiled, knowing that she had not made Nick angry."So... You really are comfortable around suave and sly ex criminal fox like me?" Nick was on that attitude again."Whatever slick." Judy giggled."You know you love-""Jack.""What?""Jack Garlow. I see him."Nick turned his gaze to the front of the bar like lightning and saw a panther approach Bernie's on a grey winter coat, with two unknown dog's on his both sides.Clearly his security. The other dog was grey of fur and the other had golden one. The one with the golden fur was carrying some kind of suitcase. It was hard to see facial features from so far.Judy took the radio off her belt and pressed the button."This is officer Hopps to headquarters, i have visual on Jack Garlow. I repeat, i have visual on the suspect. Do i have permission to proceed with standard protocol?"Judy took her claw off the button and after a while Clawhouser's voice answered."Officer Hopps, you are clear to engage the suspect, proceed with caution, over.""Will do, Hopps out."Judy placed the mic on her belt and look'd at Nick."...That was so cool.""I know. You ready to go get the bad guys slick?""Don't worry, you could call my nerves.... Ice cold.""Stop it." Judy laughed as they exited the van and embraced the cold night air._____________________________________NEAR THE BACKDOOR OF THE BERNIE'S / 22:00____________________________________________The fox and the bunny both stayed out of the sight behind the giant dumpster, occasionally peeking over to see if

there was anyone leaving.After a while Nick whispered."Carrot's how are you so sure that they use the backdoor?""They always do. It's like they never think outside of the box... It's always the backdoor." Judy said, her tone completely sure about herself."If you say so. We have been here for like fifteen minutes already, i'm just saying that it would be really awkward if they-""Shhh! I see them."They both hid behind the dumpster and tried to hear the conversation.Unknown voice spoke with cocky tone."Boss. You sure that we can trust this guy? If he plays dirty, i'll make sure he get's the knife.Deep and raspy voice spoke next. It sounded like combination of too much cigars and whiskey."You will do no such thing. I know Steve. He is like right hand of Mister Jones. And you know that Jones does not tolerate dirty deals when it comes to business."Talking with authority. This had to be Jack Garnow."If you say so boss.""Boss, if i may ask... What are we dealing with them? This suitcase is so light." unknown curious voice spoke.Nick's ears perked up and he turned his gaze to Judy, who just was writing down all the conversations and names she had heard.Nick was about to say that identified the voice but could not believe it to be true. They kept listening."It should not concern you Mike. The less you know the better."Nick's ears perked up again. Now he was completely sure of it.He whispered to Judy as quietly as he couldas he saw Judy write name "Mike?" on the notepad."I know one of them.""...Who?""..Mike... He is the dog with the golden fur. The guy who was part of my crew.He was...  Still is one of my best friends.I had no idea he was involved in things like this." Nick look'd genuinely a bit concerned for his friend.It was really hard to believe. He had not been in contact with him over a year but he still knew Mike well.This was going to be awkward.Judy took a peek of the three and hid just as quickly."We have to arrest him too Nick. I know it might be hard, but if he is involved in something big,it needs to happen.""... I know." Nick said and took a peek quickly."What on earth have you gotten mixed up with?" Nick thought as he saw his childhood friend with the two.Suddenly the phone of one of the three rang and it was answered immediately.The call was very quick but quiet, so they could not make any sense of it.After about ten seconds the cocky tone was heard.The grey dog was talking again."I got call from Roger. The getaway drive is waiting for us just in case next to Evergreen club two blocks away.""Good, even though i doubt we need it. Let's go."Judy immediately wrote the address down and peek'd over.All three were walking away and disappeared behind the next corner on the left."Let's go! Judy motioned Nick to follow as they ran their back's against the corner and Judy peek'd to see the street.They were not in the hurry it seemed. If only they knew the place where the deal was going to happen,they could be there to surprise them. They were going to have to do this the hard way.All three were walking about seven meters away from them, making their way rather slowly ahead the street.Judy took her mic from her belt and spoke."Officer Hopps to headquarters, i am on silent pursuit. The suspects have a getaway car waiting themnext to Evergreen club, two blocks away from our location. I require assistance in that location fromany nearby units, ready to roll in on my mark, over."Nick was just silently admiring Judy in her super cop state.She really knew what she was doing."Assistance will be provided, over and out." Benjamin answered trough the mic."Let's get going. remember Nick, just like when we found the missing mammals. Silent as a shadow.""If i remember correctly, we started the alarm-""Details." Judy snorted and smiled.They were both hiding behind the cars as they approached the trio. Slowly and silently, there were picking up the distance.The big blue van was covering them as Nick slowly peek'd and saw all three standing near the bus stop. Why on earth were they just standing there?Jack was telling something for the two but Judy and Nick were on the other side of the street, so hearing the conversation was impossible.Nick quietly spoke."Carrots, what do you think they are tal-"Nick stop'd mid sentence and saw that no one was next to him anymore. Where on earth did she go?The fox peek'd again at the bus stop and his heart skipped as he saw Judy on the other side of the street,behind yellow sport scar. She was listening the conversation merely four meters away from all three.After a while, Judy made sure that she was not seen and crossed the road back to Nick's side from ten meters away from the three.She arrived next to Nick and spoke."I'm sorry Nick but i had to know what they talked about.""Next time just inform me that you will do something like that, you almost gave me hearth attack fluff." Nick said half seriously and half joking."Sorry Nick. I did find out why they

are standing at the bus stop though. The deal is suppose to happen on that alley next to them. See that one?"Nick took a look carefully and saw big alley only small walk away from the bus stop."The thing is, Jack said that the guy he called "Steve" will arrive to the alley in five minutes. They are very precise with the time stamps, i give them that.""Good work fluff. So it's five minutes to action.""Yeah. Only if we had better point to look at what is going on. We need element of surprise and this is the best distance we can do without risk of alerting them."Nick pondered the words and peek'd again and laid his eye's on the alley. He scanned the area as best as he could. Two trashcans. No windows. Broken lamp on the wall.enough space for a lot of mammals. Dirty. trash all around, sewer hole. Only two ways to escape. Other leading back to Bernie's side street. Wait. The sewer!"Carrots, i have an idea.""... I'm all ears." Judy sounded interested."The sewer lid. if we circle around and come from the other side of the alley,we can hide in there. It's a perfect hiding place if we plan an ambush.They would never see it coming." "...Nick... That is genius! Great thinking partner!" Judy proudly stated."At this rate they should promote me.""Now you are overdoing it. We have to be fast now! We have only three minutes left!"___________________________THE ALLEY__________________They were both hanging from the metal ladder, inside dim lighted hole. Judy was occasionally peeking out carefully, to see if the deal was already going down.The sewer stank quite a lot. So much that Nick complained about it by whispering all the time."Any minute now Nick. Be ready.""It stinks.""Stop being such a kit, it's not that bad.""It will glue to my fur and won't ever leave.""This was your idea slick, stop complaining."After silent moment Nick spoke in warm tone."I do have one awesome perk though.""What's that?""I have the most... stunning and frisky view from here..."Judy took a moment to understand and she turned red as tomato in seconds."Sweet cheese and crackers, NICK!""Gives me all kind of ideas-""You-""Me.""Ugh! It almost sounds like you planned thison purpose."There came a moment of silence and Judy immediatelyturned her gaze to look at widely grinning Nick under herwith half

lidded eye's looking back at hers. "NICK YOU PERVERTED-""Carrots. I can hear a car. You should peek and see what's going on.Focus now." He snickered."I swear i will kill you later you dumb fox..." Judy muttered as she peek'd out.The deal was on. Judy was three meters away. She had perfect view.Jack was standing on her right side with both dogs beside him.On the right side Judy could see a... Bunny? The buck wasdressed on stylish black suit with red tie. This had to be Steve,since like Jack, he had two Elk's with him as protection too.Judy closed the lid as slowly as she could and look'd at Nick."It's showtime. There is six of them. We can take them.Shoot if you have to and use the rapid stun mode. This is it. You ready?"Now Nick's smile vanished and he gave serious and professional nod."Let's get them partner."Judy slowly peek'd out and saw Steve open the case and showing what it held. Judy saw that there was incredible amount of money inside the case.She was certain that she had seen enough and she moved the lid off fast and jumped out of the sewer, pulling her tranquilizer out and pointing at the crowd front of her.All of the six froze on the spot like statues."ZPD! NOBODY MOVE A MUSCLE! PAWS IN THE GROUND! RIGHT NOW!"Nick hopped out of the sewer, pointing his gun just like Judy."OH NO FREAKING WAY, IT'S HOPPS! EVERYONE DO AS SHE SAYS OR WE ARE SCREWED " Mike yelled, voice full of frustration and fear."You were not kidding about the reputation after all." Nick said quietly and smirked."Wait what the hell?! NICK?!" Mike ask'd with his voice full of disbelief.Nick's expression staid natural and he did not answer."Everyone just get on the ground! We can do this easy or the har-""Let's see if you really are as good as they say Hopps. I choose the hard way. Roy." Jack snapped his fingers as a signal."My pleasure." Roy said and took knife to his both hands from his coat.Jack grabbed the suitcase from Mike's paw and yelled Steve to follow him."I got car for us Steven, let's get out of here!"The rabbit nodded and started running with the jaguar."Always the hard way" Judy grinned.Nick and Judy blasted their guns at the same time.Judy shot down the another elk and Nick shot Mike."Sorry buddy." Nick whispered as the shock hit his friend.Both of them fell down like stone from the impact.Their gun was now empty from the

power, meaning that it needed about twenty seconds for another full charge.Only the elk and Roy left. But they acted quickly.Roy took a look at Mike on the ground and gave disappointed look.His eye's were filled with blood lust and challenge as he turned his gaze to the officers, with their guns empty of charge."The fox is mine. You take the rabbit." Roy stated coldly and smiled.Nick was very nervous. He did pass the training of fighting against armed animal, but it was against someone who did not have lot of experience with knifes.And this dog knew how to use them. The hunger he had in his eye's as he approached, swinging the butterfly knifes in his hands like expert.Suddenly he threw other one straight at Nick's way on full speed. Nick barely dodged it as reflex, making a small cut on his cheek and piercing the trashcan behind him."Let's give that another shot, won't we officer?" Roy stated as he still approached and pulled another knife from his side coat. How many knifes does this guy carry?!"Oh boy." Nick stated as Roy leaped to attack him.The elk ran straight towards Judy on full force. Judy expected this and jumped out of the way just in time.The gangster hit his head on the brick wall and turned around, even more angry than he was. He tried to take a swing at her but Judy dodged and took distance and settled in some kindof martial art styled posture."I already told you. We can do this the easy or the hard way." Judy calmly stated.The elk now roared with mocking laugh."You little pathetic carrot eating cocky little-" The elk took a powerful kick aimed at Judy.She quickly dodged the kick and leg swiped the elk as much as power she had in her rabbit leg. The elk fell down on his back and hit his head on the concrete.He fell unconscious immediately. Judy hopped from the ground, pleased with the outcome. Now only the dog to deal with... NICK!As Roy jumped Nick, the fox leaned back from the knife swing, only few inches away from his face. The other swing came right after even faster, aiming at his stomach.This is something he was not trained against. This dog fought way too deadly and fast. Nick quickly grabbed the nearby trashcans lid and used it as a shield.He blocked hit after hit in complete panic and moved back after each swipe. Suddenly Nick felt something behind his feet. He felt his hearth skip a beat ashe slipped from the beer can on the ground, completely losing his balance. He fell on the ground with loud thud and felt the impact take the air out of him, making himgasp loudly.Nick raised the damaged lid in defense and suddenly saw

the knife come trough it, like the metal was just butter. This was Nick's moment. He acted out of the reflex andgave a lid a spin, with knife still trough it, making it fly next to them and same time disarming the dog from his other knife. Nick took the moment of confusion from Royto his advantage and kicked him with both of his feet straight to Roy's face. The dog backed away in pain and look'd at Nick with murderous look as his nose was bleeding."You are going to become my stab sack for that one you fucking-"ZAP!Small lighting projectile hit Roy in his side and he fell front of Nick like stone.It took moment for Nick to understand what had happened.He stared at Judy who was pointing at the fallen dog with her tranquilizer, with cocky smile on.Nick was still in bit of heat of adrenaline and he spoke."Carrots. You saved my life.""I'm sure you had it under control. Besides, that is what we do at the ZWOWOWO Wait Nick! Garlow!" Judy realized suddenly and took her radio out.Judy motioned Nick to start running with her after Jack and Steve right away.Nick collected himself and they exited the alley and ran towards the Evergreen club.Judy spoke to radio as they ran fast side by side on the street."Judy to headquarters! Two suspects approaching the escape mobile on foot! All units on full alert!Block their escape and use tranquilizers if you have to! They started running about one minute agoso they are there any moment now! Also we have four unconscious suspects on the Bernie street five,send the nearby units to collect them as fast as possible!""Understood, telling units to move in straight on sight when they arrive to the car.We also have Officer Wolford and Higgins near the area, i inform them to pick up the suspects. Over and out."  Clawhouser answered."Hopps out." Judy answered and pulled the radio to her waist."Well this is going well!" Nick huffed breath as they ran their way towards Jack and Steve._______________________________________________FRONT OF THE EVERGREEN CLUB / TUNDRA TOWN / 22:45______________________________________________________Nick and Judy arrived to the scene and saw that the place was swarming with police all over.They could see all the civilians taking photos of the scene. As they arrived to the car,the mammals started to scream and yell in awe and snap pictures of Nick and Judy.Judy could care less about them right now. The police ordered everyone to go back inside the cluband let the police continue their work in peace. Judy and Nick saw panther and the buck on the ground,both in cuffs and

panther ranting like last day on earth. Next to the two, stood Oliver and Grizoli.Nick smiled as he approached the wolf and spoke."Well how about that buddy. You got them.""These two put on hell of a fight. The panther here gave Roger a black eye while he was cuffing him.All he's being yelling forever is how he is going to get us all killed for this. Such a sunshine this one." Oliver smirked."Fuck you all!" Jack roared on the ground."That is quite enough of you Garlow. Don't make us Tranq you." Judy stated."Burn in hell!""The manners. That is not how you talk to a lady." Nick smiled."You are dead fox. You are all dead!""Shut up idiot and get in the car." Grizoli said and lifted the panther from the ground and stuffed him in the back of the car.The buck had not said a single thing as he laid on the ground."Well at least this one is not as loud as the other." Oliver chuckled.Suddenly He spoke."Hopps."Everyone look'd at the buck and Judy had puzzled look on her."Yeah?" Judy ask'd."You have no idea what you have involved in." The buck spoke with serious tone."Enlighten me then." Judy smiled.The buck stared at her and spoke no more."Hopps." Grizoli spoke. His voice was full of dread.Everyone turned to look at Grizoli. He Was showing the opened suitcase to the officers.The suitcase was full of night howler flowers. Stacked top on top neatly in plastic bags.

Two against the world (Ep 4)

                   Episode 4                "Quite a catch"___________________ZPD STATION/ 23:30___________________________Benjamin Clawhouser stared as the slide doors opened and unleashed a complete chaos inside the hall.The first thing he saw was...

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Two against the world (Ep 2)

                               Episode 2                             "What a day"The slide doors open'd up as the fox entered the ZPD hall. The area was on full speed with officers making their way from place to place. The sound of conversationsaround...

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Two against the world

                                             Episode 1                                     "Bright time's ahead"The warming morning sun peek'd trough the dark green curtains of quiet apartment, making it's way slowly to the bed. The red furred fox felt...

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