Loving and Lusting for My Brother Chapter 2

Story by Vikthefox on SoFurry

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#2 of Loving and Lusting for My Brother

Author's Note: Thanks to all my friends, watchers, and viewers. You guys are great! Warning: This series will contain scenes of incest and watersports/pee voyeurism. As a result, all chapters will be rated Extreme. This chapter will be from multiple POVs.

Loving and Lusting for My Brother

Chapter 2

Malakai's POV

Well today was a weird day. Rodya zoned out again a couple times during our shopping trip and he refuses to tell me what's wrong. And on top of that I wake up in the middle of the night to find him cuddling with me and caressing me while he sleeps. I was pretty confused. I secretly wanted him as more than a brother, but he wasn't into me was he? Judging by his horrified reaction to me in his arms when he woke up, I'm gonna say no. If he wanted me as a lover he would have told me, right? He trusts me, doesn't he? He always told me everything before. I tried to run after him, but I wasn't fast enough and he shut his bedroom door before I could get in.

"Rodya, it's okay" I said.

"I'm sorry Malakai. I was dreaming of cuddling with some guy and I guess I must have grabbed you in my sleep. I'm so sorry I won't let it happen again", Rodya said as he sobbed.

I really wanted it to happen again and go further, but if Rodya wasn't into me like that then I certainly wasn't going to tell him I wanted him. So I said,"It's fine Rodya. Please calm down, there's nothing to worry about."

"Okay", Rodya replied, "I think I'm gonna go to bed now. Goodnight."

"Goodnight", I replied and went down to the basement. It seems as if my fantasies involving Rodya were to remain fantasies.

When I woke up the next day, the house was completely silent. I didn't hear the water running or Rodya's footsteps coming down the stairs. After I brushed my teeth and got dressed I walked upstairs expecting to see Rodya, but instead I found a note on the dining room table. It said:

"'Dear Malakai,

After what happened last night I have decided that I need to spend today alone and away from the house. I hope you understand.



My ears pinned down as I read the note. I sighed and heated up some frozen waffles in the toaster oven. All during breakfast I kept thinking about Rodya. Did accidentally cuddling with me really upset him that much? Does the idea of being intimate with me horrify him? Most people don't want to have sex with their family members, but Rodya's reaction was so strong. After I finished breakfast, I tried to drown my sorrows in some video games. It worked for a little bit, but in the end my mind just couldn't let things go. I wondered what he was doing now and what he thought of me.

Rodya's POV

Last night was a close call. I really hope he isn't figuring it out. That's why I decided to leave the house for the day. I was going to go to Denver's place since I forgot to go last night. Unfortunately, he didn't answer his phone, so I decided to go elsewhere. I passed by the library and remembered something Malakai once said. He said that libraries were comforting to him, providing him with peace and quiet. Maybe that's what I need right now. I stepped into the library for the first time in years and walked around. It was pretty big for a public library in the suburbs. As I walked further into the stacks I found an available computer away from everyone else in the library. Since no one else was nearby, I decided to do some research; hoping to find a cure to my incestuous desires. Up to this point, I tried to cure the problem by simply repressing it, but if I'm cuddling with my brother in my sleep then I obviously need help. But since I don't want to tell anyone about this problem, I thought maybe there's a self-help book I could get. Unfortunately, no such thing exists according to the library catalog. All I could find were some academic works on incest. If I couldn't get a cure, I could at least try to understand incest more. Maybe through learning I will find the cure to my curse. After flipping through the library's small selection of books on incest, I settled on the one that seemed the most interesting and helpful, The Psychology of Incest by Dr. Irina Schneebrot. I took it back to the computer desk and started reading it. As I started chapter 2, I heard footsteps coming my way. I immediately closed the book and set it down and saw one of the librarians, an older gray wolf wearing glasses, coming towards me.

"We're closing in 15 minutes", he whispered, then made a right turn, presumably to tell the other library users the same thing. I forgot that the Sunday hours for the library is rather short.

I decided to check out the book, though I was going to have to hide it from Malakai obviously. After I checked out the book I left the library and tried dialing Denver again.

"Hello" he answered.

"Hi it's Rodya. Sorry I didn't come over last night I fell asleep" I said.

"It's okay I fell asleep during my show anyway" Denver said.

"Would you like me to come over today?" I asked.

"Sure" Denver asked.

"Okay, I'll be there soon", I said. The library gave me a bag for my book and Denver isn't the kind of guy who would go through your stuff without asking first, so I should be fine taking the book with me. I was taking a risk, but at the same time I didn't want to go back home yet and I felt bad for forgetting about going to Denver's last night. It was about a 15-minute walk to Denver's house from the library. I knocked on the door and he answered it, wearing only a towel around his waist.

"Hey sexy" he said to me in a teasing tone.

"You're such a tease" I said.

We spent the afternoon just chatting and eventually having sex, which is what we usually do when we are together. It was great as always, but not even awesome sex could help me get over last night. After Denver and I had sex, I decided to return home to drop off my book. On one paw, I felt like I should just stay home and read, but on the other paw, I still didn't feel like facing Malakai. I decided to go out again, this time to the arcade. I could hear Malakai coming up the steps, but I still didn't feel like facing him. I walked as quickly as I could to the door and left the house again.

Malakai's POV

I heard the door open and someone walking around upstairs. I assumed it was Rodya, but I wasn't sure if I should greet him or not. I decided to wait and see if he came down to the basement or not. Curiosity got the better of me, so I went upstairs to meet him, but he left the house before I could talk to him. As I walked back to the basement steps, I saw a piece of paper lying on the floor. I picked it up and saw that it was an advertisement for a movie night at the local library. They usually give these out to people when they checkout. I wonder what book Rodya picked up? I looked around, but didn't see any book. I decided to check his room, but before I opened the door I stopped. Was this right? Should I really be snooping around in his room?

I thought about it until I got an idea. Maybe in Rodya's room, I will find out what's bothering him. Some kind of clue at least. I decided to enter his room, which was sparse compared to my room. No computers here, just a bed, dresser, TV, bookcase, and a closet. I looked around and on the bed I saw a bag with the West Falchuk Public Library logo on it. I opened the bag and found a book entitled The Psychology of Incest by Irina Schneebrot. I gasped when I read the title and rushed back to the basement, I didn't want Rodya knowing I saw his book.

Rodya's POV

I took a bus to downtown and played in the arcade for awhile before getting pizza. I'm not sure if this made me happier, but it bought me some time. I was still nervous about talking to my brother again. What if he brought up last night? What if I looked at his face and saw him mad at me? I would feel awful. In the end, however, I knew I couldn't stay out all night, so I returned home around 10 or 11.

I immediately went to my room and started reading my new book again. I was fascinated by the studies the author made. I liked how she did not condemn incest, but did not support it either. Yet her words also seemed emotionless. There's also a picture of her face on the title page that kind of creeps me out. She is a vixen with lavender fur and deep blue eyes. The look on her face was rather austere, I got chills just looking at it. After awhile, I began to get sleepy, so I closed the book for the night and set my alarm. Malakai and I had work the next day and I wanted us to be on time. As I drifted off to sleep, I started having that awful dream about my brother again. It played out the same way it always did, Malakai lying down on my bed with me fucking him hard and fast. There was something different this time though. Normally the dream ended with me kissing Malakai on the lips, while still inside his tailhole. This time however, Irina interrupted our sex. She was wearing a white lab coat and carried a clipboard. She wrote something on it and when she finished, she stared at me and said in a low, emotionless tone of voice, "most interesting." I then woke up, breathing heavily and feeling scared as hell.