The Wolf Prince's Cock

Story by DragonierZapp on SoFurry

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"Once upon a time, a long long time ago, There lived a handsome wolf prince. The Wolf Prince was very handsome indeed. He was strong, and tall. He was kind, and gentle. His fur was soft, a shimmering silver. This prince had very much to be proud of. What he was most proud of, however, was his natural thirteen inches of manliness that he often displayed to the crowded townspeople. Many women and men would consider themselves blessed should they ever hold onto it even for the briefest of moments. This prince had everything a man could truly wish for.

But, as I'm sure you know, even the most content of mortals continue to dream of greater heights to achieve. For the prince, this dream was to build upon his already splendid fortune. He wanted to enhance his own length's length. Such a naturally large masterpiece as his, he realized to potential to have the largest erection in recorded history. One day, he decided. He would begin this venture.

Suddenly, much to the Royal Guard, and the servant's dismay, he requested absolute privacy unless asked personally. No one was to be let into his chambers unless specifically asked. The Queen, his mother, worried fervently, but he tried to comfort her as much he could without speaking his true reason for doing so. His plan from that day forward was to be abstinent. The absent of release that comes from daily life would begin to build up. That pressure would then settle, and increase the mass of his testicles. With it, his own penis would inflate as well. The Wolf Prince was infatuated with his plan. He was certain it would work perfectly.

As one can suspect, however, the prince's plan ran into a natural speed-bump with this plan. As the pressure built up, so would the need for release. Along with that, so would it become sensitive to even the briskest of touches. The desire burned so in him, that he began requesting only the most foul looking among the service to bring him his meals. Soon he could not even steel himself from the most homely of the waiting staff, and he demanded someone be brought in from the streets to serve him. Every day, he measured himself, careful not to bring himself to climax as he rolled the tape over the glistening, pulsating massiveness. His demands and carefulness were only beginning to pay off.

Many people of the castle were beginning to suspect that there was something wrong with the prince. They believed he was slowly turning insane, yet his mother, The Queen, would hear nothing of it. She tried to put it out of her mind. After all this was something he decided for himself. Even though it was so sudden, she felt she had no choice but to support her son. The quieted whispers however were turning from rumor, to fact.

"More..." Whispered the Wolf Prince's Cock. "More..."

The Wolf Prince was shocked. He believed it was speaking to him. Indeed, it was.

"What do you mean more?" The Wolf Prince asked, scared for his own sanity as much as the staff were.

There was no answer to the question. Not for a few more days. After a fortnight had passed, he heard it speak again. This time, it's speech was much clearer.

"Thank you, young one."

The wolf yelped as he sat up in his bed. Quickly he wrap his fists around his muzzle hoping to have not alerted the guards. He glanced towards his erection, which by now extended beneath the covers, and off the end of the bed. Much to his surprise and dismay, the length itself wrapped backwards to glance back towards him.

"Thanks to you, I am given strength." It spoke to him.

"Who are you?" The prince was at his wits end.

"Why, naturally I am your penis." It answered. "Just a little longer, and I can become much stronger. You have already done so much for me."

The prince was scared, but the way his own erection spoke to him soothed him somehow. "You can... become stronger? How?"

"I can only ask this of you, but please, continue as you have been doing these past weeks. That is all I wish of you now."

The erection continued to beg the prince, and slowly he came around to the idea and agreed to continue. As much as he knew he should stop he felt doing so would somehow imprison it. He continued to work tirelessly to avoid damaging his new companion. He soon began to think of it as a brother to him. This project of his became much more than that. It was now some sort of creation as it failing now meant losing everything. In order to shut out his desire for release completely he began to refuse service, and ordered the guards far away. Even though he was no longer fed or safe he was happy given the new privacy, which he could use to speak to his new pet. His new friend. His child.

It continued growing, his original length was now quadrupled. his erection was as wide around as his own torso was. The slit widened, opening into a mouth. The head elongated, grew eyes and horns. Scales began growing over the entirety of the shaft. It became a large, scaled beast, it's red flesh turned into that of a crimson dragon. The prince continued to care for it. He soon found it was now much easier to prevent himself from what earlier seemed to be an inevitable orgasm that would have destroyed his new brother. his new son.

Finally, one day, his cock spoke happily. A joyous event was to occur that day. It turned towards The Wolf Prince one last time, and thanked him dearly for having completed his mission. The wolf almost asked what it was he had finally completed when the dragon's new arms pushed it's body away from the wolf's. A jarring and sudden disconnect invaded, and the wolf became scared again. The dragon then lifted his hips from the wolf's sheath, revealing legs that slide out, and stood on their own. The dragon had become a separate being, born from the wolf's now empty sheath. The wolf looked down and stirred his finger inside. His cock was no more, and his testicles disappeared with it. No, it hadn't disappeared. It was standing right in from of him, in the form of this red beast. The dragon snickered at the wolf's surprise.

"Should I end you life, now that it is complete?" The dragon asked.

The wolf in a terrified huff ask why he was saying such a thing. The dragon owed his life to him.

"That I do," He merely responded, "But your life has already ended. You have spoken to no one for months, and it is questionable if they would accept you back. You have not eaten in since time either, and your muscles and beauty have gone to waste because of it. One glance in the mirror you have long forgotten, and you will see why I offer you death as a reward, not as a punishment."

With that, the Wolf searched the room, and pulled a mirror out with which he could glance at himself. He indeed was no longer the handsome young wolf he used to be. He was weak, and lanky having wasted away. His face no longer showed kindness, and instead was wrinkled from fear, worry, and hunger. His fur was loose. Even just from naturally shaking large clumps of his dull, grey fur fell out. A final glance was aimed towards his bare front. The only thing left of his once boastful dick was nothing more than the empty hole in front of his crotch. The Wolf fell to his knees, and began to sob. He no longer had anything to be prideful of.

"I take it that you accept my offer." The dragon replied. He bent over, grabbing the wolf from in front, and pulled his face up to lock eyes. The dragon grinned and evil grin, and his mouth grew wide. The dragon's head wrapped around the wolf's. He lifted the wolf up, pressing his form further into the extending mouth. The wolf, resigned to his fate, made no effort to struggle as he slide down the dragon's throat. The wolf's legs were soon flipped into the air as the dragon held his head up allowing gravity to help him finish the meal. Slowly the wolf's body curled up in the tight space. He wrapped his arms around his legs as he recieved them from the dragon's gullet into a position fitting of his melancholy.

The dragon laughed heartily at his new freedom, no longer enslaved to the cramp spaces of those the wolf loved. He sat on the prince's bed, and quickly found his own cock. He wrapped his fist around the length, and began jerking off. he had flung his cum across the floor, and over the wall on the other side in his first, his own orgasm. He leaned back onto the bed as his stomach rumbled. He felt truly lucky at being able to feel for himself the comforts he only helped give the prince so many months before. He sighed with content, and snuggled himself into the covers of the bed to take a nap. It would be long since the others would realize anything had happened. He could easily escape before then."

"And then what happened Grandpa?" A young wolf cub asked eagerly.

"Well, I'm afraid that's the end of the story!" He said looking down towards the two male cubs. They were small enough that he held each one to his side with a single hand. They shot disappointed looks back towards him.

"But grandpa!" The other shouted. "What about the Prince? Didn't he make it?"

"Yeah! Did the dragon really get away? Was the prince really hurt?"

"We want to know!" The children begged and protested loudly.

"I'm sorry, but that's the end of the story." The elderly wolf asserted. "And besides, it's time to go to sleep, isn't it?"

A chorus of dreading "Aww"s resounded from the cub pair as the grandpa walked them towards the bed and set them both down under the covers. As the settled down in the bed, he pulled his hands away, and two distinct squelches were heard as he removed his middle fingers from inside them both.

"But I can tell you this:" The elder wolf offered. "There is a moral to every story."

"And what is it?" The cubs asked bluntly.

"Always make certain you cum every day, or else your penis will turn into a dragon!" He shouted tickling the two cubs. They laughed and shouted and response. He halted once he felt the cubs were tired, and pulled the blanket tightly around the both of them. After tucking them into bed they said goodnight to each other. Grandpa them turned off the lights, took one glance back at them, and left the door slightly ajar.