Clearwater Chronicles Chapter Three: The Dens Pt. One

Story by Jeremiah_Nightwolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Clearwater Chronicles

We arrive at The Dens, a place where the term underground is a bit more literal than you may be used to. We meet new characters, see a bit of steam from our hero, and begin our first arc. There may be more going on in The Dens than even the Denizens are aware of!

Of all the forms of transportation that exist, Jared loved trains the most. His favorites were the speedy electric trains that usually traveled underground. When he was a small boy he had always wanted to be a driver, traveling from one station to the next enjoying the fast moving scenery and the feel of the train rumbling beneath him. That dream fell apart after he moved to a town without such transportation, and he found the busses he had to travel on uncomfortable. He had no desire to drive trains once he grew older and forgot his love for the metal snakes that inspired him as a boy. It seemed that love had never died in his heart, because even now as he rode a speedy rail out of Central Command City he could hardly keep the contented smile off his face.

He was seated on a standard bench seat next to the window with Elu by his side to keep him company. Nyoka had decided to stay in the city for the time being to help set up their offices in the tower, so that left the furry pair alone for the ride out of town. From what Jared had learned by looking at maps and signs, they were on the A Line express train to The Dens. Elu had explained that The Dens was a district outside the city that housed several species of people who tend to live underground or partially underground. The main difference between The Dens district and The Caves were that while both were subterranean, one was primarily made of stone while the other was packed dirt with wood supports, like a mine shaft. Jared was eager to see both, The Dens because he was curious to see where his new companion lived, and The Caves because that was where his own people were. It was odd for him to think of these people as his own, but there was no point wasting his energy trying to deny it.

Stay strong, keep moving, and never let them see what gets to you.

_ _

Jared remembered the words of his late father fondly before he was broken from his reverie by the soft voice of Elu speaking, "Jared, how are you feeling?"

"I'm all right I suppose, all things considered. Why do you ask?"

Elu tilted her head as she regarded him with a calculating gaze, "Most humans who are... changed... have trouble adjusting to their new bodies. Often times we must put them through intense physical therapy to help them with their muscle memory and size difference. It is more prominent in males, so I was curious how you are coping."

Jared decided to take a moment to think before just blurting out some kind of idiotic machismo about being a tough male with no need for worries. He felt out each part of his new anatomy one at a time while trying to not look strange on a train full of animalians. From head to toe he felt like every movement was natural, almost ingrained into him. It was odd to really examine how he felt each piece of his body react to his mental commands. His ears and tail were the most bizarre changes, and even those felt natural to him.

"Well... I know you won't believe me, but I can honestly say that I feel pretty good. I was worried about the tail and trying to figure out how to keep my balance with it, but it seems fine so far. I am a little taller than before, but so far I haven't hit any doorways or low tree branches. My tongue is so long now... it feels much more dexterous and my taste reception is more defined. The only trouble I am having is keeping my nose from burning when I smell perfume or cologne. That rabbit I scared half to death back at Command nearly had me wanting to punch my nose." Jared finished his analysis with a slight chuckle.

Elu couldn't help giggling at his last comment, and she was glad that he had honestly given her question some thought. She was very impressed by his adaptability and her pride in choosing him over the other candidates soared even higher. The vixen scooted closer to Jared and brought her paws up to his face. Jared stared at her face while she seemed to examine his snout and muzzle. Her warm breaths tickled at his nose and chin, and he found himself blushing lightly. If Elu noticed his sudden bashful look she was polite enough to not point it out, though he thought he might have seen a very faint smirk.

Why do you sit and allow such a fine female to touch you without dominating her and-

_ _

'Not you again, I thought you went back to hell.'

_ _

...Kiss her.

_ _


_ _

Kiss the vixen, you idiot. Stop acting like an Omega, and start behaving like a proper Alpha.

_ _

"Well I'm no doctor, but I think that everything seems in place. Adjusting to the enhanced senses will take time and practice, but it is doable. If you want, I can set up an appointment with your personal doctor." Elu spoke kindly while smiling warmly at her new boss.

Jared took a moment to think, but didn't put all the pieces together before speaking, "Uhh, my personal doctor? Since when do I have a personal doctor?"

"Doctor Angel Clawfield was assigned as your personal doctor the moment she agreed to aid in your Acclimation process. Until you have settled down and are more familiar with Clearwater, it would be wise to keep with those you are familiar with." Elu explained, happy to be of assistance rather than annoyed with his seemingly obvious question.

"Ah, the grabby cat lady. Okay, I will keep seeing her. Don't know if my little smeller problem is something I need to waste her time for though... better to schedule an appointment for a routine check up in a week or two for the sake of keeping my health records updated." Jared replied simply after deducting what he thought would be best.

Elu was impressed with his reasoning, but froze when she registered what he had said, "The... grabby cat lady?"

Jared snorted, "Yeah, Angel was very thorough during my examination. All my years going to doctors I have never had so many parts of my body touched, rubbed, or just plain groped before. She even had to examine more... delicate areas. I've always been good at the doctor's, so I got through with only minor blushing."

Elu suddenly became very bashful, and glanced around the train as if looking for something. Jared noticed her suddenly nod to herself as if she had been going through a mental check list or routine, and then she spoke very softly while maintaining a suspiciously calm tone, "What exactly did she check when she examined your... delicate areas?"

Jared was a little taken aback by her curiosity, and he suddenly found her gaze difficult to return. A heated blush dusted his face and he hoped against hope that the thin black fur of his face covered it up from the distance she was. He coughed into his paw softly to try and clear the trepidation from his voice, "Well, she had to examine the functionality of my reproductive organs. It was incredibly awkward, but she was very respectful. Her touch lingered longer than I think was needed, but that may just have been my own wariness getting the best of me."

Elu looked away for a moment to fight down the blush that had rushed to her face. She quietly thanked whatever God gave her fur because she would hate to be human right then. After a moment she found her curiosity was still burning strong. The question came out before she could stop it, "And the results of her exam?"

"She... got the physiological response that she was hoping for. When she checked the sample that she took she was happy to proclaim that I was a fully functional male..." Jared replied while rubbing the scruff of his neck.

Elu was quiet for a long moment before, "S-sample? She took a sample? Am I safe to assume that she...?"

"Yes, it was a very..." Jared lost the words to finish his thought as he stared out of the window into the sudden darkness of the tunnel that led our of the large volcanic crater which housed the large city, "She was gentle and professional when she took the sample. I did most of the work, but having someone watch was probably the most terrifying experience of all time."

"I-I would imagine so, Jared. I am sorry about that, but it was all necessary to be sure that you could help produce a healthy new generation for our people. I imagine you will have many offers among the clans once your identity is officially announced." Elu was glad to hear that Angel hadn't violated the man too badly, even if she was secretly visualizing it for her own personal perverted pleasure.

Jared took a long moment to process what the vixen had just told him, and as realization sunk in he let a horrified look cross his face, "Offers? Did you just say offers? Offers of what exactly?"

"Jared, you are an Alpha Commander. People will want to add such strong genes to their clans. You will likely be offered females from several mammalian clans in hopes of generating Alpha offspring." Elu sounded a bit annoyed by what she was saying, but Jared was hardly paying attention to her tone while she spoke such blasphemous things.

"You have got to be pulling my tail here Beautiful. I mean, wolves mate for life, right? I can't fight my instincts and go off messing about like some... some... chauvinist!" Jared spoke indignantly, hissing out the last few words to try and keep his voice down after getting a weird look from another commuter.

"I can appreciate where you are coming from, and as a side note I am impressed with your knowledge of animal behavior in nature, but this is not nature and we are not the animals that you know. As the last true Alpha we have, it falls to you to at least attempt to produce one Alpha offspring. Your instincts will most certainly be hardwired to seek out potential mates as you grow accustomed to your new body." Elu spoke with a matter of fact tone that left Jared's right eye twitching slightly.

"That's just great; all I need is that damn voice telling me to do things to more people..." Jared grumbled to himself as he sat with his arm crossed and an annoyed look plastered on his muzzle.

Curiosity got the best of the vixen again as she nervously queried, "Voice? More people?"

Jared sighed, forgetting that she had been within earshot, "My instincts are like a voice in my head that pretty much just gives words to describe the urges that I am feeling. And it won't shut up when I am around y... some people."

Jared held onto the hope that Elu hadn't caught his tiny slip up, right until she said, "Who?"

Steeling himself for the consequences of telling the truth, he spoke in an even tone to try and maintain a steady voice, "So far it has only spoken about you."

For a moment Jared thought he was in the clear because she had remained silent. He didn't dare look her way in hopes that if he kept an aloof demeanor she wouldn't be tempted to delve deeper. Fate chuckled from her perch in the heavens at the young wolf's naiveté while she wove the threads slowly, observing all the wonderful awkward moments to come.

"What about me?"

That was not what Jared had been hoping for, not at all. His body heat rose and he felt the urge to pant, which he assumed would be the equivalent of sweating bullets if he still had sweat glands. Swallowing all of his trepidation down he tried to figure out the best way to tell her. Blunt honesty seemed to be the best option, because if he lied he could accidentally hurt her feelings later. Every fiber of his male being was telling him this was a trap and to lie his way out of it. And of course the wonderful voice of reason whispering sweet nothings into his mind helped very little.

Take the vixen and claim her lips so she may feel rewarded for her actions thus far to serve you-

_ _

Jared shook his head to clear the cobwebs and then cleared his throat, "Do you really want to know? I can't lie to you if you are sure."

For a moment he thought she might take back her request, and save him the trouble, but instead she gave a firm nod while displaying a dazzling smile, "Yes, and thank you for your honesty."

'Shit ass and balls...'

_ _

"Well my damned instincts keep telling me to... to take you and claim you. It demands that I be more dominant and take my proper place. It has been urging me to kiss you since we got on the train."

Years later, while sitting in his home office sipping a cup of tea, he would think fondly of his life experiences with a soft smile. When he turned to his personal computer to continue writing his own biography, he would be hard pressed to describe the tense silence that pervaded the train on that day so any years in his past. It was like nothing he had ever felt before. The very air seemed to gain a weight that it normally never held. The rustling hustle and bustle of the train seemed to dull, and smaller more minute things became more prominent. One of the light fixtures above their seat would flicker as if the bulb was loose emitting a small clinking sound every time the train hit a particularly harsh bump. A sleeping child nearby seemed to have a slight cold as indicated by the strangely loud wheezing breaths she took into her tiny nose. Jared began to salivate as a sudden feverish heat forced him to let out a single panting breath before he regained control of his body.

When the black wolf dared to look back toward his companion he was both confused and worried. Her face, though covered with fur, seemed to glow a radiant red. He was confused by the strange pained expression that accompanied the odd change in color. It was obvious that he had embarrassed the poor vixen, and usually he would love teasing a girl that he had gotten to blush, especially when they were directly responsible for their own predicament. That look on her face stopped such juvenile shenanigans before he could think of such things. He would have been more subtle or smooth had he not been under the impression that such things were normal for animalians. Causing such awkward situations and making women uncomfortable were precisely the reasons he chose to be more of an introvert.

"Hey B-... Elu, listen I'm sorry if I upset you. I should have been a bit more tactful. I hope you aren't too angry with me; don't want it to affect our work." Jared's voice was quiet, reserved even. He didn't want to make a scene, so he decided to try and diffuse the situation with a hushed voice.

While Jared sat is fear of his own assumed indecent behavior, Elu was focused within herself. She had been eager to hear what was going on inside the mind of her new boss. She had never personally been involved in the Acclimation process of her department, mostly specializing in the Acquisition of targets that wandered too close to their home. Her rise through the ranks was mostly due to her family connections, though she was by no means unskilled at her job. Being able to go out into the field, even so far as infiltrating the human society to acquire a specific target, had been the most exciting experience of her life. When she was given the opportunity to aid in the Acclimation process she leapt at it with gusto. In her rush to learn and discover new things during this critical time with Jared, she didn't consider the consequences of her curiosity.

The cost of her questioning had finally caught up with her. What made matters worse for her were her own instincts that had been subtly trying to convince her to take certain actions. Up until their current conversation the urges had been simple. She found her body urging her to obey commands, follow instructions from the wolf, and to feel secure in his presence. The latest of those was one that confused her to no end. For all intents and purposes they knew next to nothing about each other, and yet, her instincts told her that so long as she held his favor she would be safe. The thought had brought a few smiles to her face when there was no reason for her to feel happy. Being near him brought out such strange emotions in her, ones that had only ever once been felt during a brief time in her teenage hormonal years.

The whole thing left her a mess inside. Despite everything going on in her head, she could keep up a strong front and that was something she was thankful for. But, as with all good things, that came to a crashing end when she heard her companion tell her what his urges had been focused on. Hearing his honest words had awoken something inside her that immediately brought her resistance under heavy bombardment, and it was as if a voice were speaking inside her mind.

Your Alpha is pleased with you. He favors you. Submit to him.

_ _

'What is happening to me...? Why do I feel so strange?'

_ _

He desires your lips, your taste on his tongue. You must not disappoint. Take your place at his feet, and give your body to him. You are his.

_ _

'No, not again... I can't give myself to anyone. I am my own vixen. I am cunning. I am strong. I am his... wait, what?'

_ _

That final thought had been enough to confuse and alarm her, and had unintentionally caused her outward grimace. She was not in pain; it was more just the tense struggle of trying to keep her mind and body under control. She was most certainly a strong female fox. No primal urges were going to break her will and turn her into some fawning kit clawing at a male... no matter how attractive they were with their deep black coat, with all of those defined muscles hidden beneath, and those icy blue eyes that shined like the moon...

'Fuck where is my head today?!!'

_ _

When she heard Jared speak she felt her mind snap back into reality, mostly due to the worried tone of his voice. When she looked at his face and saw the pained and wary look he wore it nearly broke her heart, and she wasn't sure why. It could have been her knowledge that Jared was utterly unaware of the effect his mere presence had on others. His innocence in all of this was clear in her mind, and she realized she might have given him the wrong idea if her reaction was as bad as she thought it was.

With a heavy sigh Elu wiped the troubled look off her face and smiled softly at the large male beside her, "No, don't be sorry Jared, you were just being honest and I am still happy that you were. I am sorry that I reacted badly to your confession. It seemed that my own instincts broke through my resistance and started sending strange urges very suddenly. I haven't felt such strong urges since I was a young teen just becoming a vixen. It may have also brought up some painful memories."

Jared took on a thinking pose for a moment while nodding his understanding, and then turned slightly in his seat to face the vixen with a fierce look in his eyes, "I completely understand and you have no reason to apologize either. You couldn't have known what I was going to tell you when you asked your questions. I don't want you to be put into a position that makes you uncomfortable. I will understand if you decide to return to the Elder Council and ask for reassignment."

The shock on Elu's face was priceless, and Jared would chuckle at the memory later after he had gotten over the serious nature of their conversation. When she found her voice the vixen spluttered a bit while going red again under the intense gaze Jared was wearing. A few fake coughs later, she had regained a modicum of control over her urges and spoke with a tone that was just as serious as his.

"No, no, there is nothing that could convince me to turn down this assignment. Right from the start of all this I was eager to find you and be a part of Acclimating you into our society. It might be hard at times, and I am sure we will have a lot of embarrassing moments, but we can do this."

Jared smiled and so did Elu, and the two looked about ready to share a victorious cheer to commemorate their first step towards overcoming their future hurdles. Fate seemed to be having a go at them, because the train seemed to have met with a rather sharp turn along its tracks. Most of their fellow riders simply leaned with the turn in a uniform motion that was nearly comical. Due to their awkward positions, Elu lost her balance and fell forward into Jared. By reflex the black wolf caught the vixen in his arms to cushion her fall and keep her from hurting herself. Once the initial shock wore off the two mammals froze and neither had the ability to speak. Elu was pressed tightly against the rock hard chest of her companion, her cheek being caressed by waves of warmth from his strong body. Her back was arched slightly with her right knee now up on the seat and positioned directly between Jared's thighs. Jared had fumbled when trying to secure a grip on the pretty vixen, which led to his haphazard fingers gripping whatever they could find, which happened to be something round and soft. An experimental squeeze caused Elu to stiffen a bit, and Jared became nervous, his eyes slowly drifting down until he caught sight of his paws gripping at the perky behind of his foxy friend.

Despite themselves, both of these fully grown adults were lost for words. Instincts were flaring like crazy, and neither made an effort to break their awkward embrace. Elu could feel her body shivering slightly as her breathing became haggard, the heat of her breaths tickling at Jared's chest even through his top. Jared closed his eyes to try and focus on his current situation rather than the obnoxious voice egging him on. After several moments of forcing his will to the front of his mind, he made an effort to release Elu. His failure took the form of his paws digging gently into the soft rear they held so accidentally intimately. He cursed his rebellious hands for their mutiny while he awaited the eventual slap that could sting his cheek. He never expected the soft moan that found his ear, nor did he foresee the sensation of Elu's soft fur rubbing against his while her face buried itself into his neck.

After a long few minutes that seemed to last forever, Jared felt his vixen companion lift her face. Before he even opened his eyes he could feel her warm breaths gently washing over his lips and nose. His eyes opened slowly to stare back into a set of fiery red eyes that could inspire love poems. The wolf found himself lost in those strange and beautiful orbs, not being able to form words lest he make a fool of himself with mindless gobbledygook. The pair of them just looked into each other's eyes while panting softly, their bodies heating up while their urges ran wild. Their muzzles were so close their whiskers nearly brushed together. They were nearly there, urges winning over their willpowers, only a little push further and they would connect in a fierce kiss, and then...

Bing Bong... The Dens' Station, Platform Three. Please watch your step, and make sure you have all of your personal effects.

_ _

The pair nearly leapt out of their fur coats while simultaneously thinking the exact same thing:

'Oh thank God!'

_ _

Jared was admittedly surprised to find that at some point during their journey the train had gone underground. He remembered the tunnel that led under the cliffs that formed the perimeter around the capital. There was a time that the train had been above ground rushing through lush plains full of tall grass and farmlands. And then... well, he had become distracted. Currently he stood on a station platform built underground. The tunnel they had entered somewhere along their journey was dark, with lights built into the solid stone walls and ceilings. Once the tunnel opened up into the station the arch above the tunnel was finely carved with images of animals that he assumed had been responsible for the construction of the railway. The length of the station was capable of docking a maximum of eight cars with stone benches lining the boarding platform. Elegant lamp posts stood several meters apart to provide sufficient light to the area without being wasteful of energy.

Another archway stood just as impressive as the one leading back toward the tracks. This arch was well lit and garnished with decorative bricks instead of being solid carved stone. The deep red bricks gave the area a warm and welcoming feeling that spoke of what may lie at the other end. Beneath the arch were several modern turn styles that kept entrance to the station orderly and restricted to those who bought tickets at the machines that Jared could see lining the red brick tunnel walls. It was strange to see all of this rather modest architecture after having been in the modern utopia that was Central Command City. In many ways he wished he was back above ground, but at the same time the subterranean station wasn't uncomfortable. Jared figured it might just be paranoid claustrophobia, or some other absurd medical term, but he decided to leave that for another time.

"So, this is The Dens huh?" Jared spoke while he walked down the platform toward the exit archway.

Elu had gotten over her embarrassment quickly once the two of them had both silently agreed to ignore the odd position they were in, "Technically we're just inside the transportation center. Several floors up there is a grand station that busses use to pick up and drop off passengers that commute to and from other above ground districts. I chose to use the train because the express line would take us directly here, while the shuttles would stop many times before arriving. When we exit the station, we will be in The Dens' Central Commerce Center where we can pick up a few things you will need while you stay with my clan. I might be a little biased, but The Dens have the best shopping center on Clearwater Island."

Jared sucked lightly on his fang while he navigated through the small gate at the turn styles. He had been issued a strange gold card to use for transportation which he was assured would provide free public transportation indefinitely. He didn't like being given free things, having always been someone who worked hard for everything he owned. Chances are he would get paid in whatever kind of currency they used, but until then he would be forced to accept any aid they offered. That didn't mean he had to enjoy it, "I reckon I am going to hear that kind of thing plenty of times while I explore the island on duty. This being my first visit to any commerce center on the island will probably make me a bit biased as well. Lead on Elu."

Jared missed the strange look Elu gave him behind his back. Ever since their strange behavior earlier the wolf had started to use her name. While that wasn't a particularly bad thing in itself, it was strange because Jared hadn't used her real name since he teasingly pointed out its translation. In a way she had grown used to his playful banter, and hearing him speak to her in such a way was a little disconcerting. Her instincts had also seemed to weaken around him, which she assumed might be because his had stopped flaring for the time being. She didn't know why it worried her so much, but she knew that now wasn't the time to stop and discuss it. The first thing on their agenda was to get Jared set up with everything he would need to start a new life here on Clearwater. The vixen was broken from her musings when her shoulder gently bumped into Jared's. She stopped to look at her companion ad found him staring in awe.

Jared hadn't been expecting too much, maybe a busy road lined with shops and stalls. What he found at the other end of the deceptively quiet tunnel was nothing short of extraordinary. The two had strolled into what looked like a dome made entirely of tightly packed dirt supported by what looked like tree roots several times larger than normal trees ought to have. The roots crawled down the curving dome shaped ceiling like vines, all weaving in and out of the dirt to act like thick threads to hold it all together. As the ceiling met with what he assumed would be considered the walls, he caught sight of large finely crafted beams of wood each one finished a deep red that shined brightly in the lights below. The wooden beams were set horizontally together with larger beams that rose up perpendicular to the others and curved to the contours of the dome. Several very ornate wooden arches were built in the northern, eastern, and western walls leading to other regions within The Dens.

Below the too high ceilings was a small village of nothing but stores and shops that lined dirt roads. The roads curved in circles to match the overall round design of the area with several wide roads that connected the many narrower circles that made up the layers. Jared compared it to the rings inside of a tree, each circle getting smaller as they approached the heart of the shopping center. The central point was occupied by a rather large building that held no resemblance to any shop; in fact it looked more like some sort of office building or administration hub. Several hundred people of all walks of life were bustling about the shops below, and the overall atmosphere made one feel the need to rush.

Elu took a few steps ahead, taking the limp hand at Jared's side as she passed, and leaned on a guard railing that kept people from falling from the station which was built several meters above the ground level of the shopping center, "Welcome to The Dens' Central Commerce Center. Of the three Commerce centers located in our District, this is the largest and most popular. Each ring has its own type of goods for sale which are marked clearly at each intersection. The seven avenues that connect the rings lead straight to the Management Hub which regulates trade taxes, the purchase and sale of properties, and the disputes between shop owners located within this area. There are several franchises here that originate outside of The Dens, and the Management Hub ensures that, while they are free to open up shop, they aren't allowed to use underhanded practices to put our own people out of business."

Jared took in every detail with an analytical eye trying to memorize all that he could. Chances were good he would spend a lot of time here during his first few months on Clearwater. He was sure he would have plenty of time to explore in greater detail, but there was no guarantee he would have Elu by his side to point out the important areas. It helped a great deal that Elu loved to talk, at least when being informative, so she was very helpful with her little visual tour that she provided for him. He was reluctant to enter the throng, but Elu's insistence that he needed to hurry along and purchase his necessities broke his resolve.

It became undeniably obvious as soon as the two of them entered the hustle and bustle that Jared was an oddity. Despite being a species that wasn't native to The Dens, he realized that many people caught sight of his streak of red hair that stood a stark contrast to his pitch black fur. He was reminded of his time with the good doctor, and her insistence that the anomaly was a well known side effect of undergoing the change from human to animalian. What truly surprised the wolf was the lack of glaring or suspicious glances. Instead, he was given curious glances, excited looks, and even a few less than savory leers from females and males alike. His instincts flared whenever he caught sight of eyes hungrily gazing his way, and it was driving him batty.

"Elu, is it possible that people already know who I am?" Jared grumbled quietly while nudging her side softly.

Elu took her focus away from a particularly nice pair of skinny jeans on display in a shop window to look around, "Remember, you're going to have a strange effect on others. Don't be surprised if you get challenged by some of the more... rambunctious males, as well as those with jealous tendencies due to the many women eyeing you up."

"That I could handle, this is just embarrassing. I feel like they are all violating me with their eyes. Hide me?" Jared added the last comment with a chuckle as he sidled up next to Elu trying to use her as a meat shield.

Just as Elu was about to reply with something smart or witty she was interrupted by shouting at a nearby store. The pair looked over warily as a rather large, fat rodent with a long tail shoved a particularly annoyed looking female lion out of the door of his shop. The male, a rat judging by his features and ugly sneer he wore, was dressed in a surprisingly well tailored emerald green suit. His trousers and coat must have been custom fit to match his round belly, considering the sleeves and chest of his coat were much slimmer and shorter to match his upper body. Shoes that shined of fine polish adorned his feet while all of his accessories gleamed with gold. The lioness that had been rudely ejected from the shop was dressed in more casual attire consisting of blue jeans, white racerback tank top, and white running sneakers. The shop they had just exited was a jewelry store that sold predominantly gold watches, bracelets, and what appeared to be tail-based trinkets. A small crowd formed slowly while the two talked angrily.

"I have told you before that you are not to return to my shop! I have the right to refuse service to anyone I so choose!" The rat sneered viciously, his pearly teeth gleaming in the light of a nearby neon sign menacingly.

The lioness was not to be intimidated by this wanna-be butternut squash, "Intolerance of other species is not a valid reason to refuse service! I am not underdressed, I come with the money required to purchase goods, and I have no criminal record! You have bought all the best jewelry from the Central Market and monopolized the trade of quality goods, and now refuse to sell to anyone outside of The Dens!"

Several murmurs spread among the crowd, many in favor of the angry lioness, but no one made a move to defend her claims, even if they didn't move to support the rat either. Jared hung back for now to observe the confrontation, while Elu hung even further back to observe him and how he would handle the situation. She knew of this rat, his name was Underclaw, Morris Underclaw III. The line of his family had always been in the jewelry business as far back as The Dens had been established on Clearwater. Their reputation for being hateful towards outsiders was almost as legendary as their taste in tailored suits.

"My prices are fair and my dealings are all legitimate. If you are so angry with your situation then you should take your problems to the Mining and Refinement Bureau at the Central Market! They are the ones who choose to sell to me, because I make the best offer!" Morris nearly growled as he swung his arms in a fit of rage.

The unnamed lioness did growl as her muscles tensed to defend herself should this become physical, "I don't have a problem with them, I have a problem with a pompous old rat who won't sell his wares to willing, paying customers because he is a bigoted fool!"

"How dare you insult me like that, you horrid girl!? Why don't you return to the savanna where your kind belongs?! Do you see the proud people of The Dens begging for your attention?! No, you do not, because we do not want your kind here!"

Everyone in the crowd then gasped, but it was not in shock, nor was it outrage. Everyone felt a sudden pressure, and their instincts began to flare wildly. Once proud people were cowering, falling to their knees and staring at the dirt and gravel beneath them with wide and wary eyes. The instincts to fight fled Morris and the lady lion making such a fuss in the middle of the street while a dread filled them both. Neither fell to the ground like the spectators, though just barely thanks to their instincts having been raging so harshly toward fighting moments ago. Morris shivered, bringing his paws to his face to find sanctuary behind them. The lioness merely looked toward the ground, her eyes wide as saucers and darting left and right. Her tail would flick irritably as she fought against whatever was happening to her fiercely, as a proud lioness should. That didn't stop her heart from racing, but no one needed to know that.

A harsh growling filled the air that sent chills down spines and caused many to look around wondering who could have such an influence on them all. Standing among the knelt animalians in the crowd, Jared was an imposing figure. His face was stern, maybe not angry but certainly displeased. As he stepped carefully through the people, making sure not to step on any hands or tails with his heavy boots, he kept his eyes glued to the pair who had earned his ire. When the lioness eyes caught sight of him he could see her scrutinizing him. It was amusing to see the strange emotional roller coaster she seemed to be riding, but he wouldn't let that break his tough outer appearance. Once clear of the crowd he stopped between the two enemies and crossed his arms, flexing his muscles a bit to intimidate them both into not taking him lightly.

"I couldn't help but overhear a bit of a disturbance over here a moment ago. Anyone care to explain?" Jared was surprised by his own tone of voice. He sounded commanding, like a no nonsense general in a movie. He would have smirked if not for the seriousness of the situation.

The sniveling rat was the first to speak, his tone indignant and yet... fearful, "Who do you think you are? You stroll up to us and talk like some big man. This is none of your business, wolf, so why not get back to your caves?"

"Excuse me, but if you are causing a disturbance of the peace then it is my duty to step in and discover the reason. As Alpha Commander it is my responsibility to see that the people registered in our alliance are at peace. I believe in the absence of an Elder Councilman it would fall to me to make a decision regarding this situation in their stead. Ready to sing now, little mouse?" Jared eyed Morris with an icy glare that made his already bright eyes seem to glow.

While Morris spluttered at the insult upon his proud race, the lioness seemed to relax significantly, though her tail still betrayed her irritation. Her eyes peered up at Jared, and when his met hers he saw her dazzling violet eyes boring into him. A little part of him felt like he was being judged, but that wasn't important at the moment. He had a nasty mouthed little rat to deal with, "The time to spit and stutter is passed. Now tell me what the young lady did wrong."

"She has refused to leave my shop after being asked politely to vacate the premises. I am allowed by law to refuse service to any and all that I deem unwelcome." Morris spoke indignantly, though he still hid partially behind his paws which had lowered to dangle limply over his chest.

The lioness found her voice and angrily spoke to counter Morris' claim, "He never asked me to leave, he began yelling at me and screaming that I was unwelcome. I tried to purchase a gift for my grandfather and this rat has been buying all of the quality goods mined and worked by the Mole Clan of Central Market."

"Is this true, mister...?" Jared turned to the fat man he was beginning to loath.

Morris scowled as the wolf insinuated that he, or anyone for that matter, would not know who he was, "Morris Underclaw III, you uninformed wolf. And none of this is true. I told her to leave, yes, but it is my right. I didn't become angry until she refused to leave. And my business dealings are all legitimate and I have the receipts to prove it! The Mole Clan are an honorable group that serve all, so long as they have the funds to make a proper deal!"

Jared allowed a small smirk to grace his lips that made quite a few females watching quiver uncontrollably, including a vixen watching from a distance, and one particularly irritated lioness, "So then by your own words you admit to being dishonorable?"

"I beg your pardon you mangy little...?!" Morris would have snarled were he not shaking in repressed fear from the instinct to run from this predator and his overwhelming presence.

Jared strolled around the paid slowly while maintaining a strong and regal posture, his back straight and his steps confident, "You say our brothers of the Mole Clan are honorable for their unbiased dealings with all who have the coin to back their offers. This young lioness has claimed she wished to strike a deal with you for one of your wares. If she has the funds to buy something, why would you refuse? Such a harsh refusal seems tantamount to being dishonorable in your dealings."

By this point many of the onlookers had recovered from the strong flare of instincts that had told them to submit, and murmurs of agreement spread quickly among the people. Some voices sounded angry, and Morris felt many eyes locked on him and his shop. Sweat rolled down his back as his lovely suit suddenly felt like heavy lead. Jared stood beside the lioness and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder while keeping his eyes on Morris. He felt her body press into his touch, even as he heard her loose a very soft, almost inaudible snarl of anger. Instinct aside, it was damn amusing to the wolf who had to really suppress his desire to smirk.

"Now, how about you save face, redeem whatever honor you still have, and agree to sell this young lady one of your fine pieces. At regulation pricing mind you, we wouldn't want management to have to crack down on illegal pricing practices would we?"

With the entire crowd against him, Morris was backed into a corner, and so with a heavy sigh he removed an ornate golden tail cuff with trillion cut rubies set into the dazzling metal. As the light of a nearby lamp post caught the gems they sparkled like stars casting colors all over the ground.

"I believe this is the piece that the... lady... wanted to purchase. Two hundred and fifty is the standard retail minimum." Morris spat the word lady from his lips as if cursing, and then carelessly tossed the trinket toward the ground.

In a movement that caught most of the onlookers by surprise, Jared practically flew forward to snatch the tail cuff from the air a mere centimeter from the gravel path. Cradling it in his paws delicately, he removed a handkerchief from his pocket that had come with the simple clothes the prison center had provided. While his hands idly shined and cleaned the elegant jewelry piece he gestured to the lioness casually, "Time to pay the man."

A low grumbling response was heard, but nonetheless she complied and brought out the required currency, which Jared thought looked rather interesting. Instead of paper, the bills looked to be made of a form of smooth plastic. Whatever the material was, it flexed and changed shape like water, showing no creases or damage from being folded inside of a small purse that the lioness removed from her pocket. In a quick and graceful flick, the folded bills were sent to Morris from her paw like a ninja throwing star. Jared was amused to see the quick and precise throw caught effortlessly by Morris who sneered greedily at the large bills. Once the exchange was concluded Morris grumbled as he skulked back into his shop. The crowd quickly dispersed while hushed and excited whispers spread among them. Jared turned to the lioness that he'd assisted and held out the trinket that he still clutched in the rag. Her paw reached forward quick and deftly snatched the cuff from his paw, something that caused his brow to lift before he shrugged and walked off.

"W-wait!" The lioness yelled indignantly from behind him.

Jared, who at that point believed he wasn't welcome near the strangely irate lioness, stopped and turned to face her, "Yes?"

Said lioness shuffled her feet a bit, swaying back and forth as if she were struggling with something, and Jared felt the saliva in his mouth collect as if he were sweating from feeling uneasy, "...Th...u..."

"I'm sorry, what was that miss?" He responded, genuinely unsure of what she had tried to say through her grit teeth.

The lioness scowled angrily, though Jared had the distinct feeling her anger wasn't directed at him, "I said... th....uooo..."

Jared wasn't sure what was wrong, but he listened to her strangled grumbling and put two and two together, "Think nothing of it miss. I wouldn't have interfered, but that man was being a damned bigot. I would have enjoyed watching you handle him, but the bastard was definitely leading you into a trap."

The look of relief that passed over the lioness when he understood her garbled words was something of legend. As he spoke on, she grew serious and seemed to reflect on everything that had happened. She knew she had gone too far and her anger was getting the best of her. She was a lioness, the strongest of women, hunter like no other, and there was no excuse for her to lose her cool. Her grandfather would have her ass on a pike if he knew the amount of trouble she nearly caused. An incident like this would have serious repercussions that could destabilize the frail alliance between The Dens and The Savanna. She owed this cave dwelling fur ball more than she wanted to admit, and unfortunately her hormones and instincts were rebelling against her pride causing her to... admire his features whenever she tried to look the wolf in the eye.

"My name is Akeela, Akeela Steelclaw. My grandfather has told our clan of your coming. It is fortunate you were here for this... I was not of sound mind." Akeela admitted begrudgingly.

Elu chose this time to walk over, and her eyes grew to saucers when she heard the name, "Steelclaw... as in Leon Steelclaw?"

Akeela nodded while trying not to look at Jared, "Yes, he is my grandfather. You can imagine the... trouble this might have caused."

"Why so serious? Look, all is well now, the rat was shut up and you didn't have to dirty your pretty paws with his blood. I won't mention this to the boss man so you have time to figure out how to tell the old fluffy bottom your own way. I figure your best bet would be to catch the next train or bus the heck outta here before more rumors spread and word gets back to Savanna." Jared waved his hand dismissively as if he were talking about dinner plans and walked off again.

Elu and Akeela stood watching his retreating back while both felt their brows twitch in slight annoyance. Akeela broke the silence first after watching the wolf stroll up to a shop window to admire a pull over hoodie that sported a happy muffin on the front, "I do not know whether to punch him through a wall... or pin him to it and kiss him."

"I know how you feel; he infuriates me with his casual nature and his damned nicknames..." Elu said slowly, watching as Jared rubbed his chin softly while contemplating the hoodie on display, a little male otter about five years old tugged on his pant leg while rubbing his cheek. Jared looked down at the little one and exchanged a few words before lifting the little guy up on his shoulders to help him find his parents. The pair of females watched the wolf carry the otter through a thick crowd to his parents that he had been able to see now that he was above all the tall adults. Jared set the little boy down and rubbed his head in a rough way, though it was gentle enough to just make the little one laugh. As the grateful parents walked off after expressing their gratitude profusely for his help, Elu groaned softly, "Damn it... that was adorable."

"As much as I want to disagree... I am not that cold. I better go before I really do pin the bastard to the nearest wall." Akeela grumped and walked off in a huff.

The next hour Jared knew the true meaning of hell. Truth be told, he had never shopped with a woman before in his entire life. When he was a boy he remembered going out with his family, but his father would normally spirit him away to buy food or browse electronics stores and hardware shops. He remembered the clusters of bags he would have to help carry after reuniting with his mother, but he thought nothing of what it took to accumulate such a gathering. Elu spared the poor wolf no paid whatsoever. Despite heavy protests against, the vixen insisted that he needed a full wardrobe now that he had nothing to his name. He figured a few shirts, a few sets of pants, maybe a pair of shoes... no. Jared needed something for every occasion, as well as several sets of casual clothes for everyday use. He needed toiletries and grooming products. He needed several books on the region such as geography and history.

Jared was carrying so many bags he felt like his arms would likely fall off when he finally relaxed them. The pair was strolling casually along a side tunnel that led off one of the main tunnels that connected each of the larger spheres of commerce. Elu had explained that The Dens were made up of many intricate tunnel networks that spread out like a web beneath the surface. The species of animals that lived there were primarily those that spent either half of their time or all of their time underground. Foxes used their underground den to sleep and protect their young, while leaving to find food anything else that caught their fancy, and the animalian Fox Clan was no different. Elu's people found work and entertainment outside of The Dens district most of the time with only a few exceptions.

"Why again did you insist that I buy sunglasses?" Jared griped while looking around the darkness with his sport shades on the bridge of his nose.

Elu smirked slightly, as the decision to wear them was hers, and replied with only a hint of amusement, "As I said, due to your very recent changes your body won't be used to the transition from the darkened underground to the brightness of the sun outside. For the first few weeks it would be wise for you to wear them whenever you leave The Dens."

"And why did you put them on me while we are still underground?" Jared inquired further while trying to focus on where her voice was coming from.

"Do you miss being able to see me, Jared?" Elu teased while smiling all too sweetly.

Jared scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Sure, I can't go another minute without watching your sweet rump bobbing back and forth in front of me- ow."

The sound of a paw smacking a skull seemed to echo all the way back to Central Commerce, and several males shivered uncontrollably for a brief moment.

Jared made the sagely decision to remain silent for the remainder of their walk. Elu wasn't particularly angry with the wolf, if anything she was glad to see him acting normal again after their awkward moment on the train. Instead she was huffing in annoyance at his rude comment about her back side. No one talked to her like that, ever, and she wasn't sure how she wanted to feel about it which frustrated and annoyed her. When she first took to observing Jared before they took him, he never acted this way around any of the women he interacted with. Even the Veronica woman he seemed to fancy had been someone he held at arm's length, never flirting or joking with risqué comments. This surge of confidence and change in personality was a mystery, one she intended to explore.