Leo Lupine Chapter 2 : Guardian Angel

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Chapter 2

Guardian Angel

"Leo, we're at my place now" the lioness whispers to me in a soft voice.

"What! We're here already?" I yelp in surprise. I glance around to find that I'm now in an ice white hall way. "The last thing I remember is leaving the bus shelter with you and...."

"That's because you fell asleep on the way" she explained kicking off her trainers onto a mat "You must be sleepy."

Still gently carrying me, she takes me up the stairs covered by a sand coloured carpet. On the landing she takes me through a door on the left, into what I assume is her bedroom. The walls of the bedroom are a rich golden colour whilst the fuzzy carpet is a dark violet. In the centre of the room is a queen-sized bed, neatly covered with white sheets.

"Here, you go sweet heart" Angel say's as she places me on the bed so I'm comfortably sitting on the edge. The lioness then grabs a towel that's hung over a wooden chair and spreads it over a section of the bed.

"On second thoughts sit here" she say's patting the towel area with her paw "just in case you get any blood on the sheets."

I wouldn't want to anger her by getting blood on her bed sheets so I shuffle over to the area were the towel is spread out.

"Ok Leo darling, I'm going to be cleaning up your wounds now. However, before I do, I just need to get a few things from the bathroom" the feline explains "I won't be a minute."

"Um ok Miss" I reply. Once Angel leaves the room, several things on the wall in front of me catch my eye. The first thing that grabs my attention is a large wooden framed photograph that's hung on the wall. The photo depicts a group of at least 20 lion's and lionesses, clustered together in a group in a grassy field. On the far right of the photograph I spot Angel who's standing next to a tall lioness with white fur. That must be her family. Lucky her as the only surviving family member I have around is my abusive mother (I'm not counting Charlie as a family member). Hung next to the photograph there are some tribal lion masks that look as though that've been carved from wood. As well as having a large family she has a great taste in art.

When I turn my head to side, I notice some more interesting objects on her bedside drawer. These objects are a rounded silver face mirror and a golden framed photo of a tiny lion cub. Curiosity gets the better of me so I get up from the bed and move to the drawer to get a better look. I'm glad I did as I find the black and white photo of lion cub to be the cutest thing I've ever seen. It can't be more than a few days old and it looks very peaceful with its eyes closed. Was this hers or was it a relative?

I then look at my own reflection in the circular mirror. "Great" I mutter as I notice the faded purple bags underneath my hazel eyes, due to the lack of sleep. I notice that my stone grey head fur is scruffy and on my white muzzle I have claw mark which where Charlie hit me. Oh well, at least my black eye he gave me from a week ago has vanished.

"Admiring your reflection?"

Nearly jumping out of my fur I turn to see Angel standing right in front of me. She's holding small white plastic box in one paw and a plastic basin in the other.

"I guess so if that's ok with you?" I reply meekly.

"Everyone has the right to see their own reflection" she chuckles "besides I think you're a very hansom wolf."

"Um thanks" I reply blushing slightly at her comment as well as feeling warm and fuzzy inside.

"Now let's get those wounds of yours cleaned up."

As soon as I sit down on the bed, the feline whisks my bloodied t shirt from my body. I feel slightly embarrassed as she can see that I'm quite skinny. Not to mention the many markings on my back! She then grabs a wash cloth from the basin and begins to wipe the blood off my back. The cloth feels warm and it's a soothing feeling, a bit like being massaged.

"Who did this to you?" Angel said quietly in a concerned tone of voice as she gently wiped the gash on my shoulder "was it that Doberman from earlier?"

"My mum did it. She did it because I well...." I felt too embarrassed telling her why.

"Sweet heart whatever you did I'm sure you can tell me."

"I wet the bed!" I suddenly shouted. "I didn't even mean to! It just happened!"

"It's nothing to feel ashamed of" she replied sympathetically placing a paw gently on my shoulder. "She shouldn't have been punishing you for that. Besides her way of discipline is just sickening as she shouldn't be hitting you."

"Thanks though sorry I over reacted. I just feel a bit stressed out"

"And I don't blame you for feeling stressed out. I mean with the amount you have to put up with and well it's been not the first time they've unfairly punished you, has it?"

It amazes me how understanding this lion woman is. For a moment I wonder how she knows before I realises why.

"You've seen my scars right?"

Angel nods her head in response. She look's slightly upset as her lip curls into a slight frown.

On my back I have several red faded lines and purple bruises from where the belt buckle has hit me. As much as I try to forget, I'm always going to remember the first ever time mother punished me using the belt. I had only been 10 at the time and what I done wrong? I'd wet the bed.

"So who was that guy at the bus shelter that was hurting you?" She asked me, gently wiping some more blood off my back.

"Oh him, that's Charlie, my mother's boyfriend" I replied. "He's been with her for at least year now.

"Ok so as far as I know, your mother and her boyfriend are the ones that are hurting you. Is there anyone else that's been involved?"

I slowly shake my head in response.

"Alright Leo, thankfully your cuts won't need stitches though to on the safe side I'm going to be putting some disinfectant on them" she explained "It might sting a little."

I sit very still while Angel applies the liquid to my cuts with a cotton pad. Whilst it dose sting, it's thankfully not as painful as I was expecting. Hell it's far less painful than any of the physically abuse I have received tonight.

"There, were all done" angel exclaims before she grabs a black t shirt with a union jack logo that's hung neatly over a chair and places it over my head. It's very much like an oversized nightshirt as it down to my knees, though at least it's clean and comfortable.

"Now the next thing we should do is contact the police" she says "They'll have them both arrested and put behind bars."

"They will get them put in jail right?" If they weren't put behind bars they'd have me dead for grassing, first chance they got.

"Well there's a likely chance as we have evidence such as those markings on your back. Also I saw Charlie hurting you earlier so you have me as a witness."

"I feel kinda stupid. There were times when I felt like going to the police though for some strange reason I didn't have it in me, like I was being blocked by an invisible wall. I was worried that they wouldn't do anything and mum would kill me if she found out I grassed."

"Hey I understand, It can hard for cubs in your position to come forward."

"I also had hope that maybe, just maybe someday mother would start showing me some respect" I muttered with a lump in my through. "So I tried to impress her by studying hard at school and doing the cleaning round the house. Though that day will never happen....."

I then feel myself begin to tear up. Angel notices this and hands me a tissue.

"Leo darling, its ok" she says placing her giant arm around my shoulder. "I think you've been very brave getting away from them and telling me."

Once I've calmed down, I dry the last of my tears. Angel rummages through her bedside draws and picks up a silver mobile phone before dialling 911. After a few minutes of waiting she final reaches the police.

"Hello officer, this Angel Savannah here" she says into the phone. "Now I have a young wolf pup with me and I'm concerned that he's is a victim of abuse. Earlier tonight I saw one of his carers hitting him and it's not been the first time he's been assaulted. When I was cleaning up his wounds I saw several bruises and scars on his back."

"How is he? He's coping with it quite well. No he doesn't need to be taken to hospital I'm sure of that" she replies firmly into the receiver. "His mother and her boyfriend are the ones involved. Oh he hasn't told me their full names so I'll just... Oh you want to speak with him? Well he's with me now so I'll ask him."

"Leo the police want to ask you a few questions. Do you feel like you can manage?

"I think so?" I reply weakly.

The feline places the phone into my paw.

"Um hello" I murmur in the phone.

"Hey kid, this is officer Barker here." His voice sounds very friendly. "How are you feeling?"

"My back aches a bit though I'll live."

"Glad to hear that" he says in an enthusiastic tone "what your name kiddo."

"Leonardo Antonino Lupine." Yep you now know my full name.

"That's a cool name, though do you prefer Leo for short?"

"Yeah I guess so."

"Ok Leo I'll need the names of you mother and her boyfriend and your home address" before he then adds reassuringly "you can take as long as you want telling me."

"Oh right, my mother's name is Kate Lupine and her boyfriend's name is Charlie Jones." I then tell him my home address.

"Ah yes now this Jones is a dodgy character" he explains. "I know about him as we have his records. We arrested him a few weeks ago for assaulting someone at a bar; unfortunately he got out on bail. Though he' not getting away this time."

"Wow really, I hate that guys guts." Though what about mother.

"As for Kate we don't have her record though we can track her down with the address. If she's found guilty of mistreating you then she could be looking at a life prison sentence."

"Really?" is all I can gasp in astonishment.

"Yep, child abuse is serious offence which I believe these two have committed. I'm sending out units to their homes to arrest them."

I can hardly believe my ears. Finally there's a good chance that my mother and her boyfriend will be brought to justice.

"Now the next thing that we need to sort is where you'll be staying for the night. We're rather sort staffed at the station and social services are closed. Do you have any relatives that you could stay with?"

"I'm afraid I don't have any officer" I reply solemnly "My grandma's dead and I don't know where my dad is."

"Here let me speak with him" Angel says holding her paw reaching for the phone "I might have a solution." So without hesitation I hand her the mobile.

"Ah I see officer. It's a shame" she replies glancing at me with a worried expression. "Well if it's allowed I don't mind him staying with me. He needs as much rest as possible and going the station might be too stressful for him. Ah yes, I've had plenty of experience as I work as an assistant teacher in a nursey and I babysit part time"

Come to think of I wouldn't mine saying with Angel for a bit. Despite I've known her for less than an hour I feel like she's trustworthy enough. I also feel safe when I'm with her as well.

"He can? That's great" she says sounding rather relived "perfect, I'll ask him."

"Leo would you like to stay here with me for the night?"

"I would really like to, though I don't want to be trouble for you."

"It's ok, I don't mind at all."

"Alright then I'll stay with here with you."

"Well that's settled" she says with a smile. "Here you can get all the rest you need. I'll just let the officer know."

After Angel has told the officer her address and contact details, she hands the mobile back to me. "He just wants to hear from you one last time" she explains.

"Your fine with staying with Angel for the time being, right?" the officer asks me.

"Yes, sir I feel like I can trust her and she's also been nice to me."

"That's great, now some time tomorrow a few officers from the station will be coming over to question you" he explained. "You're not in trouble but in order to prosecute your carers, we need to hear the full story of what happened. Can you manage telling us?"

"Probably" I said unsurely.

"Well after a good night sleep you should have a clear head for tomorrow. Also you during your interview you can take as long as you want" he explained reassuringly.

"Thank you officer" I say politely. Inside I'm quite relived.

"Your welcome kid though I ought I be thanking you as your helping us to arrested these offenders. Say ever thought of becoming police officer when you're older?"

"I'm not really too sure what job I want" I said stifling a yawn.

"Well rather than keeping you awake by asking you more questions, I think I'll let you rest now" he said kindly. "I wish you the best of luck out there kid."

"I'll take it from hear Leo" Angel say's holding out her paw for the phone. Instantly I hand her back the mobile.

"I'm glad it's been sorted officer. Ah I see, well I'll probably be staying awake so if you have you want to inform about anything else just call me. Ok that's fine, good night" she says before switching off the phone and placing it in her pocket.

She then comes over to me and gives me a quick hug, I guess to show me that I'm safe. I've become a lot more comfortable around her, so I return the affection by wrapping my arms around her waist.

It never fails to amaze me how kind this feline is. I mean how many people would let someone they barely know stay round their place?

"Angel, I want to thank you for saving me earlier from Charlie, cleaning my wounds and letting me stay round yours. Before I politely add "I'm eternally grateful and I'd do anything for you to return the favour."

"Aww sweet heart you don't have to do anything for me in return" she coos. "Besides I'd be happy to help you unconditionally. Now how about I show you were you'll be sleeping for tonight?"

"Um yes please miss" I say as I get up from the bed. I can't help but wonder out of curiosity were I'll be sleeping for tonight. Angel leads me out of her bedroom and onto the landing before she takes me through a door which is opposite to her bedroom. As I enter the room I can't help but gasp in astonishment. The walls of the room are painted light blue and the carpet is sand yellow. There is a king sized bed which is positioned in the center of the room which has dull purple sheets. To the left hand side of the bed by the wall there is a large brown chest of draws.

"What do you think?"

"I like it. Though whose bed room is this?"

"It's a guest room" she explains "It's for whenever relatives come to visit."

As I'm admiring the bedroom for a second time my stomach lets out a loud growl.

"Hungry? Angel asks kindly.

Blushing slightly I nod my head.

"Come on then kiddo" she chuckles "let's get you something nice to eat."

Out of the guest room, I follow her down the stairs into the hall way. She leads me through a door on the right and we enter her kitchen. I'm amazed at how tidy her kitchen is as the kitchen at my house which always needs cleaning.

"Sit here" she's says pointing her paw at the walnut brown table. I pull a chair out from underneath the table before then sit down, positioning myself so my back is not touching the backrest of the chair as my back still stings.

"Would you like some tomato soup as I have plenty of that left over?" Angel asks me. "If you don't fancy any, I can make you something else instead."

"Tomato soup would be great" I reply eagerly as it's been days since I've had a decent meal. I'm also quite found of soup.

Angel then walks to the fridge and takes out a plastic contain filled with a runny red liquid before she returns to the stove.

"There it'll only take a few minutes" she says as she pours the soup mixture in a glass pan. "You fancy any appetizers?"

"Yeah I guess so."

About a minute or two later, Angel places a large plate in front of me that's full bread, cheese and olives. She then places a glass of orange juice next to my plate. I freaking love orange juice, it would probably be my favourite drink of all time. There's no way I'm turning down this offer. I drain the whole glass with a few gulps before I wolf down the snacks (no puns intended.)

"My my, you must be hungry" Angel chuckles "besides there's plenty more where that came from."

For a moment I'm tempted to ask for some more bread and cheese though I don't want to seem too greedy so I decide not to. However, I can never get enough orange juice so I hold out my glass for a refill.

"Um thank you" I say politely as she takes the glass from me. "I really feel like I owe you one..."

"Your more than welcome" the lioness says cheerfully "You don't owe me anything and I insist. I see goodness as its own reward."

Good point I think to myself.

A fresh glass of orange juice is placed on the table though this time I take my time with it by sipping it slowly.

"Looks like your soups ready" Angel announced "And it's just the right temperature as well."

Angel then pours the runny red liquid into an ice white bowl before she places it down on the table in front of me. It smells delicious and my mouth begins to water. Picking up the bowl with both my paws I take a small gulp of the warm liquid. It's one of the greatest things I've ever tasted in my life.

"Wow this stuff is delicious" I exclaim.

"Glad you like it" she says with a smile "It's homemade. I prefer making meals my own meals as it's usually cheaper and healthier."

After a few more gulps of soup, I decide to take a break as I begin to feel full. Then I notice Angel getting something from the fridge which turns out to be a glass containing a yellow liquid. After shutting the fridge door, she pulls out a chair from underneath the table and settles herself down next to me.

"What would that be" I ask her referring to the contents in her glass.

"That would be my protein for tonight or to be precise half a dozen eggs. You want any? It'll help build your muscles."

"No thanks, I'll stick with my soup" I say grinning slightly.

In a few gulps Angel downs the contents of the glass and then wipes her muzzle clean with the back of her paw.

"I work out" she says casually. "It'll keep me fit and it'll give me a longer life span."

At this point there are several things that I wish to ask Angel mainly out of curiosity such as her job and her family, though I don't want to seem interfering so I decided not to.

"You know Leo, for a moment you looked as though you had something to ask me?"

"Ok I thought I'd ask you few questions well... about yourself.... Is that's alright with you?"

"Hey of course" the feline replies. "I won't want to seem like a mystery to you. You can ask me whatever you want."

"Ok then, how did you find me earlier. I mean it was late at night and there was no one else around."

"Well kid as it's a Friday I usually go out for run and what better time to go out at night when there not many furs around to get in the way" she explained. "It's a great way to clear your head."

She then smiled and nodded at me, beckoning me to ask her more questions.

"Do you find your job as an assistant teacher stressful?"

"Not at all as most of the time the cubs at nursery are usually well behaved. Though looking back at my previous job as a nurse in a children's ward, that was quite stressful at times."

"How often do you work out?"

"As often as I can. Most Saturday nights I go out to the gym then at home I do a bit of weight lifting every now and then. You could say I've been born athletic as I enjoyed physical education and sports when I was a cub at secondary school. Are you into sports at all?"

"Nah not really as I'm terrible at sports especially football. There's one activity that I enjoy in PE class and that would be cross country."

"Fair enough that's something both have in common" she says in an enthusiastic tone.

"Have you been to Africa before? If you have what's it like there."

"I'm glad you asked it's one of the nicest countries in the world. It's very atmospheric and great weather. I was born in Kenya and lived there until I was 10 as I moved to England with my parents and my sister. I have plenty of relatives there that I visit occasionally." Before she then adds "Have you been abroad yourself."

"Once when I was 5 years old, I went with my mum and dad to Disney land Paris. That was a holiday that I'm never going to forget."

"Nice, I've always wanted go there myself" before she added "Have you been to Italy before as your Italian right? I'm guessing from your full name I heard earlier."

"I haven't been there unfortunately, though I know that my dad use to live there when he was little before him and his folks move to England. It's where he met my mother who's British. So you could say I'm half Italian."

"You sound like an interesting type of kid."

"Thanks though I'm not really that interesting. I'm a nobody really."

I felt this was true. Other than a punching bag for my mum and her boyfriend, I was a nobody. At school majority of the students in my year considered me an outcast, likely due to my scrawny build and my quiet nature. So I kept myself to myself which often worked as I didn't get picked on much.

"Try not to think of yourself like that" Angel said sympathetically "I believe that we're all here for a reason."

"Ok so what's the reason for twats such as Kate and Charlie to be in this world? All they do smack me around and drink themselves senseless. Also what reason am I here for?"

"Well with people like your parents their probably in existence to show other's that there are bad people in the world that we have to be careful of. As for yourself I'm sure you have a reason to exist, you probably haven't found it yet."

Fair enough I think to myself before I take another gulp of soup. I feel full now, so I don't feel like anymore, though I feel guilty for not finishing it as Angel prepared it for me.

"You don't have to finish that if you don't feel like. You've eaten most of it any way so your fine."

She must be a mind reader I think to myself. If not she's good at noticing things.

"What time would it be?" I say before yawning.

"1.13" the lioness replies glancing at her watch "When is your bed time usually?"

"Whenever mother stops watching the TV from down stairs as she always leaves the volume on too loud" I explain "It's usually left on all night long."

"Well I guarantee you that they'll be no TVs keeping you awake tonight" she said with a smile. "Go ahead to the guest room and make yourself comfortable. I'll be with you shortly."

I leave the table and make my way upstairs to the guest room. Once I'm there I crash down on the bed and absorb the mattresses softness. It's feels a million times more comfortable than the lumpy bed I sleep on back at my place. I get underneath the covers and position myself so I'm lying on my side (since I don't want to put any pressure on my back). Now I feel comfortable enough though it would be nice if could take my jeans off, since I'm use to sleeping in my boxers. So I wriggly out of them and hang them over a nearby wooden chair. I hope Angel doesn't mind me doing this, then again I have a feeling she won't.

Just as I'm closing my eyes I hear Angel walking into the room, so I sit up as I reckon she's probably wants to talk to me.

"Comfy?" the lioness asks.

"Very" before I politely add "Thanks for letting me sleep hear Miss."

"Your welcome little one" she says kindly. "Say would you like me to put those jeans of yours in the wash?" she adds pointing to my scruffy black jeans that are hung over the chair.

"Yes please, if that's not too much trouble."

"It's fine Leo nothings too much trouble. Now if you need anything or can't you sleep just call me ok." She then tucks me in, which brings back found memories of my mother (when she use to be nice) and my grandma before she died, seeing me off to bed. As well as tucking me in, they'd also give me a good night kiss which I last got when I was at least 8 years old. I suddenly felt very tempted to ask Angel for one.

"Um Angel, I was wondering if you could err never mind."

"Do you want me give you a kiss good night" she say's grinning.

Yep she's definitely a mind reader.

"Yes, I mean no, just kidding."

"Leo I don't mind kissing you. I think that your one of the cutest and most politest wolves, I've met. Now if you feel comfortable with it, would you like a kiss?"

Her comment makes me blush but I smile and nod my head. Angel then learns forward and kisses me on my fore head. A strange yet familiar feeling of love and affection washes over me. I feel like I've been blessed.

"Could you do that again please" I ask. This time I get more than I bargained for as she pulls me into a warm embrace and kiss me on the check.

"Good night Leo, sleep well" she says warmly ruffling my head fur.

"I will and thank you Miss Angel" I reply with a yawn.

Angel switches the light off and then closes the bed room door as she exits, filling the room with an empty yet calming darkness. Things will get better I think to myself before I then remember nothing as I fall asleep.