Hayato: Finding Freedom Part I

Story by RikuHeartfire on SoFurry

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Let me say this! I thought of this from a dream I had not too long ago. Why, just a few days ago! And...I just HAD to somehow get this out! I may make this a manga (It's kinda short compared to Pokemon. Not sure though.) But...I just LOVED it! I'm glad I could remember what happened, bits and parts I had to add but Hayato himself, I thought was just perfect! Maybe he could be a OC of mine in the future? Who knows. Anyway, Part 2 and 3 will come soon! More sex!

"Hel. A place I never thought i'd end up in. To some it was a haven, just a place they got used to. To others... like me, it was torture." A cloaked figure ventured through the city-like landscape that was Hel. "I'm Hayato. Forced to fight to survive here like the rest of them." The young figure managed to work his way into a dark alley, slumping down along the wall. "See, this place is sort of a prison. Three sectors. The Slums as I call it, are filled with... people that you really wouldn't want to be around. The second is the Facility, I don't know what's really inside, but when other's make it in they rarely come back whole." The young figure looked to the entrance of the alleyway,spotting four large men walk slowly towards him. "The third sector...just a room. A room with a prize. A prize to give freedom to whoever can obtain it. They can leave this hell hole." One of the large men grabs hold of the boy, lifting him up easily. "That's what i'm after. So I can finally get out of here and make my way to the outside world." Hayato is punched in the gut, knocking himself out. "I'd rather be out there...then here in Hell." . . . . . . Hayato finally opened his eyes, looking about though only seeing darkness. "Let me also say this. There's no aging here. We don't go hungry or thirsty. It's as if...there's some magic at work. I don't know, I never really thought about it." The lights finally turned out, though dim. A larger male, wolf to be exact grinned down to the young Hayato. The bulky wolf gripped his sword in his hand as Hayato stood up, clutching his small dagger in his own palm. "Oh, I forgot. I'm thirteen years old. ...And i've been thirteen for years. See, that's not good in this place. There's very few... younger kids here like myself. But the problem with that...we're easy targets."

A meter appeared above both of the combatant's heads, filling up until it blinked blue. Hayato looked to the right, spotting three other males nearby, half nude. He narrowed his eyes, returning focus to his opponent. "...You might know what I mean. We're prey for bigger guys. But, I guess the good thing is we don't feel pain when 'engaging'." The large wolf swung his sword, slamming it into Hayato's own smaller blade as the boy was thrown back, hitting the wall hard. Hayato panted, rising onto his knees. "By the way, there's a certain rule here. You can't kill. In fact, it's as if something senses if you attempt to deal a mortal blow. You instantly lose and are sort of raped. ...But not by a person."

Hayato growled as he gripped his dagger in both hands, leaping up to swing at the large wolf's head, only for his attack to be parried. The wolf gripped at Hayato's neck, pulling him in close. "Also, if you lose, then... the opponent gets to decide what to do with you. Usually, it's always sex." Hayato gripped onto the wolf's large forearm, being thrown across the room as he bounced right off the wall, landing safely. He huffed, getting into a stance as the wolf grinned down to the young one. "I'll say this though, I never liked girls anyway. Not after what I went through. I...honestly prefer guys." The wolf male unzipped his shorts, letting his large member flop out, drooling onto the ground. Hayato blinked at this, eyes growing as he bit his lip, doing his best to concentrate. "Sometimes I lost on purpose. I just...enjoyed it. I wanted it. And sometimes ..." Hayato nervously looked to the other males, who taunted and grinned back at the boy. He shut his eyes, a light blush formed along his cheeks. "... I needed it. I tried my best to avoid it, to not think about it. I'd rather be raped by 'it' than another male's cock. But I guess I was lying to myself." Hayato looked down to his dagger, gripping it hard as he sighed to himself. Compared to the wolf's strength, he had no chance. Hayato shook his head, dropping his weapon onto the ground as he collapsed onto his knees. "I was disgusted by myself. Letting my arousal get the best of me." The wolf smirked and moved closer, dropping his own weapon down on the ground. The meters above their heads disappeared, showing a 0 above Hayato's head. "Good boy. You know your place here. Just a toy for us. Not like you could actually beat all of us who are bigger than you anyway." Hayato shook his head, soon, various green tentacles appeared and wrapped their tendrils around the boy's arms and thighs, spreading himself. Hayato growled and tried to struggle, though the large wolf shook his head. The tendrils disappeared instantly, Hayato growled louder, he knew what would come next.

"Damn these guys. Sex is usually on their minds and they have a way with forcing it. Because i'm small...I can't do much to get away..." The wolf gripped Hayato's head, his already erect length throbbed in plain sight of those around him. The young canine huffed, soon giving in and engulfing the wolf's cock tip straight into his maw, which was then forced with a few more inches. Slightly choking, Hayato managed to slide half of the bigger wolf's engorged member. "What could I do? If I didn't, they could STILL kill me. Yeah, it's a law here... yeah even if I die, they do too. But why would I risk that chance?" The wolf growled low, shutting his eyes as the young boy sucked his length off, quickly coming to orgasm. Hayato clenched his fists hard, though in his underwear his own bulge formed. A male from the side grinned and noticed this. "Hey look! He's enjoying it too! I get his ass next. I bet it's nice and tight." A large tiger male stated, larger than the wolf.

"I went through this sometimes daily. Sometimes all night... without rest. Unless I beat my opponent, then I can walk away and let the damn tentacles rape them." Hayato grunted, managing to get almost the entire length down his throat, sucking away almost furiously. The wolf panted heavily, gripping Hayato's head hard. "Ungh...good boy. Keep going...you'll get your participation prize soon." The young shiba inu panted, sucking rather eagerly as he arched his back, reaching up with his hands to grasp at the large wolf's rump hard. "That's it..." The wolf grunted, growling low as his cock erupted into the boy's mouth and down his throat. Hayato gasped, swallowing as much seed as he could, though some spilling out from his maw. He pulled away, splashing the cum from his maw as the wolf's cock twitched, spurting some onto the boy's forehead. He looked up, panting and growling angrily at the wolf. "Huff...good boy. He really knows where he belongs." The wolf stated, as he set his hand along his hip. The three other males stood up, slowly moving closer to the two. Hayato looked at the others, clenching his fists tighter. "I was gangbanged. I...guess I didn't mind it. But...I just couldn't at that time." Just at that moment, a ball of fire was flung into the building where the group was. Due to the various trash and such in the back, it quickly caught on fire. The males all gasped, looking at the fire as one of them fled to the back, lifting a gate upwards. "This way! Forget the kid!" Hayato tried to get up, but was pushed away by one of the other males trying to get out. The wolf hesitated, looking back to the boy for a moment before rushing out. Hayato looked on one of the tables for a second, noticing what looked like a key. Without thinking he grabbed hold of it, rushing out of the building as quick as he could. The males were long gone, he made it out and slumped near a stairway. Various other males and younger boys attempted to put out the fire, he hid away underneath the stairs, hoping to not be seen. "I'm so thankful for that fire. Even if it makes the night easier for me until the next day. But that guy... was he concerned for me?" The boy wiped his mouth of the leftover seed, looking down to the key in his palm. "What's this key for...?" Hayato sighed, tired from the ordeal as he buried his head in his knees. "Just...a small nap..." . . . . . . The next morning, Hayato walked about the desert streets. Various boys, teens and older adults were among the area. Talking about, minding their own business. Hayato entered a small building, pulling back the large cover that served as an opening. Inside, were various mechanical equipment, broken armor and weaponry. He stumbled a bit, noticing another small figure behind the makeshift counter. "Huh? Oh! OH! Hayato! I'm- ow! Just a moment!" Another boy around his age, hit himself on a nearby frying pan. Hayato blinked at this, giving a smirk. "Abes. I guess you could say my only true friend here. I always feel happy whenever I see him, and glad that he's doing well despite us all living this way." Abes, a large eared fennec fox, smaller then Hayato gasped at the boy's condition. "H-Hayato? Are you okay? What happened to you?" Hayato looked to himself, having only noticed he were nude and dirty. "I...was in a fight... and lost." Abes' ears fell as he shook his head. "I'm sorry. I know it's hard here, but it's not that bad! At least you can't die!" Hayato raised a brow at this, unsure if Abes was trying to warm him up. "It's okay. I'll find my way into that room, and I'll get outta here." Abes couldn't help but smile at the shiba inu's determination. Hayato shook his head, leaning himself on the table. "So, what do you have today? Make anything?" Abes fondled with his goggle, lightly pointing down to Hayato's nudity. "U-um...you sure you don't want some clothes first? You could be giving off the wrong signal." Hayato looked about, noticing a few teens and older males look down to the boy's nude self. "...Right. I guess if you have anything that would fit." Abes nodded, saluting the boy with a wide grin. "Gotcha! Let me find something!" He, though dressed in only a dirty worker's apron and googles, clearly and shamelessly gave a clear view of his rump to Hayato and the various other males still in the store. Hayato rolled his eyes, shaking his head to the other boy's self. "Here you go! Change in the back there. In my room!" . . . . . . Hayato looked to himself, as Abes wagged his tail happily. "Heyyy! It fits you! I'm so happy!" Hayato wore a deep red cloak, a black and brown shirt tattered with slight armor strapped to the arms and chest. Along with a deep blue pair of shorts, adorned with black guards along the sides of the clothing. He nodded, moving back to the counter as Abes leaned onto it with a smile. "There you go! Try not to get that ripped off too, kay?" Hayato smirked and nodded. "Thanks. You always are prepared." Abes stretched and couldn't help but laugh from the comment. "Sometimes! Anyway, you needed a weapon right? Oh...your dagger then...did it break?" Hayato blinked, cursing as he looked away. "Damnit! I must've left it in that building." Abes blinked, standing erect. "Oooh, you mean the one that was on fire? Maybe you should try looking for it! If you bring it here, i'll make it look good as new again!" Hayato nodded, giving a smile back. "Thanks again." Abes nodded, though looked down. "Hey...Hayato. Do you think...when you make it to the Room. ...Will you take me too? You know, to get out of Hel with you?" Hayato took a moment, though looked back at Abes and nodded. "I will. I promise." Abes nodded, seeing as it were only them two in the store now. "I don't mind it here, it's just...I'd like to see what's out there too. Even if you forget, that's fine too...I'll just be happy you managed to get out!" He smiled wide, Hayato couldn't help but clench his fists. "...No. I'll make sure. We can't be here forever. ...Our ages, we're sitting ducks for these bigger guys here. You've been okay right? You haven't been bullied?" Abes chuckled and moved away, taking out a rather large, rediculous looking man-made gun he invented. "No way! See this thing? It's power structure comes from a gem someone gave me, a shot from this is strong enough to make anyone instantly lose!" He set it back down behind the counter, leaning on it once again. "Besides, I don't really get into fights. More of...just make stuff for other people! I'm happy to do it!" Hayato nodded, rubbing the back of his head. "R-right. Also...I found this." Hayato reached behind him, setting the faded, dark key onto the counter in front of them both. "I don't know what it's for. Could you look into it for me while i'm gone?" Abes took the object, inspecting it with his goggles. "Hm...I'll have a look! It has to unlock something here! Eitherwise why would those goons have it?" Hayato nodded, as he was about to leave he stopped. "Thanks. Also, can I...stay here? Just for a night or so. It's...really tough finding a place where I can be alone in Hel." Abes nodded, beaming up with a wag of his tail. "Sure Hayato! Just remember, be indoors at night! And no sex favors for older guys!" He waved, to which Hayato gasped and looked about frantically, glad no one had heard. . . . . . . Night had fallen. Hayato scurried the desert streets, spotting the burned building still intact. He took a deep breath, slowly opening the burned door as it lazily did so. Hayato spotted his weapon on the floor, it slightly burned from the fire. He looked about, having spotted no one near or close to the building or alleyway. Just at that moment, he heard slight moaning from the area where the three males were sitting. He slowly crept to the wall, viewing what looked like to be a bigger, strong jackal, plowing a younger teen wolf. He blushed some, grasping his mouth to prevent even so much as a squeal. "You get that alot here. While there isn't that much entertainment, sex was another way to relieve stress. And it didn't matter what age or who you were. It helped both get off without violence." Hayato took another short breath, slowly reaching for his weapon, hoping to not interrupt the other two. He managed to grab the hilt, though it making a sound in the process. The two males both gasped, looking to the open area as Hayato rushed out. "Who's there!?" Hayato slightly tripped on his way out, running out of the alleyway. The two stopped for a moment, as the wolf gripped onto the bigger male's shoulders. "W-what...what is it?" The jackal shook his head. "Nothing...nngh...guess it was just someone looking for parts..." The two males continued their engaging passtime. . . . . . . Hayato panted and set his hands on his knees, looking up at the night sky as the moon was the only form of light on the city. "Huff...whew...who knows what would've happened if I stayed. Rather not get involved." He twirled his dagger, setting it behind him as he made his way for Abe's shop. Another big male looked down to the boy, giving a smirk as Hayato made contact, looking away. "You here to see Abe kid?" Hayato caught his breath and nodded. "You're lucky i'm a hired guard. Eitherwise i'd take you back and plow your hole until you begged to stop." Hayato blushed deeply as he clenched his fists, though regained his composure. "Go in. Before I do make that happen." Hayato growled and went inside, pulling the curtain back.

Inside there were small candles lit about, thankfully no one inside as he sighed, slumping down onto one of the stools. Setting his head in his palm, he shut his eyes. "Okay...I got it back. Now, I've got to get stronger from now on." His ears perked, hearing more moaning from in the back of the shop. He slowly stood up, making his way over through the various disorganized metals, parts and weaponry. Hearing the moaning almost clearly, he peeked through one of the doors, hoping to not make a sound. His eyes widened to what he saw. Inside, the moonlight light the bedroom through the window, on top of the bed was another large, big dog. Nude as can be, with another smaller figure a top of him. The dog gripped the boy's hips in his hands, thrusting him up and down his long, lengthy member. Hayato couldn't believe what he saw, but half expected it from the boy. "Abe!? I... I...never really knew he was into it with older males. ...Seeing as he dressed, but...why is he with this guy?" Abe moaned out loud whenever his small rump slammed down onto the shepherd's thick dick. It were coated in lubricant, making it easier to enter Abe's body. He clenched at the older male's arms, arching his back as he was in pure bliss with the intimate encounter.

Hayato watched, though looked away as he didn't want to intrude. He looked down, noticing a card on the ground as he made his way as quietly as he could into the other room. Inside was a bit small, but due to his boyish size, it was big enough. A small bed, enough for him and another was at the edge of the room, along with a large box for storage. He removed his clothing, laying on the bed naked as he looked to the card. On it, were numbers and small letters he couldn't make out. On the back, was written with large red ink "We own you." Hayato blinked at this. "...'We own you?' Is Abe in trouble...? ...Could he have made a deal with that guy or other people...?" Hayato's eye lids slightly fluttered, he flung the card away as he adjusted himself to lay on the bed properly. "I'll save him...I'll get us out. I promise..." He could still hear the grunting and moaning from the other room. His ears twitched as he thought more, trying to stay awake. "I...wouldn't mind taking it instead of him. He's too sensitive for this kinda stuff. I'd...do that...for him..." Hayato slowly found his eyes closing on him, having the sounds fade away as he drifted to sleep.