A date with Kevin(Chapter 2)

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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Another short chapter. I'm just trying to get father towards the main point of the story, but don't worry, I will be getting there soon. Very soon.

For those of you who are, by chance, reading these off of Anthrostar and not Yiffstar, this series will have yiff in it. Just to let you know so I don't let you get to far into it :) Just a warning.


I stretched as I woke up a week and a day later and I stood up and marked August 28th on the calendar. Kevin and I had a date today and I couldn't wait. I got dressed quickly, comparing clothes to my new look and then choosing something. Luckily it was a Saturday.

I waited on the couch, squeezing my paws together and waiting for Kevin to get here. When the door bell rang I jumped up, yelled that I would be back to my father, and then walked out the door and into Kevin's arms. I giggled and kissed him lightly and said, "What do we have planned for today?"

"Well, I thought we would have a picnic, then go see a movie," he said smiling, "then, maybe a romantic dinner by the river, with the moon right behind us." I giggled and said, "Sounds like you put a lot of effort into this."

"Oh, you better believe I did," he said, nuzzling my neck, "I even cooked the picnic."

"Is it safe to eat?" I said, "I don't want to get poisoned."

"Oh shut up," he said as I burst out into a fit of giggles. We walked to his mom's car and got in and she smiled back at me.

"How are you Leo?" she asked.

"I'm fine," I said, smiling back at her.

I leaned against Kevin as we got closer to the park and I smiled at him as I rubbed a paw slowly over his chest. I kissed him before we got out and I took a deep breath of the fresh air of the park, trees heavy in the air. "Smells so good out here." I said as he got what we would need out of the trunk.

"I know," Kevin said, smiling, "that's part of the reason why I chose to have a picnic instead of going to some restaurant."

I giggled and said, "You know you spoil me right?"

"Yeah, I know, but you are worth it." he said, smiling as he put an arm around me. I giggled and said, "Are you sure?" "One hundred and ninety-nine percent." he said with a grin.

"That's almost two hundred," I said, smiling, "I must be a much better boyfriend than I thought I was."

He giggled and said, "Of course you are."

"Yay!" I said, smiling as I looked up at him and got on my tiptoes so I could kiss his cheek. Again, stares of disgust, but he put his arm around me and smiled down at me.

"Ignore them," he said when I told him about everyone staring, "they're just jealous of how cute we are."

I giggled and said, "They're jealous because I have you."

"Nope, they're jealous because I have you." he said, grinning.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you more," he said, grinning as he anticipated the argument that was to come.

And sure enough we took turns saying I love you more all the way to where we were having the picnic. He smiled and set out the blanket and I sat down and leaned against him heavily as he got food out. He smiled widely as I took some of everything and started to eat.

"Hey! It isn't poisoned." I said, a look of wonder on my face. I giggled as he hit me lightly on the top of my head with his fist. "Of course it isn't."

"I'm only playing with ya," I said, giggling slightly.

"I know, but still." he said, rubbing my belly. I giggled and said, "So, what movie are we going to see?"

"Well, I was going to take you to the library's movie night at the mall. They're playing old movies there."

"Oh? And what movie are they playing?" I said.

"New Moon," he said, nuzzling the back of my neck, "I know how much you liked the Twilight books."

I giggled and said, "Woohoo, I never saw that."

He laughed and said, "I had hoped so."

He nuzzled the back of my neck and said, "But we still have a few hours before that, so let's eat then find something to do."

"Walk in the park," I said, after I took a bite, "go back to your house and torture your little brother."

"Oh! I like that one," he said, grinning.

"Torture your little brother it is," I said, smiling widely at him. "Now, how are we going to torture him?"

"Steal the T.V. remote and make him watch some chick flick movie that we like but no one else does," he said. "Perfect!" I said, smiling, "That gives us plenty of time to do this too," I added, kissing him full on the lips.

He smiled as he ate his last bite and then stretched and said, "Do you want me to carry you?"

"No," I said, pushing him lightly, "I can walk. I'm not completely helpless."

"Oh really," he said, forcing me to the ground and pinning me to the blanket, "because I think you are."

I giggled as he started kissing me everywhere where I wasn't clothed. "Stop, stop, stop!" I said, pushing him off of me. I giggled and breathed heavily before standing up and hugging him, "Ok, fine, I am completely helpless."

"That's better," he said, nuzzling my neck happily.

I giggled and said, "Aren't we supposed to be annoying your brother?"

"Oh yeah," he said, "come on."

He grabbed my arm and picked up the basket and blanket and started puling me in the direction of his house.


We walked into the house and instantly into the living room where he reached over the back of the couch and snatched the remote away from his brother easily, who got angry and shouted, "Hey! Give it back!" "Nope," he said, jumping over the back of the couch and putting an arm around his brother and hugging him tightly to his side and when I sat down next to him he did the same for me and I pushed myself into him as he started looking through the movies that were on T.V. and the ones that he could get off of On Demand.

He settled on a chick flick that we both liked but his brother, of course, hated. He laughed as his brother struggled to get away but when he wouldn't let go his brother sighed and just let his older brother squeeze him while he was tortured by the movie that was currently playing on the T.V.

I giggled at the pathetic look on his face when the movie was over and Kevin turned on a baseball game. "I don't want to watch this!" I whined.

"Then go play video games with "It" he said.

I laughed and said, "Fine, I will go play video games with Josh!" "Good, that's what I told you to do," he said with a grin.

I sighed and walked to Josh's room and knocked before walking in and sitting on his bed. "Sorry for forcing you to watch that movie," I said with a wink, "it was amusing though." He looked at me and shrugged, "Killed an hour and a half."

"Nothing else to do?" I said.

"No," he said with a sigh.

"Well, find yourself a girlfriend. You're fourteen, you can date."

"But I'm not interested in girls," he said absentmindedly. "Aha, I knew it." I said, putting an arm around him and squeezing him, "Find yourself a boyfriend."

"Harder than it sounds," Josh said as he continued playing whatever game it was he was playing.

"You'll find one eventually," I said, kissing his cheek and rubbing his arm. "Eventually."

"I hope so," he said, turning his head and smiling at me, "now, haven't you tortured me enough?"

"I can never torture you enough," I said, patting his shoulder.

"Hun!" Kevin yelled from the living room, "Time for the movie!"

I patted Josh on his shoulder and smiled, "If you ever need help, talk to me or your brother. We'll help you."

I walked down the hall and hugged Kevin and said, "Let's go."

He put his arm around me and we walked out the door and started heading towards the mall. "I hate walking everywhere." He said. "So do I," I said, "you need to hurry up and turn sixteen."

He laughed and said, "I'm going as fast as I can."

"I know," I said, smiling up at him.

He used the bottom of his fist to hit me on top of my head and said, "Bonk."

"Owww-ch," I said, pouting at him as we walked.

He laughed and said, "Stop whining."

"Why would I do that," I said, "it's soo much fun."

He laughed and stopped me from walking onto a highway and after checking both ways ran across the street. I giggled as we started getting closer to the mall, "Are we going to make it on time?"

"We're going to be close." he said, smiling at me.

I giggled as we walked into the mall and started towards the library. The mall had gotten much better than it had used to be. They had done some renovating about ten years back and had added two new floors, fixed their elevators, added in better stores, and now, it could actually be called a decent mall.

We walked to the second floor and into the library, then towards the back room where they played the movies on these nights. Kevin smiled at the girl who was collecting money and she smiled back and held out her paw. Kevin paid her then pulled me eagerly into the room. "We made it." Kevin said, grinning at me. I laughed as we sat down and I put my head on his chest as the lights dimmed down and someone started the movie. It was in clearer quality than I thought it would be. Someone must have altered it. I smiled up at Kevin and kissed him once before returning my attention to the movie.


Kevin and I walked happily down the road towards the spot where Kevin had planned for us to go for our dinner. We walked alongside the chilly river, cars rushing past us as we walked. The water was clear for the first time in decades, the world having developed nanotechnology that cleaned the water quite well.

We sat down at the spot he had planned and I started to shiver as he pulled out food, that his mother had made just before the movie ended so it was still warm. He saw me shivering and smiled before taking his jacket off and wrapping it around me. "Warm now?" he asked.

I wrapped it tightly around me and smiled, "Yep, I'm warm now."

He laughed and leaned towards me and planted a kiss right on my lips and I murred as we kissed. "I love you," he whispered, putting his muzzle against my neck. "I love you too," I said, hugging him.

"Now," he said, "let's eat."

"Let's," I said, smiling at him.


Short, rushed, and not very good. Introduced another main character though(If you can't guess, the one I named) and am getting closer to my main idea. The next chapter will probably have yiff in it.