Girl Into Anthro Chipmunk

Story by Pawsclawz189 on SoFurry


a teenager who wants to be a chef, and unique with her food comes across a little furry problem..

Alice is a 14 year old girl, and she wanted to be a chef. and she wanted to be one really badly. she was always inspired by her mother cooking up dinner every night, or when her father would use the grill outside to whip up some burgers or hot dogs. or just simply sticking something in the microwave and toaster. either way, she loved it. and today, she was planning on making desert for her parents at night. a special type of cake that she would want to throw all of her creativity on. problem was, she had a little trouble. she sat in the kitchen, tapping her pencil against her notebook.

*"mmm....something new..something new....coconut cake with pineapple?...nah....Lemon cake with peanut butter?...ew, yuck.." *

*she says to herself, shaking her head with each thought. she decided to go outside to think better. she picked up her notebook and opened the door leading to her backyard. she was immediately welcomed by a bunch of squirrels and chipmunks in her trees, all chewing on acorns. she watches them with a smile on her face. *

"aw..cuties......wait a minute.." she says, suddenly realizing what she could use. she walks up to the tree and bends down to the grass.

"acorns! that's it! Vanilla acorn cake!" she smiles a lot once she found her idea, and picks up six acorns. the chipmunks squeaked at her, probably angry for her taking them. she softly chuckles.

"Aw..sorry guys! i'll pay ya back!" she says, rushing back inside to start on her cake. she lays the acorns in a bowl and opens the drawers to get the vanilla icing. she stops when she started to feel a little weird. almost dizzy. she blinks and shakes her head, and takes out a spoon. as she was pouring the icing into a mixing cup, she kept peeking at the bowl full of acorns.

*"is it even safe to eat?...let me see.." she says, grabbing one and popping it into her mouth. she crunches down into it and begins chewing. *

"'s not bad...just needs the icing." she says, nodding. as soon as she swallows it, she freezes and stares off into space. she stands back from the kitchen counter and collapses onto the floor. she starts to moan, feeling a hot body temperature rise throughout her.

*"What's...happening to me?..." she says, watching her skin start to sweat. she starts crawling across the kitchen floor, weakly, before stopping to see light brown hairs sprouting out her arms. she gasps and watches it grow, quickly becoming fur. it was like watching grass growing in fast motion. she starts to pant, and sees her fingers shrinking and becoming a little more stubby. *

*"Oh my god!" she yells out, feeling discomfort in her feet. she looks down at them to see her toes twisting and merging around. her toenails sharpen to tiny little claws. her big toe slides down to the sides, becoming almost hand like. they tear her sandals off her feet with loud snap sounds. she wiggles her new toes, watching the fur grow all over them and up her legs. *

"I'm turning into a chipmunk!.." she says, feeling her ears stretch upwards to the top of her head. she pouts and crosses her arms. "Man, I knew i shouldn't have eaten that!"

*she sits down in the kitchen table, letting the changes take over her. the fur covers her body from head to toe. the back of her panties and jeans rip slightly as her spine extends into a long fluffy chipmunk tail. she twitches it, and watches it. *

*"I guess that's pretty cool.." she says, starting to accept her transformation. she opens up her mouth and feels her front teeth sharpening to buck teeth. *

"Ah..wait...ow.." she grunts and closes her eyes, her face cracking and stretching out into a small muzzle. she digs her fingers into the table and groans.

"Ah!..nngh!...please..finish!" she squeals, with one more final crack, her transformation was finished. she twitches her new pink nose and looks at the mirror to see herself.

"'m a..human sized chipmunk....."

she touches her hand to her furry cheek, flicking her tail. she gasps.

"HEY! I'm unique! i'm creative! when was the last time anyone's seen a chipmunk chef?" she says, grabbing her bowl and running outside, testing her new chipmunk feet. she places the acorns on the grass and squeaks at the others.

"I'm sorry for taking these! you for changing me!" she thanks them. a male chipmunk jumps down next to her.

"yeah, yeah, you said you'll pay back. what will you do for us?" he says.

"" she places a finger to her little furry chin. "i could get more acorns?"

"make it five acorns, and eight nuts for the squirrels." he says.

"Done." she smiles and bounces off back to the house to greet her parents, as a completely new being.