Where it all Began

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Every story has a beginning, and for Trish, our favourite watersports loving cougar, hers began in an exceptionally sexy and public manner.

This story was written for Lightweaver. It contains watersports and sexy lewdness between a variety of consenting adults. :3

Where it all Began

The plastic sheeting beneath the cotton sheets of the bed rustled slightly as Mika writhed in anguished desire. The young vixen was panting audibly, and each time her lover touched or even spoke to her trembling body, she let loose a soft, pleading whine. She was so desperate. She had to piss so badly, but was focused with all her might on holding back. Not to avoid wetting the bed. That would happen, it was a simple inevitability. But to avoid doing so until the last possible second, each moment until then driving both her and Trish wild with desire.

"Nnn-aaahhh... not... not there, please..."

The vixen wailed with horrified glee as Trish rubbed at the base of her belly, just above her pelvic bone and in essence directly over her swollen, aching bladder. The older cougar purred, her own naked body trembling in equally urgent lust as the hand not caressing her lover's figure teased its way between the flushed and swollen lips of her own pussy.

"Don't worry, sweet thing. I won't push. I won't make it happen. You take your time. Make this... make it last for us both, as long as you want. As long as you can."

Just as she finished speaking those words, a different sort of smile crossed the feline woman's features. Trish giggled, her hand gently sliding up the length of Mika's torso, up over the ample curve of the vixen's breasts, and settling only when it was tenderly cupping the younger female's face. She turned it towards her own, and craned her neck forwards to plant the softest and most delicate of kisses upon the breathless fox's lips.

"I remember when Laney said that to me. I... I've told you about Laney before, right?"

Mika shivered, her back arching slightly and immediately regretting it as the slight motion jostled the liquid filling her bladder to capacity. She let slip a helpless, frantic wail, but somehow managed to hang on. With Trish as an anchor, staring deep into the cougar's beautiful eyes, Mika kept from spilling her bladder's contents all over the bed right then and there. She tried to take her mind off the constant, throbbing ache emanating from between her legs; like arousal but so much more immediate and intense in so many respects. And right now the only thing she could think of to take her mind off the situation at hand was a story. Something to distract her. To distract them both, and let the time fly by as they indulged in one of Trish's favourite stories to tell from her past.

"Yeah. B-but... tell me again. Tell me about how you... h-how she got you into this. How she helped make you into the woman I love. The woman who makes me... a-ahh... tell me the story, Trish. Please."

The cougar smiled warmly. She gave a soft, tender growl, and nuzzled against her vulpine lover's flushed face even as she began to whisper the memory which to this day still held up as one of the most formative experiences of her adult life.

"I was about your age. In my last year at college. She was older. A couple of years older than I am now. She met me during Freshers week. I went to see her in her office... I was such a dork back then. I wanted to see if I could get a jump on any reading for the semester, but I couldn't just look at the reading lists pinned on the notice-board. No. I had to go see the Professor myself. She was my advisor for that year, and I wanted to make a good impression. She was so funny. So pretty. Not as much as you, of course, but back then I don't think I'd ever seen a woman I was so aware of my being attracted to. I barely understood what it meant to be gay back then, never mind the nuances of bi or pansexuality. It was a different time. Fewer resources, fewer groups dedicated to making sure people knew it was okay to be out and proud. But she knew. Before I did, even, she knew. I'd been with my share of guys, but never once seriously considered the option of women too. We spent the whole day together. She closed her office early, and we just talked. Me sitting on the edge of her desk, her hands edging closer and closer to my nearest thigh until she was teasing the hem of my skirt. Then reaching in underneath it. And... a-and we never looked back. We kept it secret. Not only was it harder to be an open lesbian back then, even in a more open minded community like a college campus, but it was sure as hell against the rules for students to be eating out their professors in their office after every class, and getting fucked senseless with a strap on basically every night at that same professor's home."

A loud, lingering moan escaped Mika's lips, and for just a fraction of a second Trish saw a different vixen lying beside her. An older vixen, her hair streaked with salt and pepper and her figure taller, but equally as plump and feminine as the woman with whom Trish now shared her life. They had the same lyrical quality to their moaning, and that note of yelping vulpine desperation... it was almost identical. She shuddered in delight, and continued with a lick of her lips.

"We dated... well, we dated secretly, which basically amounted to fucking each other's brains out whenever we got the chance... for a couple of months, before it happened. Like something out of a movie. She had played the lottery every week for as long as I'd known her, and apparently for decades before that. Never won anything substantial, but always determined that next time would be the time. And then, one day... we were watching a movie. Well, I was kind of watching the movie while she had her tongue deep inside my pussy, and during an ad break a reminder came up of the previous day's winning lottery numbers. I didn't know her numbers by heart, but her reaction let me know that something was up. She grabbed my thighs so tightly, and... fuck... she started to eat me out like she never had before. So hungry. So wild. I came once, but she wouldn't stop. I came again... and again. By the time I managed to force her to stop... I swear, if she'd licked my clit one more time it would have fallen off."

Mika giggled, then wailed in dismay as that burst of laughter only made her already desperate need to go all the more painfully intense. Her feline lover just grinned, though her own face was increasingly reddened with excitement as she delved deeper and deeper into these wonderfully familiar memories.

"So, suddenly I was dating a millionaire. And we're talking multi-multi millions here, not just single figure six digits. And the first thing we did... was say that we were gonna break up. Not right away, but we made it clear that neither one of us expected the other person to commit or expect anything serious from what we were already doing. We weren't that serious, not really. I mean, I cared about her a lot, and she did me too. But I was so young, and so new at the whole... lesbian thing, the idea of being tied to a woman possibly trying to juggle everyone else she knew begging for a share of her good fortune, never mind figuring out what the hell her own life was going to become from that point onward, kinda scared me. Besides, I guess I came from a pretty privileged position. I wasn't as well off as she suddenly was, of course. But my family weren't exactly short of a pretty penny. Laney... she was just so scared. Weird, right? Scared, rather than happy? But, I promised her I'd be there. Until she was able to actually figure out what she wanted to do, I'd be there as a friend. As someone she could trust. And then, when she had the money in her account and the time came to start doing all those things she'd dreamed of; the travelling and the fancy restaurants and stuff... she'd go, and I'd stay. I'd get my degree, and she'd get the vacation of a lifetime."

Another shiver ran down Trish's spine, and she shuffled closer to her desperate, full-bladdered lover upon the bed.

"It was that same evening... once she'd called up the lottery organisers and read off her ticket number to them like fifty times, once they'd set up an appointment to validate her ticket, and once she'd had a little cry in my arms just trying to wrap her head around what was about to happen to her life... we started to joke about how she was going to hand in her notice at work. With a shower of ten dollar bills in the Biology department's faculty lounge? With a quiet letter and a polite handshake to the Dean? With a donation large enough to ensure that her favourite colleagues had funding for years to come, and stipulations that those colleagues she didn't like wouldn't see a penny of it? Or..."

Trish's voice trailed off, and she moaned softly. Mika moaned back. It was here the story began. The story not just of the end of the then young cougar's first lesbian relationship, but the story of how that ending had begun a whole new chapter of Trish's personal and sexual relationship with all those who would follow in Laney's wake.

"That same night, with nothing to lose now that we were already on a timer to the end of our relationship, Laney confided in me about one thing she had never broached between us. A kink... something she enjoyed a great deal, but had never sought to share with me simply because she had never heard me express even the slightest interest, and did not wish to pressure me into anything I might not be comfortable with. But that night, knowing I already knew a secret far more life changing and personal, she told me. And just a few days later, when she knew for certain that she was going to be an eight figure millionaire... we shared in it. We lived it. And we got her ass fired in a way that neither of us, nor anyone else present in that class, would ever forget."


Laney had never felt so alive, but equally never so terrified about presenting a lecture to one of her classes. This group were juniors; just starting the third quarter of their undergraduate education, and the course in which they were current engaged dealt with Comparative Anthropoid Physiology. An analysis of the different biological systems which existed within anthros such as themselves. How the similarities or variations between those systems and others belonging to other types of animals, their ancestors, or extant mammalian ferals allowed them to cope with the various necessities of life from surviving extreme conditions to simply locomoting, sensing, and even using the bathroom.

Normally her lectures followed a relatively simple format, though she tried to shake it up in small ways whenever possible. A slideshow of images, a blackboard for writing down additional details and notes, all of course accompanied by the lecture itself, punctuated by questions to and from the assembled students. Today however Laney had a more practical demonstration of her chosen subject in mind. A practical demonstration which required a little set-up, and some preparation on the part of her audience.

The students, most of them twenty or twenty one years old, murmured and looked on in curiosity as their teacher laid out a square section of translucent plastic sheeting upon the floor by her desk. Their murmurs grew as they chatted and hypothesised amongst themselves, Laney beckoning them forward and insisting that for today's lesson it was vital they all get as close as possible to the front of the class rather than being spread out across the entire length and breadth of the lecture theatre. As they grew closer she heard a couple of their whispered conjectures, smiling at how far some of them were off the mark, and how intentionally close others came in their guessing.

"...maybe she's gonna spread out some bones and have us try and match them to the different animals they come from?"

"...you think she's gonna bring out something alive? Sit it on the tarp there so it doesn't piss all over the floor?"

It was only when all the students were seated once more, pens and paper poised and ready as Laney took up her standard position leaning gently back upon the theatre's main desk, that the vixen revealed the purpose of today's lecture.

"Today, we're going to see a first hand example of a situation I can guarantee each and every one of us has been in at some point in our lives. Perhaps when we were cubs, but for many of us probably not all that far back in the past. I know many times back when I was a student like yourselves... some time just before the last ice age..."

The class chuckled, but not in a mocking way. There wasn't a single person present who would have denied that Laney was a devastatingly attractive woman. Indeed, to many of the guys present in this classroom right now the vixen was probably their archetypal definition of a MILF. And however much Laney found that term both degrading and factually accurate given that she had never nor indeed intended to be anyone's mother, she couldn't deny that she rather enjoyed wondering just how many of her students had been thinking of her while they fucked their girlfriends or jerked off in their dorm rooms.

"...I found myself in this situation after I'd been out drinking. Something we might all take for granted, but which holds within it as an experience countless examples of our body's physiology responding and reacting to internal stimulus. And that is the purpose of today's lecture. To show that much as we are looking at individual physiological systems as part of this module, nothing biologically exists in a vacuum. There are interactions and links between so many different parts of our bodies, and it's when under some aspect of stress that we are able to witness these interactions presenting themselves."

Glancing to one side of the lecture hall, through an open doorway which led to a small office from which Laney emerged for each and every class, the vixen waved a welcoming hand. All the students immediately turned towards the door, undeniably curious. At first, nothing and no-one appeared. The Professor giggled softly, and beckoned again with greater enthusiasm.

"Come on, Patricia. We're all budding professionals here. There's nothing to be embarrassed about."

This comment definitely raised the level of interest in the students looking on, but no matter how intrigued they may have been by Laney's apparently embarrassed guest nothing could have prepared them for the sight that greeted them some seconds later. The left hand side of the room was able to see the woman emerging from the doorway a few milliseconds before the rest of those present, and their gasps created countless other craning necks and widening eyes. Then the figure slipped forward, stepping lightly and rapidly across the lecture hall's breadth towards the Professor and the plastic sheeting resting just beside where she was standing. For a few seconds abject silence descended over the hall, and then clamorous conversation erupted between the students as they gawped and stared in rapturous disbelief.

Before those fifty or so sets of bulging eyes belonging to a mix of men and women from at least twenty different species, a cougar emerged. A woman whose voluptuous body was clad in nothing but a pair of white cotton panties and the most dizzyingly bright blush any of those present had ever seen. Trish whimpered under her breath, trying not to look at the staring crowd but unable to help herself as she raced towards the comparative safety of her lover's proximity. This was possibly the highest risk moment of their entire plan. Not only did it all risk falling down right away if any of the students complained or rushed out to seek a more appropriate faculty member to deal with the situation, but the students had to believe that she was not fully aware of Laney's plan. To them Trish had to seem like a willing but wholly innocent college senior looking to make up some extra credit for her final GPA by assisting a lecturer in a rather unconventional lesson. One that she had been assured was approved by the college board, and would certainly not result in Laney quitting her job mere seconds before she could be fired.

"Thank you for joining us, Patr-... um, Trish, right? That's what you prefer?"

Laney's performance was flawless as she lightly fumbled in her search for Trish's name, confirming to every student present that they were in no way close or pre-rehearsed in their actions. The cougar nodded, taking her position upon the plastic sheeting and turning with agonising yet rather thrilling humiliation to face the lecture hall and all the students filling it head on.

"Class, this is Trish. And right now, Trish needs to go to the restroom."

The class murmured once more, some staring with rapt focus at the almost entirely naked model before them, others staring in stunned disbelief at their lecturer for doing what she was surely not allowed to do, and more still just staring down at their notes either trying not to look at the naked cougar or more urgently willing themselves not to be excited by the plump young woman's bare breasts and beautifully exposed body. The more that their lecturer began to explain herself to them though, the more eyes began to flicker up towards Trish not just in excitement or wonder, but with genuine academic interest too.

"Have you ever considered what the body goes through when we try to deny it? When we as smart, sentient and sapient beings consciously recognise a desire or need our body is telling us that it has, and tell it no? We do it all the time, in a way and to a degree that our feral ancestors never could. We know that we are hungry or thirsty, but rather than going hunting or foraging... even if it's just a matter of wandering to the nearest Starbucks, we tell ourselves no and wait until we have finished the task at hand. We know that we want to breed. To mate. Yet many of us purposefully engage in long and drawn out courtship rituals rather than simply analysing the physical compatibility of our partners. We overcome a thousand different instincts every day in order to remain moral and honest members of the society which together we have built. But few urges are quite so visceral and immediate as that need to remove waste from one's body. This can of course apply in several respects, but for the purposes of today's lecture let us focus on one method of evacuation alone. Urination. The need to evacuate one's bladder of urine."

Laney walked in a slow semi-circle around the front of the young, plump cougar standing trembling upon the plastic sheeting. She let the class's gaze roam between the two of them, and in return looked over them, judging their reactions. No-one had left yet. No-one seemed to dare even attempting to do so. Thus far things were going as well as she could ever have hoped. Now it was time to bring them in a little. To engage them, and see how they reacted when forced to interact with her new teaching aid; this living, responsive model of a feline woman.

"Look at this female. Look at her body, and tell me some of the physiological responses her body is producing due to her need to urinate."

She waved a hand towards Trish, and even those students who thus far had dared not to look directly at the semi-naked cougar glanced upward. There were very few slackers in this group; Biology wasn't the sort of degree where you could make it to your third year by coasting or without dropping out due to a simple lack of interest. Thus they felt compelled to try and answer their professor's rather unorthodox question, no matter how uncomfortable or inappropriately excited searching for that answer made them feel.

After just five or ten seconds, a couple of hands rose. One came from a red faced, palomino coated stallion in the front row. His eyes were bulging in horror as though he couldn't believe his own hand was raised, and beneath his seat, waist and below visible under the thin desk-stand on which his notes were resting, he must have known that both his Professor and the young, beautiful woman beside her could see the tent stretching almost down to the knee of his left leg. Laney raised an eyebrow, but gestured warmly for him to offer an answer just as she always would, only for a split-second allowing her eyes to meet with his own and flash with a delight that told the stallion she knew exactly how he was reacting.

"Yes, Jacob. Go ahead."

Clearing his throat three or four times before he was able to speak, the horse managed to let slip a shaky explanation of one of the more recognisable signs.

"She's... she's moving from foot to foot, which... is that like, her bladder telling her brain that it needs to move? That she should be walking to a place where it's suitable to... t-to, uh... go?"

A shaky whimper escaped the cougar's muzzle at that moment, and she planted her feet solidly upon the ground as though she hadn't been aware of her own motion, or the way it was making her breasts jiggle hypnotically upon her chest. The stallion's eyes got even wider and his face burned crimson with embarrassment. He was about to utter a breathless apology to the feline female when Laney cut him off, nodding eagerly and bursting into a fresh bout of teaching for the whole class, though not a single one of them appeared to have any interest in taking notes.

"Precisely right. From a young age we are compelled by what you might call the pee-pee dance or something similar, but it's not something we grow out of. We're just better in adulthood about dealing with those needs before they become so immediate and urgent that they trigger our body to begin moving with an urgency that is almost impossible to mitigate. For example now that she is aware of it our volunteer here has ceased moving. But once she is distracted again, and not actively focused on quelling that impulse, the motion of her legs will surely resume. What else?"

Another look around the room confirmed that more and more students were beginning to grow increasingly excited by what they were seeing. A greater number of the guys present were shuffling and shifting in their seats not because like Trish they needed to use the restroom, but because they had their own crotch related situations they were attempting to hide from those around them. Some of the women too were beginning to squirm, and Laney wondered if perhaps a couple of them were beginning to experience a little bit of bladder sympathy towards Trish; her obvious need to go awakening a similar but less urgent and extreme desire in them.

Pointing to another raised hand, belonging to a cheetah with long blonde curls and a pair of dark framed glasses, Laney smiled as this other feline spoke with more confidence. Indeed, it was almost like she was eager to bring attention to the particular point that she had noticed.

"Her nipples are hard, and her whole posture is tense. Does the forcible control of muscles to hold back the immediate urge to urinate lead to an overall tightening of musculature throughout the body?"

Once more the cougar mewled in embarrassment, but there was nothing she could do this time. Indeed she began to hop bashfully from foot to foot once more, gasping under her breath as she peered down at her rock hard nipples. It was as though each time something was mentioned she was only just becoming aware of it, and now was finally experiencing just how achingly stiff and sensitive the swollen peaks of her breasts felt. By her sides fingers flexed and curled repeatedly into tight fists, perhaps restraining the urge to cover her breasts, or maybe to tease and stimulate them. The plastic beneath her shifting feet rustled louder still as her toes curled too, and again she moaned in her bashful helplessness.

Laney delayed her response a little this time, letting Trish stew under the gaze of the class, letting the class get more and more worked up watching the cougar's extreme, almost sexual response to their attention and her desperate need to go. It had been hours since the cougar had downed a full two litre bottle of water under Laney's gleeful watch, and the vixen could only imagine how hard it must have been for Trish to wait even this long, never mind throughout the whole hour's duration of this class. Of course she could have called it off at any moment, and there was nothing stopping her fleeing to at least the privacy of the office and the small cubicle bathroom it contained if she truly couldn't hold back. But Trish had promised Laney that she would see this through with her. That she would share this experience with the vixen for her very first time. And the fox believed her young lover, even now that she could see the full extent of Trish's urgent need to let her bladder go.

Finally, just after she'd witnessed a male student's shoulder moving in a way that seemed a lot like he had just reached for the crotch of the woman sitting next to him, followed by that female otter's eyes widening and a goofy, giddy smile spreading over her face, the Professor gave her commentary on the cheetah's supposition.

"Another correct assessment. So many of the body's systems are connected, and when we are in a state of heightened emotion in almost any respect those systems can get a little confused. We lose fine motor control, and suddenly rather than tensing one muscle we tense them all. But, there is so much more nuance to how this particular form of distraction; what I tend to call 'urinary distress', reacts throughout the body. Right now Trish is more generally focused on restraining herself. On maintaining control over her bladder of course, but also on keeping calm and not being too overwhelmed by the additional stress of exposing her body in such a public venue. If however we were to focus her mind more specifically on her bladder's needs... force her to react in a way that would lead to forget almost entirely about everyone in this room..."

Before anyone could react or even consider what the Professor was going to do to try and illustrate her latest point, Laney had reached out and grasped Trish gently around the lower back with one arm. She then took her other hand, positioned it against the very base of the cougar's stomach, and applied the slightly inward pressure with the palm of her hand. The assembled students gasped, all of them knowing what reaction such a compression of the bladder could provoke. But their combined shock was nothing compared to the frantic, shameful shriek that escaped the cougar in that moment, nor the wide eyed horror as all of a sudden, uncontrollably, the white cotton of her panties darkened as a brief spray of urine soaked its interior and began to soak through the delicate fabric.

"O-oohhhh... no! No!"

Trish wailed with genuine horror, her body stumbling back until she was resting her rump on the edge of the Professor's desk. The young cougar's bountiful breasts heaved up and down as she gulped down deep lungfuls of air whilst trying to hold herself back. She rose up onto the tips of her toes, and her hands hung half outstretched in mid air, open and quivering as she squeezed her eyes tightly shut with desperate focus. Soft whimpers and moans escaped several figures around the class, including one rather obvious pair of lustful grunts from the otter woman and her canine friend who were now obviously masturbating one another. Not a single student moved or looked remotely aghast at what was going on around them though, either so excited or curiously enthralled by what they were seeing that they couldn't possibly imagine forcing it to stop.

Indeed the only person present apparently dedicated to stopping anything was Trish, and somehow the cougar did manage to staunch her bladder's brief flow. It was clear however that whatever restraint she had been enforcing before was nothing like as difficult to manage as what she now faced. Laney drew attention to this immediately, and her own voice was thick with arousal as she stared at the quivering figure of the cougar.

"Observe the dampness of her underwear. The first and brief spell of incontinence may be smaller when it occurs, or larger than this, dependant on how physically and mentally able the person in question finds themselves in regaining control."

Gently Laney's right hand cupped the damp, now semi transparent crotch of the cougar's white panties. The students couldn't possibly have seen the way her palm carefully pressed forward, grinding itself against Trish's sensitive mound, but they certainly heard the deep grunt of pleasure which escaped the cougar in that moment. Laney just giggled, acting like it was the most natural thing in the world even as yet another burst of liquid added to the sodden state of the feline model's underwear and dripped down around her fingers as they withdrew.

"With a body in such a state of tension, arousal can be a perfectly natural response. Imagine yourself flooded with adrenaline after a fight or flight situation. Consider how many pieces of media rely on this trope of a near death experience or an exposure to violence or some other sort of social taboo as a catalyst for physical romantic expression between characters. These all share a root cause in brain chemistry, and the desperation caused by urinary distress of this advanced stage is just the same."

Again she moved her hand towards Trish, and the cougar actually took a shaky side step away from her, shaking her head and mewling in frantic, pleading dismay. Fresh moans of excitement rose up around the class as they realised just how close the cougar was to soaking her panties and pissing uncontrollably right here in front of them, all. Laney meanwhile just smiled, and soothingly reassured Trish that she wasn't going to do anything more to overwhelm or provoke her body's needs into asserting themselves.

"Don't worry. I won't push. I won't make it happen. You take your time. We're not going anywhere. There's so much more to see here. So much more for us all to learn by watching for as long as it takes."

True to her word, Laney's hand did not touch Trish at all, but waved itself teasingly close to her thighs as she addressed the class once again.

"See how her thighs are trembling? This is an example of the more fine motor control I was referring to earlier. Look closely, and consider how tightly she must be working to hold the muscles that keep her bladder restrained to provoke such a physical reaction here."

Just as the vixen said, Trish's thighs were visibly quivering with such rapid and visible motion it was like she was being pounded by Laney wielding a strap-on. That quivering grew all the more visible as to the class's continued amazement and the squealing but helpless feline's supposed shock Laney hooked her thumbs around the sides of Trish's underwear and peeled the urine stained panties down and over those thighs. She left them resting stretched and dripping around Trish's knees, her legs slightly spread and her pussy's flushed lips and swollen clit visible for all to see. Ever so briefly she squeezed her legs together in an attempt to conceal her modesty at least a little, but with an anguished shriek the cougar found them springing open again as the added pressure only served to send a few now fully exposed droplets of urine flooding from her urethral opening and dripping down loudly onto the plastic sheet below.

"P-please... please Professor A-aah... Atkinson, I... I can't do this any more. I ha-aaahh... have to go. I have to go, now."

Trish cried out loudly to the professor, bringing the lecture rapidly towards its conclusion with what was an entirely honest wail of despair. To her apparent horror though, and to the enthralled glee of many of those watching, Laney just continued to use her reaction as a teaching aid.

"Now we begin to see the physiological influencing behaviour on a more advanced scale. Instinct overruling more and more of our subject's high level functions. She begs, she seeks to bargain and plead for freedom even though there is no restraint from which she needs to escape. Her mind is so confused by the barrage of sensations and demands her body is making she forgets that she is here of her own free will, and has been all along. She is paralysed by conflicting social taboos. She knows she cannot let her bladder go in such a public space, but dares not leave the confines of this small plastic sheet for fear that she might commit a far greater taboo by wetting the flooring here before she can get to a more appropriate location."

Laney smiled at Trish, and for just a fraction of a second the terror and nerves left her secret lover's eyes. She might not have been faking her desperation, or the anguished embarrassment of realising that she might well be about to truly lose control in front of all these people, but Trish was glad she was here. Glad she was able to share this experience with Laney not only to bring herself a little closer to this incredible older woman, not only to make one of Laney's final wishes that money couldn't possibly buy her come true, but also because deep down, the more she experienced this intense, painful desperation, the more she found herself wondering if when this experience was over she might well find herself seeking out a similar feeling again.

Then the Professor turned away from her, and that all consuming need to let go of her bladder was all that remained. Trish screamed at the top of her lungs, her legs bowing and her hands diving between them, shamelessly covering up her pussy as though that would do anything to keep the cougar from doing what was about to happen. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and at the last moment, as she clung to the final vestiges of her restraint, she heard Laney make one last request of the class.

"Right now she has found herself in an impossible situation. And the only way to improve it... the only way to spare her the horror and embarrassment of public humiliation, is to prove to her that we as a social group do not hold her responsible for this. We have all been there, or close at the very least. And today Trish has pushed herself not just to the limit to teach us all first-hand about the demands a body can place upon itself, but beyond that limit."

Raising her hands encouragingly towards the class, Laney began to prompt them as she spoke to the trembling, desperate cougar behind her.

"Let go, Trish. It's okay. Let it out. Wet yourself. I don't mind. It's okay, Trish. Just do it. Let go."

Sure enough, a strangled cry erupted from somewhere in the staring rows of students; some rubbing at their crotches through jeans and underwear, others less subtle in their arousal, and many more just feeling their cocks throb or pussies clutch while feeding on every last little sight occurring before their eyes, locking it away for later, more private indulgence.

"Do it, Trish! I don't mind!"

And following that first cry, another, this one from the bashful palomino horse whose hands were clasped around the edge of the desk before him to keep himself from reaching out and touching the violently straining erection abundantly visible down the length of his left pant-leg.

"Let go. It's fine, r-really."

From the female otter, her and her boyfriend writhing in their seats as they openly masturbated one another closer and closer to the brink of orgasm, a shrieking cry of glee.

"Yes! Do it! N-nhh... now!"

And then, from a wolf in the front right of the lecture hall who had been almost entirely silent until this very moment, a breathless and pleading moan as liquid began to run down over the edges of the seat upon which she was resting.

"Oh. O-oh god. Please... p-ple-aaah... a-aaaaaaahh....."

Even without those cries of support the cougar's release would have been inevitable, but upon hearing all of that encouragement, something which neither she nor Laney had truly expected, the female's release was pushed ever closer. She stared at Laney, the vixen now doing everything she could simply to keep from plunging her hands beneath her skirt and jilling herself to a frenzied orgasm alongside her lover. She stared at the crowd watching, moaning, shivering and in one case pre-empting her own release with their own flood of piss. She felt her eyes settle for just a moment on the red faced palomino, and whimpered in delight as his own hues bulged, and a look of horror crossed his face as his rampant hard-on began to twitch and pulse within the confines of his trousers.

And then, as the horse sank back in his seat and tried to fumble his notebook over where glistening white cum was suddenly gushing through the fabric close to the left knee of his trousers, she could hold back not a fraction of a second longer. With a strangled mewling of lust and humiliation that was in no way exaggerated or put on, the cougar was wetting herself. She was pissing right there in the middle of a college lecture hall, hot streams of urine gushing over the hands still cupping her crotch, flooding out between her trembling fingers as she tossed her head back and whimpered in sheer, joyous relief. Soon enough her hands fell away, dropping limp to her sides as a gleeful, almost wearily happy expression spread over her whole face. Her whole body was relaxing as pale yellow liquid flooded down her inner thighs and spattered loudly against the plastic sheet beneath her. The warm wetness pooled around her toes, and they quivered and twitched, splashing almost playfully in the puddles that formed.

"Oh god, Trish..."

From close by, unable to hold or even touch the cougar if she wanted the college to believe that the big cat really had no part in this whole plan beyond being the Professor's unwitting aide, Laney moaned as she stared at the beautiful sight of Trish wholly losing control. Of freeing herself from all the pent up restraint and so many of society's rules and restrictions, and looking like she was having the time of her life doing so. Which, of course, she was.

Never in her life had the vixen witnessed something so beautiful. Even if they were going to part ways in the near future; even if her career as a Professor was about to end and a whole new life open up before her, she would always be able to look back and relive this moment. Remember it. Cherish it. And share it with Trish, no matter where they went and with whom they found themselves from that point onward.


"W-when I was done... when the last few droplets were dripping from my lips and the class had turned into more of an orgy than a lecture with so many of them turned on or actually getting off on what they'd seen me do, Laney took me back into the side office. She locked the door behind us. She dragged me into the bathroom, and even before I could start taking her clothes off, she was pissing herself too. She didn't need to go, not like I did. But she wanted to, and she'd drunk enough that day to soak her panties through and keep wetting my paw even when I slipped it inside and started to fuck her with my fingers. Just... j-just like this."

Half speaking, half whispering her story to Mika, Trish moaned as she leaned down over the trembling, whimpering younger vixen. Her fingers delved deep into the needy, desperate female's pussy, and began to drive rapidly in and out as their equally breathless, whimpering lips met in a deep kiss. The vixen's toes flexed and splayed out. Her back arched and her tufty tail swept wildly from side to side as she gurgled and whined into her lover's muzzle. She stared up at the older, grinning cougar above her, mind filled with thoughts of what it must have been like for Trish to experience that sort of release in public for her very first time. It had been addictive enough a sensation when Mika had first tried it under Trish's more private, intimate tutelage. No wonder Trish had been practising it for as long, and as eagerly as her many stories of past debauchery suggested.

Abruptly, violently, Trish pulled her fingers out from the vixen's deliciously wet, sensitive depths. Mika gave a frantic shriek, and a flood of hot, almost transparent dilute urine sprayed out across the bed in a near orgasmic ejaculation. The digits returned, and just as quickly as they began to plunge into and slip back out of Mika once more, they withdrew yet again. Her legs kicked, and the vixen howled in ecstasy, toes pointing to the skies as her inner musculature clamped down with such force that the spray of piss she let loose sailed clean beyond the edge of the bed and onto the unprotected but thankfully varnished and water-tight wood of the floor with a heavy rainfall like pitter-pattering.

"God... don't stop. Let it out, sweet thing..."

Trish moaned gleefully to the younger woman. To the one person including Laney all those decades ago whom she could not imagine her life without.

"Piss for me. Cum for me. D-do it all. Let me feel it. See it. Let me hear you scream it."

It was another vixen that had made all of this possible. Another vixen that had been there for her where it all began. But it was Mika who was here now. And more than that, it was Mika alone whom Trish could picture herself with, sharing this or any other intimate experience remotely this much fun, for the rest of her days.

"Trish! Oh god. Oh... oh god , Trish. It's... I'm...! A-aahhh-haaaaaaaaaah!"

By Jeeves

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