Unlimited Free Refills

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A restaurant with unlimited free refills on soda? Sounds like heaven, at least, right up until it becomes Mika's bladder's worst nightmare.

This short story was written for Lightweaver! It contains watersports and F/F sexual acts between consenting adults. :3

Unlimited Free Refills

"Ohh... oh god..."

Trish groaned as she lowered her face towards the table which rested between herself and Mika, one trembling hand clutching close to the tip of the straw protruding from her soda as her lips puckered but seemed to refuse actively closing around the hollow tube. The cougar shifted in her seat, shuddering from top to toe and swinging her legs back and forth in a very weak effort at distracting herself. A soft giggle escaped Mika, and the vixen tossed her long, dark hair with pride as she teasingly whispered to her lover.

"You can give up if you want. The bathrooms are right over there."

Nodding her head towards a set of stairs with signage indicating that there were indeed toilets to be found beyond them, the younger woman solidified her utmost confidence by grasping her own glass of soda, lifting it from the table and sucking down a couple of gulps through her very own straw. With each swallow though Trish could see more and more colour building behind her girlfriend's furred cheeks, and the big cat felt a playful grin of her very own spreading across her muzzle as she raised an eyebrow in Mika's direction. One of her legs swung forward, and with the toes of her bare paw stretching out, she gently caressed the equally bare, skirt-clad lower leg of the other woman.

Mika's eyes bulged. She gave a muffled yelp, and very nearly dropped her glass as her whole body sprang bolt upright within its seat. A look of frantic, fearful concentration spread across her face, and as soon as she had set her trembling, thankfully half empty cup down on the table once more both of her hands found their fingers clutching tightly at the table's edge. Her fingernails dug into the woodwork, and she continued to stare blankly at Trish, her small but plump figure trembling as the cougar simply grinned with triumphant vindication.

"You can give up if you want. The bathrooms are right over there."

With a similarly smug nod of her head, Trish echoed the vixen's words. Mika whined, half in apology for her prior arrogance, but half in frustration at what she clearly felt was a breach of the rules they had set up at the start of their meal.

"I... I t-thought we agreed no intimate touching. You know h-how fast we can make each other lose control if we start down that route."

Trish smirked, shrugging and finally taking a smaller, daintier additional sip of her own soda.

"I touched your leg, Mika. If I had tried to rub your clit or fondle a nipple, then you'd have a case. But c'mon... half the couples in here will play a little footsie before their meal is over. There's no point in this game if we can't just enjoy our date night, too."

Trish was right, and much as she wanted to Mika couldn't deny that. This may not have been the most romantic of restaurants; tables laden with plates of chicken and their discarded bones, a loud, open gantry grill area busily calling orders and a large soda fountain dishing out unlimited free refills to all customers, but it was still popular enough with couples that even with a quick glance the vixen could spot at least a couple of pairs with their legs in some way tenderly touching beneath the tables. The atmosphere wasn't why they were here though, and even though it was pretty damn delicious neither was the food. They were here for the soda. Or rather, for the sheer volume of it they could drink in order to not only get their money's worth, but to test one another's resolve in their favourite intimate game of chicken.

Normally, at home, the stakes would be higher than they were here of course. They would lie in bed together or on a plastic clad couch, and drink. And wait. And drink. And wait. They would cuddle and touch. Kiss and fondle. They would make love when their bladders were full and ready to burst. And neither one of them would be allowed to rise, or escape this situation, until one or both of them had lost control and given in to their desire for relief. Neither one of them wanted to cause a scene by actively wetting themselves in a public place like this though, so tonight the rules were a little more relaxed. Just wait until you felt like you couldn't any longer, and the first one to race off to the bathroom to empty their bladder in a more traditional and less intimately exciting way was the loser.

Thus far they had both downed three glasses of soda each over the course of their starter and the majority of their mains, and that wasn't counting the additional sizeable glass of water they had both downed while still at home to ensure they didn't have to hang around the restaurant for an abnormal length of time in order for their bladders to start tugging insistently at the backs of their minds. It was this glass however, the fourth of the night, that was really starting to weigh heavily within the women's hearts and bladders. Every sip was heaven and hell to endure, tantalising them and pushing them closer and closer to their limit. They could see the strain in one another's eyes, and no matter how they were each trying to play it cool there was no way both women didn't know exactly how little more liquid it would take before their partner found themselves at breaking point.

Of course, growing this desperate for physical relief did have other side effects other than the shaking and constant, helpless squirming of their bodies within their seats. Beneath their clothes, though they had yet to spill even a drop of urine, both the fox and cougar's panties were wet. They could feel their hearts beating rapidly due to the sheer physical force of will it took for them to hold back their urge to race to the restroom, and with every beat of their hearts, their swollen, engorged clits throbbed with a savage and bestial hunger. Quite frankly the two women were so worked up that had they not been in need of the restroom at all they still might have run there together just so they could slip into a cubicle and fuck one another senseless with their fingers. Similarly, had they not been quite so worked up with their mutual arousal, each of the pair would probably have found it somewhat easier to manage their bladder's own insistent and increasingly irresistible call.

Another sip of soda rolled down Mika's throat, then another. She followed it up with one of the last bites of chicken from her plate in a failed attempt to trick her body into thinking that it was simply food she was consuming, adding no more liquid to the amount already travelling between stomach and already swollen bladder. The vixen stared at her lover in desperation as Trish matched her gulp for gulp, almost millilitre for millilitre. Trish had more than a decade more experience at this than her. If she could just keep up drop for drop, never pushing herself too far ahead, how the hell did Mika have any hope of winning? Already the vixen had come so very close to flooding her panties and the seat beneath her when the cougar's footpaw had unexpectedly caused her focus and control to briefly stumble, and her body had never really recovered from that. She still felt like she was just barely hanging on, and that any second now she might have to admit defeat.

"I... I don't think I can hang on, T-Trish. I... I have to go. Or I'll, I... I might..."

Mika pushed her glass back, away from the edge of the table and away from her muzzle. She shook her head, and as Trish saw the genuine fear and concern in the vixen's eyes she didn't try to joke or tease or tempt her lover into waiting any longer. There were times and places to push the limits, and this wasn't one to take things any further than they already had been. Warmly, tenderly, Trish nodded.

"You go. I... I think by the time you get back to look after our things, I might have to take my turn as well."

Before Mika could rise from her seat though, as she took just a moment to smile gratefully at her lover's understanding, their server appeared. Seemingly from out of nowhere the friendly German Shepherd appeared by the side of their table, her beaming muzzle glancing from vixen to cougar, empty plates to empty plates.

"All done here? Can I clear these plates for you?"

A shrill whine almost escaped Mika's lips as she remained politely seated, not wishing to have to explain or even leave it to Trish to explain why she was quite so violently desperate to get to the restroom that she couldn't even wait a few seconds to engage with the woman who had been so warm and friendly to them from the moment they stepped through the doors. Thankfully the cougar spoke on both their behalf, nodding and gesturing that they were indeed done.

"Sure. Everything was absolutely delicious, thank you."

The dog began to gather their plates, warmly continuing to address and look between the two women as she did so.

"Awesome. Can I get you guys any dessert or coffee? I can show you the menu, but personally I recommend our signature strawberry and cream tarts. We also offer a bottomless ice-cream deal if you found the meals a little spicy. You sure seemed to be going through your drinks pretty fast for a while there."

Against the edge of the table Mika's fingers flexed and re-affirmed their vice-grip, knuckles turning white beneath her fur. Between her legs, beneath the light, pale blue fabric of her skirt, she could feel her thighs trembling with the sheer willpower it took to keep the muscles of her crotch clamped tightly shut. She stared at Trish with pleading, frantic desperation. She had to go. She had to be allowed to excuse herself now , or she was going to do something phenomenally stupid. She was going to piss herself in the centre of a crowded restaurant, and no matter how much she just wanted to be terrified by that thought, the closer it came to becoming a reality the more certain Mika was that if and when it happened she was going to be so fucking turned on by it that she might well moan out loud.

Before Trish could save her, and before the server could say another word, Mika flung herself off her chair with such force that the heavy wooden seat went flying backwards, teetering on two legs before toppling over and clattering loudly against the solid floor of the restaurant. Dozens of pairs of eyes turned towards the vixen as she stumbled out from between the chair's legs, and she shook her head in dismay, overwhelmed by arousal as she felt the first trickle of her urine break through the myriad barriers she had erected and start staining her panties with just a few drops in front of all those wide eyed people staring right at her.

"I.. I've gotta... I'm... o-oh god..."

The dam burst. Trish leapt from her own seat, desperate to try and help Mika to the restroom before it was too late, but that last chance had already come and gone. Teetering and stumbling forward, the vixen wailed as she fell into Trish's arms, and as her warm, soda diluted urine began to flow freely down the insides of her legs. The German Shepherd server cried out in shock, and all around the restaurant other groups gasped and pointed and laughed as the front and rear of Mika's skirt darkened and the heavy flood began to rain down through her now sodden panties in loud, unmistakably thundering droplets against the wooden floor below. Her toes curled in a growing puddle of her own fresh urine, and as she cried out in a mixture of shame and pure, humiliated elation at how good it felt to finally relieve herself, she heard Trish whispering in her ears with fevered excitement.

"Oh god, Mika. You're doing it... y-you're actually... oh fuck, yes."


The vixen's eyes fluttered open, and almost immediately a heated whimper of embarrassment and longing slipped through her lips. Her crotch was soaked, and indeed it was only getting wetter as where she lay on her belly upon the bed, she pissed freely. There was another source of moisture upon her body though, and as she pulled her right hand back from where it was dangling over the edge of the bed in a rather unnatural manner, she felt it withdraw from some source of slightly warm liquid. Lifting her head, moaning and drawing out the experience... whatever it was, by briefly staunching the flood of her own urine, Mika looked to her left. There, naked and feverishly rubbing at her pussy as she sat cross-legged before the vixen, was Trish. The vixen then looked over the edge of the bed to her right, and giggled as she realised what had happened.

"A-ah... baby, I... it worked."

She had gone to bed with a full bladder, but Trish had stayed up. She had waited, just like they'd discussed, for more than an hour, until Mika was deeply asleep. And then she had gotten up, filled a bucket with lukewarm water, and brought it to the side of the bed to test an old wives tale that was of particular interest to the two of them. And apparently, unless this was one hell of a coincidence, it had worked. The vixen had her hand dunked in a bucket of water, and she had wet the bed.

Shuddering happily, rolling over onto her back and spreading her legs; bending them at the knee and peering down between them over her trembling breasts, Mika let go once more. Her flow resumed, and she watched herself begin to wet the sheets once again first with a trickle, then a more solid and audible spray of urine. A strangled cry rang out, but not from her. She looked towards Trish, and saw the cougar's whole plump, curvaceous figure quivering violently as she held a trio of fingers firmly but practically unmoving against her throbbing clit. Her lover was cumming; having brought herself to climax through her voyeuristic excitement in the space of time alone it took Mika to empty her bladder even half way.

"God, Trish. Yes. Cum. Cum, baby. D-do it."

Still wetting the bed, her heavy stream soaking through the fabric and down to the plastic sheeting upon which they slept each and every night, Mika whimpered giddily. One hand rose from her side, and reached down towards the trembling apex of her thighs. Seeing Trish cum, knowing how much she had turned on her lover through her actions however passive and primarily subconscious, there was no way that Mika wasn't going to have to cum too in the ensuing minutes. And while she was certain that soon the cougar would be eager to take over the task of bringing her to climax, she wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to get started right away.

Mika's fingers grazed her own firm, engorged clitoris, and the vixen grunted happily as she felt the flow from her bladder ever so briefly cease alongside the contraction of her inner muscles. She gave a long, shuddering gasp of elation as the flood and the sensation of blissful relief which accompanied it returned just moments later, and stared up at her girlfriend's wide eyed, trembling and beautifully pleasure stricken figure.

This was yet another trick added to their arsenal of fun. Another way they had to manipulate one another's bladders and bodies into granting them endless amounts of shared euphoria. And now that they had tested it on her, Mika couldn't wait to figure out new and wonderful ways to inflict this unexpected and uncontrolled type of release upon her lover in return.

Although... in reality that wasn't the only new way of playing that Mika had discovered that night.

As she lay there, her bladder almost empty and her fingers beginning to move faster against her soaking wet and sensitive pussy, the vixen began to recall the dream from which she had awoken as the line between subconscious and consciousness was blurred by her bladder's release. The contest which she had Trish had been engaged was something they could easily replicate in reality, and with date night just a few days away Mika was certain she could find a local restaurant that offered unlimited free refills on their drinks.

The only question was did she tell Trish what she was considering now; recount her dream to the cougar and enjoy how wild it would drive her lover to hear of Mika's desperation fuelled fantasy? Or let the cougar find out on the night, when her bladder was already pleasantly full and the dream that had spawned the idea was ready to become reality?

By Jeeves

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